Chapter 23 Someone knocking at the door

Four days had passed. It was Dean's turn to sit with Amara. Each of them had taken twelve hours shifts to watch over Amara. Never leaving a chance of her being alone. That way when she woke up. Someone would be there. Dean had made that promise to her. One way or the other, he was going to make sure he kept it.

Dean had pulled his chair up next to Amara's bed. He placed it next to her bed, facing her and the wall. His legs were stretched out in front of him. He was reading a book as he was holding Amara's hand. While he read, his thumb gently rubbed her palm. Every few minutes he would look up at her. Making sure her eyes were closed.

The nursing staff would come in every half an hour. They would check her vital signs. Make sure that her IV was working properly. Reposition her. Bobby and Sam would always ask questions to see if there was any sign of her waking up. Dean on the other hand, never said a word. He would just nod at the nurses as they would come in. When they were done. He would nod at them as they left.

This particular time it didn't go like that. Dean watched out the corner of his eyes as the nurse moved around the room. He noticed right away that she was carrying herself different. Usually the nurse was all smiles and bubbly. This time she walked in with a muted look. Keeping everything really professional. Taking more time than usual going over Amara's vitals. Then checking her wounds and I.V.. Then without a word the nurse went over to the computer and immediately began typing things in. This was new to Dean. In the four days he has been there, not one nurse stayed in the room typing anything into the computer.

Without lifting his head from his book, Dean asked, "Is there anything new?"

The nurse smiled and went back typing in the computer. Not giving him any kind of answer. Dean looked at her for a minute. Then turned around in his chair. This time he was looking directly at her.

"Nurse...Huh...I don't know if you heard me or not? But I asked you if there was anything new with Amara?" Dean said with a hint of anger.

The nurse didn't look up from the computer as she said, "Sir, the doctor will be in here in few minutes to go over things. Right now we are waiting for her Uncle Bobby? (clicking her mouse) Yes, her Uncle Bobby to come in and explain things to him."

This caused Dean to stand up. Looking down at Amara, then back at the nurse. It didn't feel right to him. Taking his phone out. He calls Bobby. It just rung. Hanging up. He looks at the phone it for a moment. It puzzled Dean that Bobby didn't answer. Because, he never turns it off. Sometimes Dean could have sworn the phone was super glued to his ear.

Placing his phone back in his pocket, "How long ago did you call him?"

The nurse got down from the stool, moving toward the sliding glass, "It will only be a few more minutes Mr. Winchester."

Dean moved with the quickness. He left Amara's side and was at the sliding door before the nurse had a chance to blink. When she tried to open the door, Dean was already there with hand at the door, preventing it from moving.

"Miss, I asked you a question?" Dean asked, looking down at her with his eyebrows up.

The nurse blushed red and simply answered, "Fifteen minutes ago."

Dean let go the door go as soon as the Nurse pulled on it door. He stood there and watched as she left the room and went to the nurses station. Moving back over to Amara, he leans down and kisses her forehead. Sitting back down, he ran his hands over his face. Dean senses was telling him this wasn't going to be good. If he was a betting man and he was, it was going to be a game changer.

Dean looked deeply at Amara. She looked so peaceful. She still had that tranquil look on her face. Where ever she was in her mind. She was happy. Picking up her hand, he interlaced his fingers with hers. Pulling them toward him, Dean kissed the back of her hand. He didn't know what to do to get her to come back. To have her wake up. To come back or how to fix it. Making her feel safe enough to be there with him. He places her hand on his forehead. Wishing he could do something. Asking Cass was out of the question. He couldn't. He told him unconditionally that it was up to Amara. Bringing their hands down, Dean cradled hers tightly.

"Amara, I don't know what to do. (rubbing his thumb on her palm.) Do you understand that if you don't come out of it...You'll be like this (whispers) always."

Watching Amara closely. Letting her hand lay in his palm. Nothing. No reaction at all. She didn't respond to him in any way.

"Damn it Amara, enough is enough! You gotta wake up!" Dean demanded as he squeezed her hand.

Nothing. Not one twitch. Not a flicker. Dean let go of her hand. Standing up, he lifts her hand up and places it carefully on her stomach. Then he sat down on the bed. Looking at her. Her eyebrow lifted. Then relaxed. Leaning down, looking at her closed eyes.


Watching for any type of movement. Dean held his breath. Waiting. Nothing. He exhales harshly. "Was it my imagination?" Shaking his head. He knew he seen it.

