Summary: Probably post ROTF, but it's not really very relevant. Two good friends decide to open a carwash business to help them pay for the bills. Little do they know that they will be attending to very special guests.

Disclaimer: Transformers characters are © to Hasbro. The story is mine.

The idea of this fanfic came up when I was talking with Angelcakes19 about how cool it would be to give Cybertronians carwashes. So, this story is just an excuse to write that, and the two OC's that appear in it are just an excuse to wash them. The plot will be scarce, and the story is to be taken lightly. I only wished to write something funny to make my readers smile, so please, don't be harsh on me.

Please enjoy, and don't hesitate to leave a comment if you want to make any suggestions.

Chapter 1: Wash and Wax

A young woman, probably in her early twenties, stood over a step ladder, her hands resting on her hips and a proud expression on her face. In front of her, hung the object of her admiration: a neon sign that read 'Wash & Wax' with beautiful and elegant letters.

"I just hope it doesn't fall on anyone." Said another woman, standing on the floor, her arms crossed across her chest and slight worry on her features.

"Of course it won't!" The woman on the stepladder whirled around and looked down to her partner. "I'm the drill master." She exclaimed cheerfully, pulling out said tool and making it spin. "Now, light it up! I want to see it in all its glory."

"Okay, but come down before you fall from there."

"In. All. Its. Glory!" She insisted, eyes shining in anticipation.

The woman on the floor gave an aggravated sigh and went to the fuse box, inspecting the switches until she found the one she was searching for. She switched it on and...

The whole shop was left in the shadows.

"Argh! For the love of...! Helen, you are supposed to be the scientist!" The woman on the stepladder exclaimed in exasperation.

"I'm still a student. A biology student... what does that have to do with electricity?" Helen complained, pulling a flashlight from a pocket and inspecting the labels inside the fuse box more closely.

"I don't know! Just do something quick before I fall from here!"

"I told you to-"


The argument was cut short by a sudden shorting sound and a shower of sparks flying out of the fuse box, immediately followed by a loud thud that could only mean someone falling to the floor.

"Helen!" The woman near the sign climbed off the stepladder in a single jump and went to the unconscious woman on the floor. Checking for a pulse, she let out a relieved sigh when she noticed that her partner was still breathing. "Helen, wake up!" She gave her a not too gentle slap.

"Angel?" Helen murmured, bleary eyes focusing on the other woman above her before glancing at their surroundings. "Oh hey, I fixed the lights!" She added, coming to a sitting position. The shop and the sign were lit.

"Girl, you gave me a good scare." Angel smiled, messing Helen's long and curly hair, now fuzzier than usual.

Both of them gave relieved sighs as they sat on the floor looking at the bright neon-green sign of their recently acquired business. Angel was studying languages, and Helen, biology. They had met one day jogging in the park, and had gradually become good friends. Sometime after that, they had decided to open a carwash business to help them pay for the bills. It had taken some initial investment, but today, their shop was finally ready to be open to the public.

"So, how are we going to attract our customers?" Helen asked after a while.

"Oh, I've got that covered." Angel winked an eye. "I've put an advertisement on the internet."

"Will that be enough?"

"I'm sure it will. I added some pics."

Helen looked suspiciously at her business partner.

[A/N]: And with that, the introduction is set. The next chapters will be featuring each one a different mech. Feel free to make suggestions!

PD: Thanks to Angelcakes19 for beta-reading this!