Nanoha POV

I must have drifted off at one point because the next thing I remember, the room was suddenly dark. I sat up numbly, letting my eyes adjust.

"Raising Heart? What time is it?" my voice sounded hoarse. I got up, stumbling to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Eleven fifteen, master. Shall I turn on the lights?"

"No need." I gulp down the soothing liquid, quenching my thirst. Filling another glass, I walk to the windows, pulling back the curtain and let in the cool night air. I take a deep breath. Briefly I wonder where Vivio is. She's been staying with me since we picked her. Vaguely, I remember Hayate telling me she was taking care of Vivio tonight. As I stare up at the crescent moon, I remember what woke me up. Fate's playing the piano.

"I didn't know you could play the piano, Fate-chan." I said, surprised. "Did Lindy sign you up for lessons?" She scratched the back of her head awkwardly. '

"Not really," she fidgeted a little. "I sort of..taught myself."

"Any particular reason, Fate-chan~?" Hayate teased, with a knowing look in her eyes. Fate immediately blushed.

"N-no!" She denied frantically. "I just thought it would be nice-" She stammered out.

"Really~?" Hayate continued to tease her, drawing out the word.

"No-I mean, yes! I-" Fate-chan looks so cute...

"Well," I step in to save her from Hayate's teasing. "I think it's amazing that you can just learn something by yourself like that, Fate-chan." I smile at her. Her eyes widen and she blushes even harder. Hayate turns to me.

"You're merciless, you know that?"

"Huh?" I cock my head at her. She rolls her eyes, sighing.

"Strike that. You're just clueless."

I could always tell the way she feels from her music. It was her way of expressing herself. Even though she'd lived with Lindy for a while, she still found it hard to say exactly what she felt. Half the time she was content to keep her feelings inside so as not to bother people. Even when she did, she tried not to make it a big deal. But when she played the piano, she kept nothing hidden. Maybe it was because of our closeness, because nobody else seemed as sensitive to it, but I could always understand what she felt whenever she played. Happy, sad, confused, hurt... Or maybe she just felt so filled up to the brim with emotions that she just let them out in a beautiful, flowing melody of notes. Overwhelmed.

Most of her music has been of the last kind and of sadness, but it is different. Today, it has a tinge of... I can't place it. It's been gone from her music for so long that I can't remember. I close my eyes, listening. Then I know. And it hurts me. Is it wrong that because of what she did, that it hurts to listen to her play. Is it wrong that it hurts me to be reminded of all we'd lost by the sorrowful notes of her song and the feelings that lay behind them. Is it worst that when a spark of hope shines in that song it hurts me all the more?

"You're leaving?" Yuuno nodded in acknowledgement.

"I've got to get back to the Infinity Library. New data is really piling up. I need to get back and sort it out."

"I see..."

"Hey, I'll only be leaving on Thursday. Six days is a long time." He put an arm round me, squeezing reassuringly. I look up at him and fake a smile.


Maybe it's a good thing Yuuno is leaving. Not that I hate him or anything, but having both him and Fate here is... conflicting. It doesn't feel right to have him here, as my boyfriend while I still- while Fate still has feelings for me. And I know Fate still has feelings for me. No matter how much she and Ginga are together nowadays. Even if they went on a date three days ago. Even if they spend almost all their free time together. Even if everytime I pass them by, they are flirting.

I notice Yuuno looking at me expectantly.

"Sorry," I apologise. "I zoned out, nyahaha."

"Well, I thought that since we only have a few days left, let's make the most of it? Together with Vivio, of course." He smiles. It fades after a few moments, turning into a slight frown. "Are you alright? Something on your mind?" he asked, concerned. I shake my head.

"Just thinking..." I twine my fingers and his. "Don't worry, ne?"

I glance down at Vivio holding onto my hand with a smile while we wait. She smiles up cutely at me. After a few moments, still there is no answer. I look back at the door and knock once more. No answer.

"Raising Heart?" Presence of support device 'Bardiche' detected. Connect? "Yes, please." There is no answer, but the click of the door as it unlocks automatically. Cautiously, I push open the door. Stepping inside, I glance around the room. "Fate?" I close the door behind us as I spot a few strands of golden hair dangling over the top of the couch. Approaching it, the new angle reveals her sprawled out and sleeping on the couch. The reason of her current state is apparent by the various folders on the coffee table. Vivio giggles, running up to her and poking her face.

"Fate-mama looks like sleeping beauty!" I smile at the Earth reference. I'd taken to telling her Earth fairy tales before tucking her in.

