Disclaimer: I own nothing.

This is my very first twilight fic and I just thought I would see how it went before I decided to continue this. Honestly I like the pairings for Bella/Aro and Bella/Marcus. Please R&R.

Chapter 1

Edward went to the Volturi to kill himself? Why would he do that? In all honesty I believed that he was being a little selfish about this whole mess and I had half a mind not to go with Alice to save him. Sure I loved Edward with my whole heart, but he never cared how broken I had been since he left, so why should I care now?

However, I just couldn't let him die thinking that I was dead. It wasn't for him, but his family that I agreed to go with Alice to Volterra. I also couldn't forgive myself if he died and his family would ultimately blame me for that. Sure most of them would probably understand my actions but Rosalie would resent me even more than she already does. So now here I was racing to Volterra to stop my ex-boyfriend/vampire from committing suicide. Alice's visions said that the Volturi had refused him and I wondered what he would do now. Thank heaven for small mercies I guess, since that did buy us more time to get there. I just hoped that we weren't too late to stop him from doing something foolish. We were fortunate but we just barely made it before he could do something stupid. Before we could leave, we were summoned to the throne room by the Volturi guard at their rulers request.

So now here I stood in the throne room of the Volturi with Edward very much alive. He clung to me but in all honesty I no longer had the same feelings for him as I did before. He was somewhat selfish when it came down to it and I didn't like that about him. Deep down I did still have love for him, but he had lost my trust. I was actually disgusted with myself that I had been through so much pain after his departure and making myself sick over someone who didn't respect my wishes. There was only one thing that was good about their defection and that was that I, Bella Swan, decided to grow a backbone and stand up for myself.

"Ah, Bella is alive after all." The dark haired man spoke and I assumed that was Aro from the description that Edward had given me so long ago in Carlisle's office. "You see, are you not glad that we did not agree to your demise as you requested?" Aro said with a weird smirk that seemed to say 'I told you so'.

"Yes Aro I am. Now can we get this over with so that we can take Bella back home?" Edward almost growled and I wondered why he was so defensive right now when five minutes ago he was calm and respectful. Aro and the other two rulers that were seated on the dais looked over to me and the dark haired one locked his eyes on mine. I didn't know what it was exactly but there was a strange pull there I didn't understand. He must have felt it too because he stood and walked down from the dais to where Aro was standing and held his hand out to his brother. Aro's face showed shock and I assumed that didn't happen very often. Edward growled again and tightened his grip on me. His grip got impossibly tighter and my ribs started to hurt from the pressure and I flinched a little. Alice must have noticed because she put a calming hand on her brother and the pressure reduced. Instinctually I stepped out of his embrace, creating a little distance between myself and Edward, but not getting closer to the Volturi rulers either. Pain streaked across Edward's face and surprisingly I felt no remorse or guilt at his reaction. He looked hurt but the look on Alice's face told me that she understood my actions. Was I that easy to read or was there something in her visions that she had yet to reveal?

"Well Edward and Alice are free to leave at any time. However I wish to speak with Isabella for just a moment if you don't mind?" Aro inquired and I nodded just as Edward refused. He looked over in shock and I glared at him.

"No Bella I won't leave you to speak alone. You are my life Bella and I won't let you do something to get yourself hurt." He said in almost a growl. I was his life? Then why in the hell did he leave me stranded away from those I loved and respected the most. I for one was getting sick of his game.

"Edward this is my decision and not yours. Let's not forget that the only reason I am here in the first place is to save your scrawny ass. I did what I did for your family and so that you wouldn't do anything stupid. You owe me this much so shut up already." I ranted and the room was filled with a mixture of amusement, surprise and shock. The three rulers at the front of the room were watching in anticipation but the one I now recognized as Marcus was now showing concern but pride at standing up for myself. Edward wore a mixture of pain and anger on his face and I continued to glare at him before stepping forward towards Aro. Edward lunged forward and stood directly between myself and Aro. I glared even harder at him and I lost it.

