The Red Ribbons

Hi, guys! Guess what?

You can still vote! Wiii! Anyway, I drafted this chapter for a while and saw that, well I can't just stuff the whole chuunin exam here in one go and not make it look like I crammed the whole thing and knowing myself if I do that then I would most likely forget important parts of the story, so it might take one more chapter to finish the chuunin exam arc, so yeah! So keep on voting! And as always, you find something wrong, please tell me NICLEY and I will make it better O.k? Oh and go back to the chapter two added some bits and pieces here and there.

Disclaimer: Not mine, trust me if I did, I'd be swimming in a pool full of money right now, yah hear? Or read in this case.

Note #1: And look out! Omakes will be popping out from nowhere for here to*points to a random direction* over there! So, hang on sweets! Oh, and new characters ahoy! Not occ's cuz I suck at 'em. You will be seeing this * every once and a while, read the bottom to understand them O.k?

Note #2: toddler Hisui's perspective will be shown in this chapter, don't worry not something very heavy, just a childish rambles from a very upset little Hisui who didn't get his strawberry cake in exchange for his hunger for "knowledge" you know you just can't ignore the rambling toddler talk! XD

And a big thanks to details stickler for pointing out something for me! I love you Honey, but I'd love to see you logged in so I can thank you better! But thank you anyway, I keep doing that same mistake over and over again! So yeah, thank you sweet hear!

Warning: *Sigh* if I'm give this warning now, all will be lost, but since I don't want to have other guest going gaga on me, then I will just have to put it: Kind of taboo incents, yaoi, violence and very dark thoughts coming into light from very young characters, and it will get even more darker as the story progress, so put on your safety belts.

What's wrong with those two?

Hisui thought angrily as he watched his brother and Naruto-kun look away from each other sharply as if being burned by ice right after Naruto-kun arrived at their meeting ground, they've been doing this for two weeks now, they've been ignoring the other and will only speak if they really needed to which was to only yell out something very offensive towards the other that even Hatake-sensei once had to reprehend them, namely Aniki (and yes, Husi made him eat five huge hard candies for his trouble, took all the tomatoes from his garden and gave them all to Kiba-kun* and his teammates, though somehow that only seemed to have aggravated his brother to another level all together ), Naruto-kun would only speak to him and act as if Aniki isn't around and would even yell equally detestable things at his Aniki when he reached that point that he just can't overlook the other boy, which was more often than not (yes, Hisui made him eat vegetables and confiscated all his ramen cup noodles away from him and went so far as to request Ichiraku-jiji to not to serve Naruto-kun any ramen for the rest of the week as chastening). And it's starting to make Hisui a little worried and very angry and you don't want an angry Hisui on your butt now do you?

He noticed right after they have returned from the escorting mission, he thought it was only because they were all beat tired from the mission and journey so he let go, it was only normal for his brother to be snappish when tired and Naruto-kun was too busy asking Hatake-sensei for new missions right after this one, Haruno-san though very exhausted she was still yelling at Naruto-kun to at least let them all rest up before asking for a new mission. All was normal until the next mission…

Naruto-kun was so quite that Haruno-san grabbed him by the collar and dashed him to the Konoha Hospital with such alarming speed Hisui thought she just might leave trails of fire in her wake. Aniki only stuck his nose up in the sky when he asked why Naruto-kun was like that, Hisui thought it was almost normal for him to act like he did, but he could see the reluctance and embarrassment in his eyes,( and considering that he already have seen the two have a go at each other just the other day and the week before and so on and so forth; come on, we already know how they are) that Hisui got this queer feeling that there was something happening between the two of them. He once read a book with the same scenario as this, but he just can remember what it was, hopefully he can recall the title so he can help them whatever this thing between them is.

He can vaguely recall a pink cover on hardbound cover and a bunch of hearts on it, or was it stars? Mother used to read those things when she had nothing else to do after her chores, she'd always blush like mad and yet she'd giggle a lot, father would always have this pinched look on his face and would never ever dare touch the book, and Hisui never knew why, Itachi-nii would always be there if he ever tried to get his hands on it and thus taking away the book from his sticky hands, but then sticky hands will always be sticky hands, nothing would stand in his way when it comes to his thirst for knowledge and (re: scary) curiosity. In the end he finally made up his mind and made a plan, a plan that will ultimately get his little fingers on the desired book. He watched his older brother every day, tried to remember the time he would live the house and would come back home, though it was erratic at best he willed himself to keep up with the time he will leave and come back, he waited for the right time, and after a week of waiting and observing opportunity struck and like always, his brother still had this kind of pattern of when he would leave and come home, so it was 7:30 in the morning and 5:15 in the afternoon? That seemed to be just right.


Sitting beside his Sasuke-niisama as they munched on their pancakes by the open wooden slides, legs kicking lazily back and forth, just watching the kois swim around the huge pond in front of them. It was too early in the morning for little monsters to be up but as a children of the Uchiha house, they made sure to train their offspring early, thus Hisui and his still sleepy Niisama were up and about munching on their still warm pancakes with warm tea by their side, both still in their pajamas, hair still a mess.

Hisui watched closely as his Aniki strap in his sandals and bid his good bye to their Chichi-ue and Haha-ue. Chichi-ue answered back with a light nod and Haha-ue touched his cheek and gave him a tender loving smile, Aniki's eyes glowed softly at Haha-ue and turned his eyes towards him and his Niisama. Hisui tagged at Niisama's sleeves to get the now almost asleep brother, pancake still in his mouth, Sasuke jerked and scrubbed at his eyes and gave Hisui a wondering look. Niisama leaned in towards Hisuis face and pecked him on the noses right after he took out the pancake out of his mouth, Niisama smiled at him sleepily and placed his pancake back into his mouth and waited for Hisui to tell him what he wanted.

"Niisama, Aniki is looking at us, we have to look at him too," Hisui said, his soft but high voice whispering to his brother, making his mother smile happily at them, how she adores her two youngest. Niisama titled his head to his left and blinked slowly, dazed almost, he nodded his head and looked up to see their Aniki chuckling, amused by the two's cutes moment to date. Aniki waved his hand to them, gesturing them to come to him, squealing in delight, Hisui and Niisama stopped in front of their Aniki and waited for the older Uchiha to do something. Kneeling, Aniki waited for the second eldest Uchiha child to come closer for him to poke him with his forefinger and ring finger earning himself a glower and a yell of protest from Niisama, "Stupid big brother! Don't do that!"

"Look after Hisui for me ne, otoutu-kun? Keep those mean boys away from him alright?" Aniki asked Niisama, his eyes staring at his younger brother directly as he waited for Niisama to answer.

"Of course I will! I'll never let those idiots try and touch Hisui-tan!" Shouted Sasuke, his arms crossed in front of his chest, nose in the air, haughty and arrogant, his voice taking in an almost offended tone, as if Itachi even dared to assume that Sasuke would even let Hisui-tan leave his sight.

"Good to know, then you'll always be by his side then?"

"Yeah, and even in bed too!" Sasuke said his eyes looking straight back at his Aniki, making Mikoto let out a small giggle by her tired looking husband's side, sighing exasperatedly already adjusted with the idea of his second having developed something that he will ignore with the best of his abilities, truly, Sasuke's baby brother complex is getting too tiring to even think about, he blames Jin for that*.

"NIisama always sits beside me in lunch time too." Hisui said sweetly looking up at his Aniki, his hands holding on to Sasuke's sleeves, his big eyes bigger than usual as he tried to tell his Aniki that Niisama was always there when the bigger boys try and bully him.

And there's his youngest, always ready to inflate his big brother's head with his praises, his sweet lips victimizing every single one of them to his unconscious manipulative bidding causing them, more often than not trouble and hell a fun and amusement for the gakis.

There was a time that Hisui once thought that it would be so smart to charm the baker at the town to give him and Sasuke free cakes, each. Unfortunately for him, the baker who gave them the cakes wasn't the owner and well, the owner of the bakery charged straight at the Uchiha complex demanding Fugaku to pay for the cakes the two troublemakers so happily munched on and mind, the blasted two whole cakes were bloody expensive due to the nature of the ingredients used to make the things, took half of his wallet's content, it did; and you ask him why he's so bitchy, to have to witness his family's perks every single day of the year tends to have its way with you, even if you are the great Uchiha Fugaku.

Chuckling at his father's exasperated shake of his head, Itachi turned to his baby brother and leaned in and rubbed his nose onto the smaller one in front of him, as always Hisui would let out a happy giggle and return the nose rubbing back to his Aniki his small hands touching both sides of his face, loving the tender affection that his Aniki would only show in front of his love ones, especially him and Niisama.

"Be good for me little birdy,"

"O.K Aniki!" Hisui said his brightly chirp to his brother, giggling when Niisama gave a jealous whine and snatched him away from Aniki, giving Aniki an angry glower and rubbed his own nose on to a now giggling toddler, his happy laughter bringing a small lift of their father's lips and an adoring coo from their mother.

"No asking Hokage-sama to tell the bakery to give you free cakes, alright?"


"Little birdy."

"O.k!" Hisui said, his eyes lowering as his lips jotted out to show that he wasn't very happy with what he was forced to agree to, making Itachi chuckle fondly at him. He looked Sasuke and asked the same of his brother with his eyes, Sasuke crossed his arms and bowed his head a sulky scowl on his head, he nodded anyway, right after Itachi raised his hand and made to flick his forehead with it, "Ok, Ok fine, we won't!"

"Good, behave whilst I'm gone baby brothers mine."

"O.k, Aniki"


"I'll be off now, mother, father," said the eldest Uchiha child to his parents, his blank face already placed on, their parents gave their own good bye and watched as he patted both his baby brother's head and left for his three day mission, not noticing the mischievous look that settled on their normally well behaved youngest child's sweet face.

Alright, must start the 'mission'!

Aniki always said that one must always be quick when it comes to missions, so start it whenever he finds an opening, and here it is, because you must always listen to Aniki, cause his the bestes and coolest ninja ever! So with that in his very determined mind, Hisui turned to his mother and asked in the most innocent and sweetest voice he can muster he asked his mother:

"Haha-ue can I have some milk please?"

