A/N: Rushed chapter, tried to spread the chapters out a little bit for the upcoming events…. Muaha… ha…. :3

魅力愛 (Miryokuai: Charm of Love) Chapter 5

夏炉冬扇 (Karo tōsen)

Summer Heater, Winter Fan- Anon.

Orihime woke with a start, forming her hands in a karate pose as she fought off her imaginary nemesis. She panted through slick breaths, her narrowed eyes scanning the room for danger; upon failing to find any cause of threats or worry, she sighed, scratching her head as she lay upright, confused. She felt warm hands creep up from behind her, brushing her tensed shoulders. She half-turned her body, her arms wailing out in an attempt to fight off her assailant, only to be greeted by a faint laugh, flowing with a passionate nature as the hands pushed her back against the bed.

"Bad dream, Hime?" Her eyes lit up at the voice, wrapping her lover in a tight bear hug, her breasts directly in his face. She laughed blithesomely, sinking deep into his embrace, as she blushed.
"Ichigo! You're still here!" He chuckled softly, patting her back, not entirely bothered by the death-by-suffocation ordeal he was going through at that exact moment.

"Where else would I have gone?" She pouted, releasing her hold on him much to his dismay, tapping her lips as she posed a thinking face.
"Hmm... Well the world was taken over by apocalyptic zombie bunny robots, so you proba-mmm" Ichigo raised his eyebrow, sweeping in with a heart-stirring kiss, stealing her breath in a swift motion. His tongue brushed against her lips, requesting entrance, a wish her body automatically complied with.

His thumb brushed past her shoulder, sending tingles down her spine, as his free hand held her against him at, placed delicately at the small of her back; the sparks igniting inches under her flesh veiled her, shrouding over her as she melted against him. Ichigo parted the kiss, leaving a strand of saliva connecting the two, his clouded gaze sweeping over with a dark hue of compassion. He smirked at the thread connecting the two, using his thumb to brush the excess away, continuing his assault on her cheek.

"Is there anything you want to do today, Princess?" She shuddered, her body succumbing to the cold environment seeping its way into the room. She nodded, contemplating for a moment, before voicing her desire.
"Ice cream." He laughed softly at her childishness, as they watched the snowflakes flutter and scatter outside their window. The gardens were blanketed in a thick pure blanket, as children congregated outside, crunching through the layers of snow, with concerned parents trudging after them, attempting to clothe the young ones in warm coats, jackets, gloves and scarves.

"This cold out and you're wanting ice cream?"
"Well yeah; I mean, it's not good for the environment if everyone eats hot food! Think of the imbalance!" Ichigo breathed out a sigh, closing his eyes as he shook his head.
"You're unbelievably cute; you best had know that, Princess." She giggled softly, taking the oppurtunity to tease him a little.
"But what if I don't know that, Ichi-chan?"
"Then I'm going to have to force it into your head somehow?"

"Why, could that have a double meaning?" He pinned her back against the bed, careful to keep the warm covers over them, so that they wouldn't become subject to the elements.
"I don't know, shall we find out?" She nodded, grinning at his stamina, as they initiated yet another wave of mindless sex.

Once climaxing, they lay in one another's embrace, panting softly as their chests heaved against the others. She lay against the bed, flat on her back, running her hand through the fiery hair brushing past her stomach. She had been given yet another mind-blowing round, half-surprised that she hadn't been knocked unconscious from the exhaustion surging through her aching, fatigued body.

He trailed his tongue across her navel, kissing every inch of delicate flesh that he could find. He'd promised to spend an eternity worshipping his princess, and that was exactly what he would do. They were both still learning about the other: what they liked, what felt good, and what desires or fantasies they both shared. One of her fantasies was to meet a mysterious doctor, callous and cold as her picked her up, making love to her throughout the entire night. He owned the doctor's coat, naturally, but the personality and endurance he was still working on.

