Lyra couldn't explain the warmth she felt wrapped around her. She knew it was morning, her 'internal clock' never had been wrong. But she didn't want to move. Her muscles were pleasantly sore, and the warmth was so..relaxing. A dull thump could be felt behind her, her heart was lulling her back to sleep slowly...Her mind drifting aimlessly.

And that's when the peaceful feeling left her, her heartbeat wasn't that obvious...and the thump was coming from her with most of the heat. Last night came rushing back into her head, causing her thoughts to swarm...

Let this be a dream...By the nine let it be a -dream.-

Her eyes opened...and her heart plummeted. She wasn't in the room the companions had gave her and Gwen, but a smaller room with a simple bed and a set of drawers.

Her silver eyes turned down, looking at the dark arms just barely seen wrapped around her beneath the bed sheets, pale skin pressing back against the body of the Nord behind her.

She swallowed, and listening to his breathing..she decided that he must be asleep. She risked trying to gently dislodge herself from his embrace.

Before she could so much as nudge his arms away from her stomach and waist, they tightened around her. She felt his mouth gliding over the back of her neck and shoulder, teeth gently grazing as if in warning.

"Trying to leave already? Not much of a sneak now, are you?" Vilkas's voice was low and amused,


"Lyra" he returned calmly, his arms guiding her to her back as he rose above her...mouth sliding over her collar bone gently.

"I..." her voice faltered. "We...this...didn't happen...did it?" her voice rose slightly, breath hitching. His Cold blue eyes rose to stare at her, narrowing just a bit. Rather than answering her with words, his thumb grazed one of the marks he had left on her neck.

Lyra's face seemed to drain of color, she began shaking her head back and forth as he continued watching her with a near angry gaze.

"Do I need to jog your memory?" he growled the words at her, a muscle jumping in his jaw.

Her own anger seemed to rise in response. "No. if I didn't remember originally...clearly it wasn't worth remembering in the first place."

Vilkas arched an eyebrow at her..."That why you kept screaming my name and saying 'yes'? Or does that just happen without me even trying?"

Her face flushed but before she could respond, his mouth was sliding over her breast, teeth grazing a nipple before he began to suck. her fingers threaded through his hair, her back arching towards him and he nipped her skin in approval.

his mouth moved to the other breast, giving it the same treatment with a growl as she kept tugging at his hair. His eyes met hers for about two seconds before he drifted his attentions lower..mouth sliding over her flat stomach...

Her eyes widened...hands tangling in his hair...firmly trying to pull him away but it did nothing to deter him. Her eyes clenched shut just as a loud knock rocked the door.

They both Farkas spoke from outside. "Vilkas. You need not sleep the day away!" Gwen's giggle came after he spoke. "Come and eat! drinking starts early."

Vilkas sat up with a scowl, though Lyra merely rose , sliding her own mouth across his throat as he tried to answer. "I'll be right-" he stared at Lyra. " there."

Farkas stomped away with Gwen, and Vilkas narrowed his eyes at Lyra. "You'll pay for that. Later."

Lyra watched as he got up from the bed. Wearing nothing...but quickly getting dressed, strapping on his armor. Before leaving the room without glancing at her...

It was then she remembered...she had no clothes in this room...that were suitable to wear.

She scrambled out of the bed...quickly grabbing articles of clothing...if she could quickly make it to the other room she'd be home free.

...well that was the plan anyway.

((short chapter..I KNOW))