"Of course little kitten," Mikoto said as she patted Hisui's head and walked towards the kitchen intending to get some milk for her little angel. Hisui smiled brightly at her and took his Niisama's hand in his and peered up to his Chichi-ue, he looked at him through his long lashes and asked in his small but strong voice, "Can we please play outside after practice please, Dada?"

Lesson one on how to become the best ninja ever according to Aniki, always use Dada when you are up against the big boss! Star at home, better yet, start with your father, well that's what Aniki said, whatever that means.

Keeping his groan inside he tried his best not to give in to the boy's killer move, Fugaku will only tell you this once and once only: he is a sucker to his youngest's sweet talking and huge bright eyes that tends to bend Fugaku into anything that the boy wish of him, Sasuke can too, with his charming pout and childish foot stomping, but not as much as Hisui, that boy was born with natural father arsenals, much to Mikoto's delight and to Itachi's amusement.

As a few seconds tick by, Fugaku's resolve slowly crumbled as Sasuke added his own pout into convincing him to let them play, he closed his eyes and said "No," only to feel a pair of small hands gripping his pants, making him look down to see Hisui looking up at him with now teary eyes, Sasuke giving an angry pout, looking down his own big eyes getting watery.

"Dada…" whimpered Hisui , Oh Kami, Oh fine! Curse the word Dada to the deepest bowels of the underworld! Curse it!

And that was that, he gave in, just like that. Stupid daddy arsenals, stupid Jin* passing them on to his two youngest, he could just tell that that man have pulled strings on faith or even his DNA and made sure to have passed his unforgivable traits to these blasted children just to make his life difficult, damn him!

"Fine! But after your training, and you both better know how to make perfect fire balls!" the man grouched, his eyes expertly avoiding his wife's own sparkling ones.

"Yeah!" Sasuke yelled, his little fist pumping up, his bright smile blinding his father.

"Wee! Dada's the best Dada ever!" Hisui yelled, his hand in the air, his little cheer bring Sasuke to do the same.

Shaking his head, Fugaku walked towards where he can hear his wife laughing happily, towards the kitchen, ah maybe he will let that one pass for now, the smiles on the little monster's faces was worth the bullying, it was rather nice to see that smile on Sasuke's face, it made him feel less of a dick that he usually was.

"Ne, ne, Hisui-tan, what do you want to play after the training, huh? Do you want to play ninja?" Asked Sasuke as he bounced towards the same direction their father walked to. He looked towards the now grinning Hisui; Sasuke suddenly stepped away from his baby brother, sweat already forming on his forehead.

"What did you do?" asked Sasuke his eyes warily watching Hisui-tan's movement, wincing when he looked at his brother with that scary, scary grin. He knew that he shouldn't let Hisui-tan listen to Aniki's crazy 'ninja lessons'! It's scary!

"We're going to into a mission Nii-nii!"

"Huh?" Sasuke visibly relaxed as he stepped closer to Hisui-tan knowing that he won't do anything very naughty and get their bums spanked red by their father. He titled his head to the left and poked his brother's chubby cheeks, he grinned when his brother whined at him

"I said we're going into a mission! We're going to find a something and save it!" yelling his statement with his small arms raised up above his head.

"Really? What are we going to save? Is it some gold coins? Or is it some awesome sword made of silver and diamonds that can kill big dragons, huh, or is it a pretty princess that was locked up a floating mansion? Tell me!" Sasuke asked quickly, voice an excited soft whisper, looking from left to right as his baby brother slapped his little hands on his own lips quickly looking over Sasuke's shoulder and behind him.

"No, not that! But it's going to be very hard, so we'll have to be careful, Niisama. And dragons are meant to be looked after, the tamers won't like if we harm one, they're scary, horntails are very strong after all," Hisui said happily, unconscious of his already rather manipulative side developing, glad that his brother was ready to help him find the treasure from their Aniki and maybe even from their mother, Hisui would find the book and ask Niisama to read it to him once they save it, and then he will finally learn why Hahaue was so happy when she reads the pink book.

Sasuke on the other hand wondered what a horntail was. Was it some new kind of imaginary name for a dragon that Hisui thought of, and tamers, what are those? Oh well, whatever, chalking it off as a Hisui-thing, Sasuke happily followed his baby brother and prepared for their 'mission'.

It took them the whole afternoon to actually learn where their mother hid the book, and another whole afternoon the next day to make plans of getting their little grabby hands on it, and finally after the next day after that, they got the book from inside one of the spacious rooms just beside their parent's room.

They sat under the huge Cyprus tree and opened the treasure book, only to stare at the new and hard words, having no clue what some words meant, never mind the whole thing was about, they stared at it until sandal clad feet came into their view just next to the book. Looking up, they were greeted by an amused looking Aniki, his hand covering his mouth, trying to not laugh at their clueless looks.

"So, found what you were looking for?"

"Nu-uh, we found nothing at all!" said a confused Sasuke, his brows furrowed a sulky tone entering his still high voice, and he pouted at his brother and crossed his little arms in front of him.

"No!" Hiusi cried, his arms rising for his Aniki to take him up, make it better! He was so tired after the training and they had to look around their big big house and then they had to get pass father to get to the book and then they don't even know half of what the book says! It wasn't fair! And what's worse, they had to exchange the strawberry cakes for their afternoon play so they can look for the pink book, and all he got was that Nagi-kun was ignoring his friend Sora-kun because he was worried or something for Sora-kun, so he would always look the other way when Sora-kun arrives, and he was so mean and he was being rude to poor Sora-kun! That wasn't nice! It's bad to be rude, Hisui hates rude! He just wants his cake and his Aniki!

"I see, there there, otouto-chan, no more crying," said a now smiling Itachi, he scooped up a now wailing Hisui, his hand rubbing circles on the upset little boy's back. Sasuke bolted upwards as he watched his baby brother wailing his heart out, he grabbed his brother's white shorts and tried to reach his Hisui-tan so he can pet him, he wanted to make it all better. He stopped fussing right after a bigger hand was placed upon his head, staring up; he watched his Aniki look down on them and smiled warmly.

"Have you learned you lesson then?" Itachi asked, his tone soft and calm, letting Hisui know that he was o.k now, that if the bad pink book ever making sad again, Itachi-niisama would burn it for him. Itachi watched as his baby brother wipe at his eyes, he chuckled silently as Hisui laid his head on his shoulder and said in his most determined voice he said,


"Never!" Sasuke hollered from below his little fist pumping upwards, his face a look of childish stubbornness, that Itachi knew he somehow got from him.

Smirking, Itachi thought amused, but of course.


Hisui smiled at nothing in particular remembering that funny moment in their family's life, those moments like that where the best times of him life, the feeling of having someone look after you and care for you. Though father was never the type to hug you when your upset and he was never to give out praises, his rare praises and compliments are important and precious, he was still there for them, even right after they have passed the age limit for their sharingan to materialized he was still there, though he was disappointed at the thought that he and his brother never got to activate the doujuutsu, he still trained them, still loved them in his own stern way.

It was sad, they were too young to understand that their father still loved them, that he was still there looking after them, though it was till a hard blow for him to not have two more protégés in his hands, he was there, right there. They were so childish that they never realized that he was still part of their life even after their 8th birthday of no sharingan.

Maybe the man was at fault too, oh of course he was, I mean, sure his reaction towards them right after their 8th birthday and still no sharingan flashing in their eyes was something a prideful man like him would take painfully, foolish it may seem to the other people outside of their clan, but that was how they were raised, even his father was a victim of such harsh way of their clan, Hisui can never really blame the man anymore now that he was older and a little bit more wiser. He could never really change the past nor can ever take back the hurt feeling he had for his father after the cold treatment they earned, but what he can do was respect and keep the man's memory in his heart.

Touching the wooden railing that he was leaning on, his eyes wondered towards the river, watching as the water flow peacefully along the stream, letting the rocks guided its path. Hisui rubbed the wood with his fingers lightly as a flash of red hair passed by the surface of the water, not even flinching or reacting to the sudden appearance. Closing his eyes, Hisui tried to catch the image of the lady with bright red hair as she danced around in his mind's eyes, trying to see more of the bleared face of the seemingly happy woman. Once back when he was much younger, right after their father's sudden change of heart towards them, he fell into a dark depression, or at least back then that was what he have thought that he felt before, now all Hisui saw was a foolish type of growing pains. He would be startled by an image of a woman with flaming red hair and bright emerald eyes just like his, she would materialize whenever he finds himself thinking of family and how he have disappointed them for not being better enough or not talented enough, the woman's soft laughter and warm presence would calm him and the light that comes along the woman would shine upon Hisui's dark corner and make it better.

How curios, somehow whenever his thoughts wonder to that topic, he would always, always have an image of a beautiful woman with dazzling red hair and bright green eyes, Hisui can never really see her whole face, but he can vividly see the woman's flaming red hair and eyes just like his. Whenever he does see her in his mind's eye, he could feel a great wash of love and warmth that could only match up to his brother. And there was this man with unruly hair with a big hazel eyes looking at him lovingly along with another pair of men, one with jet black hair and a jolly bark of laughter accompanying him whenever he see him in his dreams, the other man with hazel hair and kind smile, a calming feel always with him. He could never really see their faces, it would always have a haze covering their features, and if he ever forced himself to see their faces, his head would hurt something awful, to a point that he fell sick right after he pushed himself hard once, after that he never attempted to it again. Who could this people be?

