A/N: So I had this idea. All you readers know what you want to have happen, so everyone should make up their own epilogues. When I thought about the ending to this story…and I mean just the Chara-ie(?), Chara-esk(?), fluffy(?), parts…The song, "Simply Amazing" by Trey Songz, came to mind. If you really listen to the lyrics, I think it actually sums up what Chuck's feeling towards Sarah. So, while imagining your own ending, give that song a listen. Now, if you want to read my epilogue, then please, read on. But I can safely guarantee that your own epilogue will be so much better than mine since…well you know…you got to have everything you wanted.

Please read the A/N (2) at the end of this chapter. You don't technically have to, but I hope you do. It's just some of my thoughts, apologies, and thanks, towards everyone.

Special thanks to my beta uplink2.

I don't own Chuck or anything for that matter. No money being made here.

Words in italics are characters thoughts. Watch the dates and locations cause I tend to jump around a lot.



June 2010

Los Angeles

Castle/Carmichael Industries

"Congratulations team, job well done!"

All of Team Bartowski, as well as Bryce and Orion, were down in Castle for a debriefing with the General. Seeing as how her team had taken yet another organized threat against the nation down, she was quite elated. With Fulcrum gone, and the Ring essentially in ruins, the count presently stood at Team Chuck: 2; 'Evil nut jobs': 0.

"Thank you ma'am, we couldn't have accomplished this feat without everyone in this room, as well as yourself, General." Chuck had a smile plastered on, but he wasn't so much happy as he was relieved that the Ring was basically no more. Although, only a part of him was calm since the bigger part was stressing over the fact that Shaw was still on the loose.

Beckman nodded her appreciation. "You have all earned yourself a small break. But once that's over, we must focus all of our attention on the constantly rising threat of Volkoff Industries."

Chuck raised his hand. "General, I mean no disrespect, but I don't think we should take any serious action against Alexei Volkoff until we have dealt with Daniel Shaw."

Diane's face scrunched in a slightly annoyed expression. She didn't like the fact that Shaw had escaped either, and she knew why Chuck was so focused on him, but she really couldn't have her best team's attention divided at such a critical point in time. With the ever increasing danger to the nation by the hands of this emerging organization, Volkoff needed to be priority number one.

"Daniel Shaw has gone underground. Ever since we found out he'd turned rogue, we have frozen all of his assets. We're assuming that he used the Ring to back him financially in return for his services. Now that the Ring is destroyed, he has virtually nothing. Even though Shaw is in the wind at the moment, he will turn up eventually. We have our feelers out for him, so don't worry Chuck."

Nobody present in Castle was satisfied with that answer. As much as they hated the man, there was no denying the fact that Agent Shaw was an experienced spy. Not having funds wouldn't stop someone like him from his quest for revenge. Still, nobody wanted to challenge the General, so they held their tongues. Well, nobody but Chuck.

"That's not good enough General! We can't just be sitting around, twiddling our thumbs while we wait for his impending attack. We need to find him before he hurts someone!" Before he hurts Sarah!

The General was livid at Chuck's blatant show of disrespect.

"Agent Carmichael, YOU will follow my orders, and YOU will go after whoever I tell YOU to!"

Both the General and Chuck glared at each other, waiting for the other to blink first. The tension was palpable, and nobody dared make a sound.

Minutes later, and the staring match continued. Chuck was visibly upset, and Diane understood why, but as much as it pained her, she needed Team Bartowski on Volkoff instead of chasing down Shaw for however long. Beckman trusted that another team could locate the rogue agent, but she didn't trust any other team in handling something as nuclear as Alexei Volkoff.

The General blinked.

Beckman sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

"You're a major pain in my-…Look Carmi…Bart…Chuck. I understand you're worried for the safety of your team, I understand. But I need your team focused on the take down of Volkoff. You have my word that I'll do everything I can to find Shaw. I'll get my best men on it."

Morgan took a step forward and raised his hand, "Ma'am?"

Casey growled. "Shut it moron!"

The bearded one was a little frustrated with the Colonel demeaning him now, of all times, but he had his best friend's back.

Morgan stuck out his chest. "General, we are your best."

Beckman opened her mouth then closed it. He's not wrong.

"Be that as it may Mr. Grimes, I still need Team Bartowski to focus their efforts on Volkoff Industries."

Chuck took a calming breath and really thought about it. The General was right; an evil organization bent out to destroy the nation, and the world, took precedent over one man. For all he knew, Shaw could be in some bunker/safe house at the moment, never to be heard or seen from again…I wish. Or maybe while he was escaping, during the Ring takedown, he got in a car accident and died…If only. Chuck needed to trust Beckman with finding Shaw. It was probably better this way since he was too emotionally invested. Since the rest of his team didn't seem to protest Beckman's decision, they probably agreed with it. So who was he to argue against a General and a team of highly competent spies? Chuck wanted the best option that kept everyone safe, especially his loved ones. He only hoped that whatever the General had planned was enough.

