(I have revised the story to flow better. Thanks for the suggestion Deanthemant)

This story is set up just like any other Supernatural Show. First the introduction. Then come the guys. There will be loads of action, horror and violence in upcoming chapters. When a chapter gets darker (and it will) I'll let you know when to cover your eyes. This is rated M/T. So please keep that in mind when reading.

This is a stand alone piece. With some references to the pass 6 seasons and maybe beginning of the 7th. Please take the time to leave a review. Love to hear how people are enjoying the story line. Enjoy!

A Time Wished to be Forgotten

Chapter 1: Yesterday

As the young woman is laying still in bed, there is sparks of bright red flashing across her eyes. When she slowly turns her head to the right, the flashes turn from a bright read to a glowing blue. Attempting to squeeze her eyes shut, she moved her head flat on the pillow. A brilliant bright white light suddenly engulfed her. There was a tremendously amount of pain. The insides of her eyelids felt like their were burning. Attempting to yell out in pain, nothing but utter silence came out instead.

As the brilliance of the white light gradually went away. She willed herself to open her eyes. Her eyes fluttered open, she attempts to focus on her surroundings. Her eyes could only see shapes and shadowy figures around her. It seemed to her that they were standing just behind the light. Trying to focus harder, she opened and closed her eyes. She did this several times. Then suddenly the images around her came more and more into focus. She could see some of the shadows and shapes that she couldn't make out before. The shadows were clearly people moving quickly around her. Looking up, she found the sore of the brilliant white light. It was a round domed light. The type of lamp you would see in hospital rooms.

Shifting her eyes to the left of her, was an IV pole next to her bed. Little by little, she moved her eyes to the right of her. She could see there was some type of machine next to her bed. Closing her eyes again. She tried to comprehend where she was at. Wondering if she was dreaming. A sudden uneasiness came over her. Her heart began raced. With every beat she could feel her heart thump in her chest. She couldn't let herself believe that this finally wasn't a dream. That she actually was out.

"It is a possibility?" thinking to herself.

Attempting to take a deep breath, she gagged. A sudden panic set in. Something was forcing air into her lungs. Again she tried to take another breath. For a second time, she gaged. Without opening her eyes, she lifted her hand up to her face. Feeling around her mouth, there was something sticking out of it. Then she felt air pushing into her mouth. As the air pushed, she felt her lungs rise and fall.

"What is this?" she wondered feeling all around tape and tube.

Taking a moment to think about what it could be. Again the force of air went into her lungs. There was a rhythm to it. Suddenly it occurred to her what it was. A respirator. She tried to take another deep breath. She gagged again. Reaching up, she started to fumble with the tape that had held the tube in her mouth. Once she got the tape off, she attempted to pull on the tube. She could feel the tube move in her lungs. Pushing her breath out after the last force of air, She gave the tube a steady pull. She gagged and coughed until the tube was completely out of her lungs and mouth. Then she sucked in as much air into her lungs as they could withstand. Trying exhale, she started to violently cough.

Learning really quickly that she would have to take it slow. She began to take small breathes. Slowly she took air in and then let it out slowly. Involuntary tears ran down her face. Practicing, she began to breathe small swallow breaths to keep from coughing. As she concentrated on her breathing, she opened her eyes. There was a horrible beeping noise that filtered through out the room. Looking around the room to see where the sound was coming from, she could see people rushing around the room. A man moved over top of her and turned off the machine. Suddenly the room went silent. Then voices filtered the room. Two Voices that was talking to each, moved toward the bed.

"She's awake!" A womans voice said.

"Impossible! She's been in coma for years!" A husky male voice replied.

The husky male voice moved the woman to the side. She could see the male's face above her, he looked as he was in total shock. He said something to the women, then moved from her view. It seems as only seconds before a tall black woman stood over her. The tall black woman was saying something, but she had a hard time understanding her. Slowly, she could feel her bed move, bringing her up to a sitting position. She went dizzy for a moment grabbing the side rails for support. Closing and opening her eyes, she focused in on the tall black woman.

"Amara, can you hear me?" the tall black woman asked.

