Why us?
(Bella's point of view)

I already got my beating this morning I was hoping Charlie would just leave. "Get down her you ungrateful child!" Charlie yells and

I get up knowing he's yelling at Kristi. I hear Charlie's boots coming up the stairs and turn towards her room. I quickly get up but

Charlie already had her door shut and locked. "Bella" Kristi screams in pain. I grind my teeth having to wait for him to finish. I hear

him leave and I rush to Kristi. "Sissy I can't walk" She cries. "OK you're going to school so Charlie doesn't get mad, but I will come

get you, I' sure you can go to study hall with me or you could just come to class with me. We'll need to get there early" I say as I

pick her up and help her get dressed. "Honey did he do anything?" I asked. "NO" She said as she cried into my shoulder. I grabbed

her backpack and mine and my purse and walked out to the truck. I put her in and got in. When we got to school it was 7:25 we

had 45 minutes until school. I got Kristi out and we went to her class room. Her teacher Ms. Betsey was there grading papers. "Oh

my what happened?" She asked as she walked up to us. "She fell, I was wondering if you could give me all her papers and I was

going to take her to my classes" I say as I set her down at the desk. "Well this morning we have a speaker but after you can come,

the speaker will be done around lunch time" Ms. Betsy says as she puts a chair under Kristi's legs. "OK thank you" I say as I give

Kristi her school stuff and put her backpack in the back on its hanger. I leave to give the office the note. "Hi Mrs. Cope" I say as I

walk in. "Hello Bella dear, what's up?" She asks. "I have a note from Ms. Betsy about Kristi" I say as I hand it to her. "OK I'll email

your teachers to tell them" Mrs. Cope said I left and Alice was sitting by my car. "Bella" She yelled as she ran to me and hugged me

I gasped. "Bella what happened?" She asked. "Nothing you just hugged me too hard." I said and saw the rest of the Cullen's

walking about with a young doctor. "I have to go" I say as I run to my locker forgetting my lockers my Kristi's class. I still have ten

minutes. The doctor walked passed me and looked at me with questioning eyes. He walked into Kristi's classroom. "Dr. Cullen! I'm

so glad you can come and talk to the class" Kristi's teacher say. The bell rings telling us to get to first hour.

(Carlisle's pov)
When we got to the school Alice was already there. "Bella" She yelled as she hugged another student but that student winced. I

know Alice wouldn't hug a human too hard as the student said that was her excuse. The rest of started to walk over. When this

Bella girl saw me she got scared and told Alice she had to go and ran off. "That was odd" I say and the rest of them just nod keeping

something from me. "Well I'll see you guys around lunch time" I say as I make my way to the office where Mrs. Cope gives me a

pass and I go to Ms. Betsy's room. When I walk to her room I see Bella at her locker. I look at her with a curious look and walk into

the classroom. Ms. Betsy greets me. I notice some kids are there but one stand out to me. Her legs are up on a chair and she has a

look of pain on her face. "What happened?" I asked as I looked at her. "Oh that's Kristi swan, Bella swans sister she fell down the

stairs and hurt her legs is what Bella told me" Ms. Betsy says. The bell rings for first period to begin for the high school, by that

time all the 1st graders are in the classroom. "OK class today we have Dr. Cullen speaking about abuse" Ms. Betsy starts and I begin.

After I finished the kids are allowed to eat lunch. Kristi didnt eat and I worried me. She also showed signs of getting abused. "Why

isn't Kristi eating?" I ask. "Her sisters picking her up to take her to lunch" the teacher answers and there's a knock at the door. Bella

walks in and pales when she sees me. She tries to act normal. "Ms. Betsy I came to pick up Kristi and her work for tonight" Bella

says and my family follows after. "Alice can you grab her backpack it's the blue cotton candy colored one" Bella says as she is

handed school work. Alice brings Kristi's backpack and Bella put the papers in a folder and packs Kristi's things up and then slings

the backpack around her shoulder and picks Kristi up. Bella leaves with Alice but the rest of the kids stay back and walk with me.

"She's so strange" Rose says as she glares at Bella. "Rose how many times have I told you to stop saying that about my angel!"

Edward almost yells. "Son did you find your soul mate?" I ask confused. Edward nods his head as we get to the cafeteria. Bella sits

at a table with Kristi and Alice comes over to us with a gloom expression. "Bella says she doesn't want us to sit with her" She says

as she looks at Alice. "Finally you guys will sit with us" Rose says as she glares at Bella. "Rose stop it now" I say as Edward goes over

to Bella. He says something to her and she nods and cries. Edward picks Kristi up and they walk out the door to her truck. Edward

sits down in the passenger seat with Kristi while Bella looks for something. Bella pulls out a bottle of pills and give Kristi one.

Edward comes back in with Kristi and sits down at the table with Bella. He nods to Alice to come over. Alice skips over and sits by

them. Edward says something to Alice and she get sad all of a sudden. The kids and I sit at a table as near as we can get to them.

Jasper goes over and sits my Alice. Alice whispers something in his ear and his face turns to horror and he walks back to us.

" E" he spells out. We all gasp. "Do you think it's safe for us to go over there?" I ask jazz as he looks at Bella sadly. "I think

so but Edward told me she won't come to the house". "OK I can have it arranged so I stay with you guys" I say. "That's easy

Emmett's in all her classes" Raised snorts. "OK I'll just say I want to see how Emmett behaves" I say and walk to the table with

Alice and Edward and hopefully new daughters.