Chuck relented. "General, I understand. You need us on something bigger…Just don't take this lightly. He knows about the Intersect, and he was ex-CIA, so who knows what secrets he's planning on selling. Shaw isn't our main priority, but he is a priority…And no need to worry about us, we'll do our best to take down Alexei Volkoff."

Beckman smiled. She was glad he understood her position.

"I have no doubt Chuck."

Bryce cleared his throat from the back of the room.

"I'm sure I can use the Intersect to track Shaw down faster."

Diane mulled it over. She had initially wanted the Intersect, along with Team Bartowski, to hit Volkoff Industries on multiple fronts, but Chuck had a point. She needed to speed up the capture of Daniel Shaw, if only for everyone's peace of mind. The Intersect could advance things along in locating that traitor exponentially. Having Agent Larkin track down Shaw while her best team focused on Volkoff seemed like essentially a win-win.

"Very well, Agent Larkin, you are to report to D.C. for some additional testing on the Intersect. Once you are cleared, after some appointed down time, you may begin your mission on capturing Daniel Shaw. Terminate if need be…" The General glanced at everyone. "…Team Bartowski, take some time to gather yourselves, then contact me when your vacation is up. Make the most of it because once your back, we need all hands on deck to stop this new threat. Now are there any other questions?" Her hand reached for the button to terminate the feed. She didn't care if there were any questions. But as her finger grazed the button, she suddenly remembered something.

"I almost forgot. Agent Walker…your request for permanent reassignment has been approved. Welcome to Team Bartowski. May God have mercy on your soul." Diane smirked then terminated the conference call.

Bryce walked up to Chuck and patted him on the back.

"Don't worry buddy, I'll get him. And don't worry about your dad; I'll keep an eye on him."

Chuck spun around, confusion written all over his face.

"What are you talking about Bryce?"

Stephen appeared at the side of Larkin, and he cleared his throat.

"Son, we need to talk."

Bryce at least had the courtesy to look regretful for letting it slip. He walked off mumbling an apology and how he suddenly remembered he had something important to do.

Aside from Sarah, everyone else split too, realizing how father and son might have desired some much needed privacy.

Sarah knew she probably should have left like the rest of her team, but if Chuck needed her, then she damn sure was going to be there.

With a timid voice, she asked, "Should I go Chuck?"

He turned, and the nervousness in his eyes gave way to how he felt. "Could you stay?"

How that simple question could make her feel like the happiest person in the world, she had no clue…Oh hell, who was she kidding, she knew exactly why. He needed her. Her Chuck needed her.

She took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Of course, I'm not going anywhere."

Chuck gave Sarah a quick kiss and turned back to his father.

"You aren't staying are you?"

Stephen lowered his head. "I'm going to be a part of the new Team Intersect."

Chuck's eyes widened slightly. "You have got to be kidding me!? Why, you're not an agent. Why not stay and be with your family? Ellie is having a baby for Christ's sake!"

Stephen tried to smile to lighten the mood. "I might not be an agent, but Orion still has some moves…" When he didn't see any smiles reflecting back at him, he quickly continued. "…Look Charles, The Intersect all started with me, and I have to take responsibility for it. I have to make sure the government doesn't try anything, and that Bryce is OK and the Intersect is being used for what it was meant for. I still have a lot of enemies…And it's not like I'm going away forever, if anything, I'll be able to visit more seeing as how Team Intersect and Team Bartowski's paths should be crossing more often than not. I'm going to help in the taking down of Shaw, then once that's done, we'll help with Volkoff."

Chuck didn't know what to say. He got that his dad felt an obligation regarding The Intersect, and that Stephen was probably distancing himself to help keep his kids safe once again, but it still pissed him the hell off.

Still, there had to be more. Chuck noticed how his father had paused after talking about his many enemies. Was Orion going to use Bryce for his own selfish gains?

Stephen wrapped his arms around his son "Aces Charles, you're aces."

He didn't feel Chuck reciprocate the hug, but once he spoke the phrase he used to always say to his son, he at least felt the tension leave Chuck's body.

Orion then surprised Sarah by wrapping her up in a hug. In her ear, he whispered, "Take care of my son."

She could only nod.

Stephen Bartowski went off in search of Bryce. They needed to fly out to Washington D.C. soon, and that left him with limited time for his farewell with his daughter.

Chuck's eyes were unfocused as he gazed into nothing in particular.

"I can't believe he's leaving again. Why can't he just stay?"

Sarah stepped in front of him and wrapped her arms around his back. Instinctively, Chuck's hands wrapped her up as well.

"I think he's doing what he thinks is best for his family." She snuggled into his chest.

Chuck kissed the top of her head. "I get that, it's just…" He sighed.

Sarah looked up at him. "You'll always have me."

Chuck looked into her oceanic eyes and smiled. "We'll always have each other…" He descended upon her lips. When they separated, he spoke. "…I love you."

Sarah stood on her tippy toes and gave him a peck on the lips. "I love you too."

