"Mr. and Mrs. Tsujimoto, I'm afraid to say this but your daughter has a rare congenital heart disease called 'Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy'. My colleagues and I have done multiple diagnoses on Miki but the results are similar in the end." The doctor said with absolute seriousness, not averting his gaze towards the couple.

"But..how? Why? How is that possible?" Mrs. Tsujimoto's eyes were starting to well up. She couldn't believe that her only daughter possessed a fatal illness that she herself has never heard off.

"The closest possible cause of this is heredity. Most likely, at least one relative, even a distant one from either of you had the same ailment. Another as we suspect is gene mutation. This is not common but happens in approximately 10% of global pregnancies. But until now, there's no clear findings on why they occur." The man in white lab gown explained lightly. He was considerate enough not to drop technical terms unto his clients to avoid added confusion. He could see how worried poor girl's parents are plus he hates repeating himself.

Mr. and Mrs. Tsujimoto are very wealthy Japanese immigrants who own multiple businesses scattered across Australia. They moved to the Land Downunder right after the birth of their only daughter. Both were from a lineage of affluent families with powerful connections; feared in the business world. However, to this loving and warm couple, the only thing that they value more than anything the earth has to offer is their sweet, delicate and innocent child. So discovering that their daughter's life may be in grave danger shattered their hearts into thousand pieces.

"But you can make her well, right? This is the best hospital in this country and you're the most successful doctor this medical institute has. Tell me you can cure my daughter. I can pay no matter what the price is." Mr. Tsujimoto begged. He was near to crying as well but as the head of the family, it was his responsibility to take care of his wife and child. His own emotions must be contained at all cost.

"I can understand your predicament and worry as I myself am a father. But you don't have to ask that from us because right now, we are giving the best remedies to slow down the symptoms and prevent further attacks. Miki will have to undergo a life-long intake of maintanace drugs. If the worse happens, and God forbids it doesn't, we might need to take more drastic actions. We can perform an open-heart surgery; although the success rate is relatively high, there is no guarantee that the attacks may never occur. Personally, I would like to take the alternate instead..." Dr. Curtis focused his stare on the faces of his clients as he let out a cliffhanger.

"And the alternate is?" Mrs. Tsujimoto inquired eagerly. She needed to know every possible way that could save her baby's life.

"The best possible procedure is a heart transplant." There was no holding back. As a professional, he needed to guarantee the best results and after years of practicing medicine, his advices and intuition never fail.

"But doctor, finding a suitable donor is as impossible as searching a penny in the ocean! The organ needs to match my daughter's body or else it will be rejected." The patient's father was starting to feel hopeless.

"Sir, that is just one of the problems. There is more..."

"Damn it! What else?" The japanese man was already losing patience. His wife was trying to calm him down. They should be stable in these difficult times and anger would not help at all.

"I will not be undertaking the surgery say there is a donor already."

"Say what? Why? Haven't you done a countless operations before? What are you planning on doing? Have an amateur butcher my daughter and bear no responsibility?" It was not a character of a true lady to raise her voice but this is one of those rare moments she forgets her manners.

"Mrs. Tsujimoto please, let's talk rationally here. I'm a doctor and it is my sworn duty to save lives. I will have to porfeit my license if I deny a patient whoever he or she may be. I said I won't be undertaking the procedure- that is because I'm recommending someone who is better than I am."

"...Someone better than you are?" Their mouths gaped opened, obviously confused.

"Yes. You see, I'm already ageing and my knowledge is not increasing more than it should. The new generation is more advanced in almost all aspects, technology and medicine alike. But there is this young prodigy who works miracles. I believe he has the same nationality as yours." He explained quizzically.

"So, this young man can help my child? And is in Japan?"

"Precisely. Japan's medical industry is one if not the most advanced in congenital researches. He's name is Dr. Yuuichi Ootori. He's also the successor of the Ootori group. I'm pretty you're both familiar with his family name since you're lot is associated in that industry as well." He raised his brow expecting confirmation.

"That's true. We've done a deal with them, if I'm not mistaken." Years ago, Kaguro and Chiriko signed a contract alongside the Ootoris.
"But what are you advising my wife and I to do?"


Kaguro and Chiriko headed to their daughter's private room with unreadable faces. Moments ago, they've already agreed on a mutual decision. They need to discuss it with Miki and by all means, their plan must materialize.

They reached the room their child was occupying. The couple entered and found her sitting on an armchair near the window gazing outside. It was a fine day and the sky was calm with sparse clouds.

Miki Tsujimoto is a very beautiful girl, only 17 years of age. To describe her precisely, her curly brownish and silky hair falls up to her waist. Her eyes are a bit circular but slanted on the edge curtained by long and curving eyelashes. The smooth skin and light complexion was passed down to her by her mother, Chiriko while the uplift nosebridge was from her father, Kaguro. Her face is shaped like a heart completed by a small mouth with naturally pinkish lips and soft rosy cheeks. Due to her weak condition, she's slightly skinny but endowed with the rightful curves a young woman her age should have. She makes fun of herself as she only stands no more than five-foot-three, calling herself a midget although her height is perfect for her doll-like image.

She's a very cheerful and friendly girl. Being rich was not an excused for her to abuse all the privileges her family can provide. In fact, she uses these advantages to help others. She insisted on establishing a charity foundation when she was 16 and visits orphanages ever so frequently- playing with children and handing out gifts to orphans. She's very compassionate and sweet not only to her parents but to everyone. Miki is also a brilliant child. She is excellent in arts and music but because of her illness, she goes to school irregularly and just have a private tutor instead.

A perfect girl she truly is. However, it's very unfair that an angel like this is suffering. Why did she have to shoulder the weight of being sick? She's as radiant as sun, full of life. Why was she chosen to endure a life-threatening disease? There are a lot of people out there who deserve to die. Why their daughter? Chiriko kept on thinking while looking at the smiling face of the wonderful being who came from her own flesh and blood.

"Mom, dad. It's a beautiful day today, ne? I wish I have my paint with me. I want to capture in the moment." She said in her usual perky and cute voice.

"Yes, dear. It is. Well, we've talked to Dr. Curtis, see." Kaguro started nervously.

"Oh? So what did he say? Are we gonna go home? I miss Taffie already. I know Mr. Smith is taking care of her but I wanna hug her so bad. The nurses here are no fun at all." Taffie is the name of her favorite pet dog and Mr. Smith is their family's butler. She turned around to face her parents and plaster a huge grin that made Mr. and Mrs. Tsujimoto's heart melt.

"I..uhm, uhuh. We are going home."

"Really? When? I hope we can go home tomorrow."

"I think you should be asking where..."

"Huh? I'm not getting you, dad? Aren't we going back to Sydney? Or we're staying on our villa in Melbourne?"

"None of them. Actually sweetheart, we're going back to Japan..."

A/N: I know it's a long chapter and no host club yet but I just want you guys to have a perfect background about the OC. I'm putting the main characters on the preceding chapters so worry not :) Please review, comment, suggest. Feel free to share your opinions :)
Thank you so much! My other fanfic is hanging so I'm working on 2 stories. But I'll try my best to update this as soon as possible. I just need some encouragement from you and some powerful chants against procrastination (*laughs*)

Yeah, Hunny-sempai is our leading man here but I'm thinking of an unlikely love triangle. haha I'm bringing some serious and romantic sides of Hunny here so expect some action in the love department. (Although sometimes I can't imagine Hunny taking something seriously apart from martial arts, usa-chan and CAKES!)

Have a good life! xoxoxoxo