So this is LONG overdue, but I wanted to let people know that I haven't given up on it. The Robb part was actually supposed to be Ned's POV, but I was having Robb feels. Thank you for those that have decided to stick with this. I know it's been a long wait. Poorly edited, sorry about that as well.


Her phone went off again. Part of her felt extremely guilty for not answering his calls, but she always knew she would be a bad girlfriend. Gendry probably lost his father. The plane went down over water, and no bodies were found. They still hadn't officially announced it, but it had been three days and nobody was able to get a hold of Robert.

Jaqen offered her a job and she accepted without giving Gendry a second thought. It was a spur of the moment decision. Jaqen was offering her everything she ever wanted on a silver platter, so of course she took it. Traveling the world, digging up hidden truths, and scandals, stories and adventure, were all she ever wanted. Now it was at the tip of her fingers, all she had to do was grab it and run. So why was she hesitant now?

There was college for one. If she left now, she wouldn't have a degree, but she would have the world experience most only dreamed of. Then there was her family. They were pretty much all going their own separate ways, but could she leave them for months or possibly years at a time? Leaving her investigation before it was completed bothered her too. It may have been for a grade, but it was important to her. Lastly, there was Gendry. How could she leave him right now?

His life was changing so much and so quickly. He needed someone. If she was honest with herself, she needed him too. When she was with him, she was different. He made her better. Her temper would fizzle with a goofy grin, and her heart would beat faster with a touch of his hand.

It wouldn't be fair for her to ask him to wait for her. The relationship was new, even if it felt like they knew each other for decades. Just the thought of breaking up with him physically hurt her. It seemed to be the only reasonable choice though. To be fair, nobody ever accused her of being reasonable.

She let her head fall loudly against the hard desk. Not for the first time, she wished she had Sansa's charmed life. Every decision her sister ever made turned out golden, while she struggled with what cereal to buy. Her phone buzzed again. Out of habit she glanced at the screen. It wasn't Gendry this time. 'I got news for you. Meet me at my shop when you can.' Andy's message flashed across the screen. Arya groaned. Naturally she would find something now, when it probably wouldn't matter.

She'd been by the shop several times the past few days, and there was no news with any of those visits. She didn't send an immediate response, since Jaqen walked into the room.

Her mentor set his bag down and looked up at the class. "Have your assignments ready by Friday. I will be leaving after this class." The words hit hard. She knew it was coming, but not nearly so soon. There was supposed to be time to break the news to everybody gently. The rest of the class was eagerly asking questions about final grades. Those didn't matter. Her time with Gendry and her family was coming to and end.

She stood and left the classroom, while everybody stared after her. She had to talk to him now. The dial ton echoed in her ear, as she waked to her bike. Just moments ago she didn't know how to tell him, but she had to now. It went straight to voicemail. "Damnit!" She hung up and stomped her foot. A text came back while she straddled her bike. 'have a meeting. Meet you at home,' That was probably why he called her earlier. "Well shit" She said to herself, sitting back on her bike. She didn't know what to do now. If she went back to her apartment, she would just pace the floor. At least Andy's shop would offer her a momentary distraction from her current problems.

The shop didn't get a lot of traffic. She often wondered how Andy had so much business, when she wasn't really open to the public. The doors were closed, so she kicked the stand on her bike and sat her helmet on the seat. When she stepped inside, she was greeted by yelling form across the garage. She wasn't really sure if she should leave or stay. "What are you doing with these?" An all too familiar voice yelled.

"They're not mine." Andy said quietly.

"They are in your shop Andy, and you've had problems in the past. Gods Andy, I'm a cop. Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

"Jon, please." She could hear the pain in Andy's voice. "I found them."

"I haven't heard that one before." Jon said sarcastically. "Do you know what these do to you? I know you're in pain, but fucking White Walkers!" She really should leave. Their fight was none of her business.

"Jon, I thought they were mints!" Andy tried to reason. She was completely believable to her.

"Mints! You expect me to believe that. I know your past." The room went deathly silent. She knew that those words were a line for Andy.

