"Ahaha, did I regenerate without realising?" He looked around him, properly noticing his surrounding and present company. "You…you're not River Song, and this, this is not the TARDIS. But I feel funny like I have a new body," he then proceeded to run his fingers through his hair and examine his hands, after prodding his face. "Definitely new body…I don't remember having such prominent cheekbones or curly hair. But still. Not. Ginger. Well this is new, never teleported and regenerated at the same time. Or changed clothes during regeneration for that matter. I expect River will be worried. You, yes you! Where and when am I, and do you have a phone I can borrow?" The Doctor finally paused for breath.

Dr John Watson had come to expect pretty much everything from Sherlock Holmes, especially on a danger night, but never had he taken on a different personality or spoken so little sense. John could only wonder if Sherlock had managed to smuggle drugs into the flat without him realising. "Sherlock what in God's name are you on about? Have you been using again? I swear if I find you have I'll ring Mycroft at whatever ungodly hour it is and see what he has to say about it. You know how much he worries about you; don't give me a reason to add to his worries." John didn't like to threaten Sherlock with his brother but sometimes Mycroft Holmes really was the only person that could get through to him.

The Doctor just stared at him blankly for a moment. "I see, this is one of the Dream Lord's tricks. This is a dream, and any minute now I'm going to wake up. And that moment is going to be now." He squeezed his eyes tightly shut for 5 seconds then slowly opened them again to see…that he was still in the presence of the slightly angry man that thinks his name is Sherlock. "Now." He repeated the process, still no change.

"Sherlock, what did you take? I need to know, I don't have a choice, and your brother will want to know." John was even more puzzled by this behaviour, his medical knowledge was telling him that there was no known drug out there that would cause this sort of an effect, so Sherlock must have obtained some new undiscovered narcotic to try. As he said this John was already pulling his phone out of his pocket, punching in Mycroft's number.

"Wait! You think I'm Sherlock but I'm not. Oh this is bad, very bad. I'm in Sherlock's body which means Sherlock is in mine. So your Sherlock is in my TARDIS without a clue how to stop her crashing and Amy can't fly her! Just let me think before you call this Mycroft person…." Sherlock's mobile went off in his pocket, the Doctor's pocket. After jumping slightly, not expecting a phone to start ringing in his pocket, the Doctor fished the phone out of his pocket. It was the TARDIS number, this Sherlock sure was a fast thinker.