Wicked Complications

October 27, 2012

Chapter 1: The Recent History

Smeared makeup, messy hair, strappy heels dangling in her hand and an inevitable walk of shame.

Yamanaka Ino, 21-year old botany student at Konoha State University, entered her grand apartment as she smiled at her roommate. "I'm home."

Sakura's eyes widened when she noticed that Ino was still wearing what she had worn yesterday. "Shut up, you slut."

"What," Ino said defensively. "I barely said anything."

"You totally spent the night at some guy's apartment." The pinkette grinned widely at the pretty blonde. "I want all the details of your adult sleepover."

Ino threw her shoes at Sakura. "It's none of your business."

"Oh my God, who is it?" Sakura asked as if Ino had not said anything. She had known the Yamanaka heiress for awhile and had been rooming with her for two years that's why she knew her like the back of her hand. "Is it that cute redhead dude from your ethnobotany class?"

Sakura knew Ino had a thing for good-looking, mysterious guy who was a bit of an ass. She had sat with Ino in her ethnobotany class last week so she could runaway from Rock Lee, the typical nice guy who had no chance with any girl whatsoever. Ever since this semester had started, the guy had been pestering her and no way she would go out with him...not with that haircut and fashion sense.

"Nope," Ino answered as her eyes lit up a bit. "Even better."

"Neji." It was logical to pitch in his name as she remembered Ino talking about the brown-haired president council when the semester had just started two months ago. "Tell me you tapped that!"

"I wish." Ino sighed. "But I'm not exactly complaining," Ino inserted a small smile while biting her lower lip, "'cause I fucked Uchiha Sasuke."

Sakura's jaw dropped as the name of her latest cheap one-nightstand registered in her brain. Uchiha Sasuke. The hottest and richest guy on campus that every damn girl was after – his family owned a banking business and from what Sakura had heard, his father – a fixture in business world – had donated ridiculously large amount of money to the school when Sasuke had chosen this college.

"Are you kidding me!" Sakura screamed after she had recovered from the shock. There was a rumor going around that Uchiha Sasuke had not fancied any girl at this university that's why he'd only slept with supermodels or movie stars. "You lucky ass bitch. How was he?"

"I don't remember too well cause I was really drunk," Ino said as she started to head to the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a quick shower then head to bed. I'm tired and a bit hung over. The party did get to me."

Ino jumped into the bathtub and turned on the shower. She had lied to Sakura because she remembered what had happened quite well last night at Naruto's, Sasuke's best friend, party.

Ino knew Naruto through one of her foundation classes during the first semester of her freshman year when she had happened to sit next to him and she'd been advised at her freshman orientation that she should make friends in her classes just in case she would miss class in the future. That wasn't a problem with Naruto either so they had just shaken hands and exchanged numbers; that's how they'd become hardly friends.

Hardly friends. When two individuals were just friends because they had a class together but did not hang out outside class. They would say hi when they ran into each other but that was it. She hadn't had a class with him for two years but she had bumped into him at the cafeteria the day before his birthday party so she'd been invited.

She had asked Sakura to come along but she'd known before she'd asked that she would get rejected. Partying wasn't her best friend's scene and Sakura had made her organic chemistry's test, which was in two weeks, as an excuse. That's why she had ended up going to the party alone.

The party was held at an exclusive club a couple blocks away from her apartment so she had to drive which meant from the start that no drinking excessively. That had been her plan before she entered the two-story club with deafening rock music.

At almost midnight, a couple minutes before Naruto's actual birthday, Ino was already bored. She lost count how many drunk fraternity guys and jocks she'd turned down. She hardly knew anyone as Naruto and her did not have the same circle of friends. She would party every weekend and Naruto would too but with almost forty-thousand students at Konoha State University, they had never crossed path at a party scene before this.

Naruto was a part of an elite frat at the university but she had never really gone to a party hosted his fraternity as the girls that were usually invited were sorority girls that Ino could never stand. Her freshman year during week of welcome, every sorority was recruiting her to be part of them and Ino very impolitely declined saying, "Gross. Don't level me with you tramps." She had known how rude that was but she had always known that because she came from a family of money, she was easily untouchable at this university.

