I swear, it was longer! The writing program I use is all screwy today. It freezes up all the time AND IT DOESN'T DO WHAT I WANT IT TO DO.

Just a heads up, you should definitely listen to Cleaning Apartment by Clint Mansell while you read this chapter. It helps with the tone, and it's more like awesome background music, seeing as it's instrumental music. :'3


Oh, and ay-yay or-fay ad-bay nding-eay? (That's Pig Latin)


D/C: I don't own the Hush, Hush saga or any of its characters.


Taking a chance, I quietly moved forward to peek out of the closet door. There, a man in all black stood, staring straight at me.

I screamed and cowered against the wall. Almost instantly, the man was running towards me. He grabbed me and picked me up, myself kicking and screaming.

And then everything went dark...

I woke up in a small room with fluffy white sheets; clean, tan floors; and black, windowless walls. There was no door that I could see, and I was left alone. My hands fumbled with my pant's pocket, looking for my cell phone.

"Patch?" I called, realizing that the cell was nowhere to be found. Slowly, I pulled the comforter back and pulled myself out of the bed, afraid about even making the bed squeak.

My voice only echoed off the walls, and I felt my arms wind themselves around my flat stomach.


Flat stomach.

I looked down and started quietly crying. I was wearing only a bra, and there was no baby bump.

Instead, a single scar was in its place.

"No!" I screamed and ran to a wall, hitting it and looking for any signs of a door.

But it wasn't a wall anymore... It was stone.

A mindtrick... I noted, relieved to see that my bump was back. My tears ended, but my fist was aching from the impact of the punch.

So much for being Nephilim.

"Hello, Nora," The voice was deep, and it caused me to jump.

I turned around quickly, "Who are you? What do you want?!"

He chuckled, and I tried to get a glimpse of his face, but it was hidden behind a dark mask.

It made me shiver.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Nora. I'm afraid I can't tell you who I am, but I'm sure you'll figure it out..."

I saw the strange man walk forward, and quickly, I put myself to work in his head, putting off bombs here and there.

It didn't seem to work.

A woman's voice spoke up, "See, Mr. C.? She's pathetic, really."

"Dabria!" I yelled, glaring at the woman as she casually strode in the dark room.

"Hello, Nora," she winked at me.

"I thought Patch said..." I trailed off, eyes wide.

"Oh, yes, he's lied to you more than once..."

"Shut up!" I yelled, balling my hands into fists.

"ENOUGH!" The man grumbled, and I could almost feel his eyes burning into my skin. "All we want are the children! They can't live!"

"Children? So I am having twins!" I half-yelled, half-asked.

"Why, of course. And we want them both dead, Nora!" Dabria laughed darkly. "And you can either let us or try to stop us!" She moved towards me, and I pushed her back, glaring.

"You will never touch them! I'll make sure of it!"

Dabria laughed, "Oh, the hard way? Thank God, our job just got a heck of a lot more fun!"

"Freaking game on!" I yelled, and they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

(Patch's POV)

I had no more calls from Nora, and I had to just hope that she was okay. I couldn't leave the hospital at the moment, and it seemed Vee was having a hard time birthing her boy.

I left a few more voicemails just in case, praying to God that Nora was okay.

Nora was okay.

Everything was okay.

"Mr. Cipriano?" A nurse came running down the hall towards me. I stood up and took a few steps toward her.


"We need you!" She didn't seem calm, but she didn't seem on edge either.

I followed her quickly to Vee's room, where she was quietly asleep. A crying baby was being held by another nurse, and she quickly sat the baby down on a little table thing.

The second nurse nodded me over, "We know you're not the father, but it's been hard for Ms. Vee, and she needs her rest. Could you cut the cord, please? Besides, you're going to be a father soon enough!"

A small grin made its way to my face as I saw the tiny baby all sprawled out on the table. I took the scissors and listened to the nurse as she instructed me on what to do.

Man, I couldn't wait until Nora had our kids. It'd be amazing.

I left as quickly as I could after that, skipping the store and racing to the house instead.

I knew something was terribly wrong when I realized one of the windows was shattered. Jumping out of the car, I raced inside, and I couldn't hide the horrified expression on my face.

"Nora?" I yelled. "Nora? God, Nora, please be alright!" I raced to every room, but the house was a mess and silent.

A single letter lay on the bed:

Did you honestly think it was over? Did you honestly think you could have two powerful children? Now you've lost Nora and the kids.

Stupid, Patch. Always making stupid decisions.
