Chapter: 24

So...hey. It's been like what, 3 years? Anywho, I was looking through my fanfiction docs, like I do every once in a while, and saw my Lost Girl story. I opened it just for kicks and realized I wrote this chapter like a year and a half ago and forgot to post it! Soooo, I guess this proves this story never really dies haha. But man I was looking back at my older chapters and was dying from my old writing style. So a big thank you for those of you who stuck around this far to the point where my writing is actually good. Soooooo onto the chapter! Reviewing and Favoriting is appreciated ^-^.

It's been 2 weeks in since Peter arrived in Neverland and to say the least, things are going quite well. He's been able to fly for moderate periods of time without any mishaps and he's actually pleasant to have around. He's always so happy and energetic. I've never experienced someone who had such a bright spirit. What I'm most thankful for is that he's actually taken a liking to me, or at least so I think. He really hasn't left my side since I gave him his first flying lesson. It makes it a lot easier having him attached at the hip verses franticly flying around hoping the Indians haven't killed him at the stake. Although there is a downside. I've actually taken a liking to him. I like having him around. I always thought Michael would be my best friend, but I think I'm forming a new one.

You can't get too attached Cly. At this rate, Peter will be able to fly on his own soon. He'll be able to go back home.

"Peter! I'm heading over to the beach to look for lost items. Do you want to come?" I called out peeking my head into his room.

The room I had given him inside my treehouse was actually Miko's. Thankfully he didn't mind due to the fact we haven't occupied our rooms for years. In the past 2 weeks Peter had been able to fill it with all sorts of things. The first things to go in were all the random objects he found on our first trip to beach, between Mermaid Lagoon and Pirate Cove. Jewels, Pearls, drift wood (which he claimed looked interesting), and some coconuts. Then came in all the Indian artifacts. I had to make a trip to the Natives a few days ago for some item exchanges between my colony and their village and of course Peter insisted on coming along. Also, I knew Michael wasn't going to be the most capable baby sitter. Peter would have been able to ditch him in seconds. So, that resulted in a long explanation to the chief as to who Peter was and surprisingly a warm welcome. Peter was showered with different pelts and dream catchers as well as different weapons that he was more than excited to hang on the walls. In short somehow in only a matter of 14 days, his room was filled to the max.

I wonder what I'll do with all this stuff when he's gone…


"Huh?" I piped, bringing myself from my thoughts.

"I said I'd go," Peter cheekily replied, setting down the piece of wood he was carving.

"Oh, right. Well, let's go then," I said motioning for him to follow me out the door.

Rounding the corner into the kitchen I snatched my satchel from a branch on the wall. Knowing that Peter would probably find more than a few items to bring back, I also grabbed a spare bag that was draped over the couch.

"Here take this. I'm not gunna be carrying all your stuff like last time," I laughed, tossing it over.

Catching the bag with ease he smiled, "Heh, ok. So, what are these lost items you're talkin' about?"

Grabbing his wrist I helped him fly up through the hatch at the top of the treehouse.

"Well," I said letting go of his hand once he was steady, "they are items that people loose from the main land, where you're from."

Raising an eyebrow he looked rather shocked.


"Really," I replied as I led the way over a mass of trees.

"So like…how does that happen?" Peter said trying to catch up to me.

"I really don't know actually. I just know where they come from."

"What kind of things show up?"

"All sorts of things. Tea pots, jewels, watches, clothes, and actually this satchel I got right here," I chimed, tugging on the strap.

The smile on his face grew.

"Wow. I can't wait to see what I find!" he exclaimed, rising higher in the sky.

Grabbing a hold of his pant leg, I lowered him down to my level.

"Heh, careful there Peter, don't wanna lose you to the clouds."

As the beach finally came in sight, I grabbed Peter's hand to make sure we had a safe landing. There have been a few mishaps over the past two weeks that I'd rather not repeat.

"Naw I got it this time," Peter said tugging his hand away. "Watch this!"

"Peter wait!"

Peter shot into the sky before I could take hold of his wrist. I watched in horror as he made multiple loops in the sky, going up and upside down. Frantically following him it almost became a game of tag. He always made sure he was close enough to tease me but yet far enough so I couldn't touch him.

That little crap.

"Peter stop, it's not funny what if you fall!" I called back, stopping in my tracks.

Hovering in place for a moment he giggled. "No need to be all scared. I was just having a little fun."

I deeply sighed and slowly made my way over towards him.

"Let's just land ok."

"Ok, but only if I land on my own. No hands."

"Fine," I agreed rolling my eye.

