I am SO sorry for the prank I pulled last chapter. I just had to do it. If you thought this was/wasn't funny, Review. Now for the REAL conclusion to Lost Tears of Altomare!


One year later Bianca was at the docks, at the exact same spot she was when Bryce and his parents left. She had her sketchpad in her hand, drawing the horizon of the ocean. In the past year, her drawings had gotten so good, people would have mistaken them for photographs instead of paintings. She compared her work to the actual horizon, and noticed something that was off.

In the distance, she could see two dark shapes that resembled jet planes.

They had returned!

She quickly ran to Lorenzo's gondola workshop and told him what she saw. He dropped his tools and ran to the docks with Bianca. The two shapes had now become visible, Latios and Latias. Bianca was confused; where was Bryce? The Eons stopped in front of the docks and transformed. Bianca blurted out the first thing she could think of, "Where's Bryce?"

Latios stepped forward and said, "He's still in Hoenn, training."

Bianca couldn't believe what she heard. Bryce was still training!? 'He pinkie promised though.'

Suddenly, she became outlined in a field of blue energyand was lifted a foot off the ground. "GAH! Latios! Put me DOWN!"

Latios shook his head and said, "I'm not the cause of this." Bianca's anger turned to confusion. She turned to Latias, a questioning look on her face. Latias shook her head, signaling she wasn't doing it either. Before she could even think in her head what that meant, a flurry of blue light materialized in front of her. When the light died down, the upside-down, smiling face of a young Latios appeared. The Latios held up his paw and touched Bianca, dissolving the blue energy field, releasing Bianca, and said, "Tag! You're it!"

The young Latios transformed into an older version of Bryce, and ran behind the stunned Bianca. She quickly recovered andran after him, eventually catching Bryce in a hug, which he returned. Bianca was in tears, having not seen her friend in a very long time. Bryce was released from the hug and told her about all the training he did in the foreign region. But the last part caught Bianca off gaurd.

"I have a baby sister!" As if on cue, a small flurry of blue lights appeared next to Latias, revealing a smaller version of the female Eon. "Mommy! Up," the girl said, holding her paws up to Latias. Latias bent down and picked up the baby Eon, transforming her into her human disguise, which looked similar to Latias' but without the hair tufts. Bianca walked over to the Eons and said, "Awwww, she's cute!" She tickled the baby girl, who began to laugh and weakly push away the hands. Bianca stopped and Lorenzo went up to the Eons. "So, how did Bryce's training go," he asked?

Latios replied, "It went very well. He still has to wait a while before he can protect the garden on his own." Bryce smiled, feeling proud of himself. "I even learned Dad's best move, Luster Purge!" Latios ruffled his son's hair, laughing a little.

"Yeah, but don't get too confident. Just because you learned the move, doesn't mean you fully mastered it." Bryce nodded his head. "Brubber," the young Latias said in baby talk. Bryce moved closer and asked, "Yeah?" The young Latias asked her mother to go down. She was set down and walked up to her brother. Then she slapped his knee weakly and yelled, "TAG!" She then ran off, and Bryce tagged Bianca, following his baby sister. Bianca began to run after them.

Latias smiled at them, and rested her head on Latios' shoulder. Lorenzo invited them to his house for lunch, and they accepted. They called to their children and Bianca for them to come with them. Bianca had just tagged Bryce and they ran up to the three adults, happy that they were now reunited.

The End (for real, no jokes this time).