Title: Mandatory Diamonds

Author: Danielle

E-mail: [email protected]

Rating: PG-13

Spoilers: Up to Once More with Feeling

Summary: Child protective services looks down on single caregiver so Buffy has to find a "pretend husband". Xander and Anya are honeymooning; Giles is in England, so Spike is her only hope. Fic Challenge from Pamela J. Anderson off of the BuffyspikeDiaries Mailing List.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN, and whoever has rights to these people in court. Do not sue me, I'm poor anyway. The fic idea isn't mine either, it belongs to Pamela, and as of now, there are two other people working on this same challenge.

Feedback: I would love it so much if you sent me some! Just pass it on to [email protected]

Distribution: Whoever wants it can have it, just e-mail me first so I can come and visit. It will be posted at my site at http://www.geocities.com/princesscashew/Take_It_All_Away.html

Fic Requirements + She falls for him after he becomes the prefect spouse + He acts romantic to Buffy and gets her to love him + Rated R or even Hint Hint NC-17

~ Part 1 ~

"I know Ms. Summers, that you want to keep your sister living with you, and I understand your particular circumstances with your father being in Europe without any contact possible and your mother deceased, but it is very uncommon that custody is granted to a single care-giver. Especially someone as young as you are without a complete education or a job. I think it's very important that we do what is best for Dawn, don't you?"

"Well of course I do, I'm her sister, and I love her. Which is exactly why I don't understand what this meeting is about Mrs. Gont. You would rather move Dawn out of our house and put her somewhere with complete strangers because they happen to have some gold bands on their fingers?"

"That's not what I'm suggesting at all Ms. Summers. The matter of income becomes important as well. You at the moment have no source of it. It's a concern to me that when the little bit of your mother's savings that you have left runs out, you will have no way of supporting either Dawn or yourself."

"I can get a job, I've been looking for one, going to interviews. There is a job available, through one of my friends, and even though I would rather not mix my personal life with my career, I can be working tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. I assure you that I will do whatever I can to give Dawn a proper home. Just give me a chance."

"Even with a job Ms. Summers, Social Services policy still favors a two parent household to a single one." She reached into a desk drawer and removed a Polaroid of a young couple with a dog. "There is a family in the area, Dawn would still be able to go to the same school, and I'm sure that a visiting arrangement could be worked out at a later date."

Buffy interrupted the woman, her voice shaking a little as she spoke. "Thank you very much Mrs. Gont, but I would like a little time to think this over. Can we meet again, a week from now? I need to talk to Dawn and try to see if there's something I can work out."

"Don't put this off for too long Ms. Summers. We need to get Dawn's placement confirmed. The state would like this process to go as quickly as possible, for what is best for her."

"I'm aware. Thank you very much for your time."

"My secretary will make you an appointment on the way out." Buffy weakly shook hands with the social worker, and then straightened out her burgundy jacket. She was in trouble, and she knew it.

She got up to leave, and turned around when she reached the glass door. "If I was married, would Dawn's placement be as large of an issue?"

"There's still the matter of income."

"If I was married, and my husband or I held jobs, would Dawn's placement be as difficult for me to obtain?"

"If those were the situations Ms. Summers, I would see no reason why the State would object. But they're not at this time."

"Well, thank you again. I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. I will be in touch." She closed the door behind her. She had seven days to change her life.