"Amara, you heard me didn't you?" Dean pleaded for a sign.

That's when it happened again. It was so minuscule. If he wasn't watching so closing he would have missed it. Her eyebrow raised again. Just a flicker. But enough to convince him that Amara heard him. Leaning down and kissing her forehead. Then whispered.

"I seen it. Keep trying."

Dean eyes didn't leave Amara's face. He sat there and watched. His heart beating fast in his chest. He waited. Watching. Amara didn't make another move. He didn't either. He stayed sitting on her bed, leaning over her, staring at her face. Waiting for kind of movement. Willing her to move again. But she didn't. Then the sliding glass moved.

Bobby, Sam and the doctor all came into the room together. Dean stood up from the bed. Looking at their faces, Dean knew he was right. It was bad. Sam and Bobby had a strange look of sadness. Which struck Dean as odd. Since there wasn't anything wrong with Amara, other than her sleeping. He watch the doctor closely as he moved over to the computer. Then watched as Bobby and Sam came over to him.

"What's going on?" Dean asked with a scowl on his face.

"I don't know Dean. I received a call to come here. That the doctor wanted to talk to me Amara condition." Bobby said softly.

As if on cue, the doctor walked over to them and extended his hand out to the men.

"My name is Dr. Harper."

Bobby shook his hand as he said, "My name is Bobby Singer. I'm Amara's Uncle."

"Nice to meet you. Uh...(heading toward the door) Why don't we go out to the conference room and talk?" Dr. Harper asked.

"That's okay. Why don't we talk right here? (motioning to Dean and Sam) It's okay that they are here. They are her family too." Bobby said in a gruff voice.

"Sure...Not a problem. Well then let's get right to it." Dr. Harper declared.

All three motion their head in unionism.

"As you know Amara has been in this state for about four days now. (taking a deep breath) There has been no change in her condition since she slipped back into the coma. We are now at a point. That you and your family need to decide what we need to do for her...To make her more comfortable." Dr. Harper said even and firm.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, unsure about what he was meaning.

"It might be time to move her to another facility." The doctor simply said.

Dean moved from Amara's side and went around to front of her bed. Placing himself between her and the Doctor.


The doctor took a step back before he answered. There was a look of sheer anger on Dean's face to cause him to pause and step back. He knew that he had to be on guard with this man.

"I'm not going to say she won't come out of the coma. Right now we're at in pass. We have done all we can do here for her. Amara will be helped better at a skilled facility. They can care for her better...than we can do here. There she can get the round o'clock care she needs, that something really we can't provide for her here."

"So your just going to give up on her?" Dean demanded taking a step toward the doctor.

"Sir, please understand. We can't do anything more for her. Her EEG hasn't changed. All the tests come back fine. (taking another step back) However as you know there hasn't been a sign of her waking up." Dr. Harper trying to explain.

"That not true. (stepping forward) She just moved not even ten minutes ago. Amara...She raised her eyebrows. And when I asked if she heard me, she did it again." Dean explained.

Sam and Bobby, swung their heads in Dean's direction. Staring at him in disbelief. The doctor shook his head back and forth as he said,

"I'm sorry sir. Those are involuntary muscles movements. They are not responses to anything. They are uncontrolled...It happens with people who are in a coma."

"Bullshit! I even asked her to do it. And she did!" Dean declared.

The doctor looked at Dean. All he could do is shake his head at him, no. This was the part Dr. Harper hated. It was alright for families, friends to have hope. However, there are times like these he hated to break it. Especially when they have convinced themselves that a patient actually responds to them. The doctor wanted to get them to agree. Not sit and debate whether or not she was in a coma. Dr. Harper moved around Dean, to Amara bed. Lifting the blanket off her feet, he carefully pulls a needle out of his coat pocket. Taking the sheath off, he reaches down and lifts her foot up.

Dean yelled out as he moved over to the Doctor, "Whoa there Dr. Jekyll, what the hell do you think your going to do with that needle?!"

"I'm going to show you that right now, in this moment. Amara is not here." Doctor Harper replied.

The doctor takes the needle and gently pokes the bottom of Amara's foot with the tip. Dean was livid. Without a thought, he went for him. Sam grabbed him just a tad late. His fist connected hard to the doctor's jaw. Causing Dr. Harper to step away from Amara bed and him. Sam finally grabbed Dean before he could hit him with a follow-up punch. Pushing him away from the doctor and up against the bottom of Amara's bed. As Dean was protecting Amara, Bobby watched her. There wasn't an expression of any type, when the doctor poked her with the needle. Not twitch, grimness or eye flicker. Nothing.