He got used to her to the point that he tried to talk to her, asking her what's her name, where did she came from and is she his guardian angel, she would smile at him and would dance again around him not answering his question. He tried to follow her around, he even tried to dance with her, she would laugh at him and the happy wash of love would shower over him again. It took him long to get close to her enough to reach her, he was so sad at the time, witnessing yet another scolding of his brother from their stern father, Hisui cried his heart out and fell asleep in tears. She came again, this time with a man with unruly hair and jolly hazel eyes waving at him to play with him; he held a small golden ball in his hand as the other one held the red haired woman's other hand. Hisui feeling so relax and calm in this man's presence, he ran towards him, watching in awe and delight as the golden ball spouted wings. He cried with joy as he chased the ball around the fields as the man and woman cheered him on. Finally catching the ball in his hands, he turned to find the red haired lady and blacked haired man behind him smiling proudly at him, he smiled brightly at the outstretched arms and ran as has as his little legs can take him to the pair, only to find himself in his bed, tears flowing from his red eyes, no golden ball in his hands and no lovely lady and kind man waiting for him to hug.

He cried his heart out the whole day, so upset that the kind lady would never want to hug him, that the golden ball would never play with him and the jolly man would never want smile at him proudly ever again. He fell ill that day, he worried his parents needlessly too, poor Hahaue fussed over him the whole day, neglecting her chores and stayed by his side until he was at least fine to leave for a while. Itachi-niisama stayed by his side too, he read him his books and told him myths and legends that he loved the most and Sasuke-niisama refused to train until he was well enough to train with him, never leaving his side even after a warning from their father. His father stayed by the open wooden doors next to his room, smoking his pipe endlessly, and even as he left he would give Sasuke-niisama an absolute order of watching over him and to make sure to report everything that would occur within the room, telling him that it would be a good training for the boy to hone his observation skills, when his mother and oldest brother knew what he really meant. He stopped ordering Niisama to go out and train after yet another high fever settle on Hisui, it rocked everyone to the point that father had allowed this moment of silence take effect on them all.

He never did like being ill, his head would hurt so much that it would bring him to tears that would only make the pounding of his head worse due to his clog nose and tears, the swelling of his nasal passages disallowing air to pass through. The coughing was awful; the pain that would accompany the headache whilst he coughed with his swollen throat was enough for him to beg his mother to make it better, thus making his poor mother worry needlessly, oh how he hated it. Yet those where the only times that he would have his wish to have his whole family come together, selfish as it may sound he sometimes wished that he have never got better from his weak body. His body wasn't every strong to begin with, but as he grew older he somehow gained strength to actually train as a ninja, much to his father's silent relief.

As the third night of being sick the lady brought two more warm people for him to play with, though if he ever tried to touch them, they would fade from his sight, yet again breaking his frail heart. He understood it after the second fading, so he made sure to never touch them, always keep his fingers not to touch the blacked hair man's fingers or not to sit too close to the calm man with hazel hair when he read to him stories of a boy who survived a killing curse and lived through trials and adventures along with his two best friends, slaying basilisks, stealing a golden egg from a mother dragon and much much more. He enjoyed them all, listening to the man's soft and calming voice, smiling when he would lower his voice when the boy that survived the killing curse would tell a secret to his friends or when he would silently say the antagonist's feared name, which he could never remember what. He would always have this type of anger whenever the headmaster of the magical school would never tell him the truth or whenever someone would do something that would only do more harm than help to the boy, as if he knew how the boy would feel if anyone would do the same to him. He felt like he knew this story, as if he was there when it all happened, or as if he was there when then the author of the book wrote it, him looking over the person's shoulder, watching the person's hand carefully write the words on paper. He knew something from this, he could tell, he just knew that he had something to do with this tragic hero's life. But to his disbelief, he could only recall only a fourth of this story, much to his disappointment.

He felt the pang of hurt and sadness as the kind man that read to him under the shade of the tree read to him the last chapter of the boy who survived, held his tears as he told him of the boy suffering from the loss of his friends and family, the guilt weighting over him. His big eyes never living the man's quivering lips as he retold him of the boy's decision of following his beloved godfather through the same veil that he fell through, just letting everything go and wanting to be with his parents.

Oh how he pitied for the poor boy, oh how he wept for the boy's best friends along with two other great friends who tried in vain to pull him back from the veil, his best friend's finger almost touching the boy's but not enough for him to grab a hold and pull him back, and oh how he wished for the poor boy to be finally happy where he is right now, he pray that the boy have finally had what he was looking for. Even after all those years he still wondered if the tragic hero finally found peace. Sincerely, Hisui hoped he did.

Looking up from where he locked his eyes on, he saw that his Niisama still by the railing in front of him doing a great job of ignoring the blonde boy who was sitting on the railing just a bit away from him, arms still crossed on his chest. Sighing he gave his brother his best glare and watched in mild satisfaction as his brother suddenly flinched, there, a good sign that you won't be seeing tomatoes for another two weeks and a whole bunch of hard candies in assorted flavors, make no doubt that Hisui would be buying the most absurdly sweet ones just for you, he may have forgiven his sulking brother, but that didn't mean that he was off the hook. Sasuke, as if hearing the threat started to pale and sweat, his shoulders raising with fear, his eyes flicking from where he was staring at and to a still glaring but pleasantly smiling Hisui. Aniki flinched visibly.

Good, someone got the message.

Really, Hisui never did like calling anyone an idiot but this two just forcing him to. What could have happened? He could only assume this started right after their first real mission, but for the love of him he could never really which part! Oh! This is getting them nowhere! Hisui though as the two exchanged glares and quickly looked away again, their noses high up in the sky. Hisui really needs to find that book so he could something about the idiot duo. The problem is where could that book be? Last time he saw it is that the book was laying on top of the table of the kitchen that morning of the-No, no, let's not go there, Hisui thought, let's not go there.

Never mind, he'll check it out when they return home, it might probably at the attic. He might ask his brother to accompany him in there, the dark still scares him, not to mention the items in there…it was still too painful to even look at, he'll be fine if his brother is with him, but if not? Then he will have to just look elsewhere.

Now a week later, here they are again waiting for their teacher to arrive, Hisui thought of trying to uncover the mystery between Naruto-kun and Aniki since being around Hatake-sensei enough to know that they will be here for a very long time so he opted to do something progressive. Tilting his head to the side he stared at his brother for a long while, noticing the blush that was blooming on the older Uchiha and the sweat that was gathering on his brother's forehead and the twitch that was developing just under his eyebrow; he never really knew the power he had over his big brother, the weight of his eyes on his flustered brother was starting to hurt his brother in ways he would not understand till the time his proper age comes around, thus the unnerving feeling Sasuke was suffering under from, heaven forbid if Hisui ever discover it, poor Sasuke will be more than often than not on his knees in front of the seemingly adorable and innocent boy.

Sighing he watched with a faint frown on his lips as his brother and Naruto-kun continued on to ignore each other, good grief if this goes on their teamwork will suffer along with the results of the mission. The last one almost ended with both him and Haruno-san taking a trip to the hospital because of the two elder boys too distracted by throwing nasty comments at each other to notice that Haruno-san's leg had been trapped under a boulder, Hisui jumped in front of her just in time to fend off incoming skurikens heading towards the injured girl.


"Haruno-san!" Hisui yelled, his arms already raised to deflect the incoming shurikens, he took out his senbons throwing them in practiced ease, the weapons clashed and were flew away from them, lowering himself down to Haruno-san's eye level he looked over the whimpering girl's leg, hissing in sympathy as he saw the already blooming blood and bruises on the pale leg, it looked fine enough to be stitched and bandaged up, but growing up watching his mother mend his clan members, Hisui knew it would take a while for this one to heal completely.

Suddenly he jerked up to see yet another wave of shurikens heading their way; he stood and again brought out more senbons knowing full well that if he used one more batch after this, he will not have enough to counter another attack. Gritting his teeth he threw a quick glance towards his brother and Naruto-kun who were holding their own against rouged ninjas, still barking at each other as they deliver punches and kicks on the shinobis, too preoccupied as they yelled at each other, they were more into their little quarrel among themselves almost ignoring the enemies, Hisui thought that the only reason they were even punching the day lights out the shinobis is that they were getting in the way of their fight. Fools!

Hisui is going to have their behinds on a platter once this mission is over! How could they be fighting at a time like this? Oh how he will punch the both of them from here to next Monday! Before Hisui could issue an annoyed bark at the duo, another wave of weapons fly towards them, this time skurikens and kunais speeding off towards the two of them, Hisui thought that this was simply starting to get a bit boring and then he suddenly took that back.

Wide eyes got even larger as they watched kunais zip towards them, kunais that had paper bombs attached to strings tied around the handled, oh no! Oh Kami! How was he going to take those out? His already small amount of senbons could never take on much of the incoming weapons coming towards them, and he can't really throw his senbons towards the ones that had paper bombs on them, considering the number of skurikens and kunai seemed to be roughly the same amount so if he did choose that route, not to mention that he could set the bombs off and even if he could stop them the shurikens would still be slicing them up, and dodging the things would be a bad idea lest he let Haruno-san turn in to cheese, the boulder was too big and wide for him to lift it off the injured girl, even with his strength the amount of time that he needs to lift the thing off Haruno-san and place the thing down along with the time he needs to carry the girl up and run is limited and quickly wasting, there was only one thing to do.


Suddenly a wall of earth surged upward and was standing in front of them with sounds of metal hitting it, Hisui covered his ears as deafening explosions ranged just mere inches away from them the wall of earth protecting them, dust and smoke covered them as explosions after explosion battered the wall in front of them. Haruno-san gave small little whimpers every once in a while, her shoulders shaking as they listened to the bombs that should have been them it was killing and not the poor wall. Still the wall of earth did not waver even though it shuddered and groaned from the impact, Hisui prayed that his brother and Naruto-kun have improved their speed for when this mission is done and over with he will shave their heads with their father's katana, damn accuracy.

"Well, that went better than I thought it should have," said Hatake-sensei from where he was crouching just a bit further from them as the dust cleared off, Hisui immediately saw the target on the ground knocked out, the package they were assigned to retrieve in his left arm as his right was palm down on the ground, that Hisui assumed that was where the charka come from that ordered the earth to rise up for their protection.

"I…I, thank you Hatake-sensei," said Hisui voice a little raspy from suddenly drying up in fear of being blasted into little bits and pieces, sending his poor brains sky high.