"I'm not taking them." Andy seethed.

"Then how did they get here?" Jon countered.

"They were in the damn car."

"Oh, the mystery car; why are you even messing with that thing?"

She peeked around a tool box to get a better look and heard Andy raise her voice again. "It's a favor, and what I do at work is none of your damn business."

"It is my business if you're breaking the law. Who is it a favor for?" Andy went quiet. "Well if they aren't your, who do they belong to?" Jon threw his hands in the air, and Andy flinched away from him.

"I can't say." Andy said quietly, after backing away from Jon.

"Convenient" Jon ran his hand roughly through his hair. They were arguing about the car. It was way past time to step in. She wasn't going to let Andy take an ass chewing because of her. Arya backed up and slammed the front door behind her, before loudly walking into the shop.

"Hey Andy, Jackass." She greeted her brother with a scowl.

"Not now Arya, What are you even doing here?"

"Shouldn't you be at work?" She shot back, before smiling at Andy. "What did you find out for me?"

Andy looked at Jon, who seemed to be processing everything. "This is your mess?" He said shocked.

"Catch up Jon." She didn't even bother looking at the big idiot.

"Are you sure?" Andy glanced at Jon again.

"You can tell the idiot." She really wanted to see the big idiot eat his words.

"I'm done with the car. There were a couple things I found. When I was under the dash, these fell out." Andy pulled out a metal case that had mints inside.

"You found mints?" Arya questioned a little disappointed. She didn't drive all the way here for mints.

"They're not mints." Jon cut in. "They're White Walkers. The drug has changed a little though."

"What the hell are White Walkers?" It sounded like some kind of urban legend.

"Top of the line drugs that are supposed to be the best high. Truth is one dose turns people into the walking dead. They're mostly used in high end clubs."

"It looks like a mint to me. There is even a tiny 'M' on them."

Jon rolled his eyes, grabbed Andy's wrist and turned the mint over. "Now it's a 'W'."

Andy pulled her hand away from Jon and sat on her stool. "I accidentally knocked some cleaner over on one, and there was a reaction, like there was metal or something in them. I bought a bunch of different mints, but none reacted the same way."

"Show me." Jon ordered. He was trying to take over. Andy repeated what happened. There was a reaction.

"That cleaner is what tech's use to recover serial numbers that have been filed off."

"Yes, and what I use to clean parts, which leads me to the next thing. I told you about the throttle cable." She shook her head yes. "I found the same tool marks on the tie rod ends. I think someone messed with this car." Andy sounded a little excited about her discovery.

There was only one problem. "What is a tie rod?" She and Jon asked at the same time.

Andy shook her head. "Right, car illiterates. The tie rods basically hold your wheels on straight. They can wear out, but these have markings on them. Hypothetically, if the throttle cable sticks, the car surges forward, the driver slams on the breaks, and jerks the wheel, the tampered with tie rod ends pop off. The car has basically no steering and is a run away, pretty much and instant crash."

"I knew that crash wasn't an accident." She loved the feeling she got when a hunch turned out to be right.

"What crash are you looking into?" Jon asked, but from the look of him he already knew.

Arya bit her lip, and Andy turned to her workbench, avoiding the conversation. "Uncle Brandon." She finally said. Jon took a deep breath and looked over at Andy. "Don't be mad at her Jon. Andy only helped because I begged her to."

"You should have told me. I would've helped." Jon looked truly hurt.

"I didn't want help Jon. This is what I'm going to be doing. I leave Friday to start my career." She hadn't meant for that last part to come out of her mouth.

"You're just going to leave everything to go God knows where." Jon questioned.

Her temper started to flair. "Yes, I am."

"You're sure this is what you want?" Jon asked sadly.

She should be. "Yes" Is what she said. It may or may not be the truth.

"You are going to call me every chance you get. I want regular updates." Jon continued to watch her with that sad look on his face.

"What?" She asked confused. There was no way in hell Jon was actually agreeing to this so easily.

"I don't want you to leave, but I can't stop you Arya."