"You son of a bitch...What the hell are you thinking?" Dean yelled, struggling against Sam.

"I wanted to show you...What you seen before wasn't what you really seen! It wasn't because she was waking up. It is because you're wanting her to. All of her test says she is in a coma. She isn't awake. No amount of hope is going to change that. The sooner you and your family realize that. Sooner we can help her." The doctor calmly explained.

Sam stood in front of Dean to keep him from taking another swing at the doctor as he attempted to explain what he seen.

"I know what the hell I seen. It wasn't my imagination and I didn't dream it! I asked her if she heard me. She raised her eyebrow. If that doesn't say she coming around I don't know what else will."

The doctor didn't respond. He stood there looking at Dean. Shaking his head the whole time. Dean looked up at Sam. Sam didn't say anything. He just give him a look of sorry. Then Dean turned to Bobby. He knew the minute he looked into his eyes, it was over.

"We need to give her a little more time Bobby. She's there at the surface. I can feel it."

Bobby looked away Dean. He couldn't look at him. Not with what he had to do. Hoping that one day Dean would forgive him. Bobby looked up at Sam. Giving him an expression to get ready. It was going to go bad. Then Bobby looked at Dean.

"Look son, I know you want to believe in what you seen. I'm not going to say you didn't. (eyes narrowing) But right now, we need to do what's right for Amara." Bobby calmly said.

Dean stop struggling, "What the hell Bobby are you saying? Are you giving up on her?"

"'I'll never give on her, Dean. It's not about that. You know that. She needs better care than they can give her here. That is the only reason I'm doing this Son. Sam get him out of here!" Bobby firmly said.

Dean stood there in shock for a moment or two. Unsure if this was all really happening. He knew if they just had a few more days. They could get her to wake up. He felt that she was right there at the surface. If she only had a few more days, Amara will be okay. Looking up at Sam. He could tell by the look on his face that he was siding with Bobby.

"Don't do it Sammy."

"Come on Dean. Let Bobby handle this." Sam sternly said.

"No!" Dean growled.

Sam didn't say another word. He hit Dean with hard left. Dean went tumbling into the wall and on to the floor. Reaching down, Sam grabbed Dean by his arms and pulled him up. He didn't give Dean a moment to think about anything. He hit him one more time. This punch knocked Dean out. As Sam was putting Dean over is shoulder, Bobby moved over to the wall where the handicap button was and pushed it. Sam carried Dean out of Amara's room and down the hallway.

Getting about midway, Dean kicked out, causing Sam to drop him. Before Dean could manage to get a firmly on his feet. Sam had grabbed him up by his shoulders and pulled him down the hallway. Eying a small empty room, Sam guided him over to it. Shoving Dean hard into the room. Keeping himself in front of the door, Sam kicks the door back with his foot, closing it.

"So you're siding with them huh? What the hell Sam? You've given up on her too!" Dean yelled.

"Dean it's not like that." Sam quietly said.

"What hell do you mean it's not like that? What do you think? I imagined it? I'm telling you Sam I seen her move...I...Asked her to move. She did. Do you realize what that means? She's right there. Right at the surface. All she needs is time...That all she needs." Dean pleaded.

Sam stood there and listened. His heart was breaking for Dean. Sam knew all Dean wanted was for her to wake up. He wasn't sure if Dean really did see what he saw. It wasn't for him to say yeah or nay. All he could do is go by what the doctor and Bobby wants. They think she could get better at a place that can take care of her. She can't do that here. It wasn't giving up on her it was helping her.

Sam also knew that Dean was blaming himself for everything. There wasn't a damn thing he good do to fix it for Dean. Whatever was going to happen had to play its self in its own time. The one thing Dean never had. His most major flaw was patience. He wanted it now. It wasn't going to happen. No matter how much yelling or hitting is going to change that.

"Dean no one is giving up...Its just she need to go to a place that will give her better care than they can't give her here." Sam explained.

"I can't let you do that Sam. I wouldn't do that to you or Bobby. You...You send her there, she'll rot away." Dean calmly said.

