Hello! Just to let you know I am super excited that you are reading this! I swear its going to be an exciting story. This is going to be the first part of a two parter. I promise to update as regularly and as often as I can. I hate when people get grammar or spelling wrong so point out my mistakes! Enjoy!

Arthur woke abruptly to such a splitting headache he dared not open his eyes to the light. He attempted to soothe his head with his hands, but he noticed they were forcefully extended out above his head to the left and felt unusually heavy for sleep. He quickly realized they were handcuffed and the weight was due to the fact he wore full armor. Briefly he hoped he still slept and dreamed up the situation, but he forced himself to open his eyes to reality.

"Welcome," a female voice sneered, "Dear brother."

Arthur looked up into the blue eyes that mirrored his own. Morgana.

The stack of weathered books slowly wafted up over the thin railing to gently settle itself on a crowded table.

The levitating books caught Gaius' eyes, "Merlin!" he said angrily, glaring in the young wizard's direction.

"Gaius, if you tried to lift that heavy stack without help, you would fall over!" replied Merlin as he proceeded to carry another stack up, this time without any magical assistance.

"I think the thing I fear most when this kingdom accepts magic is how fat and lazy you will become," muttered Gaius.

While of a retort, Merlin knocked a large vial of some thick liquid the color of his own shiny black hair. With a flash of gold, the vial stopped in midair, "Would you have had me let whatever that is shatter on the floor?" Merlin exclaimed to Gaius' disapproving glare.

Without warning the door flew open as a hurried Gwaine runs in, "The King has been taken by Morgana!"

The vial fell to the floor allowing its contents to ooze out, as Merlin followed Gwaine out paying no heed to Gaius' pleads for him to be careful.

If you've got the time leave a few words!