"I have to go," Shinzo's expression went blank and he slowly started moving out the door.

"Wait!" Adonis called. "Where are you going? You're still weak…"

"I don't know," he shook his head. Tears were streaming down his face. "I just want to see her."

At once Adonis understood. Feeling that it would be best for him to be at Minako's side, he decided that he would follow Shinzo in the hopes that he would lead Adonis to her side.


"I'll tell you everything I know about the past and what happened," Minako spoke softly. "But then I would like you to tell me how you were able to take my powers." I need to know.

"Fine," Kagami nodded, her lips quivering.

"Remember how those of us who protected the Moon Princess feared the people of Earth?" Minako started slowly. "It became clear those people were not acting of their own free will. They had been corrupted and manipulated by a dark energy—a witch known as Queen Beryl who was given greater strength by the powers of Queen Metalia. She controlled people, made them attack us…"

"What does this have to do with me and Cupid?" Kagami asked.

"I don't remember all the details, but I do remember getting concerned that Cupid had changed, just when Queen Beryl's control was becoming stronger on Earth. I thought he might have fallen under her influence…"

"Why didn't you tell me any of this? I was told that you all were wary of people from Earth, that there seemed to be something suspicious happening," Kagami seemed to be getting choked up. "But Cupid told me that it was because the Moon Kingdom didn't like how powerful the Earth was, and I believed him."

"I am sorry," Minako looked directly into Kagami's eyes. "I should have shared everything with you."

"But Cupid was the son of a guard in the Golden Kingdom. He lived inside the palace, totally protected," Kagami spoke up, as if she hadn't even heard what Minako said. "He couldn't have been taken over by some outside influence. It's just not possible."

So that's who he was… Two young people, barely more than children, within the walls of the palace. I see why they fell for each other. "I'm sorry to tell you this," Minako breathed. "But members of the royal guard were no exception. Even Prince Endymion's generals were consumed by Metalia's powers."

"So he wasn't protecting me?" Kagami's face went pale. "He promised he always would. He wanted to be a part of the royal guard himself. And you're telling me he faked his own death so he could use me?"

Minako was surprised to find tears streaming down her own face. This is exactly how I felt when I learned the truth about Ace. "I don't know what to say."

"You're wrong," the two girls turned around to see two figures standing behind them. It had already started to get dark, and their faces weren't clear. The taller one spoke, his words kind, his voice soft. "He never used you. Venus… Minako. I never used you. Never wanted to, anyway. But the darkness and the hatred just took control, I couldn't help myself. I was grateful when you allowed me to die—I didn't think I could live with what I had done. But then you gave me a second chance… and I will go through this entire new life, no matter how long it is, trying to make it all up to you."

"Adonis!" Minako cried. She ran up to him, and wrapped her arms around his slender waist.

He looked down at her and brushed the tears off her cheeks. "I'm here."

Minako squinted to see who the other figure was. "Kagami, come here," she said excitedly.

When Kagami and Shinzo were finally able to see each other's faces, they both stopped in their tracks, taking one another in.

"Cupid," Kagami spoke, barely whispering. She suddenly seemed self-conscious, uncomfortable in her own skin. She laughed. "This isn't exactly how I had envisioned us meeting again."

"Why?" Shinzo giggled. "You look beautiful."

She does look beautiful. Minako couldn't help but smile. Her hair is matted and her clothes are covered in dirt. She's still got Rei's ofuda stuck on her arm, keeping her powers at bay. But even with all that, she's glowing.

"So it's true then," Kagami crossed her arms. "Venus didn't kill you in the past. You lied to me."

"I don't know how to ever even apologize for what I did," he sighed heavily. "To be honest, I don't have much memories of what happened. I did something horrible to you. I won't deny it. But please understand that as I truly am, I would never want to hurt you. Something came over me… a darkness I can't describe. It wanted nothing more than to wreak havoc. But that wasn't really me."

Kagami glanced over at Minako. "Thank you," she said to no one in particular. As if to show to Minako that she had finally gotten over the pain of the past, she ripped off Rei's ofuda and dropped it on the ground. She walked closer to Shinzo and put out her hand. "Let's start over. My name's Kagami. I'm thirteen years old, a Cancer."

Shinzo's face went bright red as he shook Kagami's hand. "I'm Shinzo. Fourteen years old, a Taurus."


