I glanced down at Poochyena, who had rolled on his back. He was awake, but his eyes were closed, desperately trying to get some sleep. His mouth was open and his tongue was hanging out. And his paws were in the air. I smirked and slowly put my left hand on his exposed tummy. I then started to slowly rub his belly.

Soon, Poochyena soon closed his mouth and formed an enjoyable smile. He wiggled his tiny body and even placed his hind legs on my stomach. It felt soothing again… no…. no just soothing. Relaxing… calm… amazing… To feel these little pads of his feet on my skin made me smile.

His tail soon began to wag and he opened his tired eyes at me. He saw my smile and mimicked me. He then stretched his little body and began to stand up. I played with him a bit by rubbing faster. The soothing and gentle warm belly of Poochyena felt good on my palm. It was addicting, like a favorite candy or a good video game. Too bad I couldn't take my game consoles with me…

With me rubbing faster, it caused difficulty for Poochyena to stand, because I kept rubbing his belly. But with a silly smirk and determination, he was able to clumsily walk closer to me with a smirk. He playfully growled and soon was able to get to my left shoulder. I was forced to let go of his black and grey furry tummy. His eyes shined brightly and radiantly like crystals in the moonlight. He smiled as he rubbed his nose into my sides and chest, nuzzling my body. I felt so secure with them. I couldn't help but smile at his eyes glaring at me with love.

Then I looked at Buizel. He rolled over in his "sleep" and laid on my stomach with his chin and arm on my chest. A simple "Bui" was sighed out of his mouth as his body felt like a warm fuzzy blanket on my torso. I smirked and brought my right hand to his left cheek. I cradled his face with my palm while my thumb continually rubbed his cheek. He smiled wider and wider, until he yawned. He opened his eyes to see me loving him and gave me a nuzzle on my chest. It made me giggle; to feel that cold little nose on my body.

Suddenly, I realized something; Buizel and Poochyena were approaching me closer. They were pulling themselves up, rubbing their warm body heated fur against my skin. With grins on their faces, they snuggled their little heads into my neck. It felt good, feeling their love on me. It was like taking some of the two softest things in the world and having someone rub them up against you.

I smiled as I realized their foreheads were right next to my mouth. It made up a quick and good decision. I leaned over and kissed both of their heads. I heard a loving sigh from both and watched their tails start to wag happily and faster. They soon brought their heads up with the most cheerful looks on their faces I had ever seen. It made me happy. When you truly love someone, you would do anything to make them happy. And when they are, you feel it too.

Just then, I realized Buizel was approaching my face closer and closer. He closed his eyes and did something that made me blush. He... licked my face. I… I never would have known Buizel would do that. It felt so chilling… and yet… so warm. I loved every minute of it. I watched the little guy smile at me. I had to return the favor somehow. I suddenly realized that there was only one way. I slowly took my hands, put them on his head, directed him closer to me, and then….


At that moment... I honestly didn't know what came over me. I don't know how to describe it, because I don't wanna make anyone think I'm a psycho or have them uncomfortable… but… it was the most delicious and heart-forming feeling I ever had. Feeling Buizel's fur on my tongue…. It was like… a secret part of me that I didn't know about was coming into place.

Buizel's eyes suddenly got wide after I licked him. Poochyena gasped and looked at him. They began talking in their Pokélanguage again. I, at first, wondered if I did something wrong. But seeing their faces in excitement contradicted that previous thought. I suddenly saw Buizel point at me, but he was looking at Poochyena. Soon, that little puppy came closer to me and licked my other cheek. With that, he waited to see what I was gonna do.

I smirked as I knew exactly what to do. I slowly took my hands, put them on his head, directed him closer to me, and then….


That feeling came back again. It was so overwhelming. I just felt so loved and loving at the same time. It…. I was starting to feel like I was going to cry soon. It was so… wonderful…. I… just can't explain it. It's indescribable.

With that lick, Poochyena's eyes sparkled as he smiled at Buizel. Buizel's eyes soon sparkled as well when he looked at me with his buddy. I could sense it… the bond between us was getting stronger and bigger. I loved every minute of it… so… palpable… so intriguing… real….

