Alice: So I was listening to Can You Feel The Love Tonight from The Lion King.

Emily: And this story was inspired.

Alice: Enjoy!

Title: Dollar Bill

Summary: Kendall is from the poor, dirty side of town while Logan is from the rich side. When the two meet, they slowly begin to fall in love with each other. Will society tear them apart or will they get fight through?

Pairings: Kogan. Lumille. Maybe Jarlos.

Chapter 1

Kendall Knight spat on the ground, smirking at the clear disgust radiating from the girls in the corner. Part of him wondered why a couple of rich girls would come to this side of town. Anyone could tell they were rich just from the Uggs, jewelry, and high marked brands they were wearing. Kendall rolled his eyes, glancing down at his ripped up jeans and stained shirt. Yeah he must have looked like a real prince charming to them. In this particular town in Minnesota, there were two sides: the rich and the poor. To the poor, the rich kids were all snobby and could get away with anything. To the rich, the poor were dirt and drug addicts. Kendall rolled his eyes at the thought. "Hey!" Kendall turned to see James and Carlos running towards him with big grins. They stopped when they met up with him and grinned.

"Hey," Kendall nodded his head, a smirk forming on his lips. He nudged his head towards the girls as Carlos and James's eyes went wide. Identical smirks appeared on their faces as well as they began walking towards the girls, who frowned when the boys began to approach them. "Hey ladies."

The girls' scanned each one of them up and down, sneering slightly. Carlos smiled. "What are your names?"

"Jenifer," one answered with a frown.

"And you?" James pointed to the second one. The three girls glanced at each other before bursting out into fits of laughter.

"We're all Jenifer," the blonde one sneered. "We would ask you for your names but really we don't care."

"So polite," Kendall smirked. "What are you guys doing on our turf?"

That's when the three girls began to look uncomfortable. It was true. Rarely would a rich person walk on this side of town and likewise with the poor in rich territory. Yet when they did, one of two things happened: someone got hurt either physically or mentally and/ or they were scared off. It's just the way it worked. The Jenifers just glared at them. "Look we just want to get out of this dump."

The boys ignored the fact that they called their home a dump.

"And we just want to get some gas for our car," the second Jenifer glared at them, clearly intimidated by the boys.

"What are you guys doing now?"

The three boys turned to see Lucy walking up to them with a frown directed at the three girls. The boys all grinned happily. "Stone!" Carlos teased, referring to her last name. The girls instantly froze, staring wide eyed at Lucy. There were rumors about Lucy. Like that she carried a knife in her boots. Or that she was not afraid to get into a fight and send the other to the hospital. If they were in rich territory, they could easily take her down. Unfortunately, they weren't.

"What's going on?" she raised an eyebrow, staring at the three girls with a frown. The Jenifers paled as they glanced at each other. The blonde one glanced back and practically screamed in joy.

"Our gas is full!" Once hearing this, the other two Jenifers rushed to the car and hopped in, driving off quickly. Lucky burst out laughing the moment they left along with the three boys.

Lucy grinned. "Looks like they were scared of me."

"Please, they were scared of us," James smirked down at the girl. Lucy was about to open her mouth when her eyes were immediately directed towards the store behind the gas station. Out walked a boy and a girl, both appearing completely confused. They were also rich, Lucy noted to herself. The boy pointed towards them as the other girl's eyes widened in fear. The boy smiled in reassurance and walked up to the four of them.

"Hey," the boy smiled brightly. James, Carlos, and Kendall all turned and frowned when they saw a slightly smaller boy with brown hair and brown eyes. The girl next to him had curly dark hair and appeared just a bit scared. "Um... did you guys just happen to see three girls? They're all named Jenifer. One is blonde-"

"Sorry man," James sneered. "They ditched you."

Instead of backing away in fear like the girl did, the boy just tilted his head to the side. "Why would they do that?"

"Logan," the girl hissed, gesturing to the four.

"What Camille?" Logan frowned. The four glanced at each other in confusion. A rich kid treating them like equals? No one did that around here. James narrowed his eyes, believing this was some sort of trick while Carlos figured the boy just knew four against two wouldn't be good and decided to pretend to be nice. Even Lucy began to theorize that the boy was just stupid or maybe a foreigner to the town. Kendall was thinking along the same lines as Lucy.

