Raining Chances

He was there. He was always there.

Always standing in the same spot, at the same time, next to the sign of the bus stop, a cigarette dangling from soft lips and shoulders slouching as he stared into nothingness.

At least, those lips looked as if they were soft. It wasn't as if he had touched them before to know for sure.

What surely couldn't be soft, were those long legs and slender hips. They looked to be strong, incredibly strong and he caught himself wishing for those legs to be wrapped around his body.

He wanted them to encase his waist tightly enough to be bruising as he thrust up into that sweet, tight ass. Again and again, sweating bodies would be moving together until none of them knew where the other ended or began.

That's what he wanted... what he always wanted when he saw that blonde man standing forlorn at the bus stop.

But it wasn't all he wanted. No, there was more... much more than that.

He wanted to know where the bus would take the blonde, where he always came from and why he was always there at the same time.

Did he have a job or was he still studying? Why did he always look that damn tired when he waited? What was he thinking about?

It wasn't like him to ask that many questions. He wasn't the noisy type who pried into other people's business.

But still, this guy intrigued him, made him curious enough to haunt him even at night.

He wanted nothing more than to go over there, introduce himself and see where it would go.

It wasn't that easy, though. Not in the kind of world he lived in.

What if the blonde didn't share his interest? What if he was disgusted by people like him?

Those kind of thoughts were too much to bear and so, he had decided to be a coward for once and to keep watching the blonde from afar. He had a hiding place around the corner of a building, his bike standing next to him as he looked around the corner, taking in his strong yet graceful body and making sure that he entered the bus safely each time.

That was the usual routine but today, one thing was different.

Rain poured down, soaking the blonde to the bone as he waited near the sign. Other people had long since gone to seek protection in some other place, leaving him to wait alone.

He was wearing nothing more than a white dress shirt and black trousers, the clothes hugging his body tightly enough that every muscle could be seen through that shirt.

The blonde was looking up at the sky as water ran down his skin, his hair still covering one side of his face as droplets fell from those golden locks.

Then he looked down and rubbed his arms, shivering visibly as a strong gust of wind hit his slender body. A sigh that could even be heard by the man watching him, escaped those soft looking lips and then, the blonde was suddenly moving, walking right in the direction of the other's hiding place.

With determination shining in that one visible eye, the blonde came to a stop right in front of his observer, smirking in a way that made knees buckle and staring at the other man without saying a word as they continued to be drenched by the rain. Blue met brown and held the gaze in place, the smirk turning cheekier with every second.

Then the blonde cocked his head slightly and the two droplets of water that fell from his hair to land on his collarbone.

As if in a trance, the other man reached out and touched the drops' landing place with gentle fingers, the blonde's smile immediately turning soft at the touch.

"M-My name is Zoro. Do you want a ride?"

And thus, a new story began.

The End

This is the end for now but I'm thinking about turning it into a (still short) multi-part story once I've finished some other stuff.

The first part of the Halloween fic should be out in time, too.

Thanks for reading!