
Book II: What Makes a Desert Beautiful? It Hides an Oasis

Authors' Notes: So I've had this done since November and in my brilliance I forgot to post it. Oops. But here it is and I'm hoping to get back on a regular writing schedule to actually finish this beast. Hope you enjoy!

Jacqueline was nothing and everything like Regina had imagined. Elegant, very beautiful, and obviously quite deadly. The scar that bisected her cheek only added to her deadly countenance. Dark curls spilled down her back in an artful arrangement even as her bright blue eyes danced around the room obviously taking everything in and cataloguing it should something prove to be deadly to her person in the future. She sat forward on the high wing backed chair she rested in; silk pants whispering over her well formed legs and silver-toed boots. A jeweled dagger was being twisted in her hand, the point resting on her finger as though to prick her when in reality she was more likely to throw it at anyone that startled her.

She licked her lips, high cheekbones dancing with color, before she spoke, "Will Scarlett…you don't often disturb me…"

"I apologize for the interruption my lady but I thought it pressing to bring this to your attention."

A thin, dark eyebrow arched as the man strode towards the open doors that blew with white silk curtains and held out his arm.

"Well well…what do we have here?" The dagger twisted once more on her finger before she pulled it back sheathing it on her belt.

"Mistress Jacqueline," Regina murmured, a bit unsure of her title but not wanting to offend her. She tilted her head, the rubies on the circlet she wore dancing along her skin.

"And who might you be?" The predatory smile danced along her pretty, scarred face.

"Forgive me for my intrusion without proper introduction." Regina began.

"I don't need formalities. Answer me quickly. Who are you?"

"As you wish; my name is Regina, I am the Princess Consort of Wintersend. I came to Eamira to seek your help with a matter of great importance as I've heard you are the only one that can help me."

"That's quite a story you weave. If you didn't look so much like your Mother I'd be convinced you were lying and since I always keep tabs on the things that can directly affect myself and my business…I am aware of your recent marriage Princess Regina of SpringFall, daughter of Queen Cora."

Regina tensed, "You know my Mother?"

"I know of her deeds…seduced a King, birthed his only heir. Yes, I can imagine you were quite the prize to be had for your Mother and your wife as well."

"If you are aware of who I am and you are aware I'm not lying, then will you help me with my great matter?"

"I never agreed or disagreed to helping you Princess." Jack shrugged her shoulders.

"Why not?"

"I prefer to know all the details before I agree to anything. And judging by your choice of traveling companion." She motioned towards the door. "I feel disinclined to acquiesce to your request."

"Now don't be like that love."


"Flesh Trader."

"Too bad I missed."

"Too bad I didn't." He smirked roguishly at her and she narrowed her eyes.

"What are you doing here, I told you I'd take your other hand off if I ever saw your face in my home again."

"I'm aware of your fetish for knives."

"What can I say? I like sharp pointed things." She smirked at him.

"Believe me I have the scars to prove it."

"You see Princess, your Pirate friend and I have quite the history with one another."

"He isn't my friend. My wife requested he guard me for a high price. I paid a higher price." She answered, tilting her head up slightly. Her lack of height didn't work to her advantage in this situation. Jacqueline towered over her.

The taller woman smiled at her, "How old are you?"

"I don't see why that matters."

"You're old enough to be married but that doesn't tell me much. The Enchanted Forest always was backwards on the subject of women and their rights."

"And they're better here or in the rest of Eamira?"

"No, but strength and coin are valued here. And I have both therefore my sex matters very little."

"While I am inclined to agree with you on this matter I still find your trade difficult to stomach…none the less I can see that very little avenues were likely open to you and you did what had to be done."

"Die in the gutter or rise up. Which would you choose Princess?"

"I would rise up." She stated without thought, lifting her chin a bit to seem more sure of her answer.

The slave trader cocked her head, "What is this great matter you wish my help on?"

"You are in possession of the largest library in the Abyss."

"Considering being able to read is rare here I'd say there wasn't much competition."

"Reading and writing are both used to keep the poor where they are. If they cannot educate themselves they are incapable of giving solid actions towards rebellion."

"Smart girl." Jacqueline smiled softly, eyes glinting. "And you have need of my library? Do you not have access to one of your own?"
"I do but what I seek isn't there…I've heard it's with you and I'd very much appreciate the opportunity to sate my curiosity at whatever price you deem necessary."