To Sam surprise, a chair had come flying at him. He quickly moved to the side out of its way as it bounce off the wall. Suddenly, Dean charged him. Hitting him with everything he had. Sam landed hard on the floor, with the wind knocked out of him and Dean on top of him. They struggled and rolled on the floor for a minute. When Sam finally got the better of Dean. He manage to pinned Dean, under him.

Dean struggled against Sam. Trying his best to get Sam off of him. The next thing Sam knew, Dean manage to get his arm from under him. He swung and hit him the jaw hard enough for Sam to lose his balance. Dean takes advantage of this and moves to his feet and heads for the door. However Sam wasn't willing to give up yet. He reaches out and catches Dean leg, causing him to fall flat on his face. Sam manage to get to back on his feet and to the door before Dean could. Covering it with his body. Keeping Dean from it.

"Dean you need to stop this. What do you think you can you do to fix it? Huh? If Amara is in there, she not listening!...(standing face to face)...Until she ready, this is how she going to be. It doesn't matter how long we take shifts and sit by her. If Amara doesn't want to get up, she's not going to."

Dean turned around and kicked the chair that he threw at Sam. Moving over to the window, he looks out. He was beginning to second guess what he had seen. "Did imagine it?" Dean shook his head at his self. Maybe he did. He wasn't sure. All he deeply wanted, was her just to wake up, start her life and be happy.

"It's not fair Sam." Dean whispered.

"No it's not." Sam replied.

"I don't get Sam. We know that the big guy forgave her. So why isn't she awake?" Dean said more than questioned.

"There isn't any answers Dean. Those who know aren't saying. All I can say is let's get her some where they can work with her. They can't do that here...Maybe just maybe all she really needs is time. Time to work everything out before she can wake up." Sam reasoned.

Dean didn't say anything but shake his head at him in agreement. It could be that all Amara needed was time. He didn't know. What he did know was that it wasn't fair to her at all. She did everything that was asked of her. The man upstairs gave her what she needed most. Forgiveness. So why is she still in a coma? Why would God let her stay this way. It was the unfairness of it all. It was tearing him apart.

Worse of it, Dean was blaming himself. It felt that he caused the coma. To be faced with what he done her. To trust him only to find out what type of monster he was. If things didn't progress they way they did. If they wouldn't have made love. Or even maybe...fall in love. Then she could have faced this and not be faced with the horror of everything he did and was done to her in hell. Maybe she would be fine. She would hate him like she was supposed to. Then there would have be no reason to fall back into a coma. But it didn't happen like that. He felt that the blame for this was his. His alone.

About six months had went by. When the guys weren't out on a hunt. They would come and spend time with Amara. If they were hunting and Bobby could get away. He would spend time with her. All of them, would call the rehabilitation center everyday. Inquiring how she was doing. It was always the same. Nothing. No changes. Amara still wasn't responding.

Then the Leviathans came. The guys had to go into hiding because those things were hunting them. They're visits stopped. They slowed down their calls to twice a week. Always anonymous. That way the Leviathans would leave Amara alone. Bobby would come and visit her when he can. But even his visits dwindled down to nothing. Then Bobby died. Not too soon after that Dean disappeared and Sam was left all alone.

Before Sam left to parts unknown, he made his last visit with Amara. Sam sat with her for hours that day. Telling her everything that had happen. He told her about Castiel and Dean and the new prophet Kevin Tran. How when Dean and Castiel killed Dick Roman, everything turned black and then they were gone. Crowley came, took Kevin and the tablet. Suddenly he was alone. For the first time in his whole life, he was alone.

Sam sat there and poured his heart out to Amara. He explained to her how helpless he was feeling. He didn't know what to do. There was no reason now to keep hunting. Everyone was gone. He had no clue where to find Dean and Castiel. There was no finding Kevin without help. Now he was at a dead end. "Why keep fighting? What for?"

"I'm done Amara. Just done. I'm not gonna do this anymore. Its time to just walk away."

Sam explained to the silent Amara that he was going away. He promised her. That he was going to keep that promise Dean made her. He would always be there for her.

"When you decide to quit hiding...And wake up. I'll be here. I made a promise to Dean that I would always take care of you."

Flashback 3 months ago in the cabin.

Sam and Dean was researching as much information as they could about Dick Roman. Now that Sam was Sam. Not walking around with Lucifer in his head any more. He just wanted stop Roman. The only down fall was since Castiel took his pain and Lucifer out of his mind. It shattered his. They had to leave him there in the looney bend. This way they could go after the leviathans. Especially since they had a score to settle with Dick Roman about Bobby.

