I don't own Bleach.

I Won't Push This

ShunUki (Shunsui x Ukitake)

Summary: Things you said when you were drunk (but refused to talk about ever again.)

"You said you love me," Shunsui crooned, flitting around Juushiro's room, opening curtains, being a general disturbance to the peace. Juushiro threw his comforter up over his head, willing the sun away from his eyes, willing the blood off of his bed sheets, willing Shunsui - for the first time in his life - to be slightly less obnoxious. None of these things happened. Juushiro lowered his comforter, smoothed out the rumples and sat up.

"Of course I love you," Juushiro said, "you already knew that." He pointed vaguely in the direction of his tea stash and, taking the hint, Shunsui began making a pot of medicinal brew for the other man.

"You didn't say it like that," said Shunsui with a smile. "You said it passionately, with drunken finesse - it was a confession." Juushiro coughed politely into his sleeve. His temples pulsed faintly. The sun, which he often loved, seemed excessively bright this morning. Shunsui floated across the room – Juushiro was not mad that Shunsui seemed to be unaffected by their previous night's shenanigans he only wished he had as much resilience – and handed him a cup. Juushiro took a slow sip of the tea and was glad for the way it felt going down his throat. He wanted headache medicine, too, but thought it wouldn't do to have more medicine than necessary coursing through his body.

"You have always had an active imagination, Shun," Juushiro said. He wanted to sound dismissive but felt that he had come off defensive. He watched Shunsui closely.

"I won't push this," smiled Shunsui, stretching out at the foot of the bed. Juushiro though he looked distinctly like a languid cat, but he smiled fondly. The next couple minutes were spent silently; Juushiro sipping his tea. Then, quietly, he could hear Shunsui humming under his ridiculous hat: "But I know what I heard~"

Very short because I was playing a tumblr game. This one's a ficlet!

I hope I did okay, I've never actually written these two, although I am a supporter of the ship. Maybe I'll have to actually give them a shot one day!