The Diary of a Blonde Weasley

September 1st

Dear Diary,

It's Victoire here, on my first day in my fifth year at Hogwarts. As you probably know, I have a very ... extensive family tree. Right now, my younger sister Dominique is going into the fourth year here and Louis into his second year. Meanwhile, Uncle Percy's daughter Molly is going into her third year, Uncle Harry's son James into his second, and Uncle Percy's other daughter Lucy and Uncle George's son Fred into their first year.

I'm in Gryffindor house. I was the first Weasley of our "generation" to come to the school, unless you count Teddy, who's one year older than me. Technically, he's a Lupin-Tonks/adopted Weasley-Potter.

The Sorting Ceremony just finished. Lucy got into Ravenclaw (what else was expected?) and Fred got into Gryffindor (again, what else was expected?)

Fred's settling in very well. He's a prankster. He's just like Uncle George used to be, apparently. Apparently George had a twin named Fred and they were inseparable, they even finished each other's sentences. And then he died in the Great Battle. Since then, he's not pranked so much, apart from the odd time. He's taught me all his favourites as well.

Teddy grinned at me on our way out of the Sorting Ceremony. I don't know why that made me so happy.

My friend Helena picked up on it, but said nothing.