"Yeah, thanks Kakashi-sensei," Haruno said, obviously still pained by the rock still on her now probably numb leg. Hisui

"Hisui-chan! Are you alright?" Naruto-kun cried from where he finally realizes that Hisui-chan and Sakura-chan were in trouble, if only Sasuke-teme wasn't bothering the shit out of him. He ran as quick as he can to where Hisui-chan and Sakura-chan where, as he stopped in front of them, he was rewarded by a pair of equally scary glare from the two.

Oh man, Naruto have never been subjected to such a terrifying look in his young life. He could actually feel the heat of the glare making him break a sweat, the two pairs of green eyes where glowing so eerily the same he heed Kakashi-sensei's subtle warning to walk his ass away from the two very chafe shinobis.

"Ahaha, well, ahaha, well seeing as you guys are alright, I'll just be-"

"The first thing I'll be doing after I heal this damn leg is I'm going to kick your ass up to Jupiter, that I swear!" Screeched Sakura-chan, her fist waving from left to right, Naruto thought even if she was still had her leg under that thing he can tell that Sakura-chan can make due with her fist to send him up to Jupiter just fine.

Cringing he dared to peer at Hisui-chan, who was…not there? What?

"Otoutu-kun, are you alright, are you hurt? Let me see," Sasuke said as he walked quickly to his fast approaching brother, silently barking at himself for letting the blonde idiot destructing him from his baby brother, never taking notice of Hisui's raised fist or the angry and hurt look Hisui was sporting, though he did when the younger boy's fist was mere centimeters from his face.

"Oi! What? Hey! Otoutu-kun what the hell are you doing!?" Sasuke yelped as he blocked his younger brother's attacks his arms taking in the heavy strikes his little brother was showering him with, grunting as he took one to the face when he deflected his brother's side kick to his hip. He yelled as the smaller boy delivered a rather painful looking kick to the shin. Kakashi-sensei watched amused as the usually soft spoken Uchiha pounded his brother with his punches and kicks enjoying the rare sight of the number one rookie get owned by the 'sweetest boy of the year', oh ho ho, it may seem Sasuke will be doing some groveling for a very looong time, if the angry battle cry the smallest of the Uchiha brothers gave as he finally got a good one on the older boy sending him right through the trees is any indication of how miffed the little Uchiha is.

Ow, that just has to smart, man that was a hard one the kid landed on his brother.

"Whoa! Oh man! That was so cool Hisui-chan!" crowed Naruto as he helped Sakura out from the boulder Kakashi was holding up so she could slide out. Hisui turned to him slowly a very dark aura hanging around the now very irate genin, his eyes glowing emerald green, the flat look his face was sporting made up Kakashi's resolve to never piss him off.

"What?" Hisui growled softly, his flat facial expression wicked with unadulterated wish to harm someone preferably the blonde boy.

"Ah! Ah, nothing, nothing at all…" whimpered Naruto from where he was still nursing a red lump on the crown on his head, curtsey of a now free and equally murderous Sakura. He reminded him of one of his ninja dogs when they were being scolded at or just reminded him of a general look of a kicked puppy, poor kid. Kakashi could see it now, Naruto or Sasuke, it would only lead to one path, whomever Uchiha Hisui chooses that poor man would be labeled as a whipped man, oh, whipped…whipped cream and pretty boys…No! Keep yourself together Kakashi! Now where was he again? Oh right, Uchiha Hisui's freaking inhuman strength, boy the kid's scary.

Ah, well at least Kakashi didn't need to test the boy's rumored inhuman strength anymore, he was actually thinking of twisting the boy's panties into a bow so he could see some fire in there and test the limits of the boy, thank the heavens the two idiots saved him the trouble and body ache. Smiling from behind his mask, Kakashi watched as a disoriented Sasuke emerged from the woods where he flew to, taking in the bruised form appraisingly observing happily as the blue patch on the boy's otherwise pale skin turn black, oh yeah his very thankful indeed!

Kitten got claws! Kufufufu…oh wait! Wait! Kitten?

Kakashi turned away from the scene his self-control already taking a backseat,( and for starters, his self-control have never been that strong anyway) his grin getting bigger as he thought of the sentence above, all kinds of perverted thoughts flying through his green green brain, for example, an eighteen year old Hisui clad in leather shorts and short sleeved leather vest, furry black kitten ears on top of his head, knee high leather boots with bells on both heels….oh wow…and, and then a long kitty tail…with a small bell tied to its end…ugh…and…and oh getting dizzy now…a…a whip, a whip…

A naked Naruto in front of him, bound and powerless, strapped down on a chair…a…whoo! Keep it together Kakashi; you're doing good, O.K.? Where was he again? Oh! Oh yeah! Poor nineteen year old Naruto strapped to the chair, with a gag on his mouth…ah…beside an equally naked and helpless Sasuke next to the blonde…a fuck…oh Kami!

That's too much, no wait maybe he could squeeze a Kitty Iruka in there too-

Kakashi's train of thought was suddenly derailed as a very hard kick was delivered to the back of his head spraying most of the blood from his nose through the air as the blonde boy kicked it bellowing:

"I don't like the way your nose is bleeding for no reason there you perv!"

"Kick him hard Naruto!" Haruno yelled from where she was sitting just beside a flat looking Hisui, his eyes watching the blonde boy land a good one on their idiot teacher.

"Ch, you're a disgrace to the shinobi way." Sasuke said, snappish and arrogant, opting to forget that he himself was very much beat up by his own little brother…

and for the finishing blow

"Perverted OLD man," Hisui whispered loudly enough to turn Kakashi into white stone, his pride shattering to the ground, his students not caring as they watch him with satisfied looks on their young faces.


Hisui hadn't really forgiven his brother and Naruto-kun for that one; he made things very difficult for the two idiots, especially during when Haruno-san had to spend two days in the hospital. The poor girl indeed needed to at least a week more to heal her injured leg not completely mind, but for her to at least run and kick with it; the accident caused a fracture to the girl's bone, it caused swelling from the wound was infected because of the prolonged exposure to the grime and other things that that was attached or have grown on the boulder that have fallen on the Haruno-san's leg.

Hisui didn't talked to them at all, having still being still feeling betrayed by the two, he would only talk to his brother when he was calling him to eat of ask him to go and buy him the ingredients he will need to cook dinner with other than that any effort of trying to start a conversation would be dutifully be ignored, never mind the effort of asking for forgiveness from the other party.

Naruto-kun was a different matter altogether Hisui thought, the boy from the very moment Haruno-san yelled at the blonde of why Hisui and she were ignoring them, or in Haruno-san's case snapping and beating him into paste, he instantly felt guilty and asked for their forgiveness, going as far as promising to eat every vegetable he would see and find in the market and forget ever hearing the word 'Ramen.'

It did not worked.

Haruno-san went ballistic (Forsaking freaking Ramen won't heal my leg you ass! Die already you retarded little baka!) on him and made a brawl here and there in the hospital room trying to choke Naruto-kun with her arms around the blonde boy's neck, turning his face blue. Poor Haruno-san needed to be restrain after that little incident, that and they were officially banned from the Konoha hospital as visitors.


"Well, I guess we're not welcomed in the hospital anymore" said the lazy looking Kakashi as he surveyed the huge gaping hole just beside Sakura's room, ignoring the menacing glowering of his three other team members, rubbing at his covered chin with his forefinger, the hair of his back of his neck standing on end, wondering if he could just loose them and save his hide from being pummeled by any of this three, or worse by all of them.

"Yeah, yeah, it's not like my fault that Sakura-chan was still pissed you know?" grumbled the blonde boy as he gingerly rubbed his still smarting lump on the top of his head, pouting and sniffing at the thought of the rose haired girl. He chanced a look at Hisui-chan and saw that he was still not looking at him. Like a puppy that didn't get any treat from his master because Naruto was being bad, he felt his nonexistent ears flop down and his tail going limp, looking down on the ground, he tried not to sniff, oh man, Hisui-chan hates him.

Whimpering like a kicked dog, he bowed his head and allowed himself to wallow in his self-pity, this is all Sasuke-teme's fault! If he wasn't being such a prick he wouldn't be distracted from protecting both Sakura-chan and Hisui-chan! Oh man, what is going to do? Hisui-chan rarely gets angry at him. Naruto chanced at glance on the younger boy finding him walking a bit afar from a sulking teme, man what was he going to do? Hisui-chan has never been mad at him like this, never! Well on a brighter note he wasn't the only one being ignored, hah! Take that you butt-duck dork!

His always been so kind to him, always smiling at him at if he was being particularly stupid at times that he knew he would probably give a good wack to anyone who would act like him and he tends to be very silly most of the time. Hisui would give him treats he cooked just for him and his belief in him made him feel so much lighter, all the bad things that happened to him and all the harsh words that were ever thrown at him vanishes into nothingness with just Hisui's yummy treats.

Naruto knew that Sasuke and Hisui were the closest things that he could have as a friend, heck he would even go as far as calling them his only family he knew, maybe, no not maybe, he knew Iruka-sensei is part of his family, he was like a big brother, someone who would be there whenever he needed someone to tell his problems or someone to ask of something he can't ask Hisui or Sasuke. He was the first to become a part of his family. He was the one who kept him in line when he hasn't met the Uchiha siblings still. He would have so much trouble with him the vandalized faces of the past Hokages to the smoke bombs on poor unsuspecting passersby to the courtyard fights he would start just because he couldn't take the nasty but true words of his seniors who knew better to pick on the 'monster' of the school, but he never did give up on him. Hell! I mean come on! Iruka-sensei, when Mizuki-teme thought that it'd would be smart to fool him and tell him to steal the forbidden scroll from the Hokage just to get his hands on the dark seals took the big-ass shuriken for him because he cares for him. He was there from the very beginning and he was so blessed to have seen that, felt that, he was, still is thankful that Iruka-sensei was always there, keeping a safe guard around him from the hateful people away from him. I guess you could call him as the wall that kept him from the heat of the glares he was always being subjected to, the warm shield that warmed him from the cold feeling he feels from the villagers. Like wall of sanctuary to his scared soul, from all the frightening things that are out there ready eat him whole without any remorse.

