Chapter 5 "Secrets"

Lucy and Natsu fall asleep in each other embrace. In the morning it was the first time that Lucy found her teammate in her bed and didn't scream but smiled.

"Good morning, Natsu", softly spoke the Stellar mage.

"Morning, my beautiful girlfriend," murmured the guy, still half asleep.

"Girlfriend, eh?" Sighed Lucy.

"Is something wrong with it?" Dragneel almost jumped on the bed, looking at her intensively.

"Well", the blonde sighed again. "A couple of days ago I spent so much effort to convince everyone that we're not dating. So if we come to guild as a couple today everybody will think that I'm a liar or that I don't trust them", she said nervously.

"Yeah," Natsu scratched his head. "Yesterday I explain everything to Master and he told that I'm a loser".

Lucy laughed. Sometimes Natsu can be childish and annoying, but actually he's so sweet and caring. She's so lucky to get such a boyfriend. Aquarius can be proud of her. But…

"Maybe we won't tell anyone yet, ok?" Suggested Heartfillia carefully. She waited for Natsu's reaction.

"I guess you wouldn't allow me to kiss you in the middle of the guild anyway, so it's fine by me," he grinned. "We can announce it when you'll be comfortable with it".

"Wow, Natsu. Have you grown up in one night?" Lucy raised her eyebrow.

"Well, one photo shoot with a very hot blonde helped me", he told. The fire mage cupped girl's cheek, caressing her smooth skin with his thumb. He placed a light kiss on her forehead, on her nose and then on her lips. She encircled her arms around his neck, bringing the guy closer. Lucy's kisses, her smell, her fingers running down his spine, all that things were making Natsu's head to spin right round. He sharply pulled away. But seeing Lucy's confused look he hugged her, holding close to his chest.

"We better get ready now", muttered Dragneel. 'While I can still control myself', he added in his thoughts.

After that short make out session and some breakfast best teammates came to "Fairy tail", acting like usual. Natsu went to take a look at a request board and Lucy went to say 'hello' to Mirajane.

"Hi, Mira", Heartfillia greeted white-haired girl.

"Hi, Lucy, glad to see you! I was afraid that you're still offended", smiled Mira.

"No, it's ok. When I took a look at the magazine I understood why you got such an impression", the girl blush a little.

"Lucy, did you notice how Natsu stares at you today? Seems like he wants to eat you", Mirajane whispered anxiously.

"Mira," Lucy gave her a death glare. 'Can this girl smell romantic relationship or what?', she wondered. 'It'll hard to keep it in secret from her'.

"Fine, fine, I'm keeping silence", the barmaid rolled her eyes. "But only about you and Natsu", she winked.

"You mean you have another target?" asked the Stellar mage suspiciously.

"Yeap!" Mira smiled the happiest smile. "They sold a large amount of copies of the magazine with your photo shoot, so the editor asked me to suggest one more couple! Who do you think I should suggest? Levy and Gajeel or Juvia and Gray?"

"Mirajane", Lucy said slowly. "Were you the one who choose us for that photo shoot?"

Even if it turned out for good for her and Natsu, it doesn't mean that Lucy is happy that the whole kingdom saw a photo where Natsu's hand is on her breast.

Mira nervously looked at Lucy as a strange smirk appeared on her face.

"Run, Mira", Lucy said with deadly voice. "As fast as you can!"

Natsu who was busy with exchanging insults with Gray looked confused as a Fairy tail's demoness was running away with a scary look on her face from his secret girlfriend. But he just shrugged his shoulders and turned to Fullbaster again.

"Hey, you, underwear prince!"

Happy was sleeping soundly in Lucy's armchair while Lucy and Natsu were on the bed. The fire mage had his head on girl's laps and she was playing with his pink locks. He had a very satisfied smile on his face.

"Do you know that Gray and Juvia are going to have a photo shoot for 'Sorcerer magazine' as well?" asked Lucy quietly, not to disturb blue kitten's sleep. But Natsu just laughed out loud.

"Haha, I noticed that lately Juvia was giggling mysteriously all the time and Gray was all gloomy. I can't wait for it so I can make fan of him", he said.

"Natsu, don't be mean", warned him Lucy.

"Oh, but Juvia will be delightful if everybody will consider them as a couple", Natsu grinned.

"That's true", Lucy also smiled. Actually, she wanted to see guild's reaction very much too.

"You know, I thought maybe we can tell in the guild that we are together when the magazine will be out, so not all attention will be directed to us," said Lucy unsurely.

"As you wish, Luce", said Natsu, getting up to give her a peck on the lips.

"Hey, whatya doing?" asked Happy sleepily, looking at them with one open eye.

"You're dreaming, Happy", Lucy told nervously.

"Oh, so it must be nightmare, cause my nice dreams are about fish or Carla or…" he didn't continue because he was fast asleep again.

Lucy and Natsu just giggled. She placed a hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. His gray eyes were looking so sincerely at her that she couldn't resist and kissed him passionately. He quickly started to respond, hoping that Happy is seeing nice dreams and won't interrupt them.

Lucy, Natsu and Happy were heading to 'Fairy tail'. The girl felt both nervous and exciting. Today they will reveal that they're dating. She just hoped that the reaction of the guild will be adequate and they won't be teased for a long time.

When they entered the guild, surprisingly, it was rather quiet. Everyone were sitting at the tables and holding the magazine in their hands, but they discussed it with each other like in normal chat, not a vigorous discussion that happened when their photos was out. Gray was nowhere to be seen and Juvia was holding a magazine close to her heart with a dreamy look on her face.

"Hi, girls", Lucy joined Levy, Lisanna and Cana at one of the tables. "Why it is so quiet here? Are Juvia and Gray's photos are boring?"

"No, it's very beautiful. Look", Levy handed her a magazine. 'The beauty of the magic' was the title of the photo shoot. And all photos were truly beautiful. On each photo there was an ice sculpture or some random but gorgeous water creation. And two mage stood in normal poses, not provocative.

"Not fair!" Lucy pouted. "Their photos are normal".

"I think Juvia was a bit disappointed that their photo shoot weren't like yours", said Lisanna.

"But anyway everyone know that she's in love with Gray and he's a stubborn piece of ice", hemmed Cana. "So it was much more fun to tease you two".

"But we really were glad for you when we thought that you're dating", added Levy.

"And theoretically if we start to date how you would react?" asked Lucy, trying to sound carefree.

All three girls grinned.

"Well, I think Mira would make you to kiss for ten minutes to prove that it's true", said Lisanna.

"And we wouldn't let you go until you tell us all details", smirked Cana.

"And we'd tease you for a looong time", said Levy.

"Ok, I will keep it in mind", Lucy tried to smile. She won't tell them anything today. No way. But Natsu had a different opinion.

"Listen, everyone", he spoke loudly, standing on the bar stand. "I and Lucy want to tell you that…"

"We are going on a very long quest, but don't miss us", quickly interrupted him Lucy. The guy gave her a confused look, but she just shook her head. "Well, we need to get ready. Bye!" After this words Lucy grab Natsu's hand and Happy's tail and rushed out of the guild. Let their relationship be a secret for some time more.

'What was that about?' wondered Gray who was standing in the shadow of a column. In his hands he held some photos. There were he and Juvia on them in poses that would make Lucy red as tomato. It was actually their first photo shoot. Before the magazine release he went to check photos and when he saw them he decided that they can be only in his private collection. So he threatened photographer to make another shoot. And about the photos he was holding nobody shouldn't find out, especially Juvia. It will be his little secret.

A/N: So it's finished! Thank you for reading and reviewing this story. But if I have some inspiration maybe I'll write some bonus chapter.