She quickly closed the distance between her and Jon, and threw her arms around his waist, smashing her face into his chest. "Thank you!" Jon squeezed her tightly and wouldn't let her pull away. She needed somebody to understand her decision. Nobody else was going to.

"Does Gendry know?" Andy asked as she moved around parts on her bench.

Jon finally let her go. "That is where I'm going next. What do I do, Jon? I didn't thing this would ever happen; now it has."

Andy busied her hands cleaning a shiny part, as Jon spoke. "You do what's best for you. If this guy really cares, he will understand."

"Gendry is a good guy, talk it out with him." Andy added, throwing a not too happy look at Jon. "I guess you won't be needing all of this after all." Andy motioned to the stuff on the table.

Of course she still needed it. "I can turn it over to cold case." Jon added, looking at the car.

"No… not yet. Give me until Friday at least."

Jon shook his head. "Alright, but the cops have to get involved eventually."

"I know Jon." She rolled her eyes at him. She needed to get going. "Thanks for everything Andy."

"No problem, I'll box this stuff up and either you or the police can come get it."

"Thanks again." She hugged Jon briefly and left the shop. A million things were running through her head: Who left those tool marks?, Where Uncle Benjen went?, Why was their a container of drugs disguised as mints?, and How she was going to tell Gendry.

Halfway home her stomach started to growl. Food would make the whole situation easier. She stopped by the little dinner she found and picked up some takeout. She used the hidakey to let herself into Gendry's apartment. He wasn't home yet. Words went back and forth through her head. She was trying to figure out how to say them. The clock on the wall ticked by slowly, still Gendry hadn't shown up. He really should've been home.


He checked his phone again. Jayne couldn't get off work early. They originally had plans for dinner, but the social life of an ER doctor was extremely hard to predict. That little setback didn't mean he couldn't do anything tonight. He was a married man no, so a club probably wasn't the best idea. The club scene really didn't interest him much right now anyway. Jayne had his attention. Sometimes it was easy to forget that they belonged to each other now. That is probably how it feels for awhile, when you wake up after a drunken night married. They weren't exactly ideal circumstances, but he really didn't plan on annulling the marriage any time soon.

Robb picked up his phone and sent out a text to Theon, who was learning the ropes at Greyjoy shipping now. 'Wanna do something tonight?'

The reply was almost immediate. 'When? What? Where?'

'Meet me at Jon's at 8:00. Beer and a Hockey game.'

He knew Theon would be groaning right now. 'Why Jon's? His TV sucks ass.' Came the quick reply.

'It's the only way he'll join us.'

'Your brother is lame. See ya then.' Theon and Jon never really got along, but he suspected they put up with each other for him.

His personal secretary put down another giant stack of papers on his desk. He probably wouldn't have agreed to this job if he knew how much paperwork was involved. The top page had his fathers signature scrawled across the top page, dated for today. His dad was supposed to be at home resting, not in the office working.

Robb grabbed the papers, stood, and headed down the hall towards his fathers office. He opened the door, without knocking, and quietly stepped inside. His father was on the phone with his back to the door. "I'm sure there is something for you to do… It's barely been two days… I don't know. Try fishing. This was your idea…" When he closed the door, it made a slight noise. Ned hung up quickly and turned in his chair. "Robb" He greeted.

Ignoring the seemingly private conversation, he stepped further into the room and sat down. His father looked tired. There was no way he had enough time to heal from heart surgery yet. "What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"There is too much work to be done."

"You just got out of the hospital. I think it can wait a few more days." He was trying to keep a level head.

"This is too important to wait Robb."

"Andy said she could wait until you were feeling better." That was really the only pressing business for Winter Steel.

Ned shook his head. "We have already started construction in the west warehouse."

"Yes, it shouldn't take too long for it to be completed. Everything is right on schedule, so I repeat; why are you here?" It was taking everything he had not to show his frustration at his stubborn father.

"I am more than satisfied with how you have dealt with the fine print on the Blade Co. deal, but this requires my attention."

