Disclaimer: Gahaha..! I do not own this monstrosity.. or do I?!

A.N. ahahaha antidepressant story UPDATED

Ch: 4 Ch 5:

Severus Snape was having the worst day ever. He had hoped his Godson would have inherited his talent. He was expecting Potter to fall. He didn't expect them to act the SAME WAY.

As he watched the ceiling crumble as the two protected the students from the explosion they caused, he wondered what civilization he had destroyed in a past life.

As Draco pulled one hand away from the slab of stone he was lifting, he gave the students a thumbs up.

"YOSH! I'll protect you till your dying day!" he promised the teachers. In a group agreement they all shouted out. "ITS YOUR FAULT!" And despite the fact they were being protected by the two, they began throwing rocks at the two.

Snape wondered when the universe had taken leave of it's senses, and pinched his brow.