She had no idea why she had accepted Naruto's invitation, especially when her best friend had chosen to bail on her, when this was almost a frat party at a different venue. Maybe it was the "fuck it" attitude she was feeling that day when Naruto had invited her. Or simply because she had failed a midterm two days before that she'd studied so damn hard for that she'd just needed to loosen up with a drink or two...or more.

Either way, she ended up at the open bar area of the club, taking how many straight up shots of whiskey to neglect the feeling of boredom that was killing her. People said that being alone was the worst thing ever, but that was incorrect; being alone in a room full of people was.

Maybe two more shots, she thought as her eyes roamed around the club. Six shots later, she'd decided she was done and she should turn in. But then she remembered her gift for Naruto that she left in her car; she had decided that Naruto would likely be super shit-faced tonight that he would just misplace her gift if she'd given it to him at the club.

Speaking of Naruto, she had yet to see him and this was his party. She came up with a conclusion that he was probably getting laid in one of the bathroom stalls and she should just give him her gift the next time she saw him at school. After tipping the bartender generously, she got up the stool she had been sitting on for two hours, she heard someone call out her name, "Ino!"

She looked over her shoulder and saw Naruto grinning. "So you're not getting laid in a bathroom stall."

"Wait, wha -" Naruto was half embarrassed and half confused with what Ino had to say but he gracefully just shook it off, remembering why he had asked her to come to his party in the first place. "I have been looking for you!"

"Happy birthday!" She drowsily walked towards Naruto to give him a hug when she accidentally tripped on her own foot. Thankfully, Naruto was able to catch her before she was faced down at a club with so many KSU students as attendees.

"Okay, you're drunk," Naruto pointed out as she clung on to his neck, her laughter echoing his ears. "I was gonna ask you to meet a friend of mine but I guess you're gone!"

"Nah, I'm good!" Keeping her arms around his neck, she distanced her face from him. "I wanna meet your friend."

"No, you're most definitely not 'good'. I'm going to ask one of my frat brothers to take you home."

"No way." Ino leaned back to his ear once again to counter the loud music. "Believe me, hot stuff. I am still so down to do whatever."

It must have been her hot breath on his neck that he had to just push her away teeny bit from him. "Alright then."

Naruto gently and carefully led Ino to the VIP lounge at the second floor where a bunch of somewhat familiar faces were at. She was drunk out of her mind but she knew their names – some of them. No, she did not know them personally but she was almost sure that these men were some of the most well-known men at the university.

"This is Ino." Naruto grinned at them as he politely introduced her to his friends. "We had a class together when we were freshmen."

"Heeey." Ino smiled at the men seductively. No telling whatever it was going through her drunk mind but seeing her now, Naruto had a few ideas what might. "I'm Yamanaka Ino."

"Dude, she's drunk." A dark haired man with sharp teeth commented, almost amused. "But hot damn, this chick's a dime!"

"That's Kiba," Naruto let Ino know. "Then that's Shino, Neji, Gaara and Sasuke. Some of friends are at the dance floor or somewhere else. But these are my frat brothers."

"Gaara!" Ino said his name knowingly. "I have you for that ethnobotany class!"

The redhead just gave a nod and nothing else. That did not bother Ino one bit as she noticed the man sitting next to Gaara. Neji. She'd never had a class with Neji but she'd seen him once at a meeting of the organization she had wanted to join when this semester has just started. He was the president and if it not for a conflicting class schedule on her part, she would have absolutely joined the club.

"You look really familiar." Even when drunk as all hell, Ino tried playing coy with Neji. She remembered him very well and as a president of an org, many knew who he was. "I just don't remember where we -"

Naruto cut her off as he pushed Sasuke to Ino's direction. "-This is Sasuke and since you're not capable of driving back to your apartment he's going to give you a ride right about now."

Dark met blue. Ino was a bit astonished; she'd heard of who he was before not because she'd researched him but every person at the university had. Standing a head over her, he was almost staring down at her small face and she was staring right back. There was an awkwardness between them until Sasuke broke the eye-contact and grabbed her wrist. "Let's go."