"Robert is gone dad. There is nothing more you can do for him." He knew his father was loyal to his friend, but he couldn't run two business'. Bringing up Robert, wasn't something he wanted to do, but his father needed to be resting.

"I am done here." Ned closed some files on his desk quickly and gathered them up. "Do you and Jayne have plans this evening?" Changing the subject, that was a distraction tactic his father taught him for negotiations.

"She has to work tonight." To his surprise, his father wasn't angry at him for marrying Jayne. He was a little on the cautious side but not actually angry. "I'm going to Jon's to watch a hockey game. What are you working on?"

Ned paused a moment in thought. "Something for Gendry Baratheon."

He hadn't heard that name before. The only Gendry he knew was dating Arya. "You mean Waters?"

"One and the same, the boy is Robert's heir. He will need help. I will not turn my back on the boy because of a small health scare."

He was pretty sure heart surgery wasn't a small health scare, but arguing with his father, when he took on that tone. "I can help if you need me too." He offered instead. It would be better if he was at least around.

"I will keep that in mind. Now, I should get going before your mother finds where I disappeared to." Robb watched his father slowly leave the office. After he was sure he went home, Robb crossed the building and gathered his own stuff before heading home.

After changing, feeding Grey Wind, and picking up some beer, he finally made it to Jon's apartment and let himself in. Ghost snarled quietly at him, before finally deciding he was allowed to be in the apartment. He checked the fridge and pantry, and for once was satisfied with the food selection. Robb fell into the small couch with Ghost. It was still going to be a little bit until Theon got there.

When the door rattled, he jumped over the arm of the couch and hid. Something about his brother brought out the child in him. He heard Jon put his side arm in the safe. That was a plus. Jon threw something on the other end of the couch. His footsteps drew closer. Robb tensed in anticipation. When Jon almost reached his end of the couch, Robb jumped out and yelled as he grabbed Jon. His brother fell back, grabbing Robb's arm. Before they hit the ground, Jon spun so Robb took the brunt of the fall. He was pinned to the floor with an arm wretched behind his back. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jon said above him.

"This was a better idea a few seconds ago." He mumbled into the carpet. Jon wasn't the brother he used to fight and wrestle with; he was a cop now.

"I could have shot you Robb."

"I heard you put the gun away. Are you going to let me up?"

"I haven't decided." Jon pushed himself up, before letting go of his arm. Jon grabbed his ribs as he stretched out.

He forgot Jon was actually injured. "Sorry, I really didn't think that though."

"No, shit! Is Andy here?"

"No one was here when I got here. Andy is still staying with you?" That was news to him.

"Probably not anymore, she didn't last night." Jon disappeared into his bedroom.

He grabbed a few beers out of the fridge and waited for Jon to return. Jon changed and popped the top on the beer that was waiting for him. "What did you do?" It was almost guaranteed that Jon did something.

His brother took a big gulp of beer and looked at him. "I thought she did something that she didn't do."

"You didn't go all Officer Stark on her did you?"

"Officer Stark?" Jon glared at him.

"You know what I'm talking about. Like when you found Theon's weed in my dorm room and freaked out."

"I didn't freak out."

Robb snorted. "You yelled at me for an hour, before Theon came in and got his stash." He couldn't even get a word in when Jon started his rant.

There was a thud against the door and Theon pushed through the door carrying a sack of dog food. "What the…" He started to say, but before he could finish Andy followed him in on her crutch. Jon stood and stared. Robb kicked his foot and mouthed 'Say something'

Jon glared at him again, but finally snapped out of it. "You didn't have to get Ghost food." That wasn't exactly what he had in mind.

Andy didn't even bother looking at Jon. "It was on my way. Thanks Theon." Andy hobbled to the spare room without another word.

Theon grabbed a beer and joined them in the living room. He turned on the TV and kicked Jon's foot again so he would sit down. The pregame was playing in the background, but the room was entirely too quiet. Several long moments later Andy came back out carrying a small bag. "It was nice see y'all again." She said as she reached the door.

He could see his brother's desperate thoughts running through his brother's head. "Where are you going?" He asked for Jon.