"What the hell Edward, so now you're protecting me? Where were you and your family when you all ran from Forks and me without so much as a 'hi', 'bye', or a 'kiss my ass'? Again this is my decision not yours so back the hell off Edward." I practically growled at him and he stepped back in surprise at my words. I saw hurt in his eyes but I couldn't care less at the moment and honestly his protectiveness was getting on my nerves. "You lost your claim to decide things in my life when you all packed up and left. That wasn't my decision it was yours and I'm through with letting others make my decisions for me." I walked towards Aro again I was surprised beyond belief when he lunged again, but this time it was towards me. He grabbed my arm and ran towards the doors, dragging me behind him, only to be stopped by the guard members who dropped into a defensive crouch. He tightened his grip even further on my arm and the pain was almost unbearable. A split second he was down on the floor writhing in pain as I tried to stand. I went to push myself up but my arm was broken and I fell back towards the floor crying in pain. I finally managed to stand with great effort and two of the guard held Edward for the time being.

"Isabella my dear are you alright?" Aro asked and I saw true concern in his features.

"Fine." I growled towards Edward. "Alice may remain here if you don't mind but I prefer that Edward be kept away from me at the moment. He may stay in the room if you wish but please keep him on a leash." I said while the other vampires in the room laughed lightly. Edward growled louder and I whirled around towards him. "Could you please just shut the hell up for God's sake. I'm trying to finish this so I don't have to look at you anymore." I yelled and he was finally resigned to be quiet. I walked towards Aro and FINALLY reached him. He looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Isabella, would you care to let me see if my gift works on you since Edward's does not?" He asked and I nodded and reached my hand out, the one that wasn't broken. Confusion flashed across his features and he released my hand. "I see nothing." He stated sadly. "No matter, I wanted to ask what you feel when you look at the three of us?" He motioned towards himself and the other two rulers. I studied each of them carefully until I reached Marcus and I felt the pull that I did before but it was slightly stronger now. There was an emotion that crossed his feature that I couldn't recognize immediately but I finally recognized it. There was nervousness and hope written on his face and I had to fight myself to stay where I stood.

"I don't feel anything in particular, but there is a strong pull towards Lord Marcus when I look at him." I stated and I caught a glimpse of Marcus as his eyes lit up briefly.

"Amazing." He stated in wonder. "It appears that there is a mating bond between you two." He mused. I should have been shocked but I was surprisingly calm. "Does this not bother you my dear?"

"Not at all really. I wonder if this is what Alice saw in her latest vision." I mused aloud and turned to Alice who nodded. "Alice, I know that you want me to be happy with Edward but I can't be that person anymore. I have love for him, I do, but he broke my trust and I don't think I could stand that kind of pain again." I said and I saw Edward's face fell. Surprisingly Alice smiled.

"I know Bella and I'm sorry we left like that. Edward convinced us all that it was best for all involved in order to keep you safe." She said and I nodded.

"So what happens now?" I asked turning back to Aro.

"Well you can chose to return home with them and get your affairs in order, or you can stay here." He said simply. I signed in indecision.

"While I would like to stay here, I need to see that things at home are taken care of. I am also almost finished with school and would like to continue there if possible. I would return of course after my affairs are taken care of." Marcus' face fell slightly and I felt sorry for him at the moment. I walked up towards him and for some reason felt that I needed to touch him. I heard Edward growl again and I shot him a quick glare. I knelt in front of him and looked into his pained eyes. I had to settle things at home but I couldn't stay away from him for that long. I turned to Aro.

"Lord Aro, would there be the possibility of finishing my schooling here? There are things that I must attend to at home, but being schooled here would definitely shorten the duration of my stay down to merely a few days." I said and Aro smiled at me and Marcus expression brightened a little.

"Of course my dear, we will arrange it while you are tending to matters at home." Aro said and I nodded. "Felix will accompany you and make sure that you get back to us safely." I nod while I noticed Edward glaring holes in the floor. I turned back toward Marcus and smiled.

"I will be back soon." I told him with conviction and he smiled slightly and reached for my hand kissing it lightly.

"Return to me swiftly mi cara." He said and I nodded. I turned towards the others in the room and sighed.

"Damn." I said.

"What is it my dear?" Aro asked.

"Nothing important really, I just realized I'll have to share a plane with him." I said pointing towards Edward. There was a deafening silence before the room burst into laughter and I vaguely caught the sound of Edward growling. I sighed again once the laughter died down. "Let's just get this over with shall we?" I said and Alice nodded along with Felix.