

I do not own Sailor Moon.

Thank you for reading.


Sailor Moon limped over to the park from where flashes of light and roars were issuing. She had already defeated two youma on her own and had a sprained ankle and many cuts but she ignored the pain as she dutifully went to help her friends.

"Where is she?" Mars asked as she received another cut. Mercury opened her mouth to answer when she was thrown into a tree and slumped unconscious. Sailor Moon limped unto the battlefield and threw her tiara which was reflected off on the youma's scaly hide. It headed straight for Jupiter. "Jupiter duck!" Moon screamed. Jupiter narrowly avoided being decapitated. The tiara flew back to Sailor Moon. "Watch it Moon!" Jupiter yelled. "Sorry!" Moon called back. A rose pierced the youma and it roared in anger and its tail slammed into Mars. Mars flew back into a water fountain. "Venus Crescent Beam!" The youma absorbed the energy like it did with the others. Sailor Moon ran forwards and allowed it to absorb her. She called her wand to hand. "Moon Healing Escalation!" The youma exploded.

"Moon, where were you?" Mars yelled. "Well I-"She started when Mercury moaned and all attention turned to her. "You need to be careful Moon. You almost took my head off." Jupiter scowled. "You were extremely late." Mars went on. "Maybe she has a good explanation." Venus interrupted. "I don't want more excuses. She shouldn't be one of us." Mars growled. "She's right. You can't control your attacks. You could end up killing us." Jupiter nodded. Mercury hesitated. "It would be safer for everyone." Mercury agreed eventually. "You can't do that." Venus cried. "Yes we can. What do you think Tuxedo Mask?" Mars asked. He hesitated as well. "I agree with you." He said at last. "Fine. I'll be going now." Moon said fighting tears. "Wait! Don't go." Venus begged. "Why? Nobody wants me here." Moon asked. "We could still hang out." Mercury offered trying to mend matters. "Why? You'll leave me out because I'm not one of the Senshi anymore." Moon said coldly. "I'll still save you." Mask offered as guilt hit him in a wave. "From what? Falls? Cockroaches? After all, as Mars puts it, I am a 'stupid klutz that only knows how to cry and eat like a pig.' Besides, how do you intend to do so if you don't know my identity?" Sailor Moon asked. Mars looked quite guilty at this but Moon ignored her. "I didn't think this would happen. After all Mercury you claimed I was your first friend. Jupiter, you said the same thing. So did you Mars. And you." She said looking at Tuxedo Mask. "You said you would always be there for me." She said staring at him. They all felt guilty but before they could apologize Sailor Moon was gone.

Tuxedo Mask put his head between his hands as he sat down heavily. "What have I done?" He groaned. When he closed his eyes he could see her face with those blue eyes piercing his heart as they stared at him accusingly. "We'll apologize tomorrow." Mars said decisively even as she was haunted by those eyes. "I don't even know her." Mask groaned. "How about we reveal each other and go after her tomorrow?" Jupiter asked guiltily trying to forget those eyes. Mercury burst into tears. "I don't deserve friends. She was my first friend and I let her down when she's always been there for me." Mercury sobbed as she remembered the girl that had approached her. They all agreed and detransformed after Mercury stopped crying.

"Mamoru?" Rei asked with wide eyes. Shock registered in Mamoru's mind. "Don't tell me that was Usagi." He groaned. Makoto nodded numbly. Minako started laughing. "What's so funny?" Ami asked feeling as though that laughing when Usagi had just left them was like laughing at a crying baby. "It's ironic how you two denied you liked each other but you kissed her and she had a huge crush on you!" Minako practically howled. Soon everyone was laughing except poor Mamoru who was being teased mercilessly.

"Are you ready?" Makoto asked uneasy that Usagi hadn't been in school. The others nodded. They walked to the Tsukino house.

They knocked. Mr. Tsukino opened the door. "Yes?" He asked. "We're here to see Usagi. Is she here?" Ami asked praying she was. "There is nobody here by that name." He said frostily. "We're sorry to bother you then." Makoto said and they walked away. They were walking to the Crown when someone called them. They saw Shingo beckoning to them. They walked over to him.

"Are you looking for Usagi?" He asked. They nodded. He got a sad look over his face. "Yesterday when she came in mom and dad started hitting her like always and threatening her when she refused to sign some papers. She said she was leaving and she wasn't going to come back. They got really mad and they started throwing things at her. She ran to her room and after a few minutes, came back wearing a star shaped locket and holding the paper rose I made for her one time and ran outside. We followed her and soon a white limo appeared. She went inside and the chauffeur drove away." Shingo said. They stood stunned. "Do you know where she went?" Rei asked desperately. Shingo hesitated but handed them a pink book. "That's her diary. When you're done reading it can I have it back?" Shingo asked. "Of course." Makoto said trying to smile and failing miserably. Shingo smiled. "She said she'll come back for me. She said there's someone she wants me to meet and she'll come back for me." He said happily. They nodded and headed off to Crown clutching Usagi's diary.

"Usagi's gone?" Motoki asked in shock. The whole group nodded. "I knew I should have contacted her sooner. Damn, damn, damn it." Motoki muttered. "What are you talking about?" Rei asked confused. Motoki blinked in surprise. "You didn't know?" He asked incredulously. "Know what?" Minako asked. "The Tsukinos aren't really her parents. They took her in because they wanted her money. She always came in with bruises because they beat her." Motoki said wiping the counter. They were stunned. Silently they sat down at a booth and opened her diary.