Disclaimer: I do not own the kids next door.

Kuki Beatles shook her head as she finished tying her daughter's shoes.

"But you have to go to preschool" She said, giving her children a smile.

"No, mommy" Jeremy cried. "Me and sissy don't wanna go to preshool"

Jasmine nodded her head as her twin brother spoke. Kuki felt like crying too.

"Oh, I, I wish you weren't ready for preschool yet" Kuki said "I don't know how I'm going to do this?" She turned towards her son to Velcro his shoes.

Her husband, Wallabee stepped into the living room. He stopped to see his family on the verge of tears for almost no reason.

"Kuki, it's only preschool" Wallabee told her "And it's only till noon! It's not like they're going off to college or something" He moved around the living room trying to find where he had misplaced his car keys.

"But Wally, don't you see" Kuki moaned, as she stood up. "They are old enough for preschool now; It was like only yesterday we brought them home and now, they're just growing up so fast" She sniffed.

"They have to go to preschool" Wally said "We talked about this a hundred times, they're not going to be little tykes forever" Kuki nodded her head. "If you want, I'll drop them off on my way to work"

Kuki smiled. Wally stopped for a second to notice that he had his keys in his hand the whole time.

"Aw crud! I've been looking all morning for these and they were in my hand the whole time!" He yelled. He ushered Jeremy and Jasmine out the door, and strapped them into their car seats.

Jeremy and Jasmine were shaking nervously in their seats.

"Daddy, is preskull scary?" Jasmine asked.

"No, it's not scary at all" Wally told her "In fact, you get to do all sorts of cool stuff like finger paint, and play dodge ball and you know, fun stuff"

They continued to ask questions as he drove down the road. A red brick building came into view. A sign reading Mrs. Henderson's Preschool stood out in the yard.

"Look!" Jeremy cried as he and Jasmine were helped out of the car. "There's Hank!" The two Beatles ran towards their friend, Hank Gilligan. Wally waved at his friends, Abby and Hoagie, as they were saying goodbye to Hank.

"Sure is a big day for them isn't it" Hoagie asked him.

Wally nodded.

"Yeah"Wally said. They watched as the kids hurried over to the small playground.

"Can you believe they're already in preschool together? Before you know it they'll be in Kindergarten, then they'll be in the KND, going on their own missions. Going to middle school dances, their high school homecoming, and junior prom before you know they'll be driving and graduating. Going off to college, moving out, and getting married. Hey, Soon they will be the ones dropping their own kids off here" Hoagie said.

Kuki took one last sip of her coffee before retrieving her briefcase. The front door slammed. Kuki stepped into the living room to see Wally carrying their disappointed twins into the house.

"I changed my mind; they're not growing up till I say so!" Wallabee shouted as he placed them near their toys.