The Lost Key Quandary

A/N: Hi! This idea originally came from this key I found on the floor one day in an advanced mathematics classroom, so I guess you could see who I thought of first. Dedicated to Rubyanjel, because she's awesome, and to the Homines Novi themselves! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Sheldon doesn't forget

It was early, just before lunch, when Sheldon arrived at 2311 Los Robles. He had just gotten kicked out of Caltech for the day. Something about being charged for disruption of private workspace A.K.A. bothering President Siebert in the restrooms one too many times.

"Some people are just so sensitive." He muttered while climbing the stairs to his apartment.

He heard music, some weird, repetitive rhythm coming from Penny's apartment.

"Oh dear lord." He sighed, shaking his head. He proceeded to knock on her door impatiently. In exactly 15 minutes he had to order lunch and he was stuck here dealing with the fact that his neighbor had loud and displeasing tastes in music.

"Hello crazy man." Penny said brightly, the music blasting louder now since the door was opened.

"I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested." He replied tersely. He briefly glanced at his watch in silent countdown before speaking again. "Why is there repulsive music playing from this apartment at this time?"

Penny rolled her eyes.

"I'm having people over, some of my acting school classmates."


"Uh, yeah. People."

"I don't like people."

"Go figure."

Sheldon huffed.

"Why do you have the need to have even more friends? Isn't Amy and Bernadette enough? And they're quiet."

"Amy's working at home and Bernadette's in her lab." Penny said coolly.

"Well you're getting a strike."

"Whatever you say doc." Penny said with a final roll of her eyes, she shut the door.

"AT LEAST QUIET DOWN." He said through the wood, unsurprisingly resulting in a higher decimal level from within apartment 4b. Sheldon sighed and made his way to his door.

"She's taking the class." He muttered under his breath while reaching into his pocket for his keys.

His fingers grazed over his cellphone which had vibrated suddenly just as he was moving his fingers away. Sheldon frowned, reaching back into his pocket to retrieve his iphone. A text flashed across the screen.

Amy Farrah Fowler

Hello Sheldon, do you have anything planned for lunch? I'd like to discuss our next date night over a sandwich and some sashimi. I could pick you up from Caltech if you'd like. Reply promptly. Good day.

Sheldon started typing out a refusal due to the inconvenience it posed for him. He had the message typed out when he reached his hand into his pocket once again. It was empty.

Sheldon's eyes widened as he checked his other pocket, then his windbreaker, then his satchel.

"Not again." He sighed, tucking his phone back in his pocket. He looked at his door lock for a moment, silently hoping he could harness the power of the force. After a few moments he turned back to the music filled apartment across the hall.

"Of all the…" Sheldon began knocking in his usual pattern if not slightly louder through the racket going on inside.

"Hello again Sheldon." Penny said smirking slightly.

"Penny, your guests aren't even here yet, there is no reason why you should –"

'What do you want Sheldon?" She asked tiredly, leaning against the doorpost.

"My spare key." He replied, holding his hand out. Penny looked at his empty palm before bursting out in a fit of giggles.

"What's so funny?!" he exclaimed, mentally noting that it was most certainly past his regular lunch time.

"Well, you forgot your keys again." She said, smirking.

"I didn't forget. I don't forget. I simply –"

"Yeah, okay, well, I don't have my, er, your key." Penny looked down sheepishly.

"What? Why?"

"I, uh, left it in the cheesecake factory after my last shift."

"What were you doing with –"

Penny glared at him for a moment to shut him up before continuing.

"Leonard asked if I could pick up his flashdrive for him in your apartment and, since I was running late, I didn't have time to return the key and I left it in the bar by accident." Penny said quickly to avoid further interruption. "You could always stay with me if you like."

Sheldon visibly flinched at the suggestion.

"Penny, I don't like people, loud music and stroke-inducing dips. I would rather wait in the hall."

"Suit yourself." Penny said brightly before shutting the door again, leaving the physicist to sigh. He double checked his pockets again and thinking about whether or not he should call the locksmith. He fiddled with his phone again, finally clicking it open to find his unfinished message to Amy's invitation.

"Well now that is much better than staying out here."

He quickly re-typed his reply and sent it, hurrying down the stairs.

Amy had been reading her issue of Nueron, looking through her own published work. A scientist must have a sense of pride after all, it does wonders to one's self-esteem. Her phone buzzed, she checked the sender, thrilled that it was her boyfriend.

Sheldon Cooper

Delighted to partake in a meal in your company. Please pick me up at 2311, I'll explain later on. Do be quick, it is quite past my lunch time.

Her eyes widened as she quickly placed her shoes on her feet. She grabbed her keys and ran out of her apartment, thanking the universe that she was already dressed. She dialed the sashimi place, then Quiznos, grilling the employees of both establishments to ensure that the order was made to Sheldon and her specifications before heading towards Los Robles.

"Good afternoon Sheldon." Amy beamed shyly at her boyfriend who returned it with his small smile.

"It would still be morning if Penny hadn't put up such a racket in her apartment." He said, stepping into the vehicle. "What is it with people who need to please other people with loud music and artery-clogging dip?"

"Perhaps it gives them a sense of worth."

"Might as well."

"So why aren't you at Caltech?" Amy asked at the next stoplight, turning her head slightly to see her boyfriend's clear blue eyes. Oh how she loved them.

"Some nonsense about inappropriate behavior." He replied, looking at the brunette. She smiled, turning back to the road.

"Well, you're stuck with me then."

"Quite fortunate that you were free, I was locked out of my apartment."

"Oh." Puzzled, Amy glanced at Sheldon.

"I suppose I will be lodging in your apartment for the time being." He continued, smiling. Amy blinked for a moment then broke into a huge grin, barely hiding her excitement.

"I suppose you will be."

A/N: Well, there you go! I'll type up the next chapter as soon as I sort out the ideas floating around in my head. Meanwhile, review!