A red haired man was walking in the middle of the park with two children holding his hands .

It was a small girl about the age of five with long red hair and big brown eyes who was dressed in a pink kimono and her brother who was about 7 and had brown hair and golden eyes .

" Daddy I want you to tell us a story about you and mommy ! " The little girl whose name was Akane exclaimed looking at her father with her big brown eyes pleading him to tell them .

The man just chuckled and ruffled his daughter's hair " Seriously when you give me a look like that . I can't refuse . " He said smiling at his little girl who was so happy that hugged him .

" Yay ! Daddy is going to tell us a story ! Isn't that awesome Kyo ? ! " The red haired girl asked her brother happily .

He nodded a smirk appeared on his face " Yes that would be the perfect opportunity to make fun of them later . " He commented his eyes shining with mischief .

Their father raised an eyebrow at his son and sighed " I shouldn't let you visit uncle Souji anymore . You soon are going to turn to a mini him . " He teased and motioned to the kids to sit at a branch with him .

He grinned at them " So what kind of story do you want to hear ? "He questioned them .

The two kids thought for a moment and then said at once " Tell us about the second time you kissed mommy ! "

Their father who had no expected that question looked at them surprised and then grinned mischievously " Sorry but I can't tell you that . You too young to hear about that time . " He added .

" That time ? What does he mean Kyo-nii-chan ? " Akane asked innocently her older brother who was blushing slightly muttering ' My father is a perv . '

The man chuckled at their actions " Alright then I will tell you about the night I was all alone with your mother while we were in the Shinsegumi . " He explained .

" How does that sounds ? " He added smiling at them .

Kyo shrugged " Sure if it's interesting , if not I will pass . " He commented .

The small girl nodded excitedly " That sounds great! Come one now daddy tell us the story already ! " She exclaimed .

He chuckled " Impatient aren't we ? Anyway it was about 10 years ago . " He said…

It was a rainy day in the shinsegumi headquarters a young woman with long brown hair that were ponytail was sitting alone in her room,looking at the rain .

She sighed " Being inside and not doing anything is boring . " She muttered to herself .

Almost everyone was out today because of a special meeting . Only one of the captains had stayed there with her and she didn't even know who .

" Hmm is that so Chizuru ? But I am sure if you have a good company like mine , it will be pretty funny , don't you think ? " A cheerful voice said from behind her .

She jumped from the shock and tripped she was ready to fall to the ground when two strong arms were around her waist stopping her from falling .

She looked up surprised to see a man with long red hair and golden eyes looking at her .

Then she realized that she was pressed against his chest and blushed bright red .

Harada Sanosuke was smiling at her " You okay Chizuru ? " He asked her .

She nodded and blushing slightly " Y-Yes I am alright Harada-san . Thank you for catching me . " She replied and he let go of her .

" Good. Sorry for startling you like that . " He apologized and rubbed the back of his head .

" No it's okay ! " The brown haired girl said and then she blinked " So the one who stayed behind was Harada-san . " She muttered to herself .

But Sanosuke still heard her and smirked at her " Hm ? Why did you prefer someone else Chizuru ? Like HIjikata-san for example ? "

The girl blushed " N-No it's not like that Harada-san . " She tried to explain but then she heard him laughing .

He chuckled " Sorry Chizuru I was just teasing you . "The red haired man said .

Chizuru looked to the floor embarrassed by her actions and she looked sad for a moment .

She felt two fingers lifting her chin up and she looked at the beautiful golden eyes that were filled with kindness and worry for her .

" What's the matter Chizuru ? " She heard him asking without actually paying attention on what he was saying .His face was so close to hers.

Her cheeks turned to a deep red color .

He frowned " You okay there Chizuru ? " he asked once more interrupting her day dreaming state .

" Oh yes ! I'm fine ! I was just thinking about my…father...Harada-san… " The girl replied .

He looked at her kindly " Do you want to talk about it ? " He suggested gently .

" No it's okay…We should do something fun ! Something you would like to do Harada-san . " She answered and looked at him with a small smile " So um what do you want to do Harada-san ? " She asked him .

He shrugged it off he will ask her later anyway and then smiled " Well how about having some dinner just the two of us ? " He suggested and winked at her .

The girl blushed and nodded timidly " Umm okay , what would you like to eat Harada-san ? "

He just grinned " Whatever you want to Chizuru . " He said and then wrapped an arm around her shoulders " Mind if I help you out ? "

" O-Of course not Harada-san . "

Harada then frowned " You can call me by my first name you know...I don't really mind. " He said .

" O-Oh um Sanosuke-san then ? "

He grinned " That's better . "

They went together to the kitchen and soon the dinner was prepared .

The rain had stopped long time ago so they decided to sit outside to eat while watching the stars .

The red haired man was eating the food " It's delicious Chizuru ! " He praised the girl who blushed and nodded .

" Thank you very much Harada-san . "

" It's Sanosuke, I told you before . "

" Right…my apologies Sanosuke-san . "

Then suddenly a star fell " Ah ! " Chizuru exclaimed and quickly wished something as did Sanosuke .

She looked at him smiling " What did you wish for Sanosuke-san ? " She asked .

He grinned and leaned closer to her " For you to smile more . Smiling suits you Chizuru . " He commented and the girl blushed shyly .

" Um thank you Sanosuke-san . " She smiled shyly .

He grinned at her " So what did you wish for Chizuru ? " Sanosuke questioned curious to know .

Chizuru's cheek turned a bit red " Umm it's nothing really . " Then her eyes widened " Another star fell ! " She exclaimed and pointed at the sky .

" Yeah I saw too . Wanna know what I wished for this time ? "He said and the girl looked at him innocently " What did you wish for Sanosuke-san ? "

He smiled and leaned closer to her " This . " And kissed her very gently .

The poor's girl face turned crimson and she shyly kissed back .

After some moments they ended the kiss " Yukimura Chizuru . I love you . " Sanosuke confessed and then girl looked at his golden eyes of the man who she loved for a long time .

" I love you too Sanosuke-san . " She replied shyly .

He smiled and hugged her and they looked at the stars together until the morning came .

" That was it ! "The red haired father finished .

" That was boring . " Kyo complained .

" I liked it very much Kyo-nii-chan . " Akane said and looked at her father " Tell us more stories okay , daddy ? " She pleaded .

He nodded grinning and ruffled her hair .

" Kyo-kun , Akane-chan ! " A female voice called and they turned to see a young woman with long brown hair wearing a beautiful kimono while smiling .

" Mommy ! "they exclaimed at once and ran to her side .

She hugged them and smiled at her husband who had approached " Kyo-kun,Akane-chan go and play with Uncle Heisuke . " Chizuru said and motioned at the man who was waiting for them at the entrance of the park .

" Yay ! Uncle Heisuke came ! " Akane said and run to his arms happily .

Her brother following her .

Their parents chuckled and smiled at each other .

" So what did you talk them about ? " Chizuru asked him .

" Hm ? Just told them a story . Nothing to worry about . " He replied and leaned closer to kiss her .

She kissed him back and they stayed there together looking at the cherry blossoms .

The end

So..I have written this…like at least one month ago but I wasn't sure if I should publish it but oh well ! Hope you like it ! Please review !