"Hmm, forward," Ino commented teasingly. "I like your friend, Naruto."

As they were walking down the stairs, they heard Naruto asking Sasuke to take care of Ino and make sure she got home safe. The walk to his flashy blue sports car was just as awkward. Ino did not know how to make both of them comfortable once they were in the car and she really was not trying since her head was just spinning.

After a few moments, he finally asked her in a bland tone, "Where do you live?"

"Are you really going to take me home?" Ino closed her eyes to soothe her head. "Naruto was obviously trying to set me up with you." Her eyes still closed, she smirked. "I'm drunk as shit but there was no way I did not notice how he wanted me to be with you by cutting me off when I was trying to work my way to Neji. What a game killer."

Sasuke kept silent.

Opening her bright eyes, Ino looked at Sasuke. "You want me, don't you?"

He frowned. "What makes you think so?"

"Your friend Naruto was pushing you to me." Ino was aware that if someone was getting pushed to her by his friend, he must have liked her because she was the same way when Sakura liked some guy. She would make sure her best friend was violently pushed to the guy she fancied. That was friendship. "How subtle."

Sasuke chuckled a bit at her sarcasm. "That idiot just thinks so."

Ino had to raise an eyebrow at that. "So...Naruto's got it all wrong?"

He kept his silence once again and Ino smirked. She knew that silence didn't always mean yes because in this situation, she was pretty confident it meant (or it was only in her head), No; I want you and I'm just so much of an egomaniac to actually confess that I do. I mean, it's not like I'm in love with you or anything but I want to get at that.

She dragged her eyes from his to his lips then back to his eyes. "Then kiss me."

When Sasuke had threatened Naruto this morning not to hook him up with any girl on campus, he had not expected someone like Ino to come up in the picture. What Sasuke had expected was a well-mannered, boring girl from a respected family, just like the very last time Naruto had played matchmaker for him. He had set her up with Neji's extremely shy cousin from a single-sex liberal arts college a few blocks away and it was the most awkward date he'd ever been to. Since then, Sasuke had not wanted Naruto to pick any girl for him.

"But this chick is real pretty and hot. She's rich, so you don't gotta' worry about her gold-diggin'," was Naruto's exact words as he'd described Ino.

Even with that, he hadn't been convinced. Until now when she'd softly asked him to kiss her.

He wanted to tell her, Don't tell me what to do. I'm Uchiha Sasuke – I do what I want!, but nothing came out of his mouth. He wanted to do something but he wasn't sure what. What the hell was she trying to do to him, he wanted to know.

"Lemme me make this easier for you," Ino whispered to him as she opened the door of his car and got out. Closing the door behind her, she wobbly walked to the other side of his car and opened the door by the driver's seat, where Sasuke was sitting at. "Adjust your seat backwards and recline it."

Sasuke gave her a look. "What."

When he failed to act fast enough, Ino bent over and leaned in towards him to push the button on the bottom right of his seat to adjust it all the way back and recline it a little bit passed half way. Shocked with the motion, Sasuke glared at Ino. "What are you doing?"

Ino didn't respond. Instead, she went into the car, got on his lap, climbed up to him until his face was only a couple inches away from hers and then gave him the sweetest kiss he had not expected from someone like her.

Immediately, Ino pulled back to see a tiny bit stunned Sasuke. "Kiss me, dammit."

He didn't need to be told once more. Sasuke pulled her face forward and moved his lips against hers. Ino returned the favor, only this time the sweetness was gone – it was all heat and passion and lots of tongue. Straddling his perfectly muscular body, Ino pressed herself firmly against him while his hands found their way to her thick, long blonde tresses.

She cocked her head to the left to give him access to her long, bare neck. She bit her sultry bottom lip as he roughly kiss her neck hard enough to send waves of pleasure throughout her whole body. When Sasuke stopped for a second to glance at her, she started unbuttoning his expensive shirt.

And the rest was history...

Beautifulgeek11: I missed writing for my OTP. This will be a SasuInoNaru. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! And yes; it's extremely likely that there will be steamy scenes in the next chapters...I mean, about damn time I write them.

PS - Longioletto, this first chapter was for you.