A/N-My riddler is red head. I like him as red head, sew me. Please enjoy n RRA! N Im real sorry but i have no idea what that thing batman's map n stuff is on(Mainly I've been trying to find the ID theif) so I call it a PDA N again sorry bout my grammer, my english is still a bit bad

"Seem's you've collected all my secrets. Do you hear clapping? Cheering? No? Good. Then your pea sized brain is still intact after all my puzzles. This is the last of my riddles Dark Knight. Either I, Edward Nigma, will prove once and for all I am smarter, better then you or a VIP will die. Hurry Batman."

I look questionaly at the 'Enigma Mechine' as Riddler speaks. 'VIP? The Mayor,Gordon?...Tim?' I quickly shake my head.

"Riddle me this: You cannot see me, you cannot touch me, you cannot hear me, you cannot taste me, yet I bring ruin to cities, I kill the mightiest of warriors, I kill the greatest of kings, and bring change. What am I?"

I, again, notice something werid. There's only one gear for this riddle.





'It doesnt even look like he's trying.'

I rotate the gear until the word time was facing me, and push the gear in. "Still cheating? *sigh* but even so, heres the location." The location on my PDA told me..."The church...? How...?" The mayor, Vickie Vale and a officer Burlow were in there! I hurry to the church and open the door. A video flickers on the second door before I walk in.

"Well, well, well! You showed! That's so...expected. When you walk through this door you will see four people, but you can only save three. Try and save all four, you die. Death to save life or could your primate brain outsmart me? I think not."

The video cuts off and I try to figure your out who the fourth person is. 'The mayor, Vickie, officer Burlow...and who?' I shake my head and walk through the door. I spot Vickie first, hanging from the gargoule above the door. "Batman! Help...!" She wiggles and I hear a slight tick. "Dont move." I look at the area where Vickie is through detecive mode. I spot an explosive motion sensor on the gargoule. 'I just need to get her quick.'

"Stay still, I'll be back." I say, switching back to normal vision. I see her movements still and her head nod. I turn to the rest of the room. Riddlers electric panels trail the rest of the floor. The mayor is on a chair in the middle panel in the middle of the room. I caustiously step on the first panel and it shocks me. I back off as Riddlers voice echo's in.

"Ah, ah, ah! That'd be much to predictable! Find another way."

I look around. 'Shit...' I growl. I see an empty space across the room. I pull out my line launcher and slowly crusie across. To the right I see officer Burlow, knocked out and hanging from his feet from a pillar above electric water. To the left I see another similar situation like the mayor except a knocked out young red headed man is in a seat in a glass like box and his electric panels are connected to a counter that has a larger red, diginal '3' on it. 'Only save three.' I reach the end of my line and launch it again. I when I reach a good spot, I re-launch to officer Burlow and get off on the the wood floor. 'This is easy.' I throw a freeze blast in the water, creating a frozen platform beneath Burlow, then cut him down with my batarang. He falls on his back with a thund. I feel bad but at least he's safe. I look to the oppisite side, past the mayor and see the counter go down to '2'. I use detective mode, to see if there's any way I can disable it. 'Damn! The counter is connected to the mayor's panels and Vickie's motion sensor.' I grapple on to the chandler above the mayor and hook the grapple on the ropes tied around the mayor and pull him up, dangling him from the chandler. I look at the counter. ' 1...' I throw a quick batarang to the ropes holding Vickie. I look back the man. I hear the electristy start cracking and I glide to the box. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" the red head throws his head back in pain.

I punch the glasses over and over, trying to weaken the glass. "Y-You wont get in!" I stop as the man snaps his head to me. "Riddler?!"

"I have proven...once and for all, I...am BETTER!" he painful screams, then a pained, hystarcal laugh. I finally break the glass and try and pull Riddler out. His chair is bolted to the panels and I keep pulling the chair, depiste the volts and volts of electrity running through me. I finally pull the chair loose and throw myself and the chair with Edward to the deactived panels. "What...? Why did you do that...?!" I couldnt answer before he passed out. I feel real dizzy. "Take them somewhere safe." I tell the now officer Burlow. "But Batman-!"

"Go!" He nods and leads Vickie and Sharp outside. I type '1901312' (ROBIN)in to my PDA and knock out.