Just then, I blinked to see both of them come closer to me and place their mouths on my face. They were blushing madly with their eyes closed. I was at first worried what they were going to do. Suddenly, I felt their cold little wet tongues slowly move up my face in unison, licking me again. It was then that I couldn't hold back my tears. I could feel their love for me… it was so powerful… for me…. from rescuing them from drowning to now…. I'd do it forever and ever if that meant I got to be with these two.

Both of them sat on my chest with blushing faces, waiting for me to perform my next action. I couldn't stop letting my tears fall. I no longer had any pain or doubts; it was all broken and freed by Buizel and Poochyena. I decided to return their sign of affection one more time. I gently put both their heads together and slowly came closer. As I did, they started to smile wider and their eyes watered up. I then licked both of their foreheads at the same time and nuzzled them.

With that, Poochyena howled in happiness. His tears fell from his eyes. He jumped off me and pranced all around on the bed. Rolling over, pouncing, snuggling into the bed… he was so overjoyed. Buizel sniffed a few times and smiled, as he trembled with joy and tears wet his fur. They weren't crying… they…. I think… they were just so happy and touched by me acting like one of them, they felt like we had truly connected. I felt it too. So close… and yet… we can be even closer. I knew it.

It was then Poochyena came over to us and talked with Buizel.

"POOCHY! CHY POOCHY CHY CHY!" he exclaimed at his friend.

Buizel nodded and with a voice trying to speak while tearing up said, "B-Bui…. Bui bu bu bui bu…"

With that, both came to me and hugged me close and tight. I never will forget that embrace. I could feel their emotions, the beating of their hearts, and love for me connect with me. I could feel the urge to snuggle them, as their heads nuzzled into my neck. I slowly wrapped my arms around them, pulling them into my hug. My hands had crossed over themselves so my right hand was on Poochyena, while my left was on Buizel. I then thought of something silly to do. It wasn't mean, but it would be funny to watch. I slid both hands down to where their tails connected to their bodies and started to scratch it.

Now, Pokémon have special nerve points that when rubbed and scratched, can cause them to lose control of their bodies because of the feeling it gives. And around the rears and tails of most Pokémon, there is one of these special nerves. So, when I started scratching there, Buizel and Poochyena immediately clamped their eyes shut tightly and began moaning and grunting in pleasure. They smirked as their little tongues uncontrollably licked their mouths constantly. They soon leaned back against my arms, showing me their faces while I kept scratching.

I laughed so hard at this. Poochyena playfully yipped and growled, while Buizel let out an occasional giggle and grinned widely. Both their tails were going back and forth violently, wagging swiftly. I laughed and they laughed too. Soon after doing this for a while, Poochyena let out a huge yawn, which resulted with me and Buizel watching him and yawning too.

"You guys getting tired?" I asked.

Both nodded, in which by that time the tears around all of our eyes had dried. Well, we were trying to get some sleep. It seems us loving each other got us to that point. It was then, my mind brought to thought of the orange and white striped blanket. My mom said that if you shared it with someone you really loved, it'd make you feel warmer. So, I stopped scratching them. While they collected themselves from the drowsiness, I opened my backpack and pulled it out. For tonight, I'll use it. Then in the morning, I'll put it back.

As they saw me pull the blanket up, they laid on my chest and shoulders; Buizel on my right, and Poochyena on my left. I smiled at them getting comfy.

"Okay, guys, time for bed. Nighty-night," I said cheerfully.

Both of them nodded and closed their eyes, ready for sleep. I placed the blanket over us and closed my eyes too. I noticed though that only in a matter of seconds, Buizel and Poochyena were out like a light. It wasn't the blankets or temperature that made them so warm and cozy; it was the love between us.

I mean, think about it… it was such a dramatic change… like Old Man Fellows said… I was unable to touch a Pokémon, speak or be in the same room with them… heck, even be alive with them… but now… it's all different… to hear them talk to me and play with me…. right now…. To see their little tummies go up and down from breathing… to feel their warm fur against my own skin… to feel the warm air coming out of their little noses against my neck… it… it's such an honor…. And I knew right then for the rest of our lives… the three of us…

The three of us would be together forever.