"Yeah," I cast a gaze over her sleeping form. "She does." Maybe I shouldn't wake her. She looks tired. I go upstairs and retrieve a blanket and wrap it around her, shooing away Vivio who was poking her face lightly. "Don't bather your Fate-mama. She's very tired." she nods.

"Okay, mama!" she smiles cheerfully and I find myself smiling too. She really is adorable. Turning back to the coffee table, I start to tidy up the scattered papers. Fate stirs behind me.

"Nanoha?" she asks, sleepily.

"Un." she groans softly.

"What time is it?"

"About ten. Want some coffee?" I ask, still not turning to face her.

"Sure. Hey, Vivio." I hear a squeal of laughter and turn around to see her jump on Fate who playfully starts to tickle her.

"Stop it!" she gasps out between giggles. "Help me, Nanoha-mama." Fate's mischievous eyes meet mine.

"No one can save you now! Muahahahaha!" I raise an eyebrow at the laugh. She shrugs. "Hayate's been rubbing off on me."

"Is that so?" I join the tussle, messing up her hair.

"Alright, alright- I give in."

"should we listen to her, mama?" she asked from her position sitting on Fate.

"Hmm..." I pretend to ponder, putting a hand to my chin. I look down on them. "No."

"Nanoha!" Fate protests as Vivio starts tickling her again. I laugh, walking away to fetch some coffee. By the time I return, they seemed to have calmed downed, sitting dignified on the couch, Vivio on Fate's lap.

"Here." I pass her a mug of hot coffee.

"Thanks." she takes it gratefully. after a slow sip, she sets it back down on the table as I sit down beside her. "So, what was it you wanted?" Fate asked.

"Um, well," I paused, wondering if I should really ask this of her. "I'm going out into the city with Yuuno today. He's only here two days more," she stiffens a little at the mention of his name, but relaxes when Vivio looks up at her questioningly. "I was wondering if you would look after Vivio? But if you're too tired..."

"It's okay," she replies, waving it away. "But Vivio, you don't want to follow them?" she asks the little girl. She shakes her head pulling a face.

"We're going to museums and stuff like that so..." I explain, my voice trailing off.

"Ah, I understand." she pokes Vivio's face playfully who dodges, running away to the kitchen. "In that case, I'd love to."

"Are you sure? If you're too tired I can ask Hayate. It looks like you had a late night."

"I'm fine. Wide awake now. But why didn't you ask Hayate?" she asks curiously.

"Ah... No. I'm not letting her with Hayate alone with again."


"You know what she calls Yuuno?"

"Yeah." she says with a slight snigger. I whack her on the head.

"Mou, Fate-chan! It's not funny!" Even as I say that I feel a smile tugging my lips upwards, which she doesn't hesitate to point out. "Oh, shush you. Don't make me Starlight Breaker you."

"Hai, hai." she raises her hands in surrender. She pauses, thinking about something.


"You called me 'Fate-chan'." she says softly, still not looking up. I feel uncomfortable. Shifting around a little, I get up.

"I should be going." She gets up hurriedly, following me to the door. Vivio comes out of the kitchen. I bend down and hug her, parting with a kiss to her forehead. "I'll see you later, Vivio. Be good, ne?" She nods

"Bye, Nanoha-mama." I stand up.

"Goodbye, Fate." I say, careful not to add '-chan'.

"See you later," she says softly. "Nanoha."

Fate POV

I feel a soft tug on my hand. "Fate-mama, can I have some ice cream?" Vivio looks up at me, her eyes wide. I smile.


I had decided to bring Vivio out for lunch in the city. After lunch we went to the park. By we, I mean Vivio and I. And Ginga. I look over Vivio's head to smile at her. She smiles back shyly.

"Can I have three scoops?" Vivio asked.

"Hmm? Sure, sure." I replied, still distracted.

"Really? Nanoha-mama only let's me have two! Fate-mama is awesome!" I scratch the back of my head. Oops. Probably not good to let her have that much ice-cream. I open my mouth to tell her no, but she smiles at me sweetly, slowly turning to a pout. I can't do it. I shield my eyes and look to Ginga helplessly. She laughs lightly with that playful glint in her eyes.

"Vivio," she bends down to look her in the eyes. "Would you share your ice-cream with me?" Vivio stares back at her innocently.

"Why don't you ask Fate-mama to get you one?" Ginga pulled a face.

"Fate-mama is a meanie. She won't buy me one."

"Aw. Fate-mama, you meanie!"

"What? What did I do? I thought I was awesome?"

"Not anymore! Come on Gin-nee." she pulled her away. Ginga smirked at me as she left. Unbelievable, I shake my head. At least she swindled Vivio out of one scoop.

