I should be typing Vongola X right now but nooo, my stupid brain gave another idea just right after I deleted some of my fics. And it's rare for me to think of a Dark! fic cause I'm a cheery person... but I'm also sadistic... Whatever, to the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR!

Beautiful, Dark Wonders


A lady carrying nothing but a small bundle in her arms, was running through the curtain of sharp rain. Thunder rumbled in the dark sky and the rain and darkness obscured anything that can be seen. Heavy pants were heard and the lady kept on looking over her shoulders.

She momentarily looked at the small bundle being held protectively in her arms and whispered,

"It will be okay, Tsu-kun, Mommy Nana will protect you from them." The lady, Nana. continued whispering, "Continue with that peaceful slumber of yours."

Once Nana finished whispering to Tsunayoshi, she turned to a corner that lead the escaping mother to another street. She perfectly knew where she was going and Nana did not like the place at all. But her pursuers gave her no choice.

As she rounded another corner, a small yawn came from baby Tsunayoshi's lips and big, doe-like brown eyes opened. Nana's eyes widened at this and whispered a hum to her son, to get him to sleep, but to no avail. She panicked and made her pace faster.

Then, a distant shot of a pistol gun rang through the air that made Nana tumble forward. The escaping mother, then, looked up and saw that her destination was less than two feet away. With renewed resolve, Nana broke out to a run and was in the lowest step of the stone stairs of the place.

Nana looked up to the unseen name but a flash of lightning made the second word of the name visible. The word 'Orphanage' was written in big, bold letters and the mother caught the glimpse of the name plate. It read 'Kawahira's Orphanage' and, after hearing a distant pop of a gun, she quickly ran up the stairs.

She rang the doorbell hurriedly and, in an instant, the door opened. A white haired man with round glasses and pale skin was by the door, wearing a startled expression.

"What are you doing at the dead of night, miss?" The man asked. "It is also raining outside. You should come in."

"I should but I no longer have much time." Nana said alertly. "Kawahira-san, please take care of Tsu-kun for me. Someone is after me and do not tell him anything about his relation to me."

"N-Nana Sawada?" Kawahira asked. "I-I see... your wish will be fulfilled, my dear friend."

"He'll grow up with me as healthy as I can with the other kids here."

"Thank you, Kawahira-san, thank you very much." Nana said thankfully. "Now I must go, they nearing me at a faster rate. He can keep his name because the enemy doesn't know much it, except Sawada."

Nana looked down one last time to Tsuna and brushed his wet hair away from his face. The mother bent down and kissed his forehead lightly. She thanked the orphanage manager one last time, before she went on her way. Just as Nana left, Tsuna cried the loudest he had ever been but the rain covered its sounds.

Worriedly, Kawahira looked at Nana's retreating back and stayed like that until the rain and darkness engulfed her figure. He looked down to Tsuna and hugged his small figure protectively. The orphanage manager gave one last look to where his old friend was supposed to be, before entering the warm, welcoming heat of the orphanage he runs.

"Welcome to your new home... Tsunayoshi."

Did ya like the suspense? If ya did, then I'm more than obliged to continue this. In fact, I'm not aware that I can make suspense filled fics! Well, that's it for now. See ya next time!