Touching his forehead protector, feeling the engraved leaf there, Naruto smiled to himself feeling a bit better knowing that he will always have someone to look after him; heaven knows how much looking after he will need if he were to take the path of being the next Hokage. Naruto knew that the path he now so determined to take will take a lot of him to become what he wanted, maybe he may never be a hokage, but serving the village would be enough for him too. This was his home from the very beginning, this was where born and where he met the Uchiha brothers, Iruka-sensei and his other friends, the place have learned to call home, yeah, the villagers have been less than cordial to him, not even, they tend be less caring when bad things happen to him, but hey they were some who would at least say hello or good morning and even good luck to him from time to time, those are the ones he would never mind dying for, but like he said, those people are rare. It's painful to know they will never like him the way he wish they would, nor will they ever change anytime soon, Naruto's only hope is that they will see him for who he is someday when he becomes their village leader, their beloved Hokage. Time can only tell if he were really are to take the place as the hokage, if not, then he still had people to protect even if he was just a regular ninja, the safety of the people he care for what matters the most to him.

Yeah, that's what matters the most. Naruto thought as he imaged a pair of sparkling emerald toned eyes smiling at him with loads affection.

He looked up to see Hisui-chan ordering his brother to buy something from the market, handing Sasuke something, a piece of paper as Hisui-chan walked away towards the office to pass some report papers. Naruto watched in fascination as Sasuke's usually passive face paled and gave a horrified grimace as if he has eaten something vile.

"Hisui, you cannot be this cruel could you?"

"Yes, I can, and if you don't go along I will make it worse for you, brother. Would you rather have this kind of meals for more than a week then?"

"I shall be taking my leave, I shall meet you at the office then," Sasuke said quickly, his brow now sweating bullets for something Naruto is now starting to understand. Hiding a grin he watched as Sasuke walked to the direction of the market, his shoulders hunched over, a dark tired stance of defeat clouding around him. Man, Hisui-chan knows his stuff. Naruto shivered in fear, Naruto would never again cross the boy like he had once, the punishment was enough for him to ward him right off anything of stink bombs and bananas, actually anything that was connected to passersby, cats and him. Oh how he mourned the pain of his sorry behind.

His has been there for him through all of his stupidity and immature spats against Sasuke, through all the scorn of the villagers and the loneliness that they somehow chased away for him to see the sun finally. Naruto could never really imagine his life without Hisui-chan, thinking of it made him want to fall onto his knees and weep like he did back then, back then when he was still alone sitting on the wooden floor of his empty apartment, trying to keep the dark and cold away from his small form.

Growing up like that, like he had no one to hold his hand, or to tell him good night at night, or tell him that beautiful, warm, sweet phrase when he needed it, when he feels scared, made him the person he was when he hadn't meat the Uchiha brothers yet, a stupid prankster with no sense of direction for his life. Running with all his might, heading nowhere, ready to crash.

Meeting them both change him, maybe because he saw the same kind of loneliness they felt, or maybe because of the need to know them both, or maybe because he knew he just have to be with them no matter what. Hisui-chan was the first friend he ever had, back when he was still a year bellow them, still a bit too small for his age, still a bit sickly to be a ninja. Naruto first thought that maybe he won't make it, he was too pale and young, that Naruto had silently bet that the boy with beautiful green eyes will give up soon and will be taken away from the academy by the end of the year. Probably will get engage to some wealthy none-ninja noble heiress or heir, that kind of thing where not unheard of after all, it was all about power and wealth, they don't care about the children's feeling, let alone gender.

Naruto would see him every afternoon sitting on one of the academy's benches talking to two other children, most probably his classmates, a girl and a boy, talking silently, small innocent smiles and sweet giggles between them pulled Naruto to them. Making him wish to watch the boy with the sweet but weak smile from far away, silently burning the image of a tiny sickly but beautiful boy in the walls of his mind, a lovely contrast against the dark creature within him. Afternoon after afternoon, Naruto would sit on his favorite swing, watching the boy with the greenest eyes he have ever seen, sometimes he would sit there alone, sometimes he would sit there with his two other friends, waiting for someone, that someone known as one Uchiha Sasuke, the class crush of his batch.

First seeing that had given Naruto's small chest a pained thud, seeing them so close and happy, he wondered why he felt like pranking the Uchiha, he felt like doing something very nasty to him, though he never knew why. He wanted to be the one to talk to the silent and sweet boy and not Uchiha Sasuke of his class, it was so strong inside of his chest that he wasn't sure if he could resist the call of stink bombs the next time he sees Uchiha Sasuke.

Though the desire of pranking the Uchiha boy disappeared as the revelation of the boy with the green eyes was actually an Uchiha himself right after he was introduced by one of their senseis a year later as another classmate, he suddenly felt like approaching the little boy. He was different from everyone else have ever met, he was like that little flower in the middle of a streaming river near by the forest, a lone flower standing on a stone. He stands out not only because he was stunning, he stands out because you just don't know how why is he here, what is he doing here, a liken of question of how did that flower get there, right on top of a rock in the middle of the river, and how did the flower even grew on that thing like that, bright and in full bloom. Such questions spin inside his head. Those questions only got more insistent as he got to know them both, as he got to learn their family, his father, and everything else that surrounds him. It was a mystery that he will forever look answers to, something he would gladly look answers to.

Hisui was like a start to him, a bright small light in the sky that guides him to a path. Though Hisui never choose the path for him, he only shined a light on his path, he was always there and he would never judge him because of the thing that was inside of him, in fact Sasuke and Hisui thought it was cool, well in Hisui's words anyway, (Sasuke would rather drink a glass full of caramel rather than call him anything close to the word cool) he was a pure being that Naruto is more than glad to call as family.

Truthfully, he never got to talk to the small boy, he made sure to avoid the boy's eyes as much as he can so shy that he would run away whenever the boy tried to approach him, (particularly the night after the incident with the strange men that Iruka-sensei chased away,) not until he chanced the boy being bullied by some upper classmen a few levels above them. He watched stunned as one of the older boys pulled on his hair so he could look at the boy's tear stained face. Watching the boy nod meekly as the boy demand him to leave the academy and accept the proposal the boy's father sent Uchiha Fugaku so they may wed after the boy's sixteenth birthday ignited inside of him, a dislike that was not known to him until then.

That afternoon, Naruto found himself with a bruised body and a small boy following him everywhere he went, like a little duckling tailing its mother. He tried to run away from the boy too embarrassed by his crude and violent actions in front of Hisui, beating the older boys with all his strength of course he didn't really got anything against the older children who were much stronger and bigger than he, only getting away because of the teacher that chanced upon them. Of course the man favored the older children; he only got away because Hisui made sure to tell the man the truth. The man accepted the reasoning with a gruff; a trace of disdain as he looked down on the blonde, never caring about the bruises and cuts the boy was sporting.

"Why are you following me?" Naruto demanded as they sat on one of the swings in the park, tired of trying to lose the boy off his tail, just deciding to just let him follow him.

"You're hurt, I'm sorry,"

"What? I asked you why you were following me, not asked you what you think of me, stupid," Naruto heard a gasp and turned to see the boys surprised face looking at him as if he killed a cat. Well, this is it, the boy will find out that he was a bad boy and leave him just like everybody he knew; only he got a smack upside the head.

"Hey! What was that for?!"

"You're so rude! You shouldn't be rude, it's bad! Haha-ue always said that rude boys don't get cake if their being rude. "

"What? Like I care what you think of me, go away already, you're bothering me, I don't like you here," he said rubbing his head, looking down he tried to hide the tears forming inside his eyes.

"I'm sorry," said Hisui with a sob, his little fist rubbing on his closed eyes, Naruto panicked as he have never faced crying little boys before, making burst in tears himself, leaving a pair of little brats crying, one little boy sobbing his little heart out while the other wailing his throat raw. That's how an incredulous Sasuke found them, his face set on an unbelieving frown.

"What are you two crying about?" he asked as he crossed his arms in front of him as he stood in front of the still sniffing duo. Sasuke watched as the two wiped away their tears wondering what is wrong with the two of them.

"It was his fault, he started this," said the boy he knew as Naruto, pointing his finger at his little brother, a teary glare making its way on his blue eyes. Raising an eyebrow at his little brother, he waited for his brother to answer his unsaid question.

'I did not! You were being mean to me! You started it!"

"I did not, you hit me!"

"Because you're being so mean to me!"

"No, you were!"

"No you were!" they stopped and glared at each other willing the other to admit their fault. Though Naruto held stronger in his resolve, Hisui, was yet again moved to tears in frustration, making him yet again sob his little heat out. Guilty of making the other boy cry again, Naruto started of his own crying, leaving Sasuke to give a big sigh and ask the great heavens why him.

That afternoon, if you were to happen to have walked passed a certain park that contained three little boys sitting by a swing, you would have witnessed a black haired boy that happed to be the oldest among the three buying three ice cream cones, handing the other two to the crying boys halting their tears instantly, making them eat the treat instead, though still sniffling the two boys finally apologized to each other, finally putting an end to their little crying contest. Pity you would have seen a rare sight of cuteness among the future powerhouse team seven of one Hatake Kakashi.



"Buy me ice cream?" Asked a shameful Naruto his head bowed as he foot on the ground waiting for Hisui's answer, expecting a no. Only to hear a sigh from the other and feeling a small hand slip in to his, pulling his hand towards the every same ice cream-stand Sasuke brought the ice cream that they have eaten by the park years ago.

"Can I have chocolate mint please?" He asked as he held onto Hisui's rough hands. "Hm, only if you promise to work on whatever what's going on between you and Aniki," said the green eyed boy. Naruto tried not to grimace at though, he nodded his head anyway, knowing that he will have to do that sooner or later, "I promise," he said.

"Alright then, "Hisui said his small smile true and calming, yet still telling him he was still not happy about what happened just this afternoon. After buying their ice cream they walked to the park they have stayed in a long time ago and sat under the shade of the tree eating their ice cream content and calm.

