Disclaimer- Sadly, I do not own Fairytail. I only own Valentine and Willow. They are actually in real life, my cats. No, sadly, they do not fly or talk.

Mizu-chan- Okay it is the next story! Yay!

Gray- Please let me find her!

Mizu-chan-Hmmm. I'll have to think about that.

Gray- *Sigh* You are awful.

Mizu-chan- *Sniffle, sniffle.*

Gray- O-oi... I didn't mean to... dammit!

Mizu-chan- Ha, ha! You should've seen the look on your face! Hope you like this minna!

Gray's P.O.V

I stared at the place where Lucy just fell. "Luuuccyyy!" Natsu ran forward and looked over the edge. I looked too. It was impossible to see anything. The mist was too

thick. "Hold it together Natsu she might surviv-" Just as I said that we heard an ominous sound. *CRACK* It echoed off the walls of the gorge. I hung my head. I

heard Natsu crying quietly next to me. I stood up and started to walk away. "Gray! Where are you going?" Erza called. "Home." I was scared to say more because I

was afraid my voice would crack. Tears blurred my vision. I stumbled. I righted myself and walked home. I stood there in shock. Just then rage filled my mind. Anger

at Lucy for letting herself fall, for keeping to herself, for not trusting us. Anger at myself mostly, for letting myself forget her. "Dammit!" I puched the wall. I couldn't

take it anymore. I slid to the floor, tears flowing down my pale face. I pressed the heel of my palm against my forehead to try to calm down, but it didn't work. I

missed her already. I was devestated that the last words she said to me were, ' I thought I found a home. It seems I was wrong.' Lucy, you did have friends, you did

have a home. I shook my head and sat there practically all day, head pressed against the wall, shame at myself burning in my heart. Then I reliesed. I wasn't just

trying to be her friend the short time she was here. I... loved her. I began to imagine things. The sound of her voice when she was happy, her smile. Tears again filled

my eyes. I stood up. She couldn't be dead. "She can't be." I growled to myself. I ran out the door. I ran all the way to the cliff when I reliesed there was someone

there. "Lucy?" I murmered. I shook my head. I still shouldn't get my hopes up. I got closer until I recognised the person. "Natsu." I said quietly. He spun around and

lit his hand on fire. He relaxed when he saw it was only me. "You got the samefeeling to huh?" He said. He jerked his head down the grass strip to two more shapes.

One the size of a certain 19 year old teen, and the other of a flying blue cat. "Erza and Happy are trying to find a way down. We're gonna track her by scent." I

nodded. "I can help on the getting down part." I walked to the edge and created a hug slide made out of ice. "There." "Cool. Erza! Happy! We got a way down!" They

ran\flew over. "Oh, Gray. You're gonna help to?" Erza asked. Her face was sympathetic. "Yeah. There. We can get down now." "Thanks Gray!" Happy said. We slid

down the ice. Natsu started sniffing around. "There's a really faint scent, maybe she flew?" "Wait let's look around for... you know..." They nodded grimly. We

searched for a while, but came back with nothing. Nothing except, "Hey guys, look at this." Erza held out a large rock. It had a huge chip in it. "She tricked us into

thinking she cracked her head or something. Now look at this." She dropped the rock and held out a silver key. It had a closed eye symbol on it. "That's Lucy's."

Natsu confirmed, after sniffing it for a seconed. "Well, what are we waiting for? We know she's alive, so let's go!" "Yeah!" We ran off down the gorge, following a faint

scent, into dark woods, and not knowing what to expect. The only things that mattered was that Lucy was alive, and that this time, I would not loose her.

Mizu-chan- Wow Gray, why so romantic all of the sudden?

Gray- You seem to have a temporary case of amnisia everytime you finish a chapter. I do not write these! I did not say those things.

Mizu-chan- Yeah, but all of us know he obviously has feelings for Lucy.

Gray- *Blush* Do not!

Mizu-chan- Very believable. Did you hear what Gemini said?

Gray- No, what?

Mizu-chan- I'm going to quote now. Ahem... "Gray's opinion of Lucy. Newcomer to the guild, pretty damn cute, a little interested in her.


Mizu-chan- Ooooh la laaaa...

Gray- Shut the f*** up.

Mizu-chan-Mind the language, seriously. And really, just confess to her already.

Gray- No.

Mizu-chan-I'll specifically ask Mashima-sempai...

Gray- You're just kidding.

Mizu-chan- Nope. I am dead serious. I am actually going to send it tomorrow. Everyone out there, I really am not joking. I love all Graylu fans. Well, I love everyone but... this is specifically for Graylu fans.