Andy glanced at Jon then back at him. "I'm taking Sansa something to change into. She's been at the hospital for a couple of days and refuses to leave. I'm hoping I can get her to at least change."

He hoped she was successful. He spent hours trying to convince Sansa to get some rest away from the hospital, but failed miserably. "Tell her we said hi." Andy nodded and left without another words.

"That was delightfully awkward." Theon kicked his feet up on the coffee table. "Was the sex that bad?"

Jon gave Theon a less than amused look. "Games about to start." He cut in, hoping to avoid an argument.

"Don't you want to know Robb? Those two have been making eyes at each other for awhile, and now they barely speak. It sounds like bad sex to me." Theon grinned as he popped a handful of chips into his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up Theon." Jon snapped.

Robb let his head hit the back of the couch. It was always like this when Jon and Theon were together. "Come on Theon, you know Jon doesn't have enough game to get that far." Robb joked, nudging Jon again.

Jon glared before finally breaking into a small smile. "At least I didn't get drunk and married." His brother countered, making Theon laugh loudly. He knew how to diffuse the tension between his best friend and his brother. He'd been doing it for years. Andy wasn't brought up again, mostly because the game started, thankfully.

The game flew by, with lots of cussing, some cheering and more than a few beers. The horn blew on the third period, signaling the end of the game and a win for their team. Theon immediately started gathering his things. "Sorry boys, I have a little lady waiting for my services." Jon just shook his head.

"See ya man." They all said their goodbyes and Theon left.

Jon and Robb sat and watched the post game in silence. "Did you apalogize?" Robb said, glancing at a text from Jayne.

"Yes I did. You saw for yourself. She doesn't want to talk to me." He listened to Jon while reading a few other texts from Jayne. She was off in an hour. Jon's phone buzzed on the coffee table.

Jon groaned and looked over at it. "It's probably work." Jon leaned over and picked up his phone. "It's Andy!"

"Answer it idiot."


Robb waited patiently for them to make up. Jon's face shifted from nervous to concern. "What do you mean someone is following you? Are you sure?" Jon asked, as Robb leaned forward in his seat. Jon's life was way more exciting than his. "Alright… Go to the station. I'll have Grenn bring you back here…" Robb caught Jon's eye; Jon shrugged. He wasn't sure what was going on. Jon smiled. "No Andy, you will have to leave your truck at the station." His brother was in deep. That was how Jon was with women. There was no halfway with him. It was all or nothing. He probably should leave, but part of him wanted to make sure Andy was safe. "I'm losing you…" Jon pushed buttons on his phone. "Damnit, I lost her."

He needed to get going, but not while Jon was so worked up. "Does she know who is following her?" He asked trying to get Jon to focus.

"No, but she is worth a lot of money, new business deals, she's a key witness in a shooting. Oh god, there are several reasons someone would follow her." Jon started to pace as he dialed his phone again. Jon was defiantly freaking out. Robb listened as Jon basically barked orders into the phone. Robb looked at his phone. Jayne was off now. "Okay. Thanks Grenn. Tell her that her truck will be fine for one night." Jon hung up and took a deep breath. "She made it to the station. She must have been going that way."

"That's good news. I hate to leave but Jayne just got off work."

Jon slouched into the couch and let his head fall back. "Andy should be here soon. Go enjoy that new wife of yours."

He laughed. That was exactly what he was going to do.

Sandor- Thursday night.

Somebody needed to shut that fucking beeping up. It was waking him up. He needed sleep and food. Where was the damn food? He moved his legs slightly. Everything was numb. So very slowly, he tried to open his eyes. "No… no… no… not yet." A woman's voice came from somewhere around him. "Can you just wait for like 10 minutes before you wake up?" She said. The voice was familiar.

The blinding light above him had him squinting. "Where…" His throat scratched painfully.

"The hospital, Sansa will be back really soon. Shit, shit, shit, you weren't supposed to wake up while she was gone."

"Sansa" He said her name. Memories popped into his mind. He wasn't sure if they were real or not. His eyes slowly started to focus on his surroundings. There she was, the woman speaking to him. She was leaning on a crutch near the foot of his bed. What was her name? He knew it.

