It all started with a crash.

The Starkids were all in Starkid manor getting ready for rehearsal for their new show.

Night had fallen the Starkids participating were all divided up into shared rooms.

Julia, Denise, Meredith, Lauren, and Jaime had one room and Joey, Walker, Brolden, and Dylan another.

Nick and Matt Lang were in California thankfully and were not present at the time.


Meredith got up rubbing her eyes. 'What the hell was that?' she looked around at the peacefully asleep girls 'It was only a dream' she thought to herself and went back to sleep. About 5 minutes later she started to hear voices in the halls. "Lo, did you hear that?" she whispered to the small girl next to her. Lauren mumbled several swears back and was silent.

Meredith rolled her eyes and got up and tip toed to the door look out she saw a group of 4 men in masks searching the house. Meredith gasped and hurried back in to the room, she grabbed her phone with trembling hands and dialed 911.

Hello 911, what is your emergency?

Before she could answer one of the men burst in to the room waking everyone up.

Meredith froze in her spot in shock. 'He must have seen me go in' she thought. The girls had gotten up she could see them shaking and crying, Lauren had even screamed. She looked around the crowded room in fright, she could hear loud foot steps in the hall and shouts from the boy's room.

The man lunged forward and Meredith flinched as he grabbed the phone out her hand and smashed it to bits with his foot.

She looked up into his cold dark eyes and shivered.

"Move" he whispered pointing a gun to her head.

She took a deep shaky breath and was steered into the living room with the rest of the girls.

She looked up and saw the boys sitting on the ground with two of the men pointing large guns at them.

"Sit" ordered the tallest man. He pulled of his mask and grinning slightly and said "we have a lot to dissus."

"Matt?" gasped Joe.