This is my first fanfic ever, so enjoy! I welcome constructive criticism. :) Please review, so I know I'm not just writing for thin air, myself, and my friend Cassie!


"Dan, not fair! That's cheating!" Phil whines as I tackle him, just has he's about to win our faceoff in Super Mario.

"Oh, hush up, we both know you won!" I say, straddling his chest. I wonder what it would be like, to kiss his soft, pink lips; to feel his steady, warm breath against me. To have his arms envelop me and to nuzzle my face into his hair.

"Dan, you're staring off into space. What's up?" I hear from Phil, pulling me out of my daydream.

I stutter out something quickly, not wanting him to catch me. "Umm, nothing. I was thinking about what to have for dinner!"

"You are such a liar!" Phil giggles as he pushes me off. "You were thinking about a girl, weren't you!" He starts to tickle me, and then he pins me down on the floor, and I'm trapped.

"It wasn't a girl!" I say, trying to break free.

"Well, who was it then?" Phil asks, still giggling. Then, a darker, more serious look comes across his face. "It wasn't… it wasn't a boy, was it?"


I can't believe I just asked him that. I study his face, and while I don't hear a word, the fact that his brown eyes spread wide, like he just saw a ghost, his face now had a bright rosy completion, and that he didn't actually seem to be breathing proved to me something he himself could not say- I was right. It was a boy he was thinking about.

I get off of him and sit cross-legged, ready to talk to him. I mean, I'm gay, and he knows I'm gay, so why does he look so afraid? He should be able to talk to me about this stuff! But instead, he leaped off the floor from where I had just freed him seconds before and darted into his room. I was too lost in thought to chase after him, but as he ran off, I felt a little pang in my heart, reminding me of the feelings I have been trying so hard to suppress. He was so beautiful, the first day I met him. His hair swooping in his eyes, his tight tee hugging his perfect frame, imitating the tightness of his jeans, and the whole outfit ended with converse, bright green ones.

"Hi, I'm Dan," he said, with a touch of posh tone glazing his voice, confident.

"Umm, hi. Nice shoes." I say, sounding like a fool. He stares at me eagerly, and I realize I didn't actually say my name. "I'm, uh, Phil."

"Nice to meet you, Phil. And thank you, by the way, they're my favorite pair."

And then, I'm ripped out of my memory by a sharp sob, emanating from Dan's room.


I can't believe it. He knows. I saw it in his eyes, the dawning realization as he watched me. He knows I was thinking about a boy… but does he know it was him? It doesn't really matter now, he'll figure it out soon…

I rush off the floor and dash into my room, unsure of what to do. I'm typically not this emotional, but once I'm in my room I burst into tears. What does he think? Is he upset I didn't tell him sooner? Is he wondering who it is? Is he sitting out there, having figured my whole façade out, trying to think of a good way to kick me out because he doesn't love me back?

I can't think anymore, all I know is that my eyes are pricking, my throat feels swollen and shut, and these salty tears running down my face are soaking my clothes.

I sit here, in my bed, alone, crying. I try and get a hold of myself, to stop, but all that ends up happening is I hold my breath for about 15 seconds, and then a huge, racking sob escapes me. Phil must have heard me, it was loud enough to reverberate through the whole entire flat and he's sitting only 10 feet from my door.

Sure enough, I hear him get up and his footsteps leading towards my door.



Oh god, he's crying. It doesn't even matter why he's crying; I just know I have to help him. I get up off the floor and take the few steps towards his door.

"Dan?"I call, and all I hear in return is a stifled sniffle. "Dan, I'm coming in." I say as I open his door to the most pitiful sight I have ever seen. There he sat, knees pulled into his chest, sobbing like a frightened small child.

I rush over to him. "Dan, Danny, it's okay. It's going to be fine. Nothing bad's going to happen, I promise. I love you how you are and nothing's going to change that." I say as I pull him in close, one hand on his back and one on his head, my head resting on his. He curls into me, nuzzling my chest and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"How do you know? How do you know what you're about to find won't tear us apart and that you'll hate me forever?" He says, his words muffled by sniffles and my shirt, but I understand what he said loud and clear.

"I know, because nothing would ever make me hate you. Absolutely nothing. I don't care if you're gay or bi or whatever you are, because you're my friend and nothing will ever end that."

"Not even if I told you?" he asks as he untangles himself from me.

"Not even if you told me what, Dan?" He pauses for a second, the words caught in his throat. His eyes flicker around the room as he tries to muster the courage.

"You're the one I was thinking about, Phil. I'm… I'm in love with you."

I know, I know, I'm a horrible person and left you with a cliffhanger. There's going to be a new chapter every Saturday, and I'm already working on chapter 2 so don't worry! And pretty lease reviw, it's not only nice, it also motivates me to write for you guys, and more motivation means more writing which means longer and more worked on chapters which means better and longer fangirling for you in the end!
P.S.- next chapter isn't smut, but it does earn this story a T rating. I don't mind writing smut either, but I'm very unlikely to write it unless asked, so yeah. Hope you liked it!