

Sharon vividly remembered the first time Andy kissed her. It was a very vivid imprint in her mind, the vibrancy of it illuminant in her remembrance, tingling her lips as she recollected it.

It had been so brief, so sudden, so awkward – and like a ghost upon her lips.

It had happened so suddenly; she had been unprepared. They had been out on the streets patrolling. They had been running like the hounds of hell were at their heels, heaving after air and holding unto courage with closed shaky hands – chasing two subjects who had literally just robbed a convenience store in front of the police.

Andy had tackled one of the suspects to the ground and Sharon had tried to imitate him – she had ended up with her back on the ground, big thick hands around her neck. It had been a panicky struggle, she remembered – but she had managed to kick the guy in his balls.

Their breaths had been loud in the darkly lit alley; the two thieves had covered and grumbled, handcuffed to the rail of a bench. They had called for back-up.

Andy had inspected her throat, the raw red marks of fingerprints bringing him to stand close to her. She remembered that his tall frame had soothed her nervous energy. His touch had been so gentle it had felt like air.

She had given him a relived smile; glad they were both okay.

He had kissed her - simply.

Sharon vividly remembered it; the half-apologetic, semi coy look he had tried to hide and the small hidden uplift to his lips. She remembered it so vividly because no one had ever looked at her like that. No kiss had ever been so brief and yet so potent.

She might have smiled back at him, and her eyes might have twinkled too much.

She might have taken a hold of his fingers, later on, and squeezed them.


Thank you all for following, =)