They were reflecting on everything that has gone on the pass year. Then they're conversation turned to Amara. Both were feeling guilty about not going to see her. However they knew if they did it would just make her a target. But both admitted to calling up the rehab center and checking on her. Dean couldn't help but smile when he found out that Sam always would call too.

"Sam...I need you to do me a favor." Dean innocently asked.

Sam looked at Dean, baffled. "Sure Dean, what is it?"

"If something happen...You know to me." Dean started to say, But Sam interrupted him.

"Nothing is going to happen to you Dean." Sam said with a little stress in his voice.

"Damn it Sam, let me get this chick flick out and over with. Okay!" Dean smarted.

Sam shaking his head, "Okay...Okay. What do you need me to do?"

"Can you please take care of Amara for me. You know...check up on her. Most importantly, be there and help her when she wakes up." Dean asked never taking his eyes off the computer screen.

"Yeah Dean...I could do that for you." Sam simply replied.

"Promise me Sam." Dean demanded.

"Okay Dean...I promise." Sam answered.

Sam didn't what to correct him or even get Dean mad at what he thought about that request. He knew that Amara's coma was permanent. Specially when she still hadn't woken up yet and its been almost a year. But he didn't want to put down Dean's faith in her or God. He knew that Dean truly believed that Amara was going to wake up. It wasn't never discussed again. Right at that moment they had bigger fish to fry.


Sam reached out and grabbed Amara's hand. Promising her that he would do everything in his power to keep that promised. He sat there and watched her for about another hour. Tears ran down his face. Thinking about everything he had lost. Knowing that this was one promise that he intended to keep. In many ways, he felt a kindred spirit with her. She did everything that was expected of her. She saved this world and not one person knew about it but him. Him and his brother did the same. In the end, they gave everything to do it. There was no gratitude. Then you wait for something else to be thrown at you.

Wiping a tear from his eyes, Sam stands up. Leaning down he gave Amara a kiss on her forehead. Taking his hand, he traced his fingers along the curve of her face. She still looked beautiful. Her long dark hair, cradles her like a shawl. Her chocolate hair covered the pillow and down around her chest. Her face still had a look of complete peace.

Leaning down, Sam whispers in her ears, "Maybe you got the best prize of all. Peace."

Kissing Amara cheek, Sam stood there and looked at her. Looking for any tell tale sign that she could just possibly be sleeping. But like always, no movement. Or even an indication that she could even hear him. Squeezing her hand one more time, Sam turned and walked away. Stopping only for a few seconds to take a last look at her. Then left.

It was a year. The exact day, hour, minute to the very second when it happened. A feeling of utter electricity ran throughout Amara's whole body. Her mind spinning back from the very safe place it had been hiding at. All the thoughts, doubts and pain came rushing back to her. Her mind replaying the day she went to sleep. Then surge of light that engulfed her and slowly waking her up.

Opening her eyes, Amara was unprepared for what was waiting for her. There stood a man in front of her, in a beige trench coat with bluest eyes staring down at her. Before she could say anything, the man before her spoke.

"My name is Castiel. I was sent by our Lord to wake you up. He says that you have been asleep long enough and it is time to stop hiding."

Amara shook her head at Castile. Her mind was either having a hard time processing what he said. Or the man knew more that he should.

"How would you know what Our Lord would say? He isn't around anymore." Amara asked smartly.

Castiel's eyes narrowed, "He is. He knows. He has chosen his children to have free will. So he doesn't interfere. I was told by Him to wake you up. To remind do as He promised. It's time for you to live your life. To start over and begin your second chance."

"I don't want to. Leave me alone. If I truly have free will...Then it's my will to hide." Amara said with an angry.

Castiel face soften, "I'm sorry. Hiding will only get you found. You need to get up. Live. There is people who are needing you here. Amara. In this life...So wake up!"

With that, the angel disappeared in front of Amara. Leaving her with loads of questions and no answers. Forcing her eyes to stay open, she let them drifted around her room. Alone again. Concentrating has hard as she could. She focused on her arm. Willing it to lift. Amara could feel the heaviness of hit. But she forced her arm to move. It did. Just enough to move over to the side rail of the bed. Using what little strength she had, her fingers hit the buzzer. Within seconds, nurses and a doctor ran in. Her room suddenly became a flutter of activity.

