Summary: Saya, Diva, Hagi, Amshel and Lulu are thought to be dead. But when they return a year later to kill Kai and Riku's friend, will secrets be revealed?


Note:I do not own any of the Blood+ characters.

The Facility

Chapter 1

Riku shifted restlessly. Being a chevalier, he did not sleep. He just lay on his bed thinking. A quiet song came to his ears. Riku bolted upright, eyes wide. He knew that song; he knew who sang that song. Riku ran to his big brother Kai's room.

"Kai…They're alive," shouted Riku as he burst through the door. Roughly awakened, Kai opened his eyes and sat up. "What are you talking about Riku," Kai asked.

"Kai I heard it, I heard Diva's song," Riku shouted. Kai listened intently.

"I don't hear anything Riku, go back to sleep," Kai said. Riku listened again. The song had stopped, but he was sure he had heard it!

"But Kai, I heard it I swear," Riku defended. "You didn't hear her song Riku, Saya and the others have been dead for a year; when will you accept that," Kai barked. Upon seeing the sad look on Riku's face, Kai softened.

"Riku…"he said.

"I won't accept it, I know what I heard," Riku responded. He ran out of the room, tears streaming down his face. Kai knew what he was feeling. The day the facility took Saya, Diva, Hagi, Amshel and Lulu was a painful rip in their family. The facility wanted to examine them for tests. They wanted to know how Diva's daughters' blood had been able to bring crystalized chiropterans to life. Julia had to discovered this when the twins' blood didn't crystalize each other's like normal queens' blood. Julia put some of the mixture on Riku's remains that Kai had kept. Riku had regrown out of that small piece.

Next Julia did the same thing to Diva and Amshel at Saya's insistence. They were going to bring back George, their father, but a fire had erupted in the Omoro bar. The twins had been trapped inside and had perished. Diva was heartbroken; her babies had been taken away from her. The next day only got worse, a group of people came and took Saya, diva, Hagi, Amshel and lulu away. They wanted to know how the twins' blood had been able to bring back the chiropteran dead. The facility took them by force. Diva, still weak from the previous day's events, was the first taken down. Lulu and Saya had been next. Hagi and Amshel had been more difficult. It had taken five darts to subdue Amshel and ten darts to take down Hagi. The facility then carted them away. The only reason they hadn't taken Riku was because he had been at the clinic with Julia. Kai could still hear Saya's scream for help.

"Kai," Saya screamed. Two facility members continued pushing her into the van. Kai tried to fight them off, but to no avail. The only thing Kai saw as the van drove away was Saya's terrified look before they tranquilized her.

He snapped out of the memory. They were dead. A fire had erupted in the facility six months after Saya and the others had been taken. There were no survivors. They were dead and Riku would just have to learn to accept that.

Diva stopped singing and stood up. She looked over at the city, it was beautiful.

"We have to go," a quiet voice behind her said. Diva turned and faced her sister. Saya's hazel eyes shined from under the hood she wore. They had all been turned into Schiff like lulu, now they had to wear cloaks to avoid the very sunlight that could kill them.

"Who's the target," Diva asked.

"Joan Kelder, your scientist," lulu replied.

For the past year they had been hunting down and eliminating all of the facility members that had survived the fire. The facility members were responsible for their current state and they wanted revenge. They had each been assigned to a specialized scientist that turned them into a Schiff and given them strange powers. After they had escaped that horrid place, they had made Saya their leader because she was the strongest out of them all. She also knew how many of the humans thought because she was raised as one.

Saya and the others had to get rid of those five scientists and the head of the facility itself to exact revenge. Saya and the others vanished into the night. They needed to hunt down Joan Kelder, Michelle Wishers, Lillian Otanashi, Michael Smithers, and Kevin Shillings. They would then head for the boss himself, George Simmons.