A/N: Okay, so this is my second story, and I will try to give this and Swords and Masks equal attention. Yes, it's another "Dimitri leaves Rose for Tasha" story, but no, Dimitri does NOT have a kid with Tasha and no, Rose is NOT pregnant. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy

Chapter One


I ran into the gym excitedly. Dimitri and I finally gave into each other yesterday and all I can say is "WOW." Best night of my life.

When I walked into the gym, Dimitri wasn't sitting on the bench reading a Western like he usually was. He wasn't even wearing workout clothes or his duster. Instead, he was stoically and stiffly standing, hands clasped behind his rigidly straight back. His guardian mask was on and he was wearing his guardian black and white uniform.

"What's up, Comrade?" I said lightly. "What's that stick doing up your ass?"

"Guardian Belikov," he corrected me, voice devoid of emotion. "Please show some respect when you speak to me."

I was shocked. "Err- yes, Guardian Belikov, sir," I said dryly, the title sounding odd in my mouth. I nearly grimaced.

"As of today, our training sessions are cancelled," he told me. I was shocked, once again. "You have caught up with your class and have perhaps surpassed you peers."

"Err- thanks?"

"Also, I have decided to leave my assignment here and will go to guard Lady Natasha Ozera. I have accepted her very generous offer and will be departing in one hour."

His words hit me and I was numb. What about yesterday? He said that he loved me, screamed my name, and now he was leaving me for Tasha?!

"What changed from yesterday, Comrade?" I asked him, "We were happy then."

"Yesterday was a mistake. A lapse in judgement," he replied calmly, his guardian mask never slipping. "My supposed 'love' for you was only a petty attraction. Nothing more. Yesterday showed me that."

His words rang in my head. Mistake. Petty. Nothing. I was still numb from shock, but a dull aching was starting in my chest. "Then I guess I'll get going. See you, Comrade," I said, my voice wavering.

"I don't think that we will be seeing each other again," he said almost harshly, his tone cold. "Goodbye, Rosemarie."

Rosemarie. I hated that name and he knew it. I took a deep breath and it took all the control I had to stay calm and not run out the door. As soon as I was gone from his sight, I began to run and I knew that it was only a matter of time before the tears would come.


I dropped my guardian mask as soon as my Roza left the room. No, she was not my Roza anymore. She was Rosemarie to me from now on. I tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear and sighed. Though yesterday had been perfect, like a dream, a wonderful gift granted to me straight from heaven, it was a mistakr. If I let it continue, it would mar Roza's reputation as a guardian. With graduation and assignments coming so close, I couldn't afford that, and neither could she.

I finally moved from my spot and made my way to the door, slipping my duster on. I stopped at my room and got my bags from the lobby where I had left them.

As I walked to the gates, I couldn't help but be sad that I was leaving. It hurt me to leave all this- the gym, Alberta, Rose- definitely Rose. It hurt me so much to be so cold to her, but she took it surprisingly well. No tears or anything, but then again, she had always been strong. I couldn't help but admire that quality of her.

I saw Tasha waiting at the gates by a silver Honda Accord. I opened the trunk and put my bags inside and then walked over to Natasha.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked her, holding open the door. She nodded and I kissed her on the cheek before she climbed into the passenger's seat. It was awkward and it didn't feel as right as kissing Rose. But I had to forget Rose. She was my past, and Tasha is my future.


As I got back into my dorm room, the full impact of Dimitri's words hit me. I collapsed on my bed and began to cry, soaking my pillow. Yesterday in the cabin- it had been perfect. Then he shatters my world with these words. He was no better than the Royal Moroi who use dhampir women for sex, no better at all.

I took a few shaky breaths. Dimitri probably had a good reason for leaving. Even if he did use my for sex, he was still a good person over all. Just because he was gone didn't mean that I could stop living my life.

I wiped my tears away and changed out of my morning practice clothes. When I looked at what I was wearing I was between shocked and satisfied. I was wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt, the neckline barely exposing my collarbone and a pair of black baggy sweatpants. I looked... plain. Gone were my borderline slutty yet still attractive manner of dressing. Goner were my clothes that barely met the school's dress code.

I took a deep breath. Goner were my partying-snarky-sarcastic Rose days. I was a new Rose. One that would make Dimitri proud.

A/N: Okay, so there's the first chapter. I have three more written so at least one more should be coming up today, if not all three. R&R please!