When their lips converged for a third time, they were in no hurry to let go anytime soon. They could have stayed interlocked with each other till the world, and its people, withered away around them, leaving Chuck and Sarah to be the only ones left. To them, that's all they needed.

July 2010

Los Angeles

Casa Bartowski/Grimes

It was dark.

Every light in the place was off, but since it was mid-afternoon, some rays of sunlight seeped through the closed blinds.

Chuck was nervous. This was just way too important for anything to go wrong.

"Morgan buddy, we need to be on point for this."

The bearded one smiled at his friend's nervousness. Morgan was honored that his brother had so much faith in him. He wasn't known as a responsible person, in fact, it was the exact opposite. Morgan Guillermo Grimes was the master at work avoidance. But with all that this mission entailed, and the lives at stake, he was going to work harder than he has ever had before.

"I won't let you down Chuck. I'll show you that you made the right decision in choosing me as team leader for this mission."

Chuck smiled. Morgan was always there when he needed him the most, and right now, he needed him more than ever. He knew his little buddy was the right choice. Chuck was about to open his mouth to respond when a resounding knock silenced him.

Morgan went to his room to get the plans while Chuck went to the front door. Once he was satisfied with what he saw through the spyhole, he quickly herded the rest of his team inside.

Carina was the first to voice her confusion.

"Chucky, why are we here…and why are there no lights?"

"All in due time Carina."

He shuffled everyone around the dining room table, and flicked the light switch for the lamps positioned by the doors leading to the back patio on. It wasn't nearly enough to illuminate the room, though it was good enough for the small area around the table. There was a good chance he was being over dramatic, but he was going for stealth, and what was stealthier than darkness?

As Morgan walked over to the group carrying what seemed to be a poster sized roll of paper, Tiffany was the second one to voice her concerns. She was worried with all the secrecy Chuck was exhibiting. He usually was very warm, open, and caring. It was what made her fall for the nerd in the first place…Annnnd that's enough of that!

"Alright Chuck, what's going on, you're making me a little worried. Did Beckman call about a new mission?"

Chuck was ready for all the inquiries, but what surprised him was the fact that Casey kept quiet. Did he know? That'd be impossible, there was no way…then again John was always very intuitive, even if he had you believing otherwise.

"We do have an important mission on our hands, and all of your questions will be answered soon. Now everyone listen up. Morgan has the floor since I've appointed him mission lead for this."

Casey finally sounded off. The Colonel's grunt voiced his displeasure at the bearded gnome being in charge. There was a slight hint of 'doom' in there as well. John Casey was a very talented man when it came to grunting.

Grimes unrolled the massive poster that contained a map with a bunch of writing and sticker markers on it.

"This mission…if you choose to accept…will be named, Operation Ring…"

Morgan caught the incredulous glare from Chuck and wondered what he had done wrong already. He then remembered the name of the nefarious organization Team Bartowski had just recently taken down, and realized the mishap. Probably not the greatest idea to have anything relating the two.

"…I mean that is not the name. The actual name for this mission is…" He couldn't think of anything at the moment. "…That's not important right now, we'll think about the name later. Anyways, what we have here is a map of…"

Captain Awesome interrupted. Devon had stayed silent up until this point because he felt the mixture of shock and excitement with actually being involved in the spy game. But when the meeting started, he began thinking of the danger involved and the secrets he might have to keep from Ellie, who wasn't present at this little spy briefing. Not awesome. Morgan unraveling that map, and talking about mission names finally snapped him out of his thought process.

"Whoa guys, this is very exciting and all, and I'm honored that you guys think I can handle all this spy stuff, but I don't think I should be here. I don't want to have to lie to your sister Chuckster."

Chuck smiled. He couldn't have imagined a better husband for his sister. Devon was amazing.

"Relax Devon, she knows."

Morgan nodded. "Yeah dude, no need to worry. Ellie is actually a big part of this. Who do you think is distracting our mark as we speak?"

Awesome's eyes widened. "Chuck, how can you put your sister in danger like that!? She's pregnant!"

"Devon I would never do…" He shook his head in disbelief. "…she's with Sarah right now." Chuck knew this could all go downhill, and fast.

The Captain was still tense, but he felt slightly better that Sarah was with Ellie. He had to be overreacting right? The Chuckster would never let any harm come to his sister.

Devon nodded, not trusting his voice.

Grimes continued. "As I was saying, this here is a map of the proposal plan that my main man here has had ever since we were kids. Of course it has been revised since then."

Morgan had taken Chuck's proposal plan and had the map of the beach near the Pacific Coast Highway, enlarged to make it seem more legit. This was serious business after all.

Carina and Tiffany's eyes both widened in realization at the same time. He saw this and the Bartowski smile broke out and was in full effect.

The two ladies rounded the table to envelope one of the most important men in their lives, in an embrace. They weren't normally ones to show what Casey had termed 'lady feelings', but they were surprisingly…and quite honestly…happy. Sure, the two beautiful bombshells were also a tad jealous, but a long time ago, they had both accepted in their own ways that Chuck and Sarah were meant to be. They were still going to give Walker a bit of a hard time, but you can blame Chuckles for that.