As we gradually descended from the sky the salty scent of the beach was more pungent than ever and many objects on the shore came into view.

"See I did it just fine," Peter smugly proclaimed. "And all on my own."

"Yes, you sure did Peter," I drawled, patting his shoulder. "Now c'mon and start looking around. Sometimes the good stuff washes away."

Scanning the sandy terrain, the only things I could spot didn't really hold any value. Mainly just broken spoons or cracked cups were what I was finding…Peter on the other hand was having more luck than I.

"Hey Cly look at this!"

Turning on the balls of my feet, I saw Peter holding a dagger.

"Whoa. Hey let me see that," I said walking over.

Handing it over to me, I examined the simple weapon. It had a smooth golden handle and with a seamless shaft. There were no scratches or dings and it was razor sharp.

"You have quite the find there," I breathed holding it up to the sun. "But. Be. Careful."

"Yeah, yeah, I will. Besides, I've handled a few knifes."

"You what?"

"Back in London there was a knife throwing game. However got closer to the bulls eye won."


"Well no knife throwing here," I firmly stated, handing it back to him

"What if I'm attacked by some no good pirates?" Peter excitedly inquired as I walked past him to continue my search.

"Well that's not gunna happen."

"Why not?" he said bending down beside me.

"Because I'm going to be with you."

"Well what if you aren't?"

"I will be."

"How do you know?"

"I just do."

"Man there's no winning with you is there?" Peter laughed through his nose.

"No not really."

Squinting my eyes, something shiny glimmered over the horizon. My eyes stayed transfixed on the twinkling object. It wasn't too far away, but far enough that I wasn't sure what it was.

Gold maybe?

I stood from my crouched position and swiftly gilded over towards the spot. Through the clumped sand a gold chain peaked through.

So it is!

Brushing the sand away, I grasped the antique chain and pulled it up. My hopes and dreams were soon extinguished as I saw what state it was in. There were smaller chains hanging, which probably once held jewels or charms not to mention the chain wasn't in the condition I once thought. It was rather worn.

"What'cha find?" Peter questioned, popping his head in.

"Eh, nothing much. Just a chain," I mumbled tossing the item back in the sand.

"A golden chain," Peter corrected, picking it back up. "Pretty cool if you ask me."

"But it's missing stuff. The charms or jewels fell off."

"Yeah but you can always put stuff on," he said putting in his bag.

Why can't I be that optimistic?

"True, true. You'll have to show it to me once you decorate it."

"Oh, believe me, you'll see it."

Minutes turned into hours as we discovered all sorts of interesting items. We even found some time to splash around on the shore. Soon enough we were pretty tired and found refuge under a nearby palm tree. I leaned against the smooth trunk as Peter laid on his stomach looking at all the treasures he found.

"So," I said trying to strike up a conversation, "I've been curious. What's your full name?"


"Well like, mine is Cly Burah and Michael's is Michael Zoon. Ya know, you're family name."

Peter's usual carefree spirit seemed to extinguish at my question.

"Does it matter?"

"I suppose not, but I was just curious. Why? You don't you want to tell me?"

"No, well, I just don't know."

"Don't know what?"

"My last name."

"Of course you know your last name."

"I don't."

"Well why not?"

"I just don't."


Sighing through his nose, he sat up, " I…I don't want to talk about it."

I didn't know what to say. I clearly touched on a subject he wasn't ready to talk about yet and now that bright smile of his is gone. Biting my lip I tried to look for some distraction.

"Weeeellll, how about we make one?"


"You can choose your own family name," I simply stated, brushing the sand from my lap. "Here follow me."

Standing up, I offered my hand. Placing his hand in mine I pulled him up. Leading him out further onto the sandy beach, close to the shore, I let go of his hand.

"What do you see?" I simply stated, circling my hands around the beach.


"We're gunna give you a last time. Right now. And we're gunna use this beach for inspiration."


"Just look around. The first thing that comes to mind. Only you can decide what to call yourself."

Pursing his lips, he scanned up and down the beach with his eyes.


"Peter Sand?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Was the first thing that came to my head," he laughed with a shrug.

"C'mon," I said, rolling my eyes, motioning him to follow me. "I'm sure these items will prove useful."

Following me down the beach we looked at all the items that washed ashore.

"How about this?" I questioned holding up a gold coin and a dip pen, "Gold-pen?"

"Nah, too long or more like too fancy I guess," he mused, searching the sand himself. "How about this?"

Looking up I saw he was holding a broken watch.

"Peter…Pocket watch? Peter Clock?" I said, not keen on the language aesthetics.

"Nahhh….guess the item looks more interesting that it sounds," he sighed placing the object back on the sand.