"Orihime," His voice came in the form of a purr, intoxicating her mind as she moaned, letting the covers fall down partially over their fused bodies.
"That's Kurosaki-sensei to you, missus." She grinned at his cold nature arising from the furtherst depths of his mind, exploring her body in a search for more pressure point to bring her pleasure.

He struck a spot, a few inches left to her navel, as she cried out with blissful pleasure, begging for more from that exact spot. He complied with her wishes, flicking his tongue out against the skin, gaining the same reaction amplified to the thousandth degree. She lay upright, with her arms holding his head, brushing her fingertips through the silk-smooth strands of his hair, her head tilted back as she murmured his name to the heavens.

He snuck his head away, propping himself up as he knelt before her, taking her into his warm embrace upon noticing her shivers. He kissed her cheek, singing the flared skin upon contact, skimming the heat throughout her body, as she started to warm up.

"Come on, I think we should probably get dressed, Hime. Put the heating on." She nodded, whimpering as he picked her up, holding her body tightly against his. She placed her legs down, standing on her own two feet, scurrying through her lingerie drawer for something to wear. She opted for a plum coloured laced bra, clipping it on as she noticed Ichigo smirking at her. She looked down at herself, twisting her body slightly to search for imperfections.

"What is it?"
"No, you can't do that to me. Don't give me that look, and just say it's 'nothing'."
"I was just thinking how sexy you look in that colour."

Blushes formed in her cheeks, as she shifted her gaze away, searching for the matching panties to go with it, slipping into them once finding them. She felt two hands cup her derriere, as a warm breath brushed her neck, the scent of honey rising in the air. He sucked gently at the curvature of her neck, nibbling softly at the flesh where it streamed off to her shoulder.

"Don't go looking too sexy, now, Hime. I don't know what I might do with a beautiful woman such as yourself." She hid her smirks, arching her back, as she pressed her rear against him provocatively.

"What if I don't do as you say?" A low growl escaped his lips, his hands holding on tight to her hips, as a carnal creature began taking over him.
"Are you teasing me?"
"I might be. I might not be. Who knows," He grinned, breathing harshly down her neck, causing her to whimper, biting her lip.

"If I find out you're teasing me, Princess, do you know what I'll do to you?" She shook her head, mentally adding 'nope, but I'm sure as hell about to find out'. "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't happen again." He rubbed the head of his manhood against the thin fabric of her underwear; she blushed, uttering out a moan as she felt herself become wet once more.

"You like it, Hime. Don't lie to me, because I know you do."
"I... I love it..." She took a deep breath, as his hands shredded through her bra, massaging her breasts with soft hands. "I love you..." Her whisper came barely audiable, the proximity of his body against hers threatening to force her to climax. He laughed softly, releasing her from his clutch, leaning over to grab some boxers, kissing her cheek on the way.

She turned, pouting at his taunts, watching him slip into his underwear, before dragging out some signature skinny jeans, and a white t-shirt, with a black stripe and 15 slashed across the right shoulder. She peeked inside her wardrobe, finding little there appropriate for the brisk weather. She sighed, trailing through, putting together a disorderly attire.

Her white t-shirt barely covered her chest, what was intended to be a v-line collar now revealing a heavy amount of cleavage. The long sleeves went over her hands, as the fabric hugged her torso tightly, amplifying her curvacious figure. She threw on a pair of blue, leopard-print leggings, finishing the look with a pair of black ankle-high leathered boots, before studying herself in the mirror. Ichigo came behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he nuzzled her visible neck-line.

"You don't need a mirror to know if you look good, Hime. That's my job to tell you."
"But you're unreliable. I could be wearing something like... a Justin Bieber shirt and you'd find some way to find me sexy."
"Hmm... I can find you sexy wearing anything but a Justin Bieber shirt. But to be fair, you don't need clothes." She pouted her lips, questioning his comment. He merely smirked in reply, studying her reflection with keen eyes.

"You look beautiful; don't change a thing, ever." She smiled, reaching up to kiss him on the lips, feeling his hands slide down her body, clutching hold of her thighs. She opened her eyes, parting the kiss, melting deep into his embrace; her glazed eyes glinted with lust, her lips curving up into a smile.

