Harry Potter and the Mysterious Form

Harry Potter sat beside Hermione in the library of Hogwarts, his nose buried in a book, apparently fascinated by its contents. Animagi had caught their fancy after the whole Sirius business, and they had decided that they would discover how it worked and become Animagi themselves, studying and meditating over the summer, and hopefully they could begin the actual transformation preparations as soon as school began again the next year. The trip on the Hogwarts Express was spent copying their notes on the process, and trying to achieve the initial state of meditation required to discover the form of their animal.

When Harry got back to the Dursleys he rushed through his chores without complaint and then locked himself in his room in so that he would be uninterrupted in his meditations.

As he calmed his mind and tried to fall into a trance his scar started to burn, the pain growing as he pushed deeper into the meditation until finally, with a feeling of profound relief, the burning stopped and he felt as though some hunger he didn't even know he had had been sated. With that, he fell into the trance, and feelings floated to the surface of his mind, of bemusement and boredom with flashes of hunger and lust.

As the monotony and boredom of his summer continued, Harry kept up with his meditations, receiving vague memories of creating eggs and placing them in warm shoals throughout the endless icy sea and of trysts with others like him.

He kept contact with Sirius, who seemed to be doing quite well for himself, receiving many colorful tropical birds instead of owls. Sirius seemed quite interested in the details of Harry's meditations, and spent many letters wondering about what he could possibly be.

When he told Sirius of the diet his relatives were on, Sirius suggested that Harry take some money out of Gringotts and use it to keep himself fed. Harry told his aunt and uncle that he was heading out, then called up the Knight Bus and went to Diagon Alley.

For the rest of the summer he traveled around London, checking the sights and playing around. He bought himself some new outfits that fit him, and did other things that he had missed while growing up, like going to the movies or bowling. His relatives seemed to enjoy his absence as well, and as he kept up with the chores, even going so far as to suggest "tasty and healthy" alternate meals that he picked up in a cookbook that he bought, which tasted a lot better than granola and was far more filling that just a slice of fruit that they would otherwise have been eating.

Harry even had a small tryst with a pretty Irish witch he had met and started talking to on a whim.

One day, when he returned home after a day in London, Harry was accosted by his uncle, waving a purple letter in his face.

"What's this, then," his uncle demanded, as harry caught the letter and started to read.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dursley,

We have never been introduced, but I am sure you have heard a great deal from Harry about my son Ron.

As Harry might have told you, the final of the Quidditch World Cup takes place this Monday night, and my husband, Arthur, has just managed to get prime tickets through his connections at the Department of Magical Games and Sports.

I do hope you will allow us to take Harry to the match, as this really is a once-in-alifetime

opportunity; Britain hasn't hosted the cup for thirty years, and tickets are extremely hard to come by. We would of course be glad to have Harry stay for the remainder of the summer holidays, and to see him safely onto the train back to school.

It would be best for Harry to send us your answer as quickly as possible in the normal way, because the Muggle postman has never delivered to our house, and I am not sure he even knows where it is.

Hoping to see Harry soon,

Yours sincerely,

Molly Weasley

P.S. I do hope we've put enough stamps on.

Vernon then waved a letter literally covered in postage stamps in Harry's face. Harry thought over his words carefully.

"Thats a letter inviting me to the world cup of Quidditch," harry replied, "Thats kind of like Our version of Football, and just as popular."

After some discussion, Harry convinced his Uncle to let him attend the cup, with the agreement that he would leave his "Healthy Appetite" cookbook behind for Petunia.

Harry quickly responded in the affirmative, looking forwards to seeing his friends again.

That night the visions during his meditations were far more vivid than before; he came across one of the eggs he had placed, and looking at it he saw that it had flourished. He descended upon it to examine the beings it had spawned, and they reacted to him with awe. He felt amused by these creatures, and taught some of the brighter ones how to speak and they, in return, revered him. Upon waking, Harry wondered what kind of animal he could possible be.

Harry waited impatiently for his friends to arrive and pick him up, alone in the house as his relatives didn't want to meet his friends. finally he heard a loud banging coming from the fireplace, and after a minute of loud noises and arguing, the gas fireplace exploded outwards.

Out of the fireplace tumble the weasleys, covered in soot.

When Ron saw him, his mouth dropped open in shock.

"Blimey, Harry, you're huge!" exclaimed Fred and George in unison, "You must've grown a foot since we last saw you, mate!"

"Are your relatives here?" asked Mr. Weasley.

"No sir, they had a prior appointment for today, and had to be out of the house. Just let me grab my stuff, and we can go."

They quickly got his trunk and Hedwig's cage, and returned to the Burrow, Mr. Weasley repairing the floo behind himself.

When Hermione saw him, the first words out of her mouth were: "You've really grown Harry!"

When Harry looked at her, he felt a wave of lust ash over him, and he grabbed her in a hug with a "I missed you 'Mione."

The three friends quickly found some privacy to sit down and discuss the progress on their Animagi meditations.

"I had a vision where I would grab a sea urchin from the ocean, then break it open on a rock while floating on my back early this summer, so i immediately knew that I was an otter!" started Hermione, "I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts so that I can start the second part of the process!"

"I think I'm some kinda dog," said Ron, "think I'm some kinda corgi."

they both turned expectantly to Harry; he told them that he has no idea what he could be, then started telling them about the results of his meditation.