No! No I'm not back with a sequel (sorry guys!) But I am here with some information on a Torn Apart spin of ;)

I'm not the one writing it this time around…

Horselover97 is writing it and posting it :)

She asked if she could have permission to do so awhile back and I agreed. This was before I even finished writing TA. Now that it's complete, we have agreed that now is the time for you all to read the hidden part to the story.

She is now writing TA from Damon and Elena's point of views. :D

She already has the prologue posted and her updates may not be as frequent as mine, but bear with her, alright? She is amazing at representing Damon and Elena's feelings and actions.

As of right now, the story is titled Torn Apart. but I offered the name idea His Sister's Keeper...title may change, so just remember the author ok?

You will love this, trust me. Go ahead and read. Look her up or look in my favorite stories section :D And don't forget to leave a review! They make us both happy!

Love you darlings!