"You still want to go out for ice cream?" She nodded, excitement leaking from her face. "Go on then; finish getting ready, and I'll treat you to it. But you're eating something normal aswell whilst we're there." She grinned, falling deeper into a tight embrace, thanking her partner for his offer. Once brushing her hair to perfection, removing any knots from the silk cascade, and brushing her teeth, counting the minutes as she typically did, she returned to the bedroom, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet.

She grabbed a black coat from her closet, her thumbs clumsily doing up all of the buttons, wrapping up warm with a scarf, hat and mittens the same colour as her leggings, making an exit for the door, like a child eager for the dairy treats.
"Orihime," She froze at the husky voice calling her back, turning to find her partner clad in his jacket, holding on to the dreaded object in his hand. He smirked, positioning her glasses on her face, much to her dismay, as she scowled, removing them.

"No arguments. You're wearing the glasses."
"But, Ichigo~" She whined under her breath, crossing her arms over her chest, as she stood on her tip-toes, attempting to match his dominating height. "I don't like them, they make me look..."
"Intelligent? Educated? Unique?"
"I was going for "huge, grotesque, geek", but you know..." He sighed, pressing his forehead against hers, his silent eyes pleading for a compromise of some sort.

"I like them, Princess. Fuck what anyone else has to say; we'll see how perfect they are after they've had a little meeting with my fist. Trust me, you look good with them on." She swallowed her fear, taking them out of his hands, hesitating, before sliding them onto her face, smiling weakly to her partner. "See? Not so bad, is it?"

"Can we go now?" He smirked at her naïve impatience grasping hold of her arm in a passionate lock. "I'm hungry."
"Sure, let's go."

Orihime roamed the streets, her arm linked in her partner's, gaining the strangest looks from the passer-bys as she licked the ice cream clutched in her hand. The occasional dab of sauce would stick to her wrinkled nose, as Ichigo would grin, leaning over to lick it clean, causing her to freeze each time, blushing with embarrassment of his precarious actions in public.

The snowflakes flew over them, adorning their clothes and hair as though stitched permanently in place. They wandered the streets, letting their feet guide them, taking the occasional rest to sit and kiss, only to get shooed on by shop keepers, scorned by older generations, or mocked by the younger generations, claiming they'd catch "cooties" from one another.

They drifted through the sales, as Ichigo acted as the guardian, standing back, letting his childlike girlfriend run through the Christmas stores to her heart's content, pointing out the occasional item she found pleasant; Ichigo formed a mental note, asking the store owner to reserve the items for a later date, his Christmas shopping for his dearly beloved finished with complete ease. He'd lost count of how much he'd spent. But he honestly didn't care. Not that he believed expensive gifts were the way to a woman's heart; he simply wished to give her the best Christmas possible, given her unfortunate past. Each time she came across something she adored, (mostly Chappy the Bunny themed merchandise), she began taking out her purse, much to Ichigo's dismay.

At last, they drifted towards the end of their day, both stomachs growling with anticipation, as shadows crept over Karakura, beckoning nightfall to come forth. Many shops began shutting down, which didn't help their hunger issues. They soon came across a 24/7 ministore, hoping some form of food would be sold within, as they stepped forward into the warm, welcoming breeze of the store's heating system. A dark woman stood at the counter, her eyes gleaming a golden hue, her wild hair tufted into a (purple) ponytail. She wore a permanent grin, greeting the couple with a sincere tone. Orihime took one look at the woman's features, shock surging through her. She let go of her partner's hand, squealing as the woman's name badge confirmed her thoughts.