Devon joined the pile for a hug after belting out, "Congrats Bro…Group hug, Awesome!"

Morgan of course wouldn't be denied, however, he was trying to bury his way into the group so that he would be in between the two lovely ladies.

Casey just stayed off to the side mumbling about being 'surrounded by pansies'. Oddly enough, the Colonel did develop a bit of the sniffles all of a sudden.

When everyone disentangled themselves, they all got started on coming up with ideas for how Chuck should pop the question to Walker.

Of course Devon's first idea was to propose while sky diving. Apparently, since he couldn't have proposed to Ellie that way, he wanted someone else to do it. Chuck just shook his head and said that even though they were spies, it still probably wouldn't be a good idea.

Morgan wanted the proposal to happen at a romantic restaurant where there would be champagne, a string quartet, and 'Caballeros'. Naturally, Morgan would be waiting by the horse drawn carriage after dinner, wearing a penguin suite with a top hat; around 100 red and white balloons in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other.

Carina and Tiffany nixed that idea. Although they thought it to be romantic, the two female spies believed it to be best if the proposal was simple yet intimate. Something like showing Sarah a ring size chart and asking her to look up her size. Once Sarah accuses Chuck of giving away his secret, Chuck would drop down on one knee and show her that he already has a ring. Their reasoning for why they were right; 'Trust us, we know what women like'.

Casey…well he was Casey. John grumbled something unintelligible and made his way into the kitchen in search of scotch. When Chuck followed the Colonel a beat after, no one seemed to notice since everyone was too busy arguing about what Chuck should do.

John apparently knew he had company because when he turned around, he had two cups filled with the amber liquid. He handed one to Chuck which he gratefully accepted.

"Something the matter Casey?"

"Remember me telling you how I was married once?"

"Yeah…Her name was Kathleen right?" Chuck wanted to know so much more, but he thought it best to keep silent.

Casey grunted, 'yes'. "Never told you how I proposed though…I was about to ship out. We were young, I was stupid and things got screwed up. So I ended up proposing in a, Buffalo bus station. Not exactly the most romantic spot in the world…" Casey took a swig of his drink. "…But I'll always have that day. I'll always have that look on her face. You know the truth is there's no such thing as a perfect moment, or a perfect spot, so; forget about all that craziness in there, Bartowski…" He took another sip. "…All you need is the girl."

Chuck couldn't believe the emotion John was showing. It wasn't the first time the Colonel did this, but it damn sure wasn't on a regular basis.

"You know John, I think you're right." He downed the rest of his drink and went back out to the dining area, followed by Casey.

Morgan was saying something about combining everyone's ideas. "Well, except for the Captains'."

Devon shook his head. "Not awesome bro."

Chuck entered the conversation. After speaking with John, he agreed that it didn't need to be 'perfect'. It just had to be from the heart. Morgan's idea of taking bits and pieces from everyone's suggestions actually helped him formulate an actual proposal plan. And the good news…or bad news depending on how you looked at it…it wouldn't involve Deloreans, Lamborghinis, or wild stallions, like his old proposal plan.

"Guys, I think I got it."

July 2010

He had been starring at the door for who knew how long. It wasn't that he was scared, because he wasn't. It was more like he was anxious. Behind this door was the man who would be instrumental in helping him with the devastation of Sarah Walker.

Charles Bartowski, a.k.a. Charles Carmichael, who knew?

Shaw had finally found the identity of the man who was cradled in Walker's arms that fateful day of The Ring's destruction. Apparently, Carmichael and Walker have been partners before, and more importantly, a couple. Well, maybe not an official couple, but from what he had learned from his sources, it was plain as day that they were both compromised with each other.

He lifted his hand and gave three sharp knocks on the wooden mahogany door.

A voice coming from the room behind the door instructed him to come in.

Was this a trap? That wouldn't make sense…

Daniel strengthened his resolve, and pushed the door open. He immediately saw the man he'd been searching for, ever since his contacts relayed the information he needed while on the run, sitting in a chair at the end of the room. What surprised Shaw was the fact that the man smiled as if this was all expected. But how could that be?

Daniel took the seat across from his would be accomplice.

The man spoke in a thick Russian accent.

"What can I do for you Agent Shaw?"

"I think it's more of what we can do for each other. We seem to have a common enemy, and as the saying goes…the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Volkoff's grin grew. He was certainly intrigued.

"Is that so?"

Shaw nodded. "Not only will I break out your man, Yuri Gobrienko, but I can deliver the team that took him down in the first place…This, Team Bartowski."

Alexi's fists clenched and his eyes narrowed. All the while he kept that huge grin on his face.

Volkoff wondered how this Shaw person could have obtained such knowledge, but more importantly, if he knew too much. There was no doubt that he wanted revenge on the people who took Yuri, and if he could get his soldier back in the process, all the better. Yuri was important to Volkoff Industries…well ok, not him so much, as his faux eye. Did Shaw know of the intel the eye contained? Impossible.

