Hey hey hey! So I was thinking about all things otaku when I thought "wouldn't it be funny if Angeline (one of my OC's) ended up with Bassie (Sebastian)?" (cause her name means angel, and he's a demon, so yeah) And I got out my notebook and started writing and came up with this! I will be working on this as well as Don't You Know You're Supposed To Stay Under the Radar; so if you're following that one too, don't be scared! I haven't given up on it! Now let me quit my annoying rambling and let you read the fanfic!

"Oh dear," Elizabeth exclaimed wen she saw a small figure huddled in the snow. "Stop! Stop the carriage!"

"What in the world… Lizzie, what is it?" Ciel asked his fiancé.

"Look," Elizabeth said, pointing to the figure. She appeared to be a girl around sixteen years of age. She must have heard the carriage stop because she raised her head, her emerald eyes glistening with tears, her dark-chocolate brown hair unkempt.

Ciel's eyes widened in recognition, "Sebastian! Go get her!"

"Ciel, who is she?" Elizabeth asked.

"Angeline Redthorne."

"She seems pretty important to you…"

"It's business related, that's all." Ciel explained. So her majesty was right.

"Here, master. What are you going to do with her?" Sebastian asked, setting Angeline down next to Elizabeth.

"We take her to the manor, let her get some rest, and then we'll figure out the rest. Angeline Redthone, age sixteen, born in London, England, on December 31st. It's about time we met." Ciel said, leaning forward.

Angeline cowered away. "Ciel, stop scaring the poor thing! You'll never earn her trust if you act like that." Elizabeth chastised.

"Take her to a guest bedroom, Sebastian. Any one will do." Ciel instructed.

"Yes master." Sebastian replied and obediently carried the sleeping girl to a guest bedroom. He didn't want to wake her, so he simply put her in bed and left to go tend to the young master.

All without knowing the haunting melody going through her head.

London Bridge is falling down… Build it up with iron and steel… iron and steel will bend and bow… My fair lady.

"Angeline Juliet Redthorne. Her parents and older sister died in an earthquake and she was nowhere to be found. Why would she show up on the streets at random like that after three weeks?" Ciel asked himself, pacing the dark room.

"Young Master," Sebastian's voice sounded from outside his door. "Go back to bed or I'll unleash your fiancé on you in the morning, and you know how she can dote."

Ciel cursed and got back into bed, knowing he had to think about this in the morning. He drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

The ground underneath Ciel's feet shook. He was in front of a house in an area he had never been to before. A mysterious unknown voice sang from somewhere above Ciel.

"London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down," It sounded like a man's voice, and vaguely familiar.

"Mother! Father! Sister!" A shrill scream sounded from the crumbling building.

"London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady."

"Build it up with wood and clay, wood and clay, wood and clay. Build it up with wood and clay." A high soprano voice sounded from inside.

"Wood and clay will wash away, wash away, wash away. Wood and clay will wash away, my fair lady."

The soprano voice sounded again. "Build it up with iron and steel, iron and steel, iron and steel. Build it up with iron and steel." A girl appeared in the doorway in a hypnotic trance.

"Angeline?" Ciel asked. No one appeared to have heard him.

"Iron and steel will bend and bow, bend and bow, bend and bow. Iron and steel will bend and bow, my fair lady."

Angeline continued singing "Build it up with silver and gold, silver and gold, silver and gold. Build it up with silver and gold."

A winged man came down from the heavens. Ash. Ciel thought bitterly.

"Silver and gold will be stolen away, stolen away, stolen away." Ash sang, landing in front of Angeline. He took her hands. "Silver and gold will be stolen away, my fair lady."

"Is there no solution to the broken bridge?" Angeline asked, looking back at the rubble that used to be her home. "Or my broken heart?"

"I'm afraid not, my lady." Ash responded.

"Why did you take my family away?"

"This world is slowly being cleansed, my dear. I'm sorry, Angeline, but it's all part of the process. Angeline, that's such a lovely name. It means angel, you know. " Ash said, releasing her hands and wrapping one arm around her waist.

"What is the meaning of this, angel?"

"Please, call me Ash."

"What are you doing, Ash?"

"Angeline, shouldn't you have a form worthy of your name? Surely, being human isn't enough for you."

"Actually, it is, thank you very much." Angeline replied. "Besides, why me?"

"Because, I chose you, my dear. Don't you want to be spared? Don't you want to join me in my cleansing?" Ash asked.

Angeline looked once again at her crumbled home. "My mother, my father, my older sister, they're all in there and they wont ever come out on their own." Angeline looked at Ash with absolute hatred. "If killing innocent people is your idea of a cleansing, I want nothing to do with it. The only thing that needs to be 'cleansed' its demons like you."

Ash frowned. "Well, I should have to try to change your mind." He said. Angeline's eyes widened. "And I am an angel, not a demon."

"You're actions beg to differ." Angeline replied confidently.

"Angeline, get out of there!" Ciel shouted, unheard.

Ash opened his gigantic wings and carried Angeline up, up, and up, higher and higher. Angeline struggled to break free, screaming as loud as she could, but Ash's tight grip on her waist never loosened.

"Angeline!" Ciel shouted again.

Ciel woke with a start. What a strange dream. He thought. Ciel got out of bed and dressed himself. Sebastian wasn't expected to wake him for another hour.

Ciel walked down the halls, finding Sebastian dusting a stair railing.

"Young Master!" He said, "You're up early."

"I will be eating in my study this morning, I have an important letter to send to her majesty."

"Yes master."

Has the Redthorne girl had anything to eat?" Ciel asked, picking up his tea.

"She is still asleep, master." Sebastian informed.

"Bring something up to her room for when she wakes up. We don't want her starving while she's here."

"Of course, right away master."

Holy crap! Did I really write this much? This isn't all of it, I have the next chapter pre-written in my notebook. So tell me what you think, reviews make me happy. Holy crap this is long! I know it's slow now but this was just an opening to what's happening, which the next chapter will be too. Until next time!