"YORUICHI-CHAN!" The woman became startled, bearing a less formal grin, hugging her long lost friend in a long-lasting hug.
"Hime! I didn't know you still lived around here! What have you been doing all this time?!"
"I moved in with my Aunt, and I stayed with her until I was old enough to get my own apartment. Then I started struggling with the bills, so Ichigo moved in, and started helping me out." Yoruichi's sly smirk grew upon hearing the name, her tooth sticking out in a singular fang-like manner. She crossed her arms over her chest, nodding her head as she listened to her friend's story. She drifted her gaze towards the second red-head, who stood awkwardly, scratching his head uncomfortably.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, I believe. So good to finally meet you in the flesh." Ichigo's face dropped, his eyes slamming shut as he thought back on the sleepovers Orihime told him about.
"There it is again. In the flesh. Just what the hell sort of crap did Rangiku show you, anyway?"
"Just some photos of a young, naïve you, getting beat to the inch of your life at Karate."
"That spread word, huh?"
"Damn right it did."

He groaned, not daring to dwell any further on the past than he already had done, rubbing his eyes as he felt a headache coming on.
"So, Orihime! Don't tell me you too finally saw senses!" Orihime blushed at her words, putting her hands out as she denied the truth.
"Uh, no! No! We're just friends!"
"Friends that kiss and hold hands, and leave bedrooms a bomb-site am I right?" She raised her eyebrow, paraphrasing Rangiku's words that had been told to her.

"Uh... I feel... Un-"
"Now, now; I hope you're not making our dear customers feel uncomfortable, Yoruichi-chan." Orihime lifted her head at the sound of the new voice, studying the man before her. His shaggy blonde hair fell in ringlets around his face, his eyes shadowed by the green and white striped bucket hat, worn cowboy style, leaning forward against his head. He wore a grey haori, with olive robes layered underneath, and although she couldn't see them behind the counter, she was certain she heard the sound of wooden clogs clacking against the tiled flooring.

He extended a hand, shaking hers briskly as a thin smile curved over his lips.
"Kisuke Urahara. I'm the owner of this shop. This is my wife, Yoruichi Urahara, who you appeared to have already met. If there is anything we can assist you with, please let me know."
"Uh, we were looking for something to eat; maybe some premade food, like... Um... Ooh! Curry buns sound good! Do you sell any curry donughts, Urahara-san?"
"Please, just call me Kisuke. Any friend of my wife is a friend of mine. And yes, I do believe we sell those, they'll be right in that aisle there." He pointed towards the middle section, were the premade bakery items were stored. She thanked him, before setting off, taking her partner's hand in hers once more.

She restrained herself from squealing upon seeing the curry donughts wrapped in a Chappy the Bunny wrapper, as Ichigo grimaced at the thought of having to eat something so feminime. She purchased the two, through an intense wave of her stubborn nature, as they walked home, Orihime nibbling softly against the savoury bun in her hands. Ichigo found her childlike state peak out yet again, straining himself as he brushed strands of hair swept across her tinted cheeks.

She was beautiful. It might take him an eternity to find a way to prove that to her, but he would happily spend that time if he had to. Even if in the end, it turned out to be a wasted effort, he wouldn't mind; he'd simply keep trying until she believed he wasn't "just saying", or that he wasn't blind or insane. She was flawless. He remembered her words from the previous night, how she never once thought that she had a chance with him. How ludicrous. If anything, it was him still coming to terms with how on earth he'd managed to get her. However he did it, whatever he did to get her to love him, he would keep doing til the end of time. He would love this woman forever.

He surprised her, diving in for a kiss out of the blue, burying his tongue in hers in the form of a heated, passionate kiss. He didn't want to stop, even when they both became out of breath, and had to restock up on Oxygen. It was here, now, surrounded by the frozen blossoms, the petals built of ice scattering around them, where he wanted to stay forever. The warmth of her love could keep him alive, even if thrown in the deepest glacier, in the deepest bone-shatteringly cold ocean of either Poles. The further away from the equator of sunlight and bliss he became, the stronger the effect of her love seemed to become.

She broke the kiss with dazed eyes, blushes rising under her glasses, which became smeared with the melting snowflakes against the lenses.
"Wh- What was that for, Ichigo?"
"I just wanted to remind you how much I loved you. Is that so bad?" She shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck, standing tall to match his height.