"May I ask how you know what you do?"

"I belonged to the CIA not so long ago. During that time, I managed to gain very loyal colleagues. But not just in the CIA, I have a source in the NSA as well. I specifically found out about your man and the team that brought him down from my source in the NSA who, let's say, is very close to the top." Shaw smirked.

Volkoff nodded in understanding. "Even if your information is correct, what exactly is in it for you Daniel?"

"When my wife was murdered, my country turned its back on me and cast me aside. They froze all my assets and made sure I was left with nothing…I'm going to need Volkoff Industries to back me financially, as well as a number of your men under my control. Once I deliver Team Bartowski however, two members of the team will be off limits to everyone except me…An Agent Charles Carmichael and an Agent Sarah Walker. The rest of the group; NSA agents Tiffany Andrews and John Casey, and DEA agent Carina Miller, are yours to do as you please…And who knows, if everything works out, maybe I can join your little cause permanently."

Alexi could almost taste the perniciousness seething out of Shaw. And the one thing besides power that Alexi loved was pure and unadulterated wickedness.

"Why are these two so important to you?"

Shaw hesitated. Revealing his reasons to Volkoff could drastically put him in a position of weakness. He technically was, but this Russian powerhouse didn't need to know that. In the end, Daniel decided to show his hand. Volkoff looked like the type of bastard who got off on shit like this. It would probably help his case if anything.

"Walker was the one who killed my wife…Carmichael is her partner and lover. At first I wanted to kill her, but now I see that the best option for revenge is to punish Walker by destroying Carmichael. When it's all over and he's dead, I may grant her mercy and kill her too. Or I might not and let her continue on living knowing that it was me who took her one true love away from her, just like she did mine."

Volkoff boomed out a jovial laugh.

Here he was, pouring his soul out, and this crazed man, who seemed one Matryoshka doll short of a full set, was actually laughing at him. Now usually, this would have angered Shaw, but all Volkoff's laughing seemed to do was unnerve him.

Alexi wiped the tears from his eyes as he took a deep breath to calm himself. This is going to be fun.

"Daniel my boy…you have yourself a deal."

As apprehensive as Shaw felt, he had to smile. This is going to be fun.

July 2010

Los Angeles

Casa Bartowski/Grimes

The couple finally collapsed on their bed, breaths ragged. They were hot, naked, and sweaty. Chuck was on his back staring up at the ceiling; left arm lazily stroking his blonde goddesses back. Sarah on the other hand was snuggled up to his side; head on his chest, left arm draped over his waist, and legs playfully intertwined with his.

Sarah couldn't believe how this day had turned out. It started off so horrible and ended up being so…wow! Apparently, people were right when they said that angry sex was amazing. Of course, nothing would ever touch, making love with her Chuck. That's something that no words could even come close to describing. But angry sex definitely came in at a close second.

As she lifted her hand from his waist to play with his lithe chest hair, Sarah reflected back on the events that transpired that brought them to where they were now.

Sarah had known for some time that things weren't right. Casey, Carina, and Tiffany all seemed normal, although her two female teammates did seem more puckish than usual. It was everyone else who seemed to actively avoid her. She had asked Chuck what was going on, and even when he told her that everything was fine, she knew he was lying. It had hurt a lot that he didn't seem to trust her wholeheartedly, but she tried to let it go, choosing to believe that Chuck had a good reason for keeping secrets.

It was when she bumped into Morgan out in the courtyard today that everything seemed to come to a head. The moment she pierced him with her questioning gaze, he yelped and ran away. The yelping wasn't a surprise, but the small one actually ran away! I didn't need to be the best spy in the world…which, FYI, I am…to figure out that something really fishy was going on.

Sarah confronted Chuck again, and this time she wouldn't take anything but the truth for an answer.

The minute she entered their apartment, she went on the attack. Of course with the mixture of her accusatory eyes and all the questions she bombarded him with, he couldn't help but stutter and ramble nonsense. Then, all of a sudden it seemed like he had an epiphany. Chuck turned it around on her and put out the full court press. Naturally, Sarah became defensive and unfortunately said some really hurtful things she definitely regretted; one of them being how she couldn't trust him anymore because of how much he changed. Understandably, in turn, Chuck struck her down by arguing how she was the one not to be trusted since she was the one who left with Bryce, and how he wasn't 100% sure that she wouldn't get bored and up and leave again. There was no doubt that neither of them meant anything they said, but they just got so caught up in the moment.

The next thing either of them knew, their faces crashed into one another. There was nothing sweet and soft about it. Their kisses were completely animalistic with all the sucking, biting, and licking that were being done. While their lips and tongues battled for dominance, their bodies were being slammed onto every damn surface of the apartment. Chuck would hammer her onto any vertical surface, and Sarah would reciprocate this by crashing him onto anything horizontal. As frantic and desperate as it felt and looked, it was like a dance that only the two of them could perform.