"Anyone there?" Minako knocked on the door to Mamoru's apartment. It had been a few days since Shinzo and Kagami were reunited, and Minako hadn't seen Adonis since then. I kept telling myself that I was giving everyone time to recover, but maybe the real reason is that I was scared to…

"Minako!" Usagi answered the door. She quickly pulled Minako inside. "Now everyone's here. We've got some of Mako-chan's cake, we've got pop…"

"What do you mean 'everyone'?" Minako asked. "Are Kagami and Shinzo here too?"

"That's right!" Usagi answered cheerfully. "It's a goodbye party."

"Whose goodbye party?" she asked. A sudden feeling of dread came over her.

"Usagi!" Rei scolded. "You weren't supposed to tell her that…"

"Oops!" Usagi covered her mouth with her hands. "Forget what I just said."

Minako wasn't paying attention anymore. She searched all over the apartment for Adonis, waving and smiling at her friends as she walked past them. On her way, though, Kagami stopped her.

"I wanted to thank you again," she said sweetly. "I'm starting to learn how to control my powers better now… and I hope that I will be able to learn from the best!"

"Absolutely," Minako nodded. "Anything you want to learn, you can ask me." She started to walk away, still looking for Adonis, but Kagami grabbed her arm.

"Oh, there's more," she said. "You told me before that you wanted to know how I stole your powers. I don't have anything to give you to thank you for all that you've done, so please let me at least share with you this information."

Minako snapped to attention. Looking for Adonis will have to wait a little while. This is important.

"Usagi and the others told me about the battle with Galaxia. Well, I guess it must have been shortly after then that I started to fully awaken," Kagami began. "Somehow I could sense you… and I felt the doubt that you held after the battle was over."

It was the memory of Adonis that haunted me after the battle. We had all been controlled by Galaxia, just like he had by Metalia, but we were saved, and he died. I questioned my strength and powers, wondering if there was something else I could have done.

Kagami continued, "I took advantage of that weaker state and used something you had taught me long ago to take on your powers in an emergency."

A memory from the past suddenly came to Minako's mind—

"If there is ever a time when I am unable to perform my duty as a Sailor Senshi, Psyche, I want you, my sister, to take over. By saying this, I've entrusted you with this responsibility. If I have been weakened enough, just call upon the power of Venus and my strength will be yours."

"So it was my own regret that allowed you to take my powers?" Minako thought out loud. And then it was that which allowed me to see Adonis again, and be relieved of those regrets. She smiled, then hugged Kagami. "You have nothing to apologize or thank me for. If anything, I should be thanking you. You might not realize it, but your actions allowed me to overcome some powerful feelings that had been haunting me for years."

With that, Minako released Kagami from her hug and walked away, continuing her search for Adonis once more. Finally she found him on the balcony, just staring at the sky. "What are you doing?"

"Just wishing that I could stop time right here," he said, turning around and pulling Minako into his arms. Without a warning he started to dance with her, a beautiful waltz that reminded her of the parties at the Moon Kingdom.

"Adonis…" she said, leaning into his chest. "Are you going somewhere?"

"I think so," he responded quietly.

"But why?" she asked, tears in her eyes.

He shook his head. "This form was never permanent. I should have realized that sooner. You used every ounce of power left in you to give me this."

"What?" Minako was confused, and scared of what things would be like with Adonis being gone once again.

"You must have realized that yourself," he said. "It was when you were unconscious, reliving memories of the past. I felt something flow through you to me. Thank you for giving me a chance to live a normal life."

What normal life? Minako couldn't help but smirk.

"Okay, well, a life free of Queen Metalia's control, anyway," he laughed. "But now that you've regained your powers and freed yourself of your regrets, you don't need me anymore."

"No, this can't be happening," Minako cried, holding him tightly. "I'll protect you. Whatever it takes."

"You already have someone worth protecting, don't you?"

She knew that he was right, and that she couldn't waste her powers on him. Of course. My strength is for protecting the Princess and future Queen. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Don't be," he rested his chin on her head, breathing in her warmth and the smell of her hair one last time. "Do you want me to give you one last fortune?"

Minako looked up and into his eyes. "No, this time I don't need it," she answered, then closed her eyes and softly kissed him. As she pulled away, he disappeared, and yet all of her sadness seemed to be gone.

No, I don't need his fortunes anymore. I know who I am. I will always choose her over love. And I don't regret it anymore.

The End

Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed this story. It was an amazing journey and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.