Oh God...this will not end well...

Ok fellas, I'm going to try and write two stories at once! Hopefully this doesn't result in an absolute train wreck! This is my first Young Justice fanfic, so please don't be to harsh on me if the characters are a little OOC.

I'm well aware of the fact that it's not even thanksgiving yet. I'm starting this now so that when Christmas rolls around I'll hopefully have the darn thing finished...we'll see how well that works out...WISH ME LUCK!

Boring Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or it's affiliates, yada yada yada, if I did they wouldn't be on friggin' hiatus yet again!...yeah, it sucks...


"So what are you doing this year?"

Robin looked up curiously. The team were taking time to relax, and had gathered in the living room to watch a movie.

Wally, Conner, and M'gann were on the couch, M'gann leaning contentedly against Conner. Kaldur and Zatanna had taken the two individual seats on either side of the couch, and Robin and Artemis were sitting on the floor.

Artemis was watching him carefully, waiting for his answer.

She was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, the various tools and materials needed to make arrows spread out on the floor in front of her.


Artemis gestured. "For Christmas. What're you doing?"

Robin shrugged, smiling. "Same thing I do every year. I do my dead level best to make sure my family knows how much I love them."

Artemis smiled, but he could tell she was disappointed.

She'd hoped she'd finally be able to trip him up. They all tried it every now and then. He couldn't blame them really. If their positions had been reversed, he'd have been insanely curious about who she was. He'd just be smarter in how he went about getting his answers.

That was how he'd found out about the criminal elements of her family after all!

She went back to applying the new heads to her arrows. Green Arrow had given her a box full that morning, as she was running low.

"How about you?" Robin asked, grinning. "You doing anything special this year?"

Artemis shook her head. "Just me and my mom this year. I doubt Dad and Jade'll be coming." She put another drop of glue on the shaft she was holding, then slid the arrowhead over it.

She suddenly grinned and turned toward the couch. "And what is our resident speedster planning this Christmas?"

Wally had been enjoying a thick turkey sandwich, and he now paused mid-bite. He gave the blonde archer a cheeky grin. "My big goal is to trap Uncle B under the mistletoe with Aunt Iris this year! Auntie and I can never quite get him!"

Artemis cocked her head curiously. "Why?"

Wally chuckled, cramming another huge bite of sandwich into his mouth. "Well, being a speedster means your body speeds up mentally as well as physically. He knows we're trying to get him, so he's looking out for it. He usually spots it at the last millisecond or so."

Artemis glared at him and Robin burst into laughter. The rest of the team were watching them in various states of amusement, the movie almost all but forgotten.

Wally frowned. "What?"

"I don't think that's she meant Wally." Robin laughed. "She meant, why are you trying to catch the Flash under the mistletoe?"

"Oh." Wally thoughtfully took another bite of his sandwich. "Huh…I'm not exactly sure! Aunt Iris has been trying to catch him under the mistletoe for years, and she kind of pulled me into it."

"That's kind of cute, her trying to nail him under the mistletoe." Zattana commented, pulling her knees up against her chest. "How long have they been married?"

Wally shrugged. "Not sure. Probably around six 're seven years." He crammed the last of his sandwich into his mouth.

Silence fell as the teens returned their attention to the movie.

The movie had almost finished before the silence was broken again by Zatanna.

"How about you Conner? What are you doing for Christmas?"

"Um…" Conner flushed to the roots of his hair as all eyes turned to him. He chewed his lip nervously. "What's Christmas?"

The eyes of his team mates widened and their jaws dropped. Conner winced, knowing it was bad because even Kaldur and M'gann looked taken aback.

"You don't know what Christmas is?" a stunned Wally asked.

His face burning, Conner shook his head, looking away. "All I know is that it's a day." He said softly.

"Of course." Robin murmured. "The G-gnomes would've only programmed you with the things they thought were important. They wouldn't have mentioned holidays, except maybe to say they existed."

Conner nodded.

