(A/N Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while…..got to love 10 page essays for school….-_- ….Sorry I meant to write something for Halloween but I forgot! My bad! So I'm going to post this now.)

Pepper couldn't breathe. All the air was slowly leaving the small space around her. I'm not going to make it am I? She asked herself as her eyes slowly began to shut. Don't blame yourself Tony….was her last thought.

4 Hours earlier…

Tony smiled at Pepper. He was proud of her. That day was the end of the year assembly, some kids got awards and Pepper was one of them. The three friends started to make their way to the gym when Pepper stopped. "Oh! Forgot my backpack! I'll meet you guys there!" she said running back to one of the classrooms. Tony frowned but shrugged and walked with Rhodey to the gym. Pepper ran to the empty classroom and went to retrieve her backpack. But someone came up behind her and put a cloth over her nose and mouth she struggled but quickly passed out.

Tony and Rhodey chatted until the principle cleared his throat into the microphone. "Good afternoon Tomorrow Acedemy. I'm presenting this award to a talkative, smart young woman who achieved so much this year at the Academy. Will Pepper Potts please step forward?" he asked. But Pepper didn't come forward. "Where's Pepper?" Tony asked and Rhodey just shrugged. "Pepper?" asked Principle Nara. The gym now started to buzz with talk. Tony frowned as a screen started to lower behind Nara. All the students of Tomorrow Acedemy looked toward the screen. Tony was now worried when the screen had words pop up saying 1 Message for Tony Stark.

Tony stood and walked across the gym floor closer to the screen. The words stopped blinking and a video began to play. Whoever was holding the camera moved and aimed the camera at a figure lying on the ground. Tony's eyes widened in horror Pepper was lying on the ground unconscious. Whoever held the camera put it down and moved into the frame. He wore a ski mask and all black clothing. He knelt down next to Pepper and gently stoked her cheek with a knife. Tony shook with anger as he watched the video. The man with the knife moved Pepper so she was on her back. She started wake up Pepper gasped in surprise and fear. The man chuckled and stabbed her in the side. Pepper let out a cry of pain. The man tossed the knife behind him and picked up Pepper he moved to a hole in the floor and tossed her into it. He moved back to the camera and picked it up he walked back over to the hole. All everyone saw was Pepper lying in a coffin holding her side. The man laughed and kicked the coffin lid closed and pile dirt then cement over the hole.

The video ended and words scrolled across the screen again Have fun finding her Stark then a clock appeared ticking down the time Pepper has to live. Three hours before she dies. The gym was deadly silent. Tony was already out the door running to the armory. Rhodey stumbled off the bleachers running after his friend.

Rhodey panted holding a stitch in his side as he ran into the armory to see Tony typing away at his computer breathing hard. Rhodey went over to his friend. Tony was shaking a few tears escaped his eyes. "Don't worry Pep….I'll find you. " Tony murmured to himself. "And when I know you're safe. I'm going to hunt down that bastard and kill him." He growled. Rhodey's eyes widened god help the man Tony's after….he'll need all the help he can get he thought.

Pepper held her side and tried to not to panic. Her air was limited she had to stay calm. She moved and gasped at the pain in her side. Tears started to flow down her cheeks. Pepper held onto her side to try and slow the bleeding. Pepper started to fully cry now because all she could ask herself was Am I going to die?

(A/N Cliffhanger mostly because my mom yelled at me to do my math homework or she'll throw my computer out the window…O.o please review! Oh and don't worry more stuff coming soon! Like new chapter for Forever and new stories!)