As Naruto took a last bite of his cone he watched as Hisui eat his slowly, just enjoying his strawberry flavored treat. He watched the younger boy's cheek get smeared by the treat, marveling the thought of why the boy didn't felt it. Shrugging he watched on as Hisui just contently eat his ice cream in peace, just staring at the piece ice cream on the boy's cheek for a long while. Feeling the stare, Hisui turned his questioning eyes on to Naruto, only getting a small smile from the boy, blinking he shrugged and watched as the boy leaned in and licked the ice cream off his cheek. Tilting his head, Hisui blinked at the boy who was still not leaning away from him, thinking nothing of it, went back to his ice cream, letting Naruto press his face onto his cheek and closed his eyes and stayed there as he waited for Hisui to finish his ice cream, never wondering about the boy's odd behavior.

Though how much Hisui wanted to forgive the boy right there, it would be very unfair to his big stupid brother, that until now he would snap at him if he so much say anything bad about anyone. Hisui may have let his brother be as mean and 'bad ass' as much as he wanted, but after that last mission, Hisui wouldn't even let a little roll of the eyes from his brother, or he would be very much be saying hello to the first aid kit again.

His brother inflated ego, that could easily dwarf the great planet of Mars hands down, would not allow him to say sorry twice. The only sorry Hisui would get would from the boy would be a first aid being pushed under his nose and an almost whining but strained "Patch me up, you did this to me anyway."


Wincing every once in a while as they walk back home from their latest mission, Sasuke would give his angry baby brother's back heated glares as he touch his bruised cheek, wondering why in the name of all thing's holy was he the only one who has been subjected to his Hisui's beating, I mean, come on! The idiot is at fault too! Why was it that he was the only one walking away from the mission with a bruised face? Oh! And don't forget his ego! His manly ego was beaten to goo, poor beaten bruised mushy goo! A man like him could only take so much from his future koi!

Sasuke sighed just a tad too loud as he sat heavily on the tatami as he watched his brother go about the kitchen through the door, making sure that Hisui heard his 'pained' grunts as he moved his throbbing injuries, but man he didn't have to pretend about that, they really do hurt! Like a bitch, man!

Sasuke leaned on the woodened slide doors, trying to make sure that he was making the appropriate sound of pain to at least have a reaction from the little brat, really this where the only times that Sasuke would wonder where the hell the gaki got monstrous strength, it felt like shit right now, and he didn't even got scratch from the mission itself, all of this is from Hisui's fit! Ugh, his jaw hurts like hell!

Kami damned that little tantrum monster! Why was it that he was the one who had to be the bloody punching bag here!? He could have at least landed a good one on Naruto too! The idiot sure as hell needed that more than he did, might even help him when he dies, might even let him grow a brain or something, little snot*, Sasuke thought sulking by the himself. His arms crossed in front his chest, his shoulders hunched over, his eyes trying to burn through the innocent rock by the koi pond.

Sasuke listened to his monster's movement around the kitchen preparing something that would probably something that would rot his teeth the very moment he puts it in his mouth, shuddering from the 'punishment' that he had to endure back when Hisui still didn't knew of those cursed hard candies…God, that teriyaki sauce was like melted sugar, it was hell a sweet!

Twenty minutes later…


"Take it like a man." Hisui said flatly, not taking his eyes away from his rice, eating his not so sweet teriyaki chicken properly unlike some. He made that thing special just for his brother, he better be grateful for it or else…It may seemed that the idea was heard loud and clear as his brother took a big (pained) bite of the sweetened chicken and chewed on it as fast as he could, willing the horribly caramelized chicken to just slide down his throat already, hoping the Gods and Goddesses that it won't cause him diabetes, because there still eight more mouthful on his plate. But one look at the dark clouds hovering around his (sadistic) Hisui made the older Uchiha swallow his chicken and pride.

Sasuke knew that this what you call the sting of love but the brat goes too overboard with his 'punishment', he could hardly taste the chicken's meat at all, the sugar in the sauce was blocking the taste, if anything Sasuke is actually considering the thought of the sugar have finally numbed his tongue! Oh, Kami is he what you call whipped? No way! His an Uchiha! The eldest of the two of them! He cannot let his future koi tie a leash around him just because Sasuke was being agreeable, he'll show him!

And with that in mind he looked up with fire in his eyes, his manly pride rising up to 'teach' a very naughty boy a lesson in-

"Finish your meal, brother mine, before I make you finish it myself," 'and trust me you won't like it when I do' was heard loud and clear even without saying out loud, and Sasuke wisely obliged, anything to please Hisui, yep.

Sasuke struggled not to let out a pitiful whimper.

Later that night…

Watching his brother sip his tea outside by the wooden doors, Sasuke made sure to make himself look as if he was in great pain, it's not that hard to pretend he was in pain! The hot bath could only do so much to his battered body; it may have eased his wry muscles some but the pain was still there, screaming for him to at least have something to make it half better. So that's why he was watching his brother with caution, holding the first aid kit in his hands, him standing by the door, sizing his brother up if the little monster that was taking a vacation in his sweet brother might still be right there.

Letting his eyes wonder his little brother's beautiful features, Sasuke could not help but wonder yet again if they were really siblings. Don't get him wrong, he always knew that Hisui was different from him and his other brother, detestable to him and all, but he knew that Uchiha Itachi is more likely his real brother, flesh and blood and all that, but Hisui, Hisui is more likely a product of infidelity between his mother and father, from whom he was from, may it be his father or mother, it was obvious that they have made up their mind of accepting the young Uchiha as their own.

Sasuke could never imagine if Hisui would one day come to him and tell him that he have produced a child with someone else behind his back, he would probably storm over the wrench and kill her slowly and painfully as humanly possible. And would Hisui think the same if he ever did that to him, him showing up one day and tell him that he was now a proud daddy to a new born child, his new born child from another? And would that cause Hisui to run away from, heartbroken because of his carelessness, making him want to run and go into someone else's arms, making him want someone else's attention and love? Someone who will protect him instead of being some idiot fighting another idiot because he was being too silly, honestly, what they were even fighting over anyway, he can't remember anymore.

Darn it! Sasuke knew that he didn't have the right to be an ass about this, he was at fault, and he knew that, he had a good idea of what he have done right after Haruno gave Naruto a good one at the hospital. And by Kami how that hit him on the face like a bitch slap from a certain green eyed boy. As an Uchiha, he was entitled to look after his kin, it was an unspoken law among his clan members, anyone who was from outside their clan would think that the great Uchiha clan members where raised in a cold treatment, but that wasn't true, harsh, maybe, strict to an extent, yes, stern, yeah that was a given, they were supposed to teach them and train them in this fashion. Any ninja clan would, after all, it's not like the shinobis can never really stay as hired gardeners forever yes?

No! Of course not! He failed in protecting his brother! His only link, his only last strand from keeping him from totally throwing him into the path of becoming a single minded avenger, seeking blood for revenge. Hisui is person full of love and kindness, his

If anything where to happen to Hisui because of his stupidity he could never forgive himself, he'd die in shame and heartbreak, he would have failed everyone, the Uchiha clan, his mother, and one he made a promise to, and most importantly, he would have failed Hisui. Again for the thousand time the image of a dead Hisui laying in the snow, bloody and cold gone forever, never to open his eyes again for him…

The wood of the door paneling beside him splintered in his hand unnoticed. Hisui let out a suffering sigh from where he was watching the full moon and placed his tea down on the coaster, making sure that it won't spill on his light blue yukata that Niisama brought for him two years ago.

"Brother," Hisui called out softly, his eyes catching his Sasuke's guilty ones, making him want to bow his head in shame. But, like any Uchiha's before him, he denied the thought and made his way towards the curios but still miffed Hisui and sat beside him, careful not to bump the teacup, tea stains badly on clothes, and his white yukata was a perfect canvas that tea would just love to stay in, something Hisui would kill your ass in if you even dare let a drop gets its way on them.

"What's the first aid kit for?" Hisui asked innocently, careful not to look at his brother with his smug smile, knowing full why he was holding the first aid kit.

"You know damn well why you little brat," Sasuke grumbled.

"Uh-hum" Hisui hummed unmoved by his brother's snarly attitude, he was used to it by now, Hisui waited for him to start his rant and all that to begin, but all he got was silence. Raising his eyebrows, he turned to see his brother giving him this really unnerving stare, something in his eyes that made him want to fidget with his yukata's sleeves, but as an Uchiha, Hisui made sure to keep his hands tucked under his other hand, fingers tight over the others.

Watching him from where he was sitting, Hisui could see that his brother was having an internal war with himself, and knowing him, his internal enemy was his humongous ego, wrecking bloody havoc inside his brother so much that it might have been almost physical. Taking pity of his brother, he was ready to be kind enough to put some salves on his bruises, heaven knows how much of a baby the great and bad-ass Uchiha Sasuke is.

Then there was a first aid kit pushed under his nose, making him look down on it, he followed the hand that was holding the box to the arm attached to it, the shoulder, the neck and then the face that was facing the other side, not making eye contact with him.

"Patch me up, you did this to me anyway, do something about it." Sasuke grouched his unmarried cheek that was turned away from him where blood red from embarrassment that Hisui didn't have the heart to stay angry at him for too long. Giggling a little, Hisui took the box from him making sure to brush his finger with his brother's, raising an eyebrow when his brother jolted a little from the contact. Sasuke gave a weak grin and leaned over his brother as he ripped the instant cool compress from the white wooden box, making sure to remember to by a couple when he goes out to buy some supplies, seeing as that they were running out of those useful little things. And if this was only a taste of his and Hisui possible relationship, he will need to stock boxes.

"What am' I going to do with you?" Hisui whispered sweetly at his brother as he brushed a cool cloth on his abused cheek, on the cheek that he abused actually. Sasuke flinched as instant cold compress made contact on his aching cheek. Sasuke was wondering the same thing.