Silence fell again. "I'm sorry Conner. I didn't realize you wouldn't know." Zatanna apologized. "It's just, you know so much, it's easy to forget you're not even a year old yet!"

"It's ok." Conner answered. "You couldn't have known…." He looked around at his friends hesitantly. "Would one of you mind explaining what it is…?"

Wally scooped the remote up off the floor and clicked the T.V. off. "Dude! It'd be a crime if we didn't! Christmas is like, the best holiday out of the year!"

Artemis smacked at him. "You say that about every holiday!"

Wally stuck his tongue out at her. "Do not! You could never get me to say Valentine's Day ever comes close to Christmas, Halloween, or Thanksgiving!"

Artemis continued to glare at him for several minutes before finally gesturing at Conner. "Fine, you're so smart, you explain Christmas to him!"

"Ok." Wally turned to Conner and opened his mouth, only to stop when he realized exactly what he was doing. "…crap." He looked back at the others. "How do you explain Christmas to someone who doesn't know?" he gestured helplessly. "Rob, you were born in another country, got any ideas?"

The others looked at Wally in surprise. How did he know Robin was born in another country?

Then they looked to Robin to see his reaction.

Robin rolled his eyes, knowing it was wasted behind his shades. "I'm rolling my eyes at you Wall's." he stated. He stood, reaching above his head to stretch out muscles that had been in one position to long.

"There's a lot of stuff that has to do with Christmas." He said at last, his expression thoughtful. "Santa Clause and his reindeer, the Christmas tree, gifts, stockings... Angels, shepherds, carolers. Some people call it the season of perpetual hope, and I guess that's kind of right. It means something a little different to everybody."

He shrugged. "But when you melt it all down to what Christmas really is… when you finally reach the bottom line…Christmas is the season of giving. It's a time to be together with your family, and let them know how much you care about them."

A sad look crossed his face as he softly added. "You never know if they'll be there next year." He smiled as he met Conner's eyes, the sadness gone or hidden in the space of an eye blink. "It's also a lot of fun!"

"You bet it is!" Wally crowed.

Conner shook his head and stood. "I have no family to spend it with." He said, and quietly left the room.

The team was silent. They hadn't thought of that.

M'gann quietly opened up the psychic link. What are we going to do?

You know, technically he's wrong? He does have family, said family just doesn't give him the time of day. Wally answered sourly. I mean, I like Superman and all but sheesh! Would it kill him to treat Conner like he actually exists?

Robin snickered. Batman's had a couple of talks with Superman. There've been times I think he's about ready to try and strangle supes' sr. despite the superpowers!

Considering that he's the Batman, he'd probably figure out a way to do it too. Artemis answered.

…so, what are we going to do? Zattanna asked, echoing M'gann's earlier question. If Batman hasn't managed to bring Superman around I doubt we can manage it in under a month!

Then we will celebrate in our own way...

All eyes turned to look at Kaldur as he stood, his unique grey eyes determined. It takes more than blood to create a family, as I have often been reminded. Superman is his only known blood relative. So that avenue is closed to us. But it is not Superman to whom Conner turns when he is in need. It is to us. We are the only family Conner has ever known, though we did not realize it, and he had not thought of the bond we share in that light. It is up to us.

The others nodded. This is so going to be the best first Christmas ever, because he actually gets to remember it! Wally thought, grinning.

If that's the case, then we should totally go all out. Artemis answered.

Totally! We could decorate the cave and bring in a Christmas tree…the works! Zatanna agreed eagerly.

The others grinned at the prospect.

Then we are agreed? Kaldur asked, smiling at the silent chorus of yes's and you bet's. Very well. He quietly made his way toward the hall Conner had taken. You begin planning the preparations.

I will speak with Superboy.

...Well? What do you think? Please Reveiw and give your oppinions! Critiques and suggestions are VERY much appreciated!

I am aware that the title sucks by the way, so if you've got a better idea please don't hesitate to speak up! You will get credited for it if I decide to use it.

Until next time...