"Ah, you're a newbie," Kendall finally put the pieces together.

Logan, instead of frowning or being offended, gave the four a lopsided grin. "How'd you know?"

"Clearly you don't know the rules," Kendall took a step forward, slightly invading the smaller boy's personal space. Logan just stood there, still frowning at what the boy was talking about. Rules? What rules? Kendall continued, seeing his puzzlement. "Rich kids don't give a damn about us and we don't give a damn about rich kids. You're on our territory, so you'll probably get beat up real bad. Since you're a newbie, we'll let you go this once."

Instead of being scared, like Camille, he burst out into fits of laughter. Kendall frowned, glancing at his confused friends. All of them were practically thinking the same thing. Did this kid have a death wish? "Sorry," Logan apologized, trying to stifle his chuckles but to no prevail. "It's just... that's really stupid."

"Stupid?" Lucy exclaimed.

Logan nodded with a grin. "Why can't we all get along? So what? I have more money. It doesn't mean I'm a bad person or that you're a bad person."

"Are you retarded?" Lucy blurted out.

"No!" Camille spoke for Logan, glaring at Lucy.

"Oh sorry for insulting your boyfriend," Lucy replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Camille flushed. "He's not my boyfriend."

"What?" Logan faked a tear. "I thought we were in love for all eternity!"

"Only in your dreams," Camille smacked him, blushing slightly. James and Carlos snickered as Logan even laughed slightly. Even Lucy was smiling slightly at the joke. Kendall frowned at the scene. If anyone from the outside was looking at this conversation, one might say they were all friends. That was the last thing he wanted people to think. Camille grinned. "So you guys scared the Jenifers off?"

The group nodded. Logan smirked. "See Camille? Now you owe them."

"Oh shut up," Camille rolled her eyes. At the confused looks from them, she began to explain. "I really don't like those girls. They are just so... ugh! I mean, who walks in slow motion? They pay people to blow fans in their faces for effect."

"You hate them?" Lucy smirked, taking a step closer to Camille, who nodded with a scowl at the thought of the girls.

"Trust me when I say they are not at all fun to be with," Camille glared at the ground. "They offered to show Logan around and accidently ended up here. I swear they just wanted to impress Logan or something. Make him one of their followers."

Carlos laughed. "So which one are you going to date then, Logan?"

Logan blushed slightly, mumbling something under his breath. Camille took this opportunity to tease him. "Logan would love to date the blonde one. He loves blondes."

Logan flushed and Lucy noticed a slightly smirk on Kendall's face. Well he is blonde, Lucy shrugged. Camille grinned, continuing to pinch Logan's cheek, who was whining slightly at how embarrassing she could be. Lucy frowned, trying to remember why the name Camille sounded familiar. Now that she thought about it, Camille might be a part of the Roberts family. The Roberts family were full of actors and actresses that always received main roles and even small TV roles. "Are you Camille Roberts?"

Camille smiled. "The one and only! The best method actress around."

"Method actress?" Carlos titled his head to the side. Camille smirked and quickly walked up to James, slapping him in the face. Lucy, Carlos, and Kenall all stared at her, mouths agape. Did she really just slap him? James growled, opening his mouth to yell at her when she burst out into tears.

"HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME? FOR TRISH? MY SWORN ENEMY!" She screamed loudly while crying insanely. James raised an eyebrow. So... this was method acting? Finally Camille walked over to Lucy and glared at her. "I will never forgive you Trish!"

Lucy's eyebrows shot up. She glanced around when she noticed people staring at the group strangely. Camille then walked up to Logan and grabbed his cheeks, forcing his face down so their lips connected. As soon as the kiss happened, they parted as Camille hugged Logan. "He's my new boyfriend! He is better than YOU-" she pointed to a very confused James, "will ever be!"

It was silent for a moment as people continued to stare at them. Logan grinned and began clapping his hands. Camille smiled and bowed as the rest began clapping, all extremely confused. "Method acting is staying in character no matter what," Logan explained. "She likes to go into different roles at random moments. Sorry about the slap though um..."

"James," he glared at the boy, who didn't seem to notice.

"James," Logan grinned. "She slaps me all the time. It hurts pretty bad."

"Pft," James scoffed. "As if I'd get hurt from a girl slapping me."