Amara tried to answer her, but nothing came out. She looked around the room. Then focusing on the tall black women in front of her. Amara looked at her, then shifted her eyes down to the tag she had on her white coat. Amara's eyes focused in on the woman's badge. The only thing she could make sense of what she was reading was the last part of her tag.

"A doctor." Amara thought to herself.

Tears began to flow down Amara's cheeks. She suddenly realized two things. That this wasn't a dream she was having and she wasn't dead. Even though neither thought really occurred to her before now. All she could think was that this was another nightmare. The whole time Amara was thinking to herself, when she wakes up, she would be back to the dark.

The Doctor shined a tiny flash light into her eyes. Noting that her eyes were equal and Doctor glanced up at the monitors. Her pulse was strong and steady. Her heart rhythm was in normal limits. Her blood pressure looked good and strong. Her oxygen stats were within normal limits. Her patient was doing good considering she just came out of a coma. The Doctor watches Amara for a moment. Marveling how alert Amara was. The doctor did notice that she was having a hard time comprehending her surroundings. This didn't concern her, not since Amara had been in a coma for three years. The tall Doctor watch closely, as Amara tried to gather her thoughts.

"Amara can you hear me?" The doctor asked a little louder this time.

Barely above a whisper, Amara said, "Yes."

"Amara you're in Palmer Lake Hospital. You have been here for a while." The Doctor said.

Amara made a motion with her hands for some water. The doctor asked one of the nurses for some chipped ice. When the nurse did, the Doctor placed a couple of ice chips onto her tongue with a spoon. Amara motioned for more. The Doctor repeated what she just did.

"Slowly Amara, I'm only going to give you enough to coat your throat okay?" Doctor insisted.

The ice melting in her mouth and slowly going down her throat, felt so good. Closing then opening her eyes widely, she takes a good look around the room. Amara finally began to feel safe for the first time. There was no more pain or darkness. A thought suddenly came to her. How had long she been like this? For Amara, it felt that she had been in a nightmare for hundred of years.

Licking her lips, Amara whispered to the doctor, "How long?"

"Sorry Amara, I didn't hear you." Doctor said, as she lowered herself down to hear her.

"How long?" Amara said a bit louder.

"Its been about three years Amara...You've been in a coma." The Doctor replied.

A coma? The thought of it, caused something inside Amara to break. Amara eyes began to gloss over with tears. She couldn't believe that it true. All that time, gone. Amara thought to herself. In a nightmare that she couldn't bring herself out of. All that torment and pain, was just a dream. Amara wrestled with the idea. Looking inside her mind for answers. She searched for the cause that had placed her into a coma. Bits and pieces started coming back. A bridge. Water. A feeling of complete utter hopelessness. Despair. Sensation of falling. Darkness. Amara's heart beat wildly in her chest. She realized in that moment what happened. Amara had committed suicide.

"Amara, do you remember what happened to you?" Doctor asked, as she studied the monitor, watching Amara's heart rate flexure.

Amara didn't want to admit it to Doctor. It was hard enough remembering. The pain, hurt of what she had done to herself. However, to say it out loud was too much to bare. Amara felt if didn't admit to it, then it couldn't have happen. She shook her head no at the doctor.

"It's probably better that you didn't. (Sighing) Were gonna send you for some tests. Get you moving again. Then some solid foods. From there if you keep improving like you're doing right now, we'll see maybe you going home in couple of weeks...okay?" Doc said softly.

Amara shook her head in agreement. What she wanted now was some peace. In her dreams, she was in hell. So for now all she wanted was peace. However deep inside her, she somehow knew that wasn't going to happen. She did wanted answers to why she wasn't dead. Amara knew from the height she jumped, there was no way she could have survived. Maybe it was the luck of the draw. Amara could accept that. Then another thought occurred to her. Did she straddle both worlds. In this world, she was another coma patient. Dead for all intensive proposes. But the other world, the dark one. It was all torture and pain. All the blood-letting. Maybe she didn't die, but Amara knew where she had been for three years. There is only one place you go to when you kill yourself. Hell.