Weeks went by and she was finally being released. Before she left, Amara learned from the rehabilitation center that her 'family' always called or came to see her until about six months ago. The hospital gave her all the phone numbers that they had for them. She called Bobby. Disconnected. She called Dean. No answer and his voicemail was full. Then she called Sam. The number had been changed to a unpublished number. Her mind was racing. She didn't understand what was going on. The very first thing she did upon being released, was go back to the cabin.

When the taxi dropped her off at the end of the driveway, Amara could tell right away that no one had been there in a very long time. Everything had overgrown. When she made it to the end of the drive, Bobby old Chevy was sitting there. It was coated with a layer of dirt. The grass in the back was at least knee high. Making her way up the porch stairs, she moved the wood chair that was sitting there to the side. Reaching down Amara picked up the key that Bobby told her would be there if she ever needed a place to stay.

Opening the door, the cabin had a smell of stale air. Looking around everything ether was covered in dust or had cobwebs wrapped around it. Moving from the front room to the middle room. Amara let her fingers run along the top of the couch. Looking around, everything was just the same the day she left. Books piled high. Papers thrown about. Looking at the desk, she noticed a picture of all three of her favorite men. Picking it up, Amara carefully ran her finger over top of Dean.

With a heavy heart, Amara slowly sat it back down. Her eyes scanned the desk. That is when she found a manila envelope. Picking it up, she found the envelope addressed to her. It was from Bobby. She felt her heart speed up as she opened it. Tears formed in her eyes as she read what he wrote.

"Dear Amara,

If you're reading this, it means that something horrible has happened. If me or the guys aren't there assume the worse. Don't try and contact us. Bad things are out there looking for us. If they know about you, they will find you and use you against us. We will try and contact you as soon as possible. You can use the cabin as long as you need to. Consider it yours until we meet again. The keys to the Chevy is in the top drawer of the desk. Please keep yourself safe. If anyone has any questions why you are there, show them the enclosed papers. Be careful and always watch your back.

God speed,


Amara pulled out the folded papers that was still in the envelope. Tears streamed down her face when she seen that it was a deed to the cabin and title for the car. Bobby had left everything, cabin, land, to her. Also enclosed was two hundred dollars with a note that said;

I believe you won this at darts, remind me never to get on you bad side, BS". Amara chuckled.

Walking over to the couch, she flops down. Looking around the cabin, she could picture easily where everyone would be if they were there. Bobby at the desk, with Sam across from him. Researching whatever they were going to. Dean sitting over in the recliner bitching about having to wait until they were finished. As he sipped on a glass of Bobby's finest whiskey. Amara took in a deep breath and slowly lets it out.

"If it only could be."

Amara thoughts turned to Dean. She knew that he would be blaming himself for herself imposed coma. That's not what she wanted or intended. She needed time to heal. To believe that it was true. That she was free of hell. Free to do anything she wanted to. She also needed time to let go of what happened between her and Dean. To come to realization that it wasn't him. That it was hell that did those things to them both. It wasn't either one of their faults but it was the roles that they were predestined to play.

Dean. Damn, she missed him so much. The comfort of his arms. The strength that his heart beat in his chest. The gentle touch and care that he showed her. The love they made. Amara wish so bad Dean was there. She wondered if he was okay. If he was thinking about her as she was him. Wondering if they could be together. Be happy. Or if it was never meant to be. That it was just a hope that never got realized. Whatever it was. She wished that one day they will get their chance to figure out what this could have been.

Amara did what Bobby asked of her. She didn't try to contact them. She stayed at the cabin, waiting on them. Not knowing when or even if they would ever show up. However Amara did go on with her life. Only with an empty space in her heart and them always in her thoughts. Hoping, that one day, God will send them back to her. To finish the unfinished business that was started. That one day soon, perhaps her and Dean could pick up where they left off. But until that time she is going live her life to the fullest. To live as if there was no tomorrow.

The end?

I hope you enjoyed my story. Thanks for all your wonderful support. I enjoyed writing this immensely. Thank you for letting me share my spin on Supernatural. Thanks for taking the journey with me.

Thanks for all those who helped me and gave me guidance and cheered me on. Newbieontheblock and deantheman...You two were the beacon in the darkest moments. For all those who followed, favored, review I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so glad yáll enjoyed my story.

There will be more to Amara's storyline. My muse won't shut up. She has been chattering to me since I wrote the last line. Doing research right now. There should be a part deuce soon.

Many many hugs and kisses to all.


Mamasam aka Samantha