"Well, for starters you could stop hitting me, I'm older after all," he said playfully, his voice only a whisper, watching his brothers lips move into a smile.

"No I don't think so, that would only spoil you brother, it's hard enough that I have put up with you being a prat you know."

"Who's the prat?" he said his smirk making its way on his regal face, bringing a happy laugh from his little brother.

"You are of course, didn't I just said that you're a prat?" he shot back without missing a beat. A comfortable silence echoed around them as they finally smiled at each other, the familiar banter relaxing them into a tranquil atmosphere.

"You've been letting this petty arguments get the better of you brother, it's not helping us some,"

"It's not my fault"

"If anything, it's making things rather difficult for everyone," Hisui continued as if not being intercepted at all by his now indignant but ashamed brother. Making sure to press a little harder as his brother started to open his mouth, effectively stopping him from even attempting to. "Please understand, this thing that is between the two of you is making ripples, it was enough to make a wave, and that wave manifested itself through today's almost failed mission, she almost died. I could never stomach the idea of losing another…" by now Hisui's small hands that was holding the cloth fell between them, a defeated and scared boy replaced the confident and headstrong child in front of Sasuke, and just like that, his pride deflated itself to the point of nothing. His shoulders slumped and his guilt grew in momentous highest. Opening his cut lips he uttered two simple but hard to pronounce words.

"Forgive me…" was the soft response, a whisper that was almost never heard if only for the younger boy's good hearing. Hisui's head shot up from where it was bowed, a startled look shining inside his gem toned eyes.

"Brother!" Shaking his head, Sasuke looked into his brother's divine eyes, marveling the emotions that swirled inside them, like silk dancing on the surface of the water. "I have been foolish, the least I could do is swallow my pride and ask for your forgiveness, if you'd like I'll apologies, I should have never let this stupid argument with Naruto and I stir me into being an idiot." He said shamed face, bowing his head he never did the proud look his brother was giving him.

"You, apologizing! Oh, what will be tomorrow be like?!" Hisui said, his voice raising, his eyes now shining, a happy light just blinding, a miffed Sasuke. "Shut up," he said his voice indignant, his cheeks red as he let his now giggling brother continue pressing the damn cloth onto his cheek.

Dumb brat, he thought fondly.


After another grueling day of missions and suprises, they stayed under the moonlight, Sasuke's head on Hisui's lap, almost purring in delight.

Running his fingers through silky black strands of locks, Hisui wondered if there be more of this moments of him and his brother basking under this peace, or would there be less and less of it? Will this kind of nights of them under the moon just watching her magnificence will slowly decrease in number until it will not occur again? Will this welcomed peace surrounding them would soon never rain upon them? So many questions from just one topic, he silently wondered if any of his questions would ever be answered at all.

The moon shined down on them like it would under lovers, sweet and light, a touch that brought out the enchanted color of pale smooth skin, a striking contrast against coal black eyes and emerald ones. It was a peaceful night for them both, a great difference from the past days that they had to suffer through. Not much from the hardship of the mission, but rather from the boredom that was their given mission. Hisui thought maybe because of the near death experience that the whole of team seven came to brush against. He would wager that the council and the Hokage did not take lightly of that little detail, in that light, Hokage-sama made sure to give them the old low ranked missions they had to take before the Zabuza incident. Not that they had anything against that, Hisui was actually thankful for that one; physically, they still have not healed long enough for them to take on a new mission of that high of a caliber. The low ranked missions actually gave them a breather from the Mist fiasco.

It has been an eventful week for team seven, and Haruno-san's transfer to another team seemed to have come earlier than they have thought. Much to the poor girls chagrin, but then again that wasn't the big surprise there, it was the teammates that she will be joining did.


"So let me get this straight, you want me to meet my new teammates now?" asked the rose colored haired girl, her eyes big with disbelief, she was now gapping at her temporary sensei like he just finally admitted that he was late because he was too busy reading his pervy orange book (which is what they have been betting on from the eight time he was late for a meeting). "Yes, that what I said."

"But I thought I won't be meeting until they graduate, it hasn't even been a month after we graduated from the academy, sensei!" shouted a frustrated Sakura from where she was standing, her hands in her pink hair mussing it, making it look like some angry flamingo. It was a week after they have returned from their mission from the Mist and this was their fourth meeting since then, the other ones without their oh so punctual sensei. He barely comes around and tell them what to do, and that was when they have some stupid mission, he was just being an idiot and making them train, this is one thing she never thought of him to say the very moment he popped out of nowhere (you apperated, sensei? Said the youngest Uchiha, gaining him different levels of stares from him teammates). "Well, they already did."




"Uh! Usagi-chan! Hayato-chan!" A squeal came from the youngest Uchiha, though he will deny it later, stopped everyone's thoughts as Hisui dashed behind their sense, straight to children with just a few feet away from them from the bridge where they were meeting. Hisui jumped a girl with long blonde hair, bring his arms around her, giving her a big bear hug as he rub his cheeks on hers, cooing like a mother would on her cute baby.

"I missed you so rabbit-chan!"

"Hello, little puppy, the butterflies seems to follow you around more lately," answered a dreamy voice, a misty look swirling inside crystal blue orbs for eyes. Pulling away from the girl, Hisui looked at the girl with a confused but endearing look, Sakura was about to ask politely what the hell is the girl talking about the very moment she finally got out of her gapping stance a bit ago, Hisui-chan's face gave a bright smile of understanding and asked:

"Oh? Really? Maybe it's the flowers I bring with me."

"Nah, it's just probably you, puppy-chan" said a boy with bright brown eyes, smiling indulgently at the both of them, his calm aura making Sakura's fuzzed nerves a bit of soothing. The hell? Who are these people, she'd never seen them before, and the girl is kind of freaking her out.

"Well, hello there little Puppy!" said a happy voice from above, looking up all three eyes of team seven, a man clad in a jounin uniform jumped from where he was sitting on, landing right beside the two children who were still in a hug (well, maybe only Usagi-san since she was the one being hug by Hisui-kun, almost being lifted off the ground) The man landed with a soft swish, landing on his two feet, looking down on the children with a bright smile. Sakura thought it was almost blinding if only the man didn't have that hair!

Indeed the man was rather good looking with his tan skin and regal face that could only be seen from a noble family, nose straight and just right, his bright brown almost amber eyes shine with mischiefs that Sakura can only think of Naruto, and his killer smile that shakes Sakura that no one can, the only thing that was almost not likable about the guy was his green hair, yes green hair. Yes, the green hair looked soft and styled as if the man have only woke up and didn't bother to use a comb before running out to do his thing, it looked good around the man's head and could have looked really fine on a good looking guy like him, but green? Really? The man could have dyed it of something more subtle but still striking if he really didn't like his natural hair color, like maybe red? Or Blonde, heck, even dark blue, like the Uchiha brothers, but green was just bad.

"Tsuki-nii! Oh! Finally! I told you'll pass the jounin exam! You're so cool!" said Hisui, he was bouncing around, the cute but really weird girl still in his arms, a dreamy smile on her face.

"Aw, Hisui-chan!" The man cooed and brought the boy in his arms, the girl still there, rubbing his cheek on the boy's. The boy, Hayato was it? He was smiling at the three of them, a really cute background of pink flowers and hearts and puppies surrounded them all. A harmonies kind of feel coming out of them all, Sakura could just hear the silent "They're all made for each other" that she was sure the other people behind her watching the four individuals make a weird( but almost charming) spectacle out of themselves.

"Thi-this my new team?" she whispered to a nonchalant looking Kakashi, his book already up against his face.

"Uh-hum, Team Tsuki,' he said uncaringly, waving his hand towards the still er, interacting four. She turned to her other ex-teammates hoping against hope that she was not the only one that feel this is not a good idea. No such luck it may seem.

Sasuke-kun was rubbing the bridge of his nose, looking as if he knew something, or maybe he already knew this people, while Naruto was grinning at the four, looking very entertained.

"What's going on here?" she asked them weakly, trying not to let herself look stupid.

"Those are Hisui's classmates back then, the older guy is a good friend of my- his a family friend, we've met him a long time ago,' said Sasuke, Sakura didn't mention his change of phrase, turning away she looked at the masked man and asked the question she was wondering for a while now.

"How are they even graduates when Sasuke-kun said that they're Hisui-kun's classmates, well used to be classmates anyway?"

"They've been taking advance classes since they stepped in the second to the last year in the academy, that's why they had to graduate late, since they had to study for their original classes and for the graduating classes, they trained until they finished every curriculum there is in the academy, hence the late graduation."

"Wha- But they could have been like Hisui-kun!" she asked incredulously.

"Hm? His different, when he took in an exam to determine if he was capable enough to step into another level, this kids," pointing at the said kids with his thumb, " didn't, thought the teachers in the academy saw their potential a little too late, thought the rectified that now,, though they had to train at school in their summer vacations so they may catch up,"

"But, then shouldn't they have been transferred to our batch, just like Hisui-kun did?"

" Well, unlike Hisui-kun, they didn't have the knowledge of the level you guys were studying, they had to learn what he already know so they could advance, besides," Hatake stopped and lowered his book to look at the indignant girl with his bottomless black eyes, never wavering from the green ones " Team seven was originally made to be a combat expert team."

Wide eyes, the girl lowered her head in shame, she understood what the man meant, she wasn't that strong and she was almost useless to them, just take the last missions they took, she jeopardized the mission in to failure, she doesn't fit in a team full of powerhouses.

Looking at the now laughing blonde who was standing next to the blonde girl –Usagi, her name is Usagi, she realized that she had always called him useless and annoying when she was the one who was useless; she called him stupid when he ranked 10th within fifty plus students in her batch, she was the stupid one; she believed in the fantasy that she was way better than the boy when he was way better than she could ever be, she's so pathetic.

"I see, so you're going to transfer in a tracking team instead? That's so cool, Saskura-san"


Staring at the emerald toned eyes of one of her crushes, she wondered on what he said, "Tracking team?" she asked a little dazed by the shining smile the boy was giving her.