"What should we do now?" I ask as Vivio sits on a bench, happily eating her ice cream. I had asked her for some, but she refused, saying I was a meanie or something. It was my money...

"How 'bout a movie?" Ginga suggests.

"Okay!" Vivio agrees, hopping of the bench. As we walk towards our destination, Ginga holds my hands. I start, looking at her. She smiles.

"I thought you asked me to date you."

"Sorry. You just...startled me."

"Mmm. Let's go." Vivio suddenly laughs.

"Let's go!" She runs forward, laughing giddily. I stare after her.

"I'm not ever letting her have a triple scoop again." Ginga grins.

"Come on, slowpoke!" she starts running as well, pulling me along.

"Who're you calling slow?" I protest, smiling nevertheless.

"Long day?" I ask her as I answered the door.

"Mmm." she nods, yawning. "Vivio?"

"Half-asleep upstairs." She follows me up the stairs. "How was out?"

"Tiring. But it was fun." she replied, sleepily. "How 'bout yours?"

"Same. I took Vivio to the city for lunch. We watched a movie. Walked in the park. The usual."

"With..." she stifles another yawn. "Ginga?" she adds quietly. I stare at the floor.

"Yeah." She doesn't reply, just nods. She over takes me as we reach the top, heading straight for Vivio. She pauses, though, at the piano. As she runs a slender finger on the smooth ebony wood, her eyes seem to unfocus. Then she shakes her head, turning back to Vivio. She's about to lift her up when the little girl stirs.

"Nanoha-mama?" she asks, half-conscious.

"Hey, Vivio," she greets, smiling gently. "Did you have a good day?"

"Un...Fate-mama is the best..." she murmurs. "...stay here?"

"Um, well..." she shoots a glance at me.

"Please?" Vivio asks, pulling her down next to her. Nanoha hesitates as Vivio curls into her, glancing at me. I wave a hand, indicating it's okay.

"Alright," she agrees. "But only a little while more." Vivio sighs happily.

"I'll make you a drink?" I offer. She nods.

"Okay." I head down to make a warm drink, but by the time I get back up, both are sound asleep. I bite my bottom lip in indecision before crossing the room and setting the mug on the bedside table. I pull the blanket over them carefully so as not to wake them and dim the lights. With one last glance over my shoulder at the perfect picture which makes my chest hurt, I head downstairs to do the work I neglected this afternoon.

Nanoha POV

I awake, sleepily to golden strands of hair on the pillow before me. Fate? my heart beats fast before slowing down as I realise the golden locks belong to Vivio. The relief is short-lived as I realise that the bed however, is not mine. I push myself up, yawning. After stretching, I get up and head down the stairs, following the delicious aroma of pancakes.

"Hey." she greets me, looking up from the pan.


We have breakfast, Vivio waking up and joining us halfway. After, I bring her back to my room for Aina to look after her. She stills seems tired from yesterday. I leave her in Aina's care and hurry to get ready for today's training. Just as I exit, the elevator door at the end of the corridor starts to close.

"Wait for me!" I call out. It starts to open again.

"Sorry," Fate apologises. "Didn't see you."

"It's okay." I smile at her. She returns it, softly smiling back. We head out of the building into the sunlight. Fate's office is in the block near the training grounds, so we both have to take the same path until we reach a cross roads. It's a beautiful day. I stop suddenly, realising Fate wasn't beside me anymore. Turning around, I find her a few steps behind me.

"Fate?" She smiles apologeticly.

"You zoned out again. I turn off here," she says, indicating the path to the right.

"Oh.." I stare at the ground for a moment, scratching the back of my head in embarassment. "Nyahaha. So, I'll see you later, Fate-chan?"

"Yeah." Neither of us move. We both look at each other in the same moment. Her burgundy eyes draw me in. She feels the same, judging by the way she leans forward slightly. I find myself taking a hesitant step forward. She drifts a little closer as well. I close my eyes...

Fate POV

"What are you doing?" rough hands grab me, pulling me away from the warmth on my lips. I feel a rush of dizziness at the sudden contrast. When I come back into focus, Yuuno is glaring at me, taking a step forward from where he stands protectively in front of Nanoha.

"Stop it, Yuuno?" She pulls him back. He resists a moment before giving in.

"She kissed you!" he accused.

"So?" Nanoha said defensively. Yuuno spluttered.

"I'm your boyfriend!" I shrink back a little.

"I- I'm sorry." I didn't know what to say. So I turned and ran.

Hayate POV

"What the-?" a blur runs by me.

"Fate?" I stare after her and turn to see what she was running from. Nanoha and Yuuno.

"Look what you did!" I hear Nanoha say, visibly upset.