Lucy glared at him, walking up to him holding out her palm. James's eyes went wide as he quickly jumped out of the way, throwing his hands up in defense. A move that Logan found quite amusing. Kendall finally sighed and spoke. "Okay, we aren't doing a good job at following the rules right now."

That seemed to distract Lucy long enough for James to quickly run out of the way. Lucy then furrowed her eyebrows as she walked up next to Kendall, nodding. "I don't care if you think the rules are stupid," Lucy glared at Logan. "Rules are rules. Now get out of here."

Logan pouted. "Why? I like it here. It's a lot better than my neighborhood."

"Are you testing me?" Lucy took a step forward, glaring at him. Camille frowned, wondering how the friendly girl from just moments ago turned into a cobra prepared to attack. Camille frowned as Logan just looked amused. Why wasn't he scared? He did know that was Lucy Stone, right?

"Dude," Camille glared at Logan. "She has a knife in her boot!"

Logan tilted his head to the side slightly and grinned. "I like you guys, so you'll be seeing more of me."

"Doubt it," James scoffed, his cheek beginning to show red from the place Camille slapped. Logan just smiled as he turned to Camille.

"How will we get home when the Jenifers' ditched us?"

"Walk," Carlos offered with a friendly shrug. Logan pouted as Kendall rolled his eyes.

"I'll drive you," he offered. "But only because you're a newbie. Next time you won't get so lucky if you run into us."

"Got it," Logan grinned. Camille nodded, taking the threat somewhat seriously. Kendall sighed and began walking away with them following him to his car. Parts of him wondered how he ended up giving these people rides. He sighed as he hopped in his car. Logan sat in shot gun while Camille went to the back. Starting up the car, Logan began talking, filling in the awkward silence. Kendall frowned. Why was this kid being so casual? Didn't this kid at least see the run down houses and crappy clothes they wore? Did he have eyes?

"You annoy me," Kendall glared at him. Logan frowned and turned to him, hurt actually in his eyes.


"We're here!" Camille breathed a sigh of relief when they entered the better part of town. Kendall rolled his eyes.

"It's like you're trying to prove you're a good person by reaching out to us poor people. You're just trying to be the better person when you're really disgusted by us."

"My house is right here," Camille told Kendall, who nodded and pulled over. Camille hopped out and waved Logan goodbye before running up to her front door. Kendall glanced over at Logan, who still had hurt in his eyes.

"I don't get disgusted by people," Logan mumbled. "Not for reasons like that."

"Prove it?" Kendall slightly snarled. "You have everything, don't you? You don't know how it feels to have a ton of people hate you for something you can't control. You don't know what it's like to never see your parents 'cause they're trying to put food on our plates. You have no idea what it's like to be us. So you can stop with your good boy act. It's not going to work."

Logan slightly glared at him. "Do you know why I moved?"

Kendall scoffed. "To get a bigger house?"

"No," Logan glared at him. "You know nothing about me, so you can't make these assumptions. Everyone has problems. And I do know how it feels. I don't have everything. If I had everything, I'd have friends. I'd have parents that love me. I moved because people bullied me for being gay."

Kendall's eyes went wide.

"That's right," Logan continued. "I'm gay. I don't want to be and frankly I can't control it. People used to beat me real bad. When I told my parents why, they started shunning me. They moved so people wouldn't know. They moved so no one could ever know. I don't have a good boy act. I'm just nice to people who offer me a ride home and who are themselves and not someone else, like the Jenifers."

Kendall's mouth was slightly open, his eyes still wide. This kid in front of him was gay? And actually had a hard time? The idea seemed foreign to Kendall. A rich kid actually having a troubled life...? Logan sighed as he opened the car door. Finally Kendall found his voice. "A-aren't I supposed to take you home?"

"I can walk from here," Logan mumbled before closing the door and walking away. Kendall groaned, leaning his head back on the chair. For some reason, he began to feel guilty. He felt guilty he just assumed this kid had it all when really he didn't seem like he had much. Yet he still smiled at them and treated them as equals. Because he knows what it's like to be shunned because of who you are, Kendall found himself thinking. Sighing, he realized he should probably get out of here before some rich kids came and realized he didn't live here.

Still, he hoped he would run into Logan again, so he could apologize.

Alice: The next chapter will be shorter.

Emily: So yeah... thanks for reading!

Alice: Tell me what you think!