Hi all, I am so bad at updating my stories but I can't think how to so I keep writing new ones…anything to keep my ideas going. I keep having these weird and slightly evil ideas.

This is my first FF story as I just had this idea. Like I said I have weird and slightly evil ideas. Here's my prologue.

"Sue?" His voice is so weak and raspy. He gasps in pain as he struggles to breathe and speak.

"Sue?" He calls again, having gotten no response. "I…I'm here" she replies and the young blonde could hear the pain and fear in her voice.

She is standing at the door. She's been there twenty minutes but only staring from the doorway.

"I'm…I'm gonna die…aren't I?" he asks and Susan gasps. "No! Johnny don't…don't even think like that!" she yells at him.

Johnny scoffs. "Yeah…sure…" he answers. "Johnny…"

"It just figures…you know? I'm the only one who…who accepted…my power so…of course…I'm…the one he…shoots" Johnny adds. He sighs and closes his eyes.

Sue lets a tear fall as she finally goes to him. Johnny opens his eyes again when she is next to him.

"Stay…" he grunts and Sue nods.

I'll give you a cookie if you can guess what I've done to Mr. Johnny Storm. I haven't decided if he lives or not though. And I love Chris Evans, he's so cute.