Author's Note: It's Friday! As Jerry says, Woooo! Haha, enjoy chapter 13 guys. This is the last chapter! I hope you have enjoyed my story, because I had a fun time writing it! Thank you so much to everyone who always reviewed a lot, which includes Silverdawn2167, Kyiomi, Anonymously Truthful, 88Madison88, hgirl, WiSeGiRl101TTYLXOX, and Blueskyz1o1. Thank you guys so much! 3 This chapter will be based a little off of the song "Oath" by Cher Lloyd. Disclaimer: I don't own Kickin it, Cher Lloyd or her song "Oath."

Kim's POV

After a few more minutes of running, I make it to the spot where I know Jack will be . . . or at least should be. I don't see him anywhere. "Jack?!" I call out hopefully and a little nervously. "Up here, Kim," his voice says. I look up, and I see him sitting on a thick tree branch about 20 feet from the ground.

I climb up as quickly as I can without falling down and killing myself, and then sit down next to him. For a minute we just sit there, looking out at the beautiful blue ocean sparkling in the sun. "So, what are you doing up here?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Just thinking," he replies. "About the last few days?" I question. He nods, and I understand.

It had been a rough few days on all of us. I'm sure we were all scarred for life, but especially Jack. I take his hand, trying to comfort him a little like he did to me yesterday when we stormed the wooden building, and I tell him, "Jack, we're best friends. Heck, we're more than best friends. I'll always be here for you, I swear, Jack. That's' not a promise, it's an oath." He doesn't say anything, and for a second I don't think he will, but then he says, "I know, Kim." We stop talking after that, but we don't have to say anything. We just sit there, holding each other's hands. After a few minutes like that, Jack does something unexpected: He moves closer to me, so our bodies are touching, and I lean my head against his shoulder. We sit like this for hours, relaxed and neither of us wanting to ruin the moment we are having. We watch the sun set together, and are still there when the moon and the stars start to become visible. It gets dark, and I know that I should be going home; my parents would be worried about me since I hadn't kept in touch with anyone all day.

I decide I have to move. I lift my head off of Jack's shoulder and pull my phone out. Jack looks a little sad, but quickly hides it. I turn my cell phone on, since it had been off, and my screen says I have nine 13 missed calls, 21 texts, and 4 voice mails. Some are from my parents, and some are from Rudy and the rest of the guys asking where the heck Jack and I are. "Jack, we should get home," I say. "Umm, I - don't really have a-" he starts, sounding kind of flustered, like he's having a hard time trying to explain.

"Jack, you're coming to my house of course. That's where you're going to be from now on," I say in an obvious tone, smiling at him. He smiles back. "I got permission from my parents yesterday. Come on, let's go," I tell him. Jack climbs down the tree first, then I do, and thankfully I don't make a fool of myself by falling. I take his hand again, and we walk like that until we get to my – I mean our house. I am about to walk in when Jack stops me right there on the porch. He looks down at me with his beautiful chocolate eyes that make me melt, and he says, "By the way, Kim, I consider you my more than best friend too," he says smirking, referring to earlier when I had told him we were more than best friends. I blush a little, but at least he can't see it in the dark; wait, I stand corrected, he's laughing at me. I kick him in the shin and laugh when he says "Ow, Kim, that hurt!"

"Be a man, Jack!" I say, laughing harder. He's laughing too now, and he takes my hand again, and gives me a little kiss on the cheek, which takes me by surprise, but I return the gesture, standing on my tiptoes to reach his cheek since he is taller.

Jack's POV

After I give Kim a little kiss on the cheek, she returns the gesture, and she looks hilarious doing it, since she has to stand on her tiptoes to reach my cheek. I laugh at her again, and soon we are both cracking up for the second time. Eventually, her parents hear the commotion and come outside, scolding us for worrying everybody yet again by disappearing again. We both apologize, but decide not to tell anyone where we've been all day; It would be our little secret, our little special once-in-a-lifetime moment that not many people get to experience with their "more than best friend." Ha, that was my new favorite phrase, and I think Kim liked it too. You know, after all was said and done, sure I wasn't really happy about my mom leaving me and us almost getting killed, but one good thing had come out of this: Kim, the other warriors and I had developed a stronger, unbreakable bond with each other and also our new friend Skylar, who now had joined our dojo. In a way, even though I didn't have a family, I did have a family; a family of friends, and I know that no matter what we go through together, they will always be by my side. We swore an oath to live by the Wasabi Code, which we would always abide by and never, ever abandon.

The End

Author's Note: How did you guys like my story? Well? Thank you all so much for reading. I really hope you enjoyed it! Wasabi forever! I got part of the end idea from a guest review, by someone who called themselves "jennifer." She hoped Jack would realize in the end that his family was his friends at the dojo, so some credit to her. I figured i might kind of do something like that at the end somewhere in my mind, but still thanks to jennifer for making that idea set in stone! And like I said, for anyone interested in reading it, I have another Kickin' It fanfic on the way! Hope you will all read! This wasn't as based off of "Oath" as I thought it would be, but anyway disclaimer: I DON'T OWN CHER LLOYD OR HER SONG "OATH." And if you guys haven't heard it, check it out!