"Thomas. Get up. Come on."

I was aroused out of my peaceful sleep by someone shaking me and speaking loudly. In a sleepy-drunken state, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"W-Who…?" I started to say.

Then I recognized what was going on and saw the person who woke me was Old Man Fellows.

"Get up, Thomas. You overslept. We need to get you going out of here," he said.

"Oh, geez! Thanks for waking me!" I thanked.

I shook my head and hit my face a few times. The pain shooting through the numbness woke me up. I looked down to see Buizel and Poochyena still asleep in the orange and white blanket. I gently ripped it off them, stuffed it into my backpack, and got dressed. Once all packed, I rushed over to them and began to shake Buizel gently.

"Buizel, wake up!" I said urgently, "We need to move!"

With that, Buizel shook his head and blinked, waking up. He widened his eyes, realizing we needed to move most haste. We both turned to Poochyena, who was snoring. I tried to shake him gently, but he wouldn't wake up. Dang it; Poochyena is a heavy sleeper.

"Come on, Poochyena!" I said, while Old Man Fellows waited for us.

Nope; still nothing. Just then, Buizel showed me his paw, telling me to stand back. With a big inhale, Buizel used Water Gun. It splashed Poochyena right in the face, causing him to yelp and shoot up onto his feet. He blinked dripping wet and then quickly shook his fur to get it a bit dry. Poochyena nodded to Buizel, telling him thanks and then both got off the bed. Thus with me putting on my backpack, we followed the old man down the stairs and to the others, who were waking up too.

"Dang, is it morning already?" Lyr groaned.

"It is. Now get up," Kaname said.

We all stood up, ready for the day. Well… all except for one snoring teenager who was laying limp on the couch like he had been shot.

"Oh, for the love of…" Jocinda groaned.

Tucker… of all the people to slow things down, it had to be him, didn't it? He was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack cutting wood with a chainsaw.

"Hmmm... now I do believe those stories about him sleeping during classes..." Principal Vicar folded his arms and deduced out loud.

"Tucker, wake up!" Jocinda ordered, "You need to be awake now! We can't afford you sleeping in!"

Tucker waved it off and moaned, "I'll be up in a miiiiiiinuuuuuute…"

A minute is exactly what we didn't have. Tucker, that son of a…. I mean, we're friends still… but at the time, he was pushing his luck.

"Grr, we don't have time for this," Purgy stated. "Let's just go over the details and tell Tucker later."

"No, I got a better idea to fix the problem," I said smirking, and then looking at Poochyena, "Poochyena, be a good boy and wake up Tucker with a friendly hello."

With that, Poochyena showed a devilish smirk and walked over to Tucker. Now, Tucker's body slumped on the couch so badly, his butt was sticking out while on his knees. Because of this, Poochyena leaned over and then opened his jaws. Then, with all his power, he chomped down hard on Tucker's rear.

Tucker's eyes shot open like a bullet going out of a gun from the trigger.

"YEEOOW!" he screamed.

He jumped up to his feet and started doing a silly pain dance, as Poochyena smiled proudly and trotted to me. Buizel and I giggled when he walked over to him. We started petting him gently with smirks.

"Good boy," I chuckled.

He sat proudly, wagging his tail with closed eyes and a smile. Buizel hid his laugh behind his paw. I glanced around the room to see the others either giggle or smirk too. Tucker rubbed his backside and muttered.

"Okay, okay! I'm up!" he said in pain.

Despite Tucker's mumblings, Principal Vicar nodded and said, "Okay, now that I have your attention, we are going to go over the plan one more time. Listen very carefully, because after this, we never speak of the plan again."


Just to clear things up, no, this is not going to be any sexual tension between Thomas or the little guys. NO. BI I had some people think that, and I had to clear it up! But anyways, what do you think so far? Lemme know how it goes for you readers, and do your job of reading!