"Silly Sakura-san, Tsuki-nii's team is made to be a tracking team, your smarts will aid the others in tracking targets, that's why you're being transferred," he said, smiling at the boy with a gentle smile, turning back to her, "They're really cool, right guys, you'll look after Sakura-san right, the same way she would look after us,"

Feeling much better, thanking Hisui-kun silently, she looked over Sasuke-kun and Naruto as they (well Naruto more than Sasuke-kun, he was more content on nodding his head towards her) beamed at her a confident grin pasting itself onto her face. She can do this, you'll see, she'll get better, just watch.


"Aw, puppy-chan, that's right, sooooo cute!" said Tsuki-sensei as he hugged him again, though that didn't shock her not as much as the shock of witnessing his hair turning in to red!

"You're-your hair!" she screamed in fright, the man looked at her question and then grinned, "Sorry, I scared you didn't I? Hehe, a special talent you could say." He pointed at his hair, and then it changed into the color of the flowers falling down all around them, a sakura pink, just like hers, prompting her to faint.


And here we are again, this two idiots acting like morons, at times Hisui wished that Sakura-san was still there with them, then he won't be the only one being subjected to these idiots. He was now urging his brother with his eyes to apologies for quit sometime now, he was at his limit when he finally heard the sound of a man dropping on wood.

"You're late! You're a failure as a ninja!" yelled Naruto-kun, his finger pointing accusingly at the man. Sighing he stood up and approached his other teammates, throwing a dirty look at his brother, making sure he got it.

"I got lost,"

Stop lying with a straight face! Give it a rest already!"

Sigh well, cheers to a new mission, thought Hisui warily.

A/N: Sorry about that, I had to cut it, I didn't then…

Well anyway the sand ninjas will just have to show up next chapter eh? Sorry I just have to get that all out for the chuunin arc to go on smoothly (I can see you like: yeah when will that be? And then you roll your eyes to the heavens, yeah I know you guys.) Anywho! Don't you just love me for a long chapter, with TWO omakes?

"If anyone wish to object to this union speak up now or forever hold your piece"

No one raised their hand or spoke up, the wealthy father of his groom smirked at him, leering at him behind his son's back, his lustful eyes mapping his white clad form, Hisui tried his best to try and hide from the man behind the unsuspecting son, his wife ignoring everything around her, a haughty expression plastered onto her otherwise wrinkly face.

"I object"

A gasp was heard from behind, Yahiko-sama twisted around facing the humongous wooden doors, he gave an angry yelp as he laid his eyes on the young male standing by the door, his hands still touching the door that he more likely opened with, his blank handsome face showing nothing, but Hisui knew better, the light that was glinting in his half-closed black orbs meant that he will not leave this place without what he came for in his arms. Hisui felt his heart give a powerful punch to his ribcage, oh you fool! You beautiful moronic fool!

"Sasuke-san what are you doing here?" he asked breathlessly, so soft the Yahiko-sama had to leaned in closer to hear his almost barely there voice. He gave Hisui a pained look, pleading eyes trying to catch the vivid gem eyes of his koishii, but alas dear sweet Hisui-kun can't seem to take his eyes off the bastard that dared to sabotage his wedding, he grabbed his koishii's wrist and yanked him next to him, Hisui so fragile looking stood still from where he was standing, not even moved by his strength.

"Eh?! Isn't that the rouge ninja that visits the brothel that the bride had been working in?

"Oh my? Could it be that the bride is not really a virgin like the owner have insisted?"

"Oh! The whore!" Such painful words, such uncaring accusations, one would think that he would have been used to them, considering he had been practically raised within a building full of jealous beautiful men and women, people that are dead set on winning clients to gain power and money inside the brothel that they have been working in or most cases just like him been raised in. Yet, the whispers from the guest were enough for him to involuntarily make him bow his head down. Oh, the painful lies.

"You! What the hell do you think you're doing eh!? Hisui-kun chooses me! Me! Get out! Get out now!" Yahiko-sama yelled, him hold around his now cold and numb wrist tightening to the point that Hisui can now see a twinge of blue coloring the tips of his fingers.

Not opening is eyes ignoring the yelling man; he brought out his sword and pointed it at Hisui.

"You said that you would gladly wish for my dreams to come true, so what are you doing here marring this imbecile hm Koi?"

"Oi! What did you say you bastard!? What the fuck did you mean by that?!" The groomed roared in anger, he reminded Hisui of someone with the same kind of temper, vaguely seeing a head full of ginger hair and bright blue eyes along with a handful of freckles splattered across sun kissed flesh, though the only thing that Yahiko-kun had in common with the that person was the loud mouth, hot temper and the bashful attitude to his smiles and friendly compliments when the young master comes to their brothel to seek him out. Kishimoto Yahiko-sama is a good man, a caring and trustworthy gentleman with high hopes of witnessing a brighter future, Hisui couldn't really push him away or make excuses when the young man would ask for his company, he could never really tell him no, could not really not smile at him when he makes human mistakes and he could never really shake the feeling of this young man as a brother and not as a man to share an eternity with.

"I..Sasuke –san" Hisui fully facing the dark haired man he took in a deep breath and opened his vivid green eyes that have been plaguing the Uchiha's sense from the very beginning. Hisui opened his lips and said in a soft voice in almost a whisper along with a bright smile that the glowering man beside him have never seen from the beautiful entertainer from the brothel before, and for him to fall in love with the young fifteen year old from just a small smile had him staggering backwards, blinded by its brightness.

"I wish for your very hope comes in to tangibility."

"Then shall we run?" The Uchiha asked his eyes a glowing red, a color that Hisui fell in love with, the shade of blood that have littered the older male's body the very moment they have met inside the forest, that cold dark night. The only answer he got was a sound of running towards him, and a bright smile that could easily put the great star to shame. A smaller hand tugging him towards the forest, leading him to where life would be more kinder, maybe even brighter, more happier. And for once Uchiha Sasuke didn't mind at all.

Omake number two*

"Kiba-kun!" Looking to where he heard his name being called, his eyes got starts as he watched Hisui-koi run his way with a basket full of red whateves, his face flush, smiling brightly at him.

"Koi!" he yelled dreamingly, his tired body feeling way better after seeing his love. The boy stopped right in front of him baring a basket full of…tomatoes. What the heck?

"I'm not your koi Kiba-kun, I'm human, not a fish…" the naïve boy said, his brow furrowed and his lips set in a small pout just driving Kiba crazy and tired at the same time, when will this boy ever understand that he meant that he likes him and not think of him as a rudy fish.

"Oh Hiuis-kun…" said Hinata, well at least she undersatands him, but well she came from a family of traditionalist, she's knows what the term koi ever means when it's said between members different noble families, but so was Hisui, but then again, that makes Hisui so…Hisui.

"Oh hello Hinata-san, how are you today?"

"Oh..well, I'm fine thank you, and you?" and just right after Hinata asked that question, Hisui's pretty face was set onto an annoyed scowl.

"Oh, I'm punishing brother today; he was so mean to Naruto-kun today it was awful!"

Smirking, Kiba asked with a happy but juvenile voice "Eh what did he do? Bet he made you wry of him and made you want to seek me out and-guh!" he was cut short when a back connected against the back of his skull, hard.

"Ki-Kiba-kun! Shino-san that wasn't very nice! Apologize to him" Hisui said angst as he looked at the boy nonchalantly shrugged his shoulder and said in a bored tone.

"I apologize"

"You don't seem to mean it at all you as-guh! Why did you bit me Akamaru? What did I do?"


"What was that!"

Getting tired of this, Hisui looked up at the fuming boy, "Ne, Kiba-kun?", he asked, hefting the basket up from his arms he waited for the other boy to answer.

"Yes Koi?" sighing, Hisui answered with a patience of a saint.

"I'm not a fish Kiba-kun and would you like some tomatoes?"

"Eh? Yuc-"

"I just harvested a little early since I'm punishing my brother for what he did and thought that mybe you would like some of these? Oh maybe you would like some too Hinata-san Shino-kun, I have a lot here and I thought you guys might like some? I-"

"Yes! Yes! I love tomatoes! I love them a bunch! I love them so much I eat them all the time! HAHAHAHA!"


"Really?" A smile was already blooming on the younger boy's cherub like face; he could just feel the heavens already opening its gates for him.


"So does brother! Oh you two are so alike sometimes it's wonderful! I knew there had to be a reason my I see you as another big brother! You have some in common with big brother!"

'Gurgle…' was his only answer to that.

"Kiba-kun?" Hisui asked, the older boy suddenly stopped moving and emitted a rather odd sound from the back of his throat.

"Ne, Hisui-kun, um, I, would you like to eat ice cream, before you go you know? I, I know a place that we could have some, it's really nice, that is if you would like some." Asked a quick thinking Hinata, distracting a worried Hisui from a brain-dead kiba-kun.

"Oh! Oh Ice cream!" Hisui gushed as he gave the motionless boy the basket of tomatoes, taking it thoughtlessly as he was still in his void of self-pity, grabbing akamaru and the older girl's hand and rushing to his favorite ice cream stand, leaving Shino and Kiba behind.

"You're an idiot"


A/N: well, that's that, but well…I would like to say thank you to all who have reviewed the stories, and the ones who helped build a ground for the stories and character development, you know who you are.

And to all that didn't review, well I feel very sad, so sad, I tried to make it nice for you guys but you never review, I'm so sad.

Now imagine if Hisui was to say this to you with his bright green eyes shining in sadness, his short frame making look up at you with his pitiful lips trembling.

Well? I thought so.

*Hm, wonder who could this Jin be I wonder? Kufufufufufu!

*Right, well back when we still leaved in Japan, my grandmother would joke about my Dad dying and growing some brains for once, basically it's a saying I think or something about if a man dies he could actually get smarter, or something in that line. I think it was just to make fun of people either way I highly doubt that Dada was anything but stupid, Grandmama was just yanking on his lacey knickers-Oh God! The mental image I just conjured for myself!*takes her wand and AK's herself*.