"Having royalty in my home has given me power that I haven't yet possessed. The Abyss recognizes power and money, not royalty…however you obviously have both being an heir to one Kingdom and married to the heir of another."

"And you wish for me to give you that?"

"Nothing of the sort, you're intelligent Princess…beyond your years I'd say. I see much of your Mother in you…more than most people would give you credit for I do believe."

Regina flinched; she never did like being reminded of her connection to her Mother. It hurt for she knew she would never treat her child the way her Mother had so callously treated her over the years.

"I was a pawn in my Mother's machinations and like you I rose up." She eyed the slave trader who smiled back at her.

"What are you seeking in my books Princess?"

"An answer to a question…I want to save a Kingdom."

"There was a reason I always found reading rather boring though The Art of War has proven to be quite fun."

"A warrior philosopher this one." Hook murmured as he watched Regina and her servant pour over several texts. The two were barely a foot apart and murmuring excitedly over what they'd read and or were reading.

"This is actually rather boring…and here I thought I'd be entertained."

"You were always the punch first and ask questions later type. Quick to action, restless when still."

"I prefer not to allow wanderlust to sit for long. It gets stale."

"Much like everything without the open sea."

The two shared a look before glancing at the youngest and oldest of the four. "Shall we take our leave?"

"That depends are you going to try to use your hook again?"

"Are you going to throw a dagger at me again?"

"Do I even want to know what they're doing?" Regina murmured softly to Venar who shook his head with a creaky sound.

"I believe it's called flirting my Princess."

"Right." Regina murmured not quite believing it.

"You two can continue this without us yes?"

"Do you trust me to be left alone in your home?"

"I needn't worry. Guards. You will remain here yes?"

"Of course. That won't be a problem." Regina willingly agreed.

"As you will then your highness. Come Pirate."

"Have fun without me Princess." He dipped into a roguish bow and with the wiggle of his eyebrows disappeared behind the slave trader.

"I'm unsure of what to make of their relationship."

"I do believe that is the point. Now that we're alone, shall I retrieve what we're truly looking for?"

"Do you know what it looks like?"

"I have a firm idea yes."

"Of course you do." She murmured watching him shuffle his way to the shelves. He spent several minutes looking at the old tomes before lifting a weathered looking book with crumbling pages from the lower shelf. She eyed it warily as he brought it towards her, setting it very gently on the table.

"So this is the Grimoire?"

"One of them yes."

"One? I was unaware there were more."

"There are several but this one of importance to us."

"If you say so." She gently lifted the cover, wincing when the old spine gave a crack. "I hope it doesn't fall apart. Valaar knows what that woman would do to us if it were damaged."

The symbols in the book were old, so worn and faded with time was the parchment that it was difficult to even tell the language it was written in. "I've never seen anything like this." Regina murmured, captivated. She missed the small smile that crossed the elderly man's thin lips as she continued to turn pages.

"I can read this."

"What does it say?" He breathed.

"It's written in the common tongue." She paused, "Lo seeker in days unborn, God-blade bearer, know you…the words are blurred…Ware the watcher; the ward of three waits, soul-hungry…this wasn't well preserved at all…He without power want it not. He with power trust it not…He with sight heed it not. Rend illusion…out the path…in blood Raithewell."

"King Raithewell wrote this?" She looked at the old man, who nodded.

"Yes, my Princess he did."

"What does it mean God-blade bearer?"

"The sword Raithewell used to cut down his enemies…it was believed to have been made by the Valaar themselves."

"For what purpose?"

"I do not know my Princess."

"Where would we find that out?"

"Only Raithewell's true heir would know the location of that blade. It would be knowledge they would be born with."

"And I'm not his heir."

"No, my Princess you are not."

"How would we find them? All the royal houses of the Enchanted Forest are descended from Raithewell. So by default aren't we all his heirs?"

"Only his true heir would have knowledge of that sword my Princess. And they likely wouldn't even know until the time it was needed."

"So they could live and die without having need of it?"

"Yes, that is the idea I do believe."

"You will tell me where you've learned all of this one day won't you?"

"Knowledge will never be withheld from you my Princess. It will pass through me to you as though through a pane of glass."

She smiled softly, "It doesn't explain how you know it."

"I have lived a long time and seen a lot of things."

"Someday you will tell me about them." She ordered softly.

"Someday my Princess." He readily agreed with the same small secretive smile he often sported.