The only downside to their frenzied acts was that their clothes got caught in the crosshairs. Evidently, there was no time to undress, not even if they hastily stripped to the best of their abilities. Both Chuck and Sarah started ripping, shredding, and tearing at anything they could get their hands on. Who needed clothes anyways?

Sarah sighed in content. Chuck was insatiable as he brought her over the edge four times…Or was it five? It was all a huge gigantic orgasmic blur! She was completely sated. But here she was, replaying scenes that happened not too long ago; and the fire in her that was once languished, reignited yet again.

She felt his chest hairs curl around her nimble fingers and her mouth began kissing and nipping at his skin. Sarah heard Chuck groan and mumble something unintelligible, but she just smiled and continued enjoying the taste of his body.

Chuck was in heaven, pure and simple. He was exhausted as hell, but what Sarah was dong to him right now made him forget that fact. Unfortunately, that mixture of fatigue and euphoria, made Chuck not realize that he was saying his thoughts out loud. Now you would think that that wouldn't be a problem since he's usually an open book anyways, and at the moment, he was actually mumbling more than speaking actual words. But of course the one thought that was the mother of all thoughts, was something that Sarah, of course, heard clearly.

With a loopy expression on his face, Chuck muttered, "Marry me."

Sarah's eyes went wide as her teeth clamped down on an area of skin near his navel, casing Chuck to yelp in pain.

"Sarah what the…" He craned his neck to look at her and all he saw were gigantic mesmerizing cerulean eyes staring back at him. He honestly had no clue what could have caused her to react like she did. Was it something I said? "…What's going on? Is something wrong?"

She instantly snapped out of her current state as her eyes began to water and her smile grew. He may have asked her…kind of…because of the ecstasy driven state she had induced, but she would take it. After all, he had let slip his intentions before with the name mix-up, and he wouldn't have said anything now if he hadn't meant it, right?

Sarah started nodding her head enthusiastically as she peppered his body with kisses.

"Yes Chuck…Yes…I'll marry you!"

It was Chuck's turn for his eyes to enlarge. Why would she…unless…did I…

He replayed the last few minutes in his head. He remembered how he asked Sarah to marry him in his mind, but he must have said it out loud if Sarah…

Chuck closed his eyes and groaned. "Dammit, I can't believe…" He didn't see the hurt in Sarah's eyes. But then, like a light bulb being screwed on, it hit him. His eyes sprung open and he looked at her again as the Bartowski special threatened to split his face. "…Wait a minute, did you just say yes?"

Seeing his smile made her fears die down considerably and all she could do was nod adorably as a smile of her own threatened to outdo her fiancés.

Chuck pulled her up quickly and their lips interlocked passionately. After several minutes though, the need for air became apparent, and they reluctantly detached.

Chuck's hand flew to his face and he smacked himself as realization once again dawned on him.

"Sarah, you've made me the happiest person alive by saying yes, but…This is so screwed up. I had everything set up so I could propose to you tomorrow night!"

Things had finally clicked into place for Sarah as well.

"Is that the secret you've been keeping?"

He nodded. "I'm sorry for lying to you, but I just wanted it to be perfect. I wanted to surprise you."

She just gazed down at him adoringly. "No, I'm sorry for pressing the issue. I know you would never keep anything important from me. I should have just trusted you and let it go. Like you said, you were just trying to surprise me."

Chuck smirked. "Is it bad that I'm not sorry for the fight though?"

She slapped his chest and buried her head in the crook of his neck.

He kissed the top of her head.

"I mean wow!"

She giggled. "I know…we should definitely have more fights. I've heard they're quite healthy for a relationship."

"If nothing else, it will sure improve our cardio" he smiled mischievously.

She lightly nipped him "So what now?"

He thought about it for a beat. "Well, we can still do things as planned, so dress nice tomorrow because we're going out for a very romantic dinner."

"Chuck, it really isn't necessary. What we shared today was more than perfect. I don't need some over the top proposal."

"I feel the same way about today too. But Sarah, I want to do this for you. I want to show you how much you mean to me…and to be perfectly honest, a part of it is for me too."

Sarah lifted herself from his embrace and just stared at him quizzically.

He lightly blushed. "What? So I dreamed about how I would propose to someone when I was younger. Kids do that all the time!"

The amusement in her eyes was plain to see. "Yea Chuck. Little girls dream about their weddings and proposals all the time."

He narrowed his eyes at her.

Sarah smiled brightly. "Love you"

Chuck chuckled and pulled her back to her spot. The one where she was half on top of him with her head buried in the crook of his neck.

Sarah's mind thought back to when Chuck spoke about going out for a romantic dinner and her mind started to drift to the story about her parents 'nightmare' proposal. She didn't believe in superstition, but why take the chance?

"Chuck, maybe the whole restaurant idea isn't…"

He interrupted her train of thought.

"Sarah, everything will be fine. I have everyone making sure that every little detail will go off without a hitch."

"Everyone huh?" Hmm, Ellie and Casey are too strong to break. Maybe I can corner Morgan or the Captain...they should break easily. Or I can probably goad Tiffany and Carina into spilling.