"Nanoha! What happened?" I call out.

"What I did?! I'm not the one who kissed her!" My heart skips a beat. Nanoha kissed Fate? I stare at her.

"You what?"

"It wasn't like that, Hayate!"

"Then what was it like?" he challenged.

"Leave her alone, Ferret Face."

"I won't! Stay out of this, raccoon!" he yelled back.

"What did you call me?" I glare at him.

"Stop fighting!" Nanoha screamed.

"Then answer me! Even if it wasn't like that for you, it meant something to Fate!"

"It was just- urgh! You're such a-" she didn't complete the sentence, turning around and storming in the opposite direction from where Fate had fled. He made to go after her, but I stopped him.

"Let her cool down first, Ferret. You'll just make it worse." He listened to me, but I noticed his fists clenching. We stayed like that, the two of us, and gradually the silence settled once more.

"Why do you hate me so much?" he voiced out suddenly, breaking the fragile stillness. Is he really that stupid?

"Because you asked Nanoha out." I glare at him.

"What's wrong with that? What's it got to do with you? I mean I know she was upset with Fate at the time..." I lose it.

"It's wrong because she and Fate were dating you idiot!"

"They-they were...together?" I stare at him, incredulously.

"How the hell could you not have known!" I yell at him angrily. He flinches.

"No one told me," he said, defensively before staring at his feet. "I wouldn't have-"

"Just shut up!" I cut him off. He looks up, suddenly angry.

"Stop blaming me! It wasn't my fault! Even if they were together they'd already broken up by the time I asked Nanoha out!"

"They would have made up! They just needed time-"

"You're just blaming me! You can't stand the fact that they weren't as perfect together as you always wanted them to be! Why can't you just accept that maybe Nanoha loves me?"

I glare at him murderously. I'm past words. I just want to-

"Hayate!" I hear Shamal's startled exclaimation behind me. "What are you doing?" Eh? I realise I'm in my barrier jacket. The tome is hovering just inches from my hand, already open. I look back up at Yuuno before slowly snapping it shut. Just as slowly, the magic starting to gather at his fingers dissipates.

"I'm going to look for Nanoha."

Nanoha POV

I sigh staring up at the sky. This is my favourite spot to think. Suspended in the middle of the sky, far above the ground and (usually) far from my worries. The good thing about this is because almost every world has a sky, and thus, I always have a favourite place, no matter what world. That's the thing about the sky. No matter what world, it's more or less the same. Tentatively, I run a finger across my lips lightly. I kissed Fate. It feels like a dream. Did it really happen? But it wasn't. I know that. By the lingering feeling on my lips and the consequences of it. But felt different from what I remembered. I frown, trying to place the feeling.

Master, detected presence approaching.


Lieutenant Colonel Yagami Hayate. Sighing, I roll of my back and straighten to face the white stream of energy heading towards me.

"We need to talk." she stops in front of me, hovering a few feet away.

"We do," I agree. "I'm ready to tell you what happened." The shock on her face makes me smile a little before it fades. I close my eyes, preparing myself.

Fate POV

I closed the door behind me with a weary sigh. Leaning back against it, I try to assess the situation. Out of habit, I guess. Well, Nanoha and Vivio stayed over last night because Vivio wanted to. And this morning...this morning Nanoha kissed me. I close my eyes. Nanoha kissed me. So why am I not happy? I frown. It felt nice to kiss her. But something wasn't right. And Yuuno saw us. Shit. Ginga? I cover my face with my hands. So screwed. Hell. I rub my eyes tiredly. I didn't get much sleep last night with Nanoha here. Maybe I just needed some sleep before facing this. Yeah, that's a good idea. Sleep helps. A lot.

I trudge up the stairs. What the-? I stare at the parcel on the bed. Wasn't the door locked? A warm breeze alerts me of the open balcony door. Knowing it'd be too late, I step outside and look down. As expected, nothing. Coming back in, I shut the door and turn to the parcel. It is small, traditionally tied with string and wrapped in brown paper. Odd. It doesn't seem to be a bomb or anything after checking with Bardiche. Hesitantly, I unwrap it. A small device drops out onto the sheets. A small light flashes and a holographic screen pops up, revealing a face I knew all to well.

"No.." I stumble back in surprise. "You..."

The figure laughs.

"Surprised to see me, Fate?"

Of course I am. Because looking back at me is the face of Jail Scaglietti.

This chapter is looong. What the hell was I doing? No idea. It's all a blur. All I know is that, yay, the incident is next chapter. Don't know when that will be though. Not until after August at least. Well, R&R people or the stress of exams might just kill me.