Hello my dearest readers! :D

I got this story idea and I HAD to write it. I couldn't wait to see what would happen, I knew I was going to enjoy writing it so I did. This story is going to replace Forbidden Love, which is in its last chapters. I hope you like it!


Summary: Annabeth Chase is an Alien from another planet that comes to earth baring an important message. Humanity is going to die and she knows how to stop it. She meets Percy Jackson, son of the billionaire Poseidon. Will he help her complete her quest? Will love bloom in the process? Percabeth.

Annabeth's POV

I sat in my pure white bed. The walls around my bedroom were made out of beautiful color changing crystals. The sunlight from our sun shone through the crystal making my room glow with a supernatural glow. I stared at myself at the full length mirror in front of me. I was wearing a dark green dress with a metal belt that made my waist look smaller than it was. I had two silver arm cuffs on both arms and my hair was pulled circlet made to look like vines. My stormy grey eyes looked back at me sadly, but suddenly the image morphed into that of Zeus.

Zeus was the ruler of my planet, Valacia. He was the all powerful wielder of the lightning bolt. But, he was also my grandfather. His unmerciful grey eyes looked at me with a certain sympathy I had never seen in the before.

Let me explain my situation a little better.

Hi, my name is AB-C0hs06. But in your language, it's Annabeth Chase. I am a peace keeper here in my world. I am in charge of creating strategies for wars. My strategies are always perfect and we also end war in less time that it would take. We are peaceful people and we get along with all our neighboring worlds, but sometimes there are conflicts that need to be resolved. Valacia is a beautiful planet. It is similar to your planet, Earth, but six times bigger. It has many rings, like Saturn, but a thousand times more beautiful and they change colors. We have many different regions and many people from other planets live in Valacia. Some live up in the mountains that are 60 miles high, some live in the busy cities filled with different people.

Valacia also owns many planets; Earth, being one of them. We recently found out that Earth, well…nothing lasts forever, and neither does a planet. We had pin pointed exactly when Earth would stop to exist. There would be a giant gap between Venus and Mars. And of course, we had to stop that. Not only because we cared about the Humans, but because they were far behind in technology and advancement. But I really think it's because my grandfather doesn't want to lose property.

"AB-C0hs06, please meet me at the palace. You are expected to leave here in less than an hour. You must go to Earth and well- you know what you have to do. Speak to the nation's leaders and make them agree. We all know how stubborn humans can be." My grandfather spoke, his voice was like cracking lightning and claps of thunder.

I nodded and the image faded. I sighed and got up. I didn't have a bedroom floor, since my bedroom was about 1,000 feet above the ground. My bed and everything else levitated in the air by itself and when I needed to walk, a blue force field would appear wherever I took a step, prohibiting me from falling.

I moved across the 'floor', watching the blue circles of energy appear under my feet as I took each step.

I walked over to the wall farthest away from me and stepped into the transporter. The transporter was a giant tube, which closed as soon as you stepped inside.

"Zeus's place. Mount Olympus." I spoke.

A powerful light engulfed me and in the blink of an eye, I was at the foot of the palace. I looked around me. The sky was filled with space ships of all different colors, shapes and sizes coming in and out of our atmosphere. We never feared an invasion because we were much too powerful and respected throughout the galaxy. The people some green skinned, some with a thousand eyes, some with wings, all sorts of people roamed around in the city thousands of feet below me. We Valacians have amazing eye-sight. Some waved at me and I waved back.

The sky was a soft pink color mixed with light blue and green. There were many moons adorning our planet, making it even more breathtaking. The rings were visible from anywhere you where on the planet. They were always there, cutting the sky in two.

A strong breeze came over me and I turned around, facing the palace guardians. They were wearing full battle armor made of rare celestial bronze, which was overabundant in our planet. Their sharp dark eyes looked straight into mine, before they stepped aside, allowing me permission to enter the palace of Zeus. I silently thanked them before going into the place.

The palace was made completely out of marble columns and metals. There was a powerful golden energy that circulated the palace 34/12. As I walked inside the palace, my blonde hair played with the wind. It wasn't long until I reached the throne room. The walls were covered with elaborate designs showing the victories of Valacia or pictures of important people.

I kneeled down before the throne, putting my arm across my chest as a sign of respect. My grandfather told me to stand.

