Tony's wife didn't seem to be in a much better condition than her mother. For a brief moment she was confused by her mother's reaction but the moment "Jethro" passed her mother's lips she understood. Tears filled her piercing blue eyes. "Daddy?"

"Oh my god," Gibbs gasped, staggering backwards. "Shan? Kelly?"

"Oh holy shit," Tony mumbled, looking between Gibbs and his wife. Luckily Ziva and McGee had hurried over not far behind Gibbs. He quickly handed Katie to McGee. "Princess, this is Agent McGee and Officer David. I need you to stay with them for a little while. I'm sure if you ask them nicely they'll find you some paper so you can draw me a picture for my desk."

"Okay, but where are you going, daddy?" Katie asked sweetly.

"Mommy, Grandma and I just need to have a quick talk with Agent Gibbs, here," Tony said, wrapping an arm around Kelly and motioning to Shannon and Gibbs who were still staring at each other in shock. "We'll be back soon. Come on, conference room now."

Rather than the lift, which was Gibbs' usual conference room, Tony guided his family to the actual conference room. With so many NCIS families arriving at the Yard it wouldn't be a good idea to have the lifts tied up right now and more importantly Tony realised that once Gibbs reached the conclusion he just had his reaction was going to be explosive and it wouldn't be a good idea for him to have it in an enclosed space like the lift.

"I don't understand how this is possible," Shannon said, as Tony shut the door behind him. She was still clutching at Gibbs' arm. "Jethro, I thought you were dead! They told me you were dead!"

"Obviously someone lied," Gibbs growled, his shock beginning to wear off. "DiNozzo, did you know about this?"

Tony knew immediately that Gibbs was asking if he'd known all along that his wife and mother-in-law were the wife and daughter Gibbs had believed was dead. "Of course I didn't know," he spat, offended. "I would have told you straight away if I had." Seeing as he was the one familiar with both sides of the story he knew that it was up to him to figure it out. "Johnson," he said. "It's got to be Johnson."

"Who the hell is Johnson?" Gibbs growled.

"Our witness protection handler," Kelly said, as Tony helped her into a chair. "Tony, I know you don't like him but would he really do this? What possible reason could he have for lying about daddy being alive?"

Tony shook his head. "It makes sense, beautiful," he said gently. "Think about it. After the crash your mom was in the coma and not expected to survive. That left you as the only witness and someone needed to testify. There's no way Gibbs would have let you testify and anyone with an ounce of common sense would have known that so they needed to get you away from him. Telling you he was dead and him you were dead seems like a pretty effective way to do that. Unfortunately for them Shannie came out of the coma and testified in your place but by that stage it was too late for them to go back on the lie. Gibbs could have and would have protected you guys from anyone who came after you in retaliation but he also would have murdered whoever lied to him about his family being dead. Johnson's a spineless worm. He wouldn't have wanted to risk facing a homicidal marine."

"I can't believe this," Shannon sighed, sinking into a chair next to her daughter. "Oh Jethro. I'm so sorry!"

"Not your fault, Shan," Gibbs said. He looked over at Tony. "You really think the handler's responsible?"

"It's got to be him. The only other alternative is Mike Franks and I can't see him betraying you so badly. Johnson, on the other hand, think of an older, greasier, slimier, more disgusting version of Sacks," Tony said, sneering as the name of the FBI agent he hated passed his lips. "And you have a pretty good idea of what he's like. God, I knew he was a moron from the moment I met him. I never thought he'd go this far, though."

"What do we do?" Kelly cried.

Gibbs went and crouched down in front of his daughter. "You three, baby, do nothing. I will deal with this Johnson person." He took both his daughter's hands in his, scarcely able to believe that he was able to hold her again. While Shannon's 'death' had been horrible Kelly's had been a million times worse and he was both furious and devastated to know that the pain he'd endured for over 20 years had all been for nothing. He gestured to his daughter's obviously pregnant stomach. "God, baby, I can't believe you're… far along are you?"

"Just past 20 weeks," Kelly told him. "And Katie's three-and-a-half."

"Katie?" Gibbs asked.

"Caitlyn Faith DiNozzo," Tony said. "She was born a couple of months after Kate died so we decided to name the baby after her."

"Kate knew about Shan and Kelly?" Gibbs asked, a flicker of hurt and anger in his eyes.

For the first time Tony realised that his wife's eyes, which he'd always loved, had been inherited from her father. He couldn't decide whether the thought was amusing or creepy. "She didn't find out until I was in hospital with the plague. Seeing as she stayed with me the whole time I didn't have a choice but to tell her. Obviously, seeing as she was pregnant at the time, Kelly couldn't visit but Shannie came and sat with me during the night, when all of you were gone, and Kate set it up so Kelly and I could talk on the phone. Boss, you understand why I couldn't tell you, right?"

"Jethro, please don't blame Tony for any of this," Shannon interjected. "He was 18 when he stumbled across the fact Kelly and I were in witness protection. We'd known him for five years by that stage so I said I'd tell him everything so long as he promised to never ask our real names. And secrecy became even more important after he went into law enforcement. On one hand it gave him the skills to protect us whenever any of the dealer's friends came after us but on the other hand witness protection officials have told us that there is a spy somewhere in law enforcement so Tony always had to be extra careful to keep our secret."

"So that's why you flirt with everything that moves?" Gibbs asked sharply.

Tony rolled his eyes. "I may talk the talk but when have you ever seen me follow through with anything? As far as I'm concerned it's just another layer of protection for the girls. After all, who would ever suspect that immature, womanizing Tony DiNozzo goes home to his wife, daughter and mother-in-law every night instead of going out on the town?"

"That was my idea, daddy," Kelly said. "I know Tony's completely faithful to me."

"Fine," Gibbs huffed. He looked at Tony. "So you've known the girls since you were what….13?"

Tony nodded. "Shannie was the nurse at military school. I was injured a lot so I got to know her real well and when I was the only one in the school who didn't have anywhere to go during the Christmas break she took me home with her and I met Kelly. We've never really been apart since. God Gibbs, I can't believe that you're my father-in-law!"

"Oh god," Gibbs said. "I didn't think of this."

"Vance will have a field day with this," Tony said glumly. "If he's going to banish me to the middle of nowhere as agent afloat again can you at least try and make him wait until after the baby's born."

"If Vance tries anything like that he'll regret it," Gibbs snarled, realising that for all those months Tony had been away as agent afloat not only had he been missing his friend and Senior Field Agent, Shan, Kelly and Katie had been missing their son-in-law, husband, father and protector. He knew how good Tony's instincts were so if he said that the girls' handler was useless Gibbs believed him. The ex-marine shuddered to think what could have happened if Shannon and Kelly had been targeted while Tony was away. "You're not going anywhere, DiNozzo."

"Thanks boss," he grinned. "You know I'm quite looking forward to watching you tear Johnson apart and I imagine you're eagerly anticipating tearing him apart. What say we go catch the bastard trying to destroy NCIS so we can get on that?"

Gibbs smirked ferally. "Excellent idea, DiNozzo."