"Why am I here?"

The young woman stared at him for several moments. "You don't remember?" No he didn't fucking remember. When he tried to sit up, to tell her just that; pain shot through his torso. The woman winced and walked a little closer. "I wouldn't do that. It hurts like a bitch." She gently touched her side, where she was stabbed. The thought stopped his movements. He remembered Gregor tried to kill her. The fucking drugs had to be messing with his head.

"Ya, it does. What happened?"

"You were shot." She told him. The sound of a gun cocking echoed through his head. The words 'Joffrey sends his regards' filtered in as well. A hot rage burned through him. That fucking little shit tried to have him killed. His legs swung out of the bed on their own. "Shit" Andy cussed, her name popped into his head with those words. She was by his side trying to make him stay put. He wasn't having it. Joffrey was going to pay. He fought her feeble attempts to calm him. "Damnit! You lost a fucking kidney. Sit down!" She almost yelled at him.

When he stood, she lost her balance and he sent her to the ground, with some more cuss words. Damnit, he didn't need this right now. She could stay down there. He had a little cunt to murder. "Sandor Clegane!" A shocked shout came from the doorway. He grimaced internally. "You sit down in that bed right now!" He stared at the entrance to the room. Sansa's auburn hair hung in wet waves around her shoulders. The clothes she was wearing didn't fit her, and it looked as if tears were leaking down her face.

At the moment, she was very un-Sansa like. She stepped further into the room and crossed her arms over her chest. They stared at each other for several moments, before a single eyebrow rose on her beautiful face. Defeated, he eased back onto the bed.

"Don't worry about me, I'm good down here." Andy said from the floor. He hoped Sansa hadn't seen him knock the tiny injured girl down. Sansa hurried to Andy's side and helped her into the chair next to his bed. Sansa pressed the button for the nurses. She also made him settle back into the bed. He should say something, but he sat in awe as she fussed with the pillows and sheets on his bed.

A barrage of nurses and doctors flooded into the room. They poked and prodded him, until he shoved hands away from him. "Two difficult patients in the same room, Lucky me." A woman said with a slight smile. "That is all for now." She dismissed the nurses.

"Sandor, this is Dr. Westerling… Stark?" Sansa introduced them, unsure of the last name for some reason.

"I'm not actually your doctor, but I always seem to get called for the more… difficult patients. Lucky me." He saw Andy roll her eyes, but she made no move to leave her stable seat. He was surprised that he hoped he hadn't hurt her too much.

"When do I get to leave?" He asked.

"You lost a kidney."

"I have another." Sansa poked him.

The doctor glanced between him and Andy. "Are you sure you two aren't related?" He grunted and laid his head back against the pillows. He was feeling increasingly tired.

"How long does he need to stay?" Sansa asked at his side, ignoring him.

"We need to monitor him to make sure there were no complications from surgery. I would say 3-5 days, depending on his rate of recovery." The doctor said. Sandor closed his eyes. If they thought they were keeping him here for five days, they were sorely mistaken. "I'm going to let you rest. If you need anything, like tranquilizer, just call." He was sure that was directed at Sansa. He heard the door close and Andy started to stir to his right.

"I should get going. I'm glad you're awake, Sandor." She gently squeezed his and. "If you need anything, let me know." He didn't apologize to her, but he did open his eyes long enough to watch her leave.

When the door swung shut, it was just him and Sansa alone in the quiet room. She entwined their hands together. Maybe it was all real. "You scared me." Her voice was quiet, timid even.

He ran his thumb over her knuckles to make sure she was real. "I'm sorry." That was possibly the first time he had ever said those words to a living person. The last thing he ever wanted to do was to scare her. He tugged on her arm, unsure of what else to do. Sansa slowly and carefully crawled into the bed next to him. There wasn't much space, so she was mostly laying on him. It hurt a little but he wasn't going to say anything. For now, this was where he wanted to be, but later Joffrey Baratheon was going to pay.