"Annabeth Chase, my granddaughter, you know your mission. Tell the leaders of the planet Earth their fate. But DO NOT intervener from there. Their fates will be put in their own hands. They believe if they want too. Do you understand?" he told me seriously.

"I understand." I told him with a bow from my head.

There were so many other eyes looking at me from the royal court. They were all dressed in purple clothes, adorned with golden accessories, sad looks on their faces.

He sat up straighter in his throne made of pure gold. He took out his lightning bolt and pointed it at me. I felt fear course through my body. Before I could even say anything, lightning hit my body and I froze. I waited to feel pain…but nothing happened. Everything around me just began to fade away…to nothing.

Percy's POV

My life is extremely boring.

There's nothing exciting to do…nothing new. My father is one of the richest people in the United States and I am here, a perfect Saturday night was being wasted.

I was on my yacht, just relaxing. I took sip of my coca-cola and sighed. The inside of the yacht was decorated with white carpet, raindrop lights, a bar and leather couches, but I didn't want none of that. I wanted someone to talk to that wouldn't talk to me because of my money. But that was never going to happen. Everyone in this planet knew me. I was on magazines, TV, movies…

I had everything I could ever want, yet my life was empty. The night sky was beautiful though. The moon bathed the water in silver, making it glow in a beautiful way. The stars shone brighter for some reason, as if somehow they had gotten closer.

I walked over to the railing and leaned over it. I watched the waves crash onto the boat for a while until my phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket, brushing my hair backwards, before I unlocked it. It was a text from my cousin Nico di'Angelo.

Partay at di'Angelo's! You no wat U gotta do.


But I didn't want another party. I didn't want no more drinks, no more light, and no more loud music. My father once told me I could get anything I could ever want…but the one thing I really wanted, I didn't have. But I didn't know what I really wanted either.

I sat on a hammock, swinging myself with one leg and drinking coca-cola with my hand. I thought about random things until my eyes began to feel heavy. They slowly fluttered closed and my breathing became shallow…


My eyes shot open. It sounded like something broke the sound barrier. I looked up to the sky and saw a shooting star…heading right at me. It was something covered with grey flames heading towards my yacht. I ran to the controls, climbing the small stairs faster than I have ever done, and I managed to move the yacht away before the asteroid/rock thing hit the water.

The black waves rose up and crashed onto the boat, making it tip so far to the right, I thought it was going to flip over…but it didn't. I tried to breath as I thought about what just happened. Finding an astronomical rock would earn me some attention…I thought as the waters began to calm down.

I waited a few minutes before I moved over to the other side of the boat, jumping off the latter, and going over to the railing. What I saw was something I never expected.

There was a girl in the water, floating upward, letting the moon shine on her beautiful face. Her blonde hair was dark as it floated around in the water. She was wearing a long green dress with a lot of metal rings around her body. She had a red aura around her body, as the flames began to blow out in the water. But otherwise, she seemed unharmed.

I stared at her in shock for a moment, having a million things run through my head.

Maybe she was an astronaut that fell from a space shuttle!

But why would she be dressed like that?

Maybe she's a mermaid!

I see no mermaid tail…

Maybe she's…an alien?

Nope, she's too pretty.

Now, I am not a bad person. I was taught to have the best of manners. I quickly began to fumble with my white button down shirt that cost me about…$200 dollars? More or less. This fancy French guy made it.

I tossed it in the floor and kicked off my sandals and dove into the water. Inside the water, I felt powerful and strong. I had learn to surf since I was 10 and I fell in love with the water ever since. It was my element.

I took strong strokes underwater, until I reached her. I broke up into the surface and examined her more up close. From far away, she was pretty. Up close, she's breathtakingly beautiful. I had never seen a girl like this in my entire life. And I was pretty old, I mean, I'm 24!

I grabbed her in my arms and felt a shock go through me. I let her go, making her float a bit further away from me. She wasn't hot or on fire…I'd expect someone that fell from space to be in flames or dead. But no, she was in one piece and completely perfect. She had no flaw (that I saw).

I floated in place, staring at her, until I felt something move inside the deep water. I grabbed her close to me, ignoring the shock again, and I swam one-handedly towards my yacht.

How was that?

It might have been a bit confusing, but everything will be coming out in the later chapters.

I hoped you liked it!