Before I could look for another item, Peter had already found one.

"OH OH. How about this! Peter Blade!" he chimed, holding up a rusty switch blade.

"Ehhh….sounds too choppy."

"Yeah, you're right," he mumbled tossing the item back into the ocean.

Rubbing my neck, I frantically scanned through the sand.

What do we got? Broken pots? Silverware? Jewelry? Is that a brick?...maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"I found it!"

"What?" I said looking up to face him.

He was holding a black skillet and was pointing it in the air.

"It's perfect right?" he smiled, with a glint in his eyes.

"Peter….Iron Skillet," I deadpanned.

"Noooo," he drawled, kneeling down so we were eye level. "Peter Pan."

Mulling over his words I tested the words on my tongue, "Peter Pan."

Liking the way it felt I repeated it, "Peter Pan….I like it. I like it a lot."

The most bright smile was on Peter's face as he flew into the air and let out a crow.

"I'm Peter Pan!" he exclaimed pointing the iron pan into the sky.

I couldn't help but beam at his enthusiasm. I felt so happy. I was happy that he was happy. To not even know your last name must be so disheartening. You don't know something so simple about yourself. But now he does. And he created it all on his own.

Feeling some pressure on my side, my feet were lifted off the ground. Looking down I was met with a pair of hazel eyes. Wrapping his hands more firmly on my waist he hugged me as he swung us around. My chuckles intermingled with his. Everything about that moment was right. It was just pure happiness about something so simple. But that is what made is special.

Setting us back down on the sandy shore, he let go of my waist.

"S-sorry about that," he nervously laughed.

"No it's ok," I waved him off with a smile.

Not letting the silence persist any longer I grasped his hand.

"You ready to head back Peter Pan?"

Glancing back to our satchels by the palm tree, he bent down and picked up the iron skillet.

"Yeah, I think I am."

Ok so not sure if or how I'm going to continue from here. Of course as I've always previously stated, it's like this story will never not be updated, but I'm not sure when. I guess it's when I have a stroke of inspiration (and of course any ideas from you guys always help!). So yeah, thanks for reading and still reading this ancient fanfic, which I think needs to be rewritten and polished or at least the waaay older chapters (my old highschool writing style just kills me inside). Thanks again to you all, and as alwaaaysss any comments and suggestions are always welcome! C U IN the NEXT UpDaTe~~!


********shoutouts (why did I even call these shoutouts? They should have been "Review Responses" or something along those lines...and honestly I deserve to be shot by how long you guys had to wait) **********

dream lighting: thanks for liking the chapter! And yeah, I've definitely thought about that. I wonder how they ended up coming to Neverland. Maybe I'll write about that! And honestly thank you SO MUCH for sticking around this long. This story started back in 2012 and the pure fact you've reviewed since my first chapter means a lot! Hope you are well ^-^

PorcealinePuppetLady: Thanks so much for liking my fanfiction and I hope you liked the new chapter! Sorry you had to wait so long! ^-^

Kufq2akzenbilhopLK: I'm happy I made you want to watch Peter Pan again (honestly after coming back to this fanfic, I do too haha). And yeah, I thought it would be interesting to explain how Peter Pan came to be and I assumed he had to learn how to fly from someone sooo not Cly ^-^. Again thanks sooo much for liking my story! Sorry you had to wait so long!

E-man-dy-S: Man I feel so bad. I'm so sorry you had to wait so long for a new chapter, but I hope you liked it! But yes, if I end up posting another chapter, I will probably write about how she tries to trick Peter into leaving but then in the end he stays. Maybe even how the lost boys came to be! Again thanks for liking my story! ^-^

Guest: Thanks for liking my story! And sorry you had to wait so long!

DisneyOUATgirl1437: Awww, thank sooo much for liking my story, hope you liked the new chapter ^-^ ! And that's an interesting idea. I wonder if amnesia can work it's way into a future chapter somehow. And sorry for the long wait!

Blackmist45: Uh thanks for the head up, although that's a really old chapter so expect a log of spelling mistakes haha (maybe even now too, who knows) ^-^

Sunchim: Awww thanks so much! And yes I really do care about this story, it's just I'm not sure where to go with it anymore. Hopefully it wont' take me 3 years again haha XD. Again thanks so much for liking my story and sorry for the long wait!

SnowKi: I hope this was enough! Sorry for the long wait! ^-^

(I think that's everyone! If I missed you I'm so sorry, it was hard trying to find who reviewed my last chapter from like 3 years ago XD. Thanks again everyone! Hopefully I'll update soon!)