As soon as Gill and Rachel entered the pub, they became aware of loud applause's coming from the team of police officers. The two women shared confused glances, before Janet stepped in, placing a wine glass in their hands.

"You just going to stand there or you coming to celebrate?" Mitch shouted over the heads of colleagues. The whole team were there, already by the looks of it rather intoxicated.

"What the hell are we celebrating you tools?" Rachel shouted out. Everyone turned to face her looking ever so slightly confused, as though she was supposed to have a clue. She looked to Gill for support, but she had seemingly disappeared leaving a very confused DC with a group of drunks.

"This is what we're celebrating DC Bailey" Rachel gasped at the sight of Sean kneeling down in the middle of the pub, holding out a ring box. Rachel could feel her face turning bright red from the embarrassment of being centre of attention. Sean and Rachel's eyes locked for a few moments, before Sean got a glimpse of a smile falling to his girlfriend's lips.

"Course I will you daft sod! Come here!" She laughed as she pulled him up from the floor and into her arms, kissing him like he was about to disappear.

Another cheer erupted in the room, as Rachel and Sean shared a kiss. Mitch and Pete blew wolf whistles in the air, while Janet stood at the front of the party, tears glistening in her blue eyes. She never thought she'd see the day that Rachel decided to settle down!

"Oi Kid!" A voice called from behind. Gill had re-appeared, and brought with her Sammy, who was holding the keys to what appeared to be a hotel room. He approached her slowly before holding out his arm and dropping the keys into his half-sisters hand.

"It's a paid for room at the Manchester Grand. Call it a pre-Marriage honeymoon. You've had a shit few months so, yeah. Ere' are. Enjoy!" He said awkwardly, before allowing Rachel to pull him into a hug and smoother him to death.

"Oi! Stop suffocating your brother and piss off, give us some peace for a few days!" Gill laughed as she took a gulp of wine from her glass. Rachel elegantly flicked her two fingers up at her Mother before being drawn back into another kiss by Sean.

The room broke out into 'Ohhh's' and 'ahh's' as Sean quickly lifted Rachel over his shoulder, giving it a quick smack and turning towards the door.

"Thank you all for this, see you in a few days. Who knows by then, there could be a Mini McCartney on its way" He laughed. Rachel lifted her head instinctively and shook it. There was no way she was ready to be a Mother. I have a big enough baby, what with looking after Sean. Don't think two unruly kids are on my list. Marriage, nice house, settled in my job…then kids. No, for once Rachel Bailey's life seemed to be perfect.