Chuck interrupted her musings. "Trust me Sarah."

Sarah just smiled and nuzzled herself into his body deeper.

"Always Chuck."

The next night

Los Angeles

Casa Bartowski/Grimes

Sarah felt like the luckiest woman in the world. In only a few hours, she will officially become Mrs. Bartowski! Let's just ignore the fact that they've technically already gotten engaged less than 24 hours ago, and that it won't really be 'official' until they get married. I mean, who would be stupid enough to argue with Sarah 'Freaking' Walk…Uh, Bartowski!?

She looked herself over in the mirror. Even she had to admit that she looked pretty damn good. Sarah wore a nice figure hugging, 'red/salmon' colored dress that ended a couple inches below her knees. Her royal blue heels really brought out her eyes, and the light shade of blush and lipstick she wore just accentuated her beauty.

As Sarah fussed over putting on her hoop earrings, she got lost in thought as she noticed the bracelet Chuck gave her for Christmas, dangling from her right wrist. Sarah thought how a ring would really be a great compliment to that piece of jewelry. She shook herself out of her musings and called out to her fiancé.

"Chuck, sweetie, give me a couple more minutes. I'm almost done."

Her hands stilled after a few minutes. She thought it a little strange that she got no response.

A little louder this time, Sarah yelled out for him. "Chuck?"

Again, nothing. He's probably asleep. I did wear him out this morning after all.

Seeing as she was done, Sarah quickly grabbed her shawl and moved to exit their room. She didn't have her gun with her, but she did have a couple of knives strapped to her thigh. Yes, having precision killing instruments on her person might not be very fitting for such a special occasion, but there was no way she was going to have a repeat performance of when that Colt fellow crashed their first real date.

Once she opened the door, she immediately took notice of the white Gardenia pedals on the floor. When Sarah stepped out of the room, she saw that the pedals made a trail that led to the front door. Figuring Chuck was probably hiding, or not even in the apartment, she followed the pedals.

There was a note attached to the door, and as she read it, a smile was unconsciously making its way to her face.


Meet me at our spot. The spot where it all began, I'll be waiting… And if you could hurry that would be great because it's a bit chilly.

Love, Your Fiancé

Sarah quickly grabbed the keys to her Porsche and raced out to her Chuck. She knew exactly where he was, and thankfully she would get there in half the time it would take anybody else since she had her old car back.

Racing there in the triple digits, she got there as fast as she expected, but it seemed like it was still too slow.

Sarah pulled her car into the spot next to her soon to be husband's car, and got out. Right away, she saw another trail, but instead of pedals, the path was made up of small tissue papered lanterns, with burning candles on the inside. She followed the lanterns with her eyes and could see a shadowy figure in the middle of the beach, surrounded by even more lanterns that were positioned specifically to create a heart shape around the man. It was too dark to see who it really was, but she knew.

Tempering down her butterflies, she started moving along the line of lights, getting closer to the person in the process. About halfway, the lights surrounding the figure gave off enough light to illuminate the man's face. When she reached the end of the trail, she stepped inside of the heart, created by the lights, and was immediately rewarded with the Bartowski special.

Chuck took Sarah's left hand in his and immediately dropped to a knee.

Sarah shouldn't have been surprised. With the Gardenia pedals, the note asking to meet at their spot, and all the lanterns, she figured him proposing now rather than at dinner was a real possibility. But still, knowing all of that didn't stop her heart from threatening to burst. Nor did it lessen the shock or temper her nerves.

Chuck pulled out a small red box and opened it, revealing a simple, yet elegant, round cut diamond set in a four pronged setting on top of a platinum band. It wasn't flashy or gaudy, it was just perfect.

"Sarah, I love you with all my heart. We've been through a lot, and the fact that we still ended up where we are now proves that we were meant for one another. I promise to do everything in my power to make you feel more loved than you ever thought possible. You've already made me the happiest person in the world, so make me all the much happier by agreeing to be my wife…Sarah Walker, will you marry me?"

Why couldn't she say yes? As the tears streaked down her soft cheeks, she willed herself to speak, but nothing came out. Hadn't she already accepted not 24 hours earlier? Thinking about it all, Sarah realized that it wasn't about doubts, it was everything as a whole. The lights, the beach, Chuck down on a knee holding her hand while he held a diamond ring in his other. Everything was so beautiful that it filled her with his love and rendered her speechless.

Seeing the sliver of horror bubbling up to the surface of Chuck's face, probably because she wasn't answering the question, Sarah dropped to her knees and gave her answer to the best of her abilities. She pulled him into a kiss that yielded them both mute.

After a handful of minutes where the only thing audible were the crashing waves, the light breeze, the flicker of the candles, and their labored breaths; Chuck spoke.

"I'll take that as a yes?"

Sarah tackled him to the ground and repeatedly gave her 'answer'.

Sarah didn't like it, but they drove home in different cars since they had got to the beach separately. When they both stepped out of their cars when they arrived at the apartment complex however, Sarah immediately latched onto Chuck's side like a sea barnacle as they walked towards their home.

"Sorry for making us late for our reservation Chuck."

He chuckled. "It's alright Sarah, I'm sure we can still have dinner somewhere after we get cleaned up a bit. How does sand get in such weird places?"

Sarah laughed.

When they got to the door, Chuck's phone sounded, alerting them of a new text. When he read it he tried his hardest to keep a straight face.

"Sarah honey, can you do me a favor and lift your left hand in the air?"

She stared at him strangely but acquiesced.

Out of nowhere, the mother of all high pitched squeals broke the sound barrier.

Ellie was in her apartment with Devon, Carina, Tiffany, Casey, and Morgan. But even with the solid material separating Ellie from the newly engaged couple, her squeal was loud enough to make Chuck and Sarah cover their ears.

The couple quickly stumbled into their home while bursting out in laughter in the process. It was a true testament to how relaxed Sarah felt that it took her a moment for her to realize how their apartment was drastically different.

The lights were off and the whole place was littered with candles and white Gardenia pedals. On the dining room table sat a romantic dinner for two, with the main course being Chuck's famous Chicken Pepperoni with a bottle of red wine to wash it down. Off to the side of the table was a bottle of champagne placed in an ice bucket. And Sarah didn't know it yet, but waiting for her in the fridge was a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries. The cans of whip cream that accompanied those strawberries may or may not be used appropriately.

Sarah gasped at the sight. When she turned to her love, all he gave her was a sheepish smile and an unsure shrug.

"I can't believe you did all this."

"I definitely had help…If you still want to go out we can. I just thought a dinner with just the two of us would be nice."

Sarah pulled Chuck into a tight embrace.

"It's perfect…I still can't believe this is happening Chuck, I love you so much."

He kissed the top of her head. "Even though you leaving me was one of the worst times in my life, I like to believe that what you did effected and shaped the paths that led us here. And I wouldn't change one bit of it."

She pulled her head back to look at him, "Really?"

Chuck nodded. "Look at all the people in our lives and the love we have for one another. Now here we are, engaged to be married. Would you change anything?"

She had a sad smile on her face. "To be honest, I would change me leaving. I left out of fear and if I had to do it all over again, then I would do better at not letting it affect me as much…" Sarah stared into Chuck's chestnut eyes for awhile. "…But if me not leaving didn't lead to where we are now…then no I wouldn't change anything either."

Chuck smiled brightly and kissed her.

When they broke, he could see the mirth in her eyes.

With a straight face and an innocent expression Sarah spoke. "Chuck, we need to hurry up and get clean before our lovely dinner gets cold. I suggest we shower together to save time."

He laughed. "I'm pretty sure that would extend, not save time."

She broke from his embrace and slowly sauntered towards the bathroom, swaying her hips dramatically along the way. Sarah stopped midway and looked back with lust filled eyes.

"Well Mr. Bartowski, I guess that's why ovens exist."

Chuck groaned. "You will be the death of me Mrs. Bartowski!"

And with that, he chased after his fiancé. Chuck's laughter and Sarah's giggles filled the whole apartment…Well, that is until they reached the bathroom. There, other noises proceeded to come out of their mouths.

It's crazy how things turn out. One event can drastically shape the lives of individuals for the better, or for the worse. Let's all be thankful that Chuck and Sarah were fortunate enough to be a part of the former, and that they are finally happy.

Let's just hope that they don't take anything for granted, because you just never know when the next big domino will drop.

A/N (2): Well, Th-th-th-th-th-that's all folks!

Thank you everybody who read, reviewed, PM, alerted, favorited, and/or enjoyed this story. Well even if you hated it, thanks anyways. A little sad that DE is done, but relieved as well. I wonder, does anyone want a sequel? Chances are slim that I would, but if I did, it would take a long time since I have to take a breather from this AU and I want to start on another project. But this story is open enough for there to be another installment. And I know, I know, Shaw is still alive. Put away your pitchforks and torches. I think he's an amazing villain so there. So again, anyone actually wants a sequel? I'm just curious more than anything so don't hold your breath.

Next project is a Chuck school story, but again, it will take awhile since I need a break and I want to get enough written so I can post frequently, not randomly like I did with this.

Big thanks to; Arya's prayers, BondX-24, CaptainCaplax, esardi, Hotski, KryptonitePoison, phnxgrl, Reyes9, and rphe, for constantly reviewing and sending their thoughts and praise my way. Much appreciated! If I forgot to list someone, my sincerest apologies, but anyone and everyone in the Chuckverse is awesome, so there's that.

Now, I would like everyone to recognize the greatness of uplink2 and MRG101. uplink2 as you should know by now is my beta, and without his brilliant corrections and suggestions, then my story would not be as good, clearly. MRG101 has also been a friend who helped me on occasion with this story, especially translations, as well as sending his constant support my way. You two are simply…AWESOME!

Until next time…VIVA